Transformation Journey: From Fat to Fit

  • Are you still searching for a long-lasting weight loss solution but, still struggling with some muscle, joint pain, or an injury?
  • Does any of your goals created any weight, shape or painful limitation and you are ready to act?

Imagine a life where you are no longer ruled by your own limiting mindset and behaviours.

I mean, you are no longer under control of any poor habits, cravings, poor shape, laziness and insecurities.

If this is the image you have in mind, you have got the spark that fires up a whole journey of change.

You probably need a little motivation and support to TRANSFORM to the best version of you.

Do not worry!

I’ve got your back.

If you need to be more active, lose extra pounds, get rid of stubborn fats, you have found the right article.

Read on as I reveal the most effective online bodyweight training exercises in London.

Be a real life transformer!

weight loss training programmes in London

What makes weight loss even harder?

Losing weight and reshaping your body might seem difficult not only to you, but to everyone who is looking for weight loss training programmes in London and all over the world.

Don’t feel disappointed!

Here is some good news:

Weight loss is not the hardest part of your plan-to-change as you might think.

In fact, losing weight is not hard at all.

The fact is: some factors interfering with people’s weight loss process make it as hard as everyone can see.

Those factors may be:

  • psychological disturbances,
  • stress,
  • emotional eating,
  • genetic factors, poor / bad diets
  • lack of sleep
  • lack of knowledge or
  • lack of motivation. [2], [3]

Those factors and more are always the leading causes of transformation failure.

They make losing weight seem impossible to some people.

If you want to lose weight the right way, here are three fixed facts you need to know:

1. Shape the Unshaped

To reshape your body, start by reshaping your mind-set, thoughts and poor habits.

Changing the way you see and do things is the very first successful step in your transformation journey.

If you think of food as a source of pleasure, try thinking of it as a source of fuel.

Thinking this way will change what, when and how you eat and will improve your self-control. [3], [4]

Online Training London

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

2. Don’t Diet!

You read it right!

In some cases, not dieting is better, safer and wiser than dieting.

Countless numbers of information shared over the internet or among friends are inaccurate

As a result, many people tend to follow the wrong diets that are more hindrance than help.

As you may know, there are too many online weight training exercise and generalised nutrition programmes available on websites and blogs for everyone to follow, which aren’t effective.

Nutrition plans must not be generalised and are not a “one-size-fits-all” thing.

They need to be tailored according to every person’s:

  • Gender,
  • Age,
  • Metabolism,
  • Body type,
  • Health state,
  • Activity level,
  • Goals and
  • Nutritional needs. [2], [3], [4]

Personalised nutrition diet plans are the only effective way to safely lose weight while avoiding serious complications like:

  • malnutrition,
  • nutrition deficiencies,
  • slow recovery after sport or a surgery,
  • compromised immunity and
  • electrolyte imbalance. [3], [4]


3. Take the Full Package

Losing weight is not a matter of eating less.

Shedding extra body fat is all about adopting new habits that help your body restore its healthy metabolism.

This means:

  • A customised nutrition diet plan,
  • Quitting poor habits like smoking and drinking and not sleeping enough
  • Being more active and
  • Drinking plenty of water.

If you are eager to meet your better self sooner than later, take the full package and change your lifestyle. [1], [5], [6]

one-to-one online training sessions

Stay Home, and Still Lose Weight

If you have decided to lose weight and get in shape, you must have also faced transformation’s worst enemy:

Being too lazy or too busy to do all it takes.

You might not have the time, or the guts, to go to the gym 3-4 days a week.

Or maybe you cannot meet up with your nutritionist or London dietician because he or she is only available when you are not.

Well, I realise how difficult it is to find the time, place and motive to do it.

As your elite personal trainer London-based and long-term nutrition expert,  I decided to bring it all to where you are;

To your HOME.

I understand your needs

Throughout the years, I have worked with people just like you; ambitious, enthusiastic and willing to change their lives to the better.

I understand how hectic your London banking or CEO schedule might be.

The tons of responsibilities you have,

And the millions of “I will start tomorrow” you have been saying.

Now, it is time for us to work hand-in-hand to design a holistic plan.

Using one-to-one online training sessions, it is now possible to have your expert personal trainer:

  • Design a training and a nutrition plan that is customised to meet your own weight loss goals
  • Workout with you over a video call no matter where you are
  • Closely follow up your progress
  • Give you the motive to keep on the track
  • Be available 24/7 to answer all your questions.

Request through the contact page on my site a FREE CONSULTATION now with Jazz Alessi to know more about his online One-on-One weight loss training sessions and figure out how he will guide you through your transformation journey.

bodyweight workout for weight loss in London

“If There is No Way, Make One”

When it comes to fitting exercise within our daily routine, there is a big paradox going on.

On one hand, we struggle to find time to work out;

On the other, we can’t afford to not exercise because we know the drawbacks of being more inactive than we already are.

Because this is always the case, I sought to get to the heart of this paradox — and beat it —.

My solution is to design a comprehensive bodyweight workout for weight loss in London that you can follow at home or at work without having to dedicate too much time and effort.

The Ideal Online Home Weight Loss Program

In order to cover all you need to lose weight at home, your designed home workout for weight loss must meet the following criteria:

  • Short duration:

Time-consuming workouts don’t easily fit in busy schedules.

So, if you don’t have an hour — or even 30 minutes — to get a complete workout, any exercise you do — No matter how short — is virtually always better than none.

Later on, you can graduate to longer durations whenever you have time. [7], [8]

  • No Equipment:

Being in need for machines, dumbbells and other equipment restricts you to specific places like the gym.

If your workout needs no equipment, you can workout anywhere which means more commitment.

This is what my client Taryn said.

“I am so glad we trained for almost 2 years not using a gym and relying mainly on mat and body weight exercises because now I can exercise easily at home!”

–  Taryn  –

Using one’s own body weight:

To strengthen your muscles, enhance fat burning and sculpture your body, you have to include weight training in your workout.

Use your own body weight to load your muscles and gain the countless benefits of body weight training. [15], [16]

Luckily, our bodies are heavy enough, and they are always there!

  • Engaging all body parts:

If you want to lose weight, you must engage all your muscles including legs, arms and core.

Firing up more muscle fibers means turning your body into an efficient fat-burning machine. [18], [19]

  • Combining both aerobic and anaerobic training:

Although we have been always told that aerobic exercising is the best for weight loss, adding anaerobic exercises to your training plan helps you:

  • Build your muscles,
  • Boost your metabolism and
  • Lose your extra pounds without having redundant skin. [9], [10]

Exercise Treats

As we have already made friends with being active, here are some simple, yet effective, exercises that you can do anytime and anywhere.

With a couple of repetitions or a hold for several seconds, you can keep your muscles firing and boost your metabolism around the clock.

1. Squats

Squatting is one simple movement that you can perform anywhere and anytime to buy yourself countless benefits.

Squats strengthen your lower limb muscles and help you build more muscle mass.

This means more fat-burning. [19]

If you want to learn how to squat correctly whilst avoid knee and back injuries, just read my A TO Z “HOW TO SQUAT CORRECTLY” tutorial. [15]

2. Push-Ups

Push-up exercises are also known as perfect, closed-kinetic-chain exercises to fire up your arms, shoulders and core muscles.

They help you keep your upper body in shape as you lose weight. [11]

Read more about push-ups and the correct way to perform them in my A to Z tutorial.

best personal trainer London-min

3. Plank

Plank exercises, with all its variations, are perfectly designed to make your muscles contract to hold your body weight against gravity.

This means almost every single muscle in your arms, shoulders, core and legs will be contracting.

Planks give you a stronger core, a better posture and help you strengthen your muscle groups by stimulating co-contraction. [12], [19]

4. Plank Jacks

If you have tried plank, you should also give plank jacks a try.

In addition to the huge benefits of planking alone, plank jacks combine core-strengthening with cardio.

This combination increases your aerobic fitness, heart and lung capacities and general endurance. [19]

5. Squat Jumps

Think of your muscle as an elastic band, when you stretch it; it recoils with higher force after release.

This is exactly what Squat jumps do.

Squat-Jumps are a form of plyo-exercises (jumping) that are based on stretching the muscle before jumping up.

This stretch makes your muscles contract more powerfully and allows the muscle to fire up and get stronger even faster. [13],[19],[15]

Now, after learning these simple, highly effective exercises, you can use every minute you have in your day to give your body a treat.

And remember:

You no longer need a post-workout treat, because exercising itself is the best treat you can ever get!

How This At-Home Weight Loss Workout Works?

If you’re new to exercise, going to the gym can sound like a nightmare.

The good news is: you don’t need much to get a great workout done at home.

As an expert personal trainer London based, I will tell you the most effective, no-equipment, easy exercises that are convenient for a comprehensive at-home workout.

expert personal trainer London

Here is my full-list of whole body exercises that will help you sweat your extra pounds away.

  • Cross Jack

How to do it?

Stand with your feet together and arms stretched in front of you at chest level.

With a little hop, separate both feet out to the side while bringing your arms outwards to the side.

Hop your feet back in crossing your left foot in front of your right one as well as crossing your left arm over the right.

Repeat the same steps while crossing opposites. [19]

EXPERT TIP: As you start using cross jacks, you will find it difficult.

But as your fitness and coordination improve, it will turn into a piece of cake.

It is then time to pick up a harder exercise and use cross jacks in warming up.

How is it helpful?

This exercise challenges both upper limb muscles (Namely, Triceps, Latissmuss) and lower limb muscles (Gluteus muscles, Quads, calves and adductors) by working them against your bodyweight.

This means stronger muscles and slimmer, better-looking arms and legs.

In addition, cross jacks help you improve your speed and coordination. [19]

It is also considered a cardio training as it causes increase in your heart rate.

So, it will help you:

  • burn fats,
  • boost your metabolism and
  • Improve your cardiovascular endurance. [14]

Elite personal trainer London


  • Single-Leg Balance

How to do it?

Stand on one leg with your hands on your hips or stretched out to the sides.

Try to remain balanced while keeping an upright posture.

Switch legs half way through the exercise.


Keep your core nice and tight, count how many seconds you can maintain your balance, and always challenge yourself and try to balance for 5 more seconds every time.

How is it helpful?

Balancing on one leg helps you activate opposite muscle group in a co-contraction manner.

This means your two opposite muscle groups are activated and strengthened at the same time.

Here is which muscles are mainly activated:

  • Gluteus max,
  • Hip flexors,
  • Quads,
  • Hamstrings,
  • Calves and
  • Hip abductors. [19]

Balance training enhances your proprioception, gives you more stability and prepares your muscles for countless drills that require single-leg support.

It also strengthens your leg muscles activates your core. [16], [17]


  • Spider Crawl

How to do it?

Just as Spiderman does, from a press up position, bend one hip, bring your foot out and bring your knee up towards your elbow.

Shift the opposite hand forward, repeat on the other side so that you crawl in a forward direction.


Keep your core tight and your body low.

This position activates your abs and core muscles.

When you are done crawling across the room, crawl backwards to your starting point to activate different muscle groups and get more out of the exercise.

How is it helpful?

Spider crawl is a perfect exercise that works all your muscles.

It strengthens your:

  • Arms,
  • Abs,
  • Chest,
  • Shoulders,
  • Hips,
  • Knees and
  • Foot muscles all against your body weight.

It also fires up your core muscles and improves your core stability.

In addition, performing the alternative movements improves your coordination and speed. [15]


  • Wall Slide

How to do it?

Lean against a wall with your feet shoulder width apart and away from the wall.

Keep your tummy tucked.

Place your hands flat against the wall, on your hips, on your upper thighs or stretch them in front of you.

Slide your body down on the wall until your legs are at a 90-degree angle.


Then, slide up back to the starting position and repeat.[19]


If you have knee arthritis or if you have an injured your PCL or ACL or you have a torn meniscus, make sure to consult a rehab personal trainer expert or a physiotherapist before performing this exercise.

How is it helpful?

Wall slides are the best preparation for squatting.

If you cannot squat or you squat incorrectly, you can try progressing from wall slides to the harder forms of squatting.

Wall slides strengthen your quads and hip flexors.

As you keep your tummy tucked, you also work your abs throughout the exercise. [15], [19]


  • Leg lift from plank position

How to do it?

You must have guessed correctly how this exercise is performed.

From a low plank position, keep your body in a straight line, your elbows must fall directly under your shoulders and your feet must be kept hip-width apart.

Tuck your tummy in and lift your leg up as far as your range allows and hold.

Repeat the same movement with your other leg. [19]


Make sure your core remains straight as you raise your leg.

If your pelvis rotates, this means you are raising your hip far beyond the available range.

If your back arches, you are using the wrong muscles

Make sure you are not holding your breath during the exercise.

Breathe normally and count out loud.

How is it helpful?

Planking exercise is a full body exercise that you can do anywhere; it trains your core, legs, and shoulders in a static position which typically improves your core stability and posture.

In addition, engaging your glutes by lifting your leg up adds more challenge on your core muscles.

Therefore, helps boosting your metabolism and trimming down body fat. [15], [16], [19]

Planking exercise London

Photo by Alexy Almond from Pexels

  • Lunge to Push-Up

How to do it?

Start in a lunge position by bending one of your legs in 90 degrees of flexion in both hip and knee, the other leg stretched backwards and your body upright.

Bend your torso and place your both hands on the floor, then bring your bent leg backward beside the stretched leg.

Perform a number of push-up repetitions between 1 and 5 as a start.

Then bend one leg again and raise your body to return to the upright position.

Repeat the movement and switch between your legs to challenge your coordination. [19]

If you want to learn how to perform push-ups correctly whilst avoid shoulder, triceps and pecs injuries, just read my A TO  Z “HOW TO PUSH UP CORRECTLY” tutorial.

How is it helpful?

Combining lunges and push-ups makes perfect whole body training that engages all your:

  • Leg,
  • Torso and
  • Arm muscles and
  • Trains them against your body weight.

The weight placed on your muscles builds them and makes them stronger.

While the increase in your heart rate during this exercise improves your cardio fitness.

Similarly, transferring from a position to another improves your:

  • Speed,
  • Balance and
  • [14], [16]


  • Rolling Sit-Up

How to do it?

Lie on your back with legs on the ground, extend your arms back over your head, and roll up to sitting.

If it is difficult, you can bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground.

As you sit up tall, use core to hold and balance.

Keep your tummy tucked in and return to the starting position by rolling back down in a slow, controlled movement.

The slower you go, the more your core will work. [19]


Make sure you tuck your chin to your chest before rolling up to sitting to avoid placing extra load on your neck.

Online weight training exercise-min

  • Circuit Training to burn overall weight

How to do it?

Circuit training depends on performing 3-8 exercises successively with minimal or no rest.

You can combine exercises that raise your heart rate in order to maximise fat burning.

For example, jumping rope, mountain climber and star jumps.

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds as a start and move on to the next exercise.

To take your workout to the next step, you can increase the duration of each exercise or add a new exercise to the circuit. [19]

How is it helpful?

With circuit training, you never get bored or tired, because a new exercise is always waiting ahead of you.

Switching between exercises and performing each exercise for a relatively short duration gives you less soreness on the day after. [19]

In addition, it allows you to customise the circuit by choosing the exercises that are suitable for your end goal.

So, combining the right exercises, circuit training will help you:

  • Raise your heart rate and
  • Boost your metabolism efficiently.

Therefore, you will burn more fat and lose weight. [14], [19]


  • Bear Crawls for weight loss

How to do it?

Bear crawling is pretty simple, because you have already learnt to crawl before you even learn to walk.

Just as a baby crawls; Bear weight on your hands and knees then lift your knees off the floor and bear weight on your toes, then start crawling across the available space.


After crawling in a forward direction, crawl back to activate the opposite group of muscles and maximise the benefits.

How is it helpful?

Bear crawls have more benefits than any other exercise.

As you crawl, you improve your:

  • Arms’ stability
  • Shoulders, wrists and hands strength

You will also:

  • Activate your deep core muscles,
  • Strengthen your diaphragm and
  • Improve your breathing mechanics.

In addition, you strengthen your:

  • Calves,
  • Hips and
  • Knees.

REMEMBER: With more repetitions, Weight loss is guaranteed. [14],[15]

Onlne Personal Trainer London-min

Photo by Max Nikhil Thimmayya from Pexels

Exercising Alone is Not Enough

Following a carefully tailored weight loss programme means adopting a number of new habits that –combined- will give you a:

  • Slimmer, healthier body
  • A more peaceful mind.

In addition to working out, a successful transformation plan consists of 5 important cornerstones:

  • Increasing the physical activity by working out at least 3 times a week.
  • A healthy diet specifically tailored for your needs, shape and goals.
  • Drinking at least 2-3 liters of water every day.
  • Quitting weight gain toxic habits like:
  • Smoking,
  • Drinking,
  • Nibbling,
  • Eating fast and many other habits that make you put on weight on the long run.
  • Having enough sleep.

In order to get your transformation plan successful, you have to make sure it is convenient so that you can follow it simply from home.

Your plan cannot contain exercises that need special equipment (unless you have your own gym).

Or diet plans that contain awkward ingredients and complicated recipes.

Keeping things simple is your shortest way to commitment. [2], [20]

Now that you know much about our at-home weight loss workout, try finding out more about how and what to eat in order to lose weight.

This is what my client Emma said.

I lost over 14 pounds of fat and I increased my lean body mass. I have nearly tripled my endurance level, now having a lean body and more energy than before. With his unique training method, I have increased my running speed over three-fold. He makes you believe that you are superhuman and through his unique personal training method he trains you so that you then believe you are.”

– Emma –

Read this WEIGHT LOSS DIET blog to know about the customised nutrition diet plan that will help you be in the shape you always dreamed of.

Exercising in Injury

Exercising with an Injury? Make it Safe.

Have you ever suffered from a knee injury -like:

  • ACL,
  • PCL or
  • Meniscus.

Have you ever hurt your shoulder or twisted your ankle?

Don’t let an injury stop you from exercising!

You might be worried that an exercise will worsen your injury.

However, doing the right exercises can actually help you recover faster and prevent further injuries. [19]

The problem is: you can’t tell which exercise is safe, beneficial and necessary.

Always remember: Exercise selection is crucial in exercising following injury.

In fact, exercises that are bad for your injury are not necessarily the ones increasing or evoking your pain.

Some harmful exercises are 100% pain-free and easy to do.

However, their drawbacks appear on the long run. [19]

Get Supervised, Exercise Safe

If you prefer to have an expert personal trainer who is capable of leading your transformation journey even with an injury, Jazz Alessi is the best choice for you.

He offers you his 20-year-long experience that qualifies him to design the perfect training programme and diet plan for you even if you have a recent or chronic injury.

Jazz has long been getting athletes back on track after serious injuries.

He will provide expert advice based on his long term qualification and hands-on, evidence-based experience in injury rehabilitation.

Injury Recovery

No Matter What Your Injury is, Exercising Still Helps

If you have a recent injury and you’re concerned about the type of exercises that can help you recover faster…

Or you have an old injury that prevents you from reaching your fitness goals.

Here’s some of his expert advice that is almost “NEVER TOLD”.

No matter what your injury is, you will find it in the list below:

  • Lower back pain

Causes of back pain are variable.

It can arise from any structure like:

  • Bones,
  • Muscles,
  • Ligaments and
  • Nerves.

One important component of back pain rehabilitation is customised and gradual core strengthening exercises (customised and safe are the keywords).

Core muscles are usually inhibited in most of people with back pain, think of muscle inhibition as if the muscle is asleep.

EXACTLY! You have to wake it up”

Because your core muscles act as a corset around your torso, improving your core muscles strength and endurance in a customised manner (assessment-based) will reduce strain on your back muscles, extra load on the discs and compression on the nerves. [19]

Read what else Jazz says about lower back pain in this detailed article.

  • Neck pain

Many people believe that the neck doesn’t bear heavy weight –at least not as heavy as the weight on our knees-.

However, what you must know is that, no matter how light you think your head is, poor posture of the head, neck and shoulders can double or even triple the weight falling on your cervical spine.

This typically leads to:

  • Muscle spasm,
  • Strain,
  • Disc bulge and
  • Spondylosis. [19]

This is why, in all neck pain problems, you have to regain the balance between the front and back muscles of your neck before you expect the pain to subside.

  • Arthritis

Here is another arthritis myth: if you have arthritic joints and you want to lose weight, you are allowed to control your food intake only while avoiding physical activity.

THIS IS NOT TRUE! Here is the fact:

Arthritis is an inflammation that worsens when weight is improperly transmitted to the bone below.

So, if you have arthritis, you can still exercise.

All you need to do is carefully choose the exercises that do not aggravate your arthritic joint.

Don’t follow the myth and trap yourself in the arthritis vicious cycle!

Because less moving means extra pounds, and extra pounds means more weight on the joints and more inflammation.

Always remember, with the right type of customised personal training, you can preserve your joints, lose weight and keep your body fit. [19], [21]

  • Frozen shoulder

If you have a frozen shoulder, you might have been told that it is self-limiting, and – at the moment – you might be waiting for the pain to go away so that you can start exercising.

I’m afraid to tell you that not training a frozen shoulder is a mistake you will definitely regret.

If you neglect a frozen shoulder until the pain goes away (which may take up to 2 years) you end up with no pain, and no range of movement!

This is why it’s important to always engage your shoulder in the stretching and stability exercises recommended by your personal trainer London based to avoid developing adhesions and tightness, and therefore a limited range. [19]

Frozen shoulder

  • Hip or knee replacement

Working out with your new joint is a must.

You need to be closely supervised by a London physiotherapist or a London rehabilitation specialist like myself.

Replacing a joint causes the muscles around it to become inhibited.

So, you need to reactivate them gradually in order to get back to your normal activities.

Resetting your dormant muscles (something we call muscle re-education) is a staged process that takes your muscles from zero to hero.

After your muscles are re-activated, you can now do the strengthening exercises that you are familiar with, within the permitted range of your new joint — of course. [19]

  • Sport Injuries

When injuries take place, it can be hard to know what you’ve tweaked or how to treat it.

You might think it is a simple strain in your muscles due to a bad move or over-exertion.

Unfortunately, you end up with a more serious problem than you thought.

My advice is: Never underestimate an injury.

Listen to your body, get yourself checked and diagnosed every time you think something is wrong.

Knowing the proper diagnosis helps us “injury rehabilitation specialists” get you back even more powerful than your past.

  • Recovery after a disease or surgery

Many people think that rehabilitation is only for muscle and bone mechanical injuries.

This is not true.

With the proper expertise, you can exercise to improve your health condition with chronic diseases like:

  • Diabetes,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Liver diseases,
  • Kidney diseases and even
  • Immune diseases.

In addition, specially designed exercise programmes can help you recover after surgeries.

  • Shoulder Rehab After Surgery

One of the effective post-surgical rehabilitation programmes is our Shoulder Rehab After Surgery.

The shoulder is a very unique joint that allows for mobility.

So, after shoulder repair, you have to follow a specific exercise regimen to make sure your shoulders remain mobile without causing any damage to the surgical fixation within.

Whether it is a repair or an anchor, exercising will help you use your shoulder in a functional, safe and normal way. [19]

Are you still worried?

Do you think losing weight with knee arthritis is challenging?

Are you afraid to take a walk with your new hip joint?

Do you wonder if it’s safe to do push-ups with a shoulder injury?

Do you want to get back to competition after an ACL injury?

Don’t worry!

Jazz Alessi’s 20-year-experience in rehabilitation is all yours, all you have to do is tell him about your injury and your goal.

He will work hard to help you reach your fitness goals through the shortest way.

Here is what he has to tell about his training and rehabilitation sessions:

‘’ Because all my clients are special:

  • I work with you from home.

In order to avoid the busy streets, save travelling time and stay safe during the COVID-19 global pandemic, I offer you to workout from home on a professionally set up live video call.

This makes you feel motivated, confident and committed.

It also provides you with an instant feedback from your expert personal trainer London based but, you still can be anywhere in the world.

  • I train you on one-to-one basis

Because you might have some fears exercising with an injury, I promise to pay full attention to how you perform your exercises.

I will work with you closely and individually to regain your:

  • Strengths and power,
  • Flexibility,
  • Special abilities,
  • Confidence and
  • Physical fitness.


  • I am flexible when it comes to schedules

Because your hectic schedule is a life-time obstacle that doesn’t let you exercise, I offer you flexible hours to easily fit your sessions in your schedule.

  • I gives you all I can

I am a dedicated rehabilitation specialist.

So, even if it is not your session’s time, I will be available to answer your questions and give you expert advice via emails, calls, texts or WhatsApp 24/7/365.

If you’re interested in being one of Jazz’s VIP clients, read more about the Online Personal Training Programs he offers, and request a FREE CONSULTATION now!

Online Personal Training Programs

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

From Fat to Fab: Complete Body Transformation in London

Ready for your complete Body Transformation in London?

What are your goals?

  • Would you like to lose weight, become toned and get in shape?
  • Re-fit in your favorite jeans?
  • Get sculpted or Bulk up?
  • Get rid of your back and knee pains?
  • Find a personal trainer who can provide both weight loss and knee injury rehabilitation in London?
  • Prepare for a marathon?
  • Become agile again and super functional?

If you are ready for a transformation, say goodbye to the old you, farewell to the couch, and hello to your new, active self.


No more jiggling.

It is time to lose weight and experience the profits in losses.

Jazz Alessi is expert in designing customised training and nutrition plans that help you reach your fitness goal and have your dreams-body.

You might have heard of hundreds of body transformation plans, and, now, you must be wondering what is unique about Jazz’s plan.

Here is what he has to tell about it:

  • Online 121 Personal training in the City of London.

This means you will save travel time and never get stuck in traffic jams again.

We will workout together from where you are on one-to-one basis which allows for privacy, dedication and efficiency.

Read more about my one-to-one online personal training London

  • Training at your convenient time.

No matter if your only free time is an early hour before going to work or a mid-day lunch break.

We can still fit your training sessions in your busy schedules. So, no more “I have no time” excuses.

  • Laser sharp personalised nutrition diet plan for your unique goals

Based on the food you like and what you want to achieve, I will set you a very-personalised diet plan that’s made specially to match your likes and dislikes.

No awkward ingredients, no complicated recipes; let’s just keep the diet plan simple [yet tasty] so that you can follow it.

  • Personalised training programmes and instant changes.

I know it is always hard for you to tell which exercise is the best and how many repetitions are the most effective.

That’s why I will be with you step by step throughout your transformation to guide you and apply instant changes, progressions and modifications to your training programme based on your performance.

  • Keeping your spirits high

The most important thing that crowns a transformation plan and makes it even more effective is the willpower.

Because I know you might feel down sometimes, I always give you the inspiration, support and motivation you need to fight for your fitness goals

  • Expert knowledge transfer

As we train together with a full package, I will transfer my knowledge to you in a simple way so that you can remember everything you’ve learnt.

So, you won’t always have to rely on a personal trainer.

After a while, you will be able to listen to your body and decide what to eat and how to workout.

You will have countless of high quality pictures and exercise videos with correct form – how cool is that!

  • Monitored progress

If you are not measuring, you are guessing!

I am a fan of everything that is evidence based.

So, I will trace the changes and results of your plan using measurable, documented methods.

This allows me to detect even the tiniest changes in your progress and adjust the plan accordingly.

  • Long lasting results

If you want long-term weight loss, you need to lose weight the correct way without putting yourself at risks.

Plus, you need a long-term lifestyle change; this includes a variety of skills and habits.

In a smart manner I help you quit the old habits and adopt new, healthier ones that will make your result last.

  • Being always there for you

Throughout the course of your injury rehab or weight loss body transformation plan, I will be available 24/7 to support you via E-mail, calls, text and WhatsApp.

This means continuous support and prompt response to all your questions.

Weight Loss Online Training London


Incredible body transformation is possible if you have the willpower to do it.

However, because willpower alone is not enough or you might struggle with an injury, you need professional guidance and supervision to help you strip away your fat, get rid of pains and make massive changes to your physique in record time.

In fact, it sounds easy when you talk about it, but it takes more than eating less and exercising more.

You have to follow a specific healthy nutrition plan to avoid losing muscle mass.

At the same time, you have to do special exercises to build up your muscle mass and sculpt your body.

Along with all this, you need to change your old toxic habits and start adopting new ones.

It is not as complicated as it seems;

With the help of Jazz Alessi, you can find all you are looking for in one package that is both budget and schedule-friendly.

In addition, Jazz will conduct a comprehensive professional assessment based on your medical diagnosis.

He will consider if you have an acute or a chronic injury or if you have any other health conditions.

In other words, your plan will be set, customised, followed up and progressed by an elite body transformation and injury rehab expert.

Reading this far, you must have found what you’re looking for.

Be one of our VIP clients who chose to change their lives to the better.

What are you waiting for?

Contact us now for a FREE CONSULTATION.

If you have any questions or concerns about our London 12 weeks Body Transformation programme, please contact jazz Alessi at:

020 3633 2299 (Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm – Saturday: 8am to 3pm).

Request for free consultation here

For more information on services offered at our website, please visit


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