Signs You Need To Detox Your Body Immediately

20 Warning Signs You Need To Detox Your Body Immediately

Mens sana in corpore sanoYou’ve probably come across this Latin proverb meaning a healthy mind in a healthy body on numerous occasions.

This isn’t just some random motivational saying you see in the gym and it’s more than a cool thing to share on social media.

Your mind and body are connected, this unity helps you function and be the best you can be.

To be the best version of yourself, healthy lifestyle is essential.

Jazz Alessi in training with two of his clients.

Jazz Alessi in training with two of his clients.

Stress, hectic lifestyle, lack of physical activity, a poor diet, and a large number of environmental factors cause a buildup of toxins in your body and affect the overall quality of life.

You see when these toxins accumulate they induce a wide array of signs and symptoms and I’m going to tell you all about it further in this article.

Severe body symptoms 

Living in a big city like London creates many opportunities in life.

You can do everything here, live the life you want, achieve great things.

At the same time, the pressure to perform, the city, the rush it can bring a lot of stress.

Believe me, I know.

My clients are always surprised when they learn that many of their health problems are contributed by:

  • Toxin buildup,
  • Nutrition which is not customised for their individualities, challenges and bodies
  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress

Some of these problems are less severe while others could have devastating consequences if not tackled in a timely manner.

The accumulation of toxins in the body can occur due to a poor diet, smoking, exposure to car pollution and other various pollutants, among other things.

For example, a growing body of evidence confirms that exposure to phthalates and parabens (found in beauty, skincare, and even some household items) can cause a number of health problems including increased risk of breast cancer[i].

The journal Cell published a groundbreaking study which discovered that chemicals found in cosmetics, electric and traditional cigarettes, fossil fuel-powered vehicle exhausts, glue, and building materials have the potential to increase cancer risk.

They do so by interfering the body’s natural repair mechanism.

Formaldehyde destabilises and stalls structures associated with replication of DNA and it selectively depletes the BRCA2 gene known for its ability to suppress tumors[ii].

Cancer is not the only severe symptom of body toxicity, your liver can suffer too.

Studies show that exposure to chemicals from the environment increases the risk of liver disease.

Scientists discovered that more than one in three US adults experienced liver diseases even after they ruled out common risk factors such as viral hepatitis and alcoholism[iii].

A research from the Nature Reviews Endocrinology confirmed that endocrine-disrupting chemicals elevate the odds of developing fatty liver disease[iv], a condition caused by a build-up of fat in the liver.

Harmful effects of toxins on your body do not stop with cancer and liver diseases, they extend to the kidneys too.

A growing body of evidence confirms that long-term exposure to toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins and furans, perfluoroalkyl acids, bisphenol A, phthalates negatively affects renal function[v].

Plus, the buildup of toxins in the body caused by environmental pollutants poses as an important risk for cardiovascular diseases[vi].

As seen above, some of the most severe symptoms of toxin accumulation in the body include cancers, kidney, liver, and heart diseases.

Our lifestyle and choices we make influence the level of exposure to various chemicals.

For example, smoking, fast food, sedentary lifestyle, traffic, and other factors increase your exposure to toxins and if you do not detox regularly, they just build up and cause potentially harmful problems.

The severity of these health problems varies from one person to another, but one thing is for sure – they are largely preventable.

Consulting a medical doctor when experiencing unusual symptoms and a prompt diagnosis are the best way to treat and manage the diseases.

At the same time, to prevent or tackle these severe symptoms it also helps to undergo a detox program to eliminate all the toxins, with your doctor’s approval of course.

Not all symptoms of toxin accumulation are severe.

There are some subtle signals that the body sends to inform you it’s time to flush out the toxins.

Mild body symptoms

The build-up of toxins can cause different changes in your body.

Besides severe symptoms that require immediate medical intervention and supervision, there are some signs of toxin accumulation that do not need medical assistance.

Although considered mild they are not to be ignored.


It’s simple, ignoring these seemingly unimportant symptoms can only lead to severe complications.

I have had many clients who struggled with some diseases and health conditions resulting from ignoring symptoms they deemed as insignificant.

Being proactive is crucial! Now you’re probably wondering whether you really need a detox.

Below, I’m going to mention 20 signs and symptoms you need to detox immediately.

1. Fatigue

Everybody gets tired, but fatigue caused by toxin buildup is something else.

This kind of fatigue doesn’t go away after you take a power nap or have a good night’s rest.


It seems like you’re constantly tired and have no energy for just about anything. Studies show that toxic exposure is a big contributor to a chronic fatigue syndrome[vii].

On the other hand, well-structured customised detox programmes provides an energy boost that you need to function properly.

2. Weight gain

Do you exercise regularly and cut back on calorie intake but can’t seem to lose weight successfully?

You’re not alone, I’ve dealt with numerous cases of this type and from the testimonial section you know already that my clients are losing weight easy, fast and safe.

Reasons behind the unsuccessful weight loss could be down to hormone fluctuations.

Guess what, your hormones are greatly influenced by toxins.

In fact, a study from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that exposure to toxins may have damaged the body’s natural weight-control mechanisms, and thus contributed to the wider prevalence of obesity on a global level[viii].

That explains why a simple act such as detox can jump start a person’s weight loss

3. Constipation

Your intestines work hard to eliminate all the toxins on a daily basis.

Constipation isn’t uncommon, but it stores all those toxins and allows them to negatively affect your body.

Not only does constipation contribute to toxin buildup, but toxins can lead to this problem too.

This is particularly the case if you consume heavily processed foods or diet that is contaminated by preservatives, pesticides, and chemicals.

4. Bad breath

Similarly to unsuccessful weight loss even with regular activity and healthy diet, people can also have bad breath even when they brush or floss regularly.

You brush and brush, but bad breath is still there.

What is the problem there?

Well, bad breath is oftentimes associated with digestive difficulties.

As mentioned above, toxins influence digestion.

Plus, bad breath can occur due to the liver’s inability to filter and expel toxins adequately.

Bed breath

Bad breath will be bothering you and your significant other until you detox[x].

5. Sensitivity to smells and scents

It is not uncommon for people to start experiencing strong reactions to scents and smells, especially fragrances.

There are several reasons that could explain why you’re sensitive to scents.

For example, it could mean you’re sensitive to chemicals or maybe your body is combating the overload of toxins that accumulated over time[xi].

6. Muscle aches

Muscle aches and pains could also occur due to toxin accumulation[xii] and believe it or not, this can also happen when you exercise regularly.

For example, exercise can also release toxins that are stored in fatty and some other connective tissues.

Once released, these toxins can cause health problems if your body doesn’t expel them properly.

If you don’t detox on a regular basis, your body will not be able to get rid of toxins and you experience aches and pains in your muscles too.

Joint pain

7. Joint pain

Causes of joint pain are numerous ranging from injuries, age-related wear, and tear, to many other illnesses.

What most people don’t know is that toxins can also induce joint pain.

For example, one study found that exposure to two common perfluorinated chemicals increases the risk of osteoarthritis.

This happens because toxins and harmful chemicals can deposit in the joints and act as a sort of blockage that prevents them from moving.

As a result, you experience pain in the affected joint when you try to move.

8. Sinus congestion

Sinus congestion occurs when nasal and adjacent tissues and blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid.

Besides food allergies and cold or flu, sinus congestion can occur due to toxins as well.

For example, tobacco smoke is strongly associated not only with sinus diseases but with sinus cancer[xiv]too.

Moreover, exposure to household cleaning chemicals and personal care products can also contribute to nasal congestion.

9. Headache

A prolonged, dull headache is one of the most common signs that you need detox immediately.

Numerous studies have confirmed that level of exposure to chemicals contributes to the type of a headache you have.

For example, low-level chemical exposures cause headaches that abate soon after cessation of exposure.

On the other hand, long-term exposures cause more frequent headaches[xv].

If you’re dealing with a frequent headache, then a detox can help you alleviate the pain.

10. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections, parasites, medications, and ingestion of foods contaminated by toxins[xvi] .

Toxins, medications, and infections cause inflammation and disturb the body’s digestion.

Diarrhea can make daily activities even more difficult to perform and it is one of the telltale signs of toxin buildup.

11. Heartburn

Heartburn can be incredibly frustrating, but it is caused by your habits.

For example, unhealthy diet slows digestion and keeps food in your stomach longer, thus increasing pressure in the stomach.

Also, alcohol consumption relaxes lower esophageal sphincter (LES) thus allowing the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and increasing the production of stomach acid.

The same thing happens with tobacco smoke.

All these unhealthy habits contribute to toxin buildup and thereby heartburn

12. Sleep problems

Toxins have the ability to disturb chemical connections throughout your body, including the brain, thus preventing you from getting enough sleep.

It seems like poor sleep and toxin accumulation are deeply connected.

One study discovered that lack of good night’s rest causes brain vulnerability to toxic elements[xvii].

Evidence also shows that long-term exposure to solvents can cause sleep disturbances[xviii].

With proper detox, you can get your sleep schedule back on track.

13. Menstrual problems

Chemical substances and toxins disrupt the hormonal balance which is necessary for the regular menstrual cycle.

Menstrual Pain

What’s more, studies have confirmed that exposure to some chemicals such as perfluoroalkyl compounds has a negative impact on your periods[xix].

That’s why buildup of toxins can make our periods late or affect the volume of the flow.

Also some studies mentioned that exposure to solvents such as formaldehyde can cause menstrual irregularities[xx].

If you also struggle with menstrual problems, then a detox can be of huge help.

14. Food cravings

Although it’s easy to assume cravings are harmless, they are a big factor of weight gain.

Cravings are usually associated with emotional problems, people eat unhealthy food to deal with some personal struggles but toxins play a role too.

That’s because cravings can come from daily consumption of processed foods that stimulate dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter that also influences addiction[xxi].

15. Skin reactions

The skin is an important tool for toxin elimination.

When the body accumulates these toxins and chemicals, it comes as no wonder why an affected person can experience different skin problems.

Acne, eczema, and psoriasis are common among people with excessive toxin levels in their bodies.

Puffy eyes and dark circles under your eyes may also indicate you’ve reached the toxin limit and you need to detox[xxii].

16. Food allergies

You started experiencing food allergies?

Developing a food allergy is a sign that the body does not have healthy gut microbiota to properly absorb and assimilate much-needed nutrients from food.

This occurs when toxins proliferate and cause a leaky gut.

My clients would always ask whether this means they can never eat some food again.

Not at all, it is entirely possible to overcome food allergies and sensitivities by detoxifying your body.

17. Difficulty concentrating

The accumulation of toxins doesn’t affect digestion only, it can also make it difficult for you to concentrate.

You can’t focus on a task at hand? Your mind keeps wandering?

These are all the signs that buildup of toxins caused imbalances in brain chemistry and affected your cognitive abilities[xxiii].

18. Memory problems

Just like the buildup of toxins can affect your ability to focus and concentrate, it also causes problems with memory[xxiv] .

When left unresolved, the accumulation of toxins affects brain cells and makes it more difficult for you to remember some info.

On the other hand, professionally created customised detox plan reinvigorates your memory and makes it significantly sharper.

19. Excessive body odor

When the liver doesn’t filter toxins and help remove them from the body, a person can experience problems with body odor[xxv].

The primary route of excretion of toxins should be through urine and bowel, and when they’re not working properly you can get acidic smelling sweat or a furry tongue.

Also, your stool and urine can have a foul smell, too.

20. Low libido

Exposure to chemicals such as phthalates interferes with hormone levels and causes problems with sex drive.

One study found that women with the highest phthalates exposure were more likely to avoid sex than their counterparts with lower levels of this chemical in their bodies[xxvi].

Detox plan crafted by a professional not only helps improve your overall health and wellbeing, but it also improves your sex life either you are male or female[xxvii].


About Jazz Alessi

Jazz is a certified London nutritionist, detox expert, and an elite personal trainer in London with over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry.

Evidence based body transformation programmes, hard work, dedication, and a great personality are just some of many things that clients love about Jazz.

His clients include bankers, lawyers, businessmen, financial experts, actors, and actresses, among others.

Why did clients choose working with Jazz?

Jazz profile pic (books-blurred)

Jazz creates effective evidence based customised detox plans bearing in mind there is no one size fits all rule when it comes to health and lifestyle.


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[xx] Somayeh Hassani, Mohamad Namvar, Maryam Ghoreishvandi, Mirsaeed Attarchi, Majid Golabadi, Seyed Mohammad Seyedmehdi, and  Mahshad Khodarahmian. Menstrual disturbances and hormonal changes in women workers exposed to a mixture of organic solvents in a pharmaceutical company. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2014; 28: 156.

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[xxiv] M S E van Hout, B Schmand, E M Wekking, and  B G Deelman. Cognitive functioning in patients with suspected chronic toxic encephalopathy: evidence for neuropsychological disturbances after controlling for insufficient effort. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006 Mar; 77(3): 296–303. doi:  10.1136/jnnp.2004.047167

[xxv] Ibrahim A. Hanouneh, Nizar N. Zein, Frank Cikach, Luma Dababneh, David Grove, Naim Alkhouri, Rocio Lopez,and  Raed A. Dweik. The Breathprints in Patients with Liver Disease Identify Novel Breath Biomarkers in Alcoholic Hepatitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Mar; 12(3): 516–523. doi:  10.1016/j.cgh.2013.08.048

[xxvi] Chemicals in plastic are making women less interested in sex: Low libido linked to additives used to soften materials found in every home. Daily Mail

[xxvii] Hueiwang Anna Jeng. Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Male Reproductive Health. Front Public Health. 2014; 2: 55.doi:  10.3389/fpubh.2014.00055

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