Body Positivity

Stop Glorifying Obesity – Body Positivity vs Fat Acceptance

When you gain weight, a part of your mind becomes totally concerned, eager to lose weight, reshape and restore the toned legs and the flat tummy you used to have. 

However, there is also another part of your mind that remains body-positive and confident.

This part convinces you that you are beautiful, no matter how big, the beauty starts from the inside. 

With this mental conflict, you start acting on reducing your weight.

But when you skip a workout, crave sweets, or feel all sore after exercise, you go back exploring the body positivity movement you have started in your mind.

So, which thought is better? 

Is it better to accept yourself and quit your health and body transformation plan?

Or is obesity a disease you really need to act on? 

Read on this body positivity vs fat acceptance article to see the big picture and make a well-informed decision!

Caution! Body Shaming is NOT Okay.

It is not acceptable in any circumstances at all to body-shame someone because of how big they are, or how much they weigh.

According to obesity statistics UK and worldwide, 94% of adolescent females and 64% of adolescent males, including UK people, experienced body shaming online.[1]

But what about the times you keep beating yourself up for your jeans size, or isolating yourself because you put on some winter, anxiety, or depression-related fats.

Nobody did obesity statistics UK on that!

Beware! Research shows that the way you dislike your body can do even more harm; it can lead to:

And multiple studies shows that your body dislike can lead to binge eating and more weight gain. [1],[2],[3]

So, again, back to the controversy… 

Does this mean you have to simply “love yourself the way you are”?

Body Positivity Vs Obesity: A Fine Line

Body Positivity Vs Obesity

For the past couple of years, body positivity movement has gone the extra mile to make people feel better about their bodies and accept themselves the way they look.

This body positivity movement empowers people to accept their characteristics such as their: 

  • skin color, 
  • height, 
  • weight, 
  • gender,
  • body build and 
  • facial features. 

And also, to embrace their imperfections, such as:

  • scars, 
  • cellulite, 
  • stretch marks, and 
  • excessive fats.

It is a fantastic movement to fight industry standards and encourage people to stop blindly following the figures, and the barbie-doll bodies idealised by media.[4],[5]


Can Body Positivity Be Harmful?

We all are often told we should love our bodies, with all the wiggles and jiggles. 

Accepting your weight and size may help you feel more confident in the society. 

But, will it ever make you healthier?

According to the NHS, 67% of men and 60% of women in the UK are overweight.[6]

The numbers are close, this is why there is no difference between male body positivity and female body positivity; both males and females are almost on the same boat.

Of course, loving yourself is a must.

But there is a very fine line between:

Loving yourself and trying to change for the better; and simply surrendering to the harmful things you can change, at the expense of health and wellness.

What if this self-acceptance is misunderstood and turned into a body positivity vs obesity glorifying battle?

Well, there is a hair-thin line between body positivity vs obesity glorifying; and you should know for sure which attitude you have and whether your body positivity is toxic and even harmful to your health .

What is a right amount of Body Positivity?

To make loving yourself safe for your body and mind, you need to ask yourself a couple of questions: 

Is obesity a disease I am suffering from?

Does my shape affect my health or put me at serious obesity risks?

Based on your answers, you will find out that the right amount of male body positivity or female body positivity is when you accept yourself the way you are when your weight has no adverse effects on your health.


When your weight and shape are putting you at obesity risks, disease and pain associated with these conditions and shorter life risks, this is when you know that body positivity is toxic.[7]

Drawbacks of Excessive Body Positivity

Drawbacks of Excessive Body Positivity

Obesity statistics UK show that 28% of adults in the UK are obese and 36% are overweight. [8]

If you are also having a higher-than-normal fat percentage, you might start convincing yourself that:

  • Beauty starts on the inside (and this is entirely true!!).
  • Many people are bigger than you are.
  • You look good with the curves.
  • So what? you are smart and successful.
  • You are obese, but healthy because your blood workout came out normal

Believing in these facts is good for your self-confidence, but they can also drift you away from changing your life – and shape – to the better. 

Consistent research carried out over tens of years shows that this is when you put yourself at obesity risks.


  • High blood cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Risk of stroke 
  • Risk of heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Joint arthritis
  • Sleep apnea 
  • Mood and emotional instability 
  • Weakened immunity [7]

So, What is the right thing to do?

Love your body, keep your curves, but tone your muscles, strengthen your heart muscle and train courageously to lose the belly fat BECAUSE YOU CAN, visceral and BMI related excessive fats; all in a safe way. 

You can simply be at your perfect dream body shape and also enjoy your optimum health.

A varied, customised, and natural happy weight loss programme that not only does change your body composition, but also your mind – and life! 

Request a Free Consultation NOW!

What is Fat Acceptance?

If you are fighting the fat vs lean battle, you must have heard of the fat acceptance movement.

Unlike body positivity movement, fat acceptance is all about empowering people who are suffering from being overweight and obese.

Research shows that it aims at protecting them from fat shaming, bullying and any type of discrimination based on size and body shape.[9]

This is different from body positivity because it is a political movement that only focuses on accepting one’s body shape and size.[9]

And this is the difference between body positivity vs fat acceptance.

Is Fat-Acceptance a Good Thing? 

Your body shape, weight, size, BMI, and fat percentage must not determine how you will be treated in society.[9]

I mean, people are not just equal in weight or size, but they must also be given equal opportunities in society. 

In other words, if an overweight and lean person would like to work in fashion, they must have equal opportunities based on their skills, not on how much they weigh.

Therefore, if fat-acceptance prevents weight-based discrimination, and guarantees equal opportunities, stops bullying it is definitely a very good thing. 


Nothing is 100% beneficial. 

There must be a dark side to the story.


Fat-Acceptance: Pros and Cons 

If you are carrying extra weight, you must be glad that the body positivity vs fat acceptance movements have got your back.

But, if your extra weight is threatening your health, this is when you should not count on fat acceptance anymore and start questioning everything and find ways to positively transform your health. 

  • Did you know that in the UK alone, 11, 117 hospital admissions are directly attributable to obesity?[6]

This means that even though fat acceptance movement is there to give you equality of rights, obesity is taking away your right in living an equally healthy life where you can enjoy your life to the fullest. [7]

So, do not let fat acceptance make you comfortable of where you are, and always aim for a better, healthier, and happier self.

Take a positive step towards changing your life once and for all. 

Lose weight in a happy and naturally and sustainable on long-term and safely transform your body using a laser-sharp nutrition and exercise plan that will help you become and feel healthier inside-out and also will reduce your obesity risks. 

Request a free consultation now! 

Has Obesity Been Normalised?

You might wonder…

With all these movements that were made in favor of overweight individuals, is obesity becoming a normal thing? 

Is it OK to stay overweight and obese? 

Is obesity a disease for real?

The answer is: every overweight person knows that they are not in their best physical shape, and I deeply understand that they are doing their best to lose weight.

But, for sure, obesity impairs your metabolism and health, and it is not always an easy thing to do.

  • They may take the easier choice; to give up the fight to become fitter, toned, healthier and happier and remain obese.

And to feel relieved about this choice, they may become strong advocates of movements that are concerned with their rights. 

So, obesity is not all about how you look, it is also about your health. 

  • With the help of these movements, the society may love you and accept how you look, but will you be satisfied if you stay obese, feel all sorts of body tensions and pains, and do not lose weight? 

Or if you learn that you are at more risk for other diseases just because of the extra weight?

Every one of us should be aware that health and wellness come first on the “why lose weight” list. 
If this type of awareness is raised, there will be better motives for every one of us to lose the extra pounds. 

And at the same time, you will realise that people who inspire you and encourage you to lose visceral fat tissues are not body shaming you – nor are they fat phobic.  

They simply care for you and want you in your optimum health. 

See The Big Picture

Not every exercise and diet plan you follow will take you to your goals. 

Some diet plans will yield slow results…

Some will not work at all…

But only a made-for-you diet plan will take you through the shortest and safest path towards your fitness goals. 

It is true it might take a little long, but this is because you need to follow the exercise programme and natural nutrition plan long enough before it turns into your new lifestyle.

That is right; for Jazz Alessi, putting one foot in front of each other, persistency guidance, motivation and inspiration and continuity of enjoying the laser sharp customized process perfectly working for your body, health and goals is the key to help you successfully achieve fat loss consistency. 

And customised foods variety (so, you will have many options to choose from) customised to your specific needs and exercise and food convenience is the key to commitment.

So, let’s have a look at the big picture…

Talk to Jazz; the Long-term Nutrition and Weight Loss Expert

Talk to Jazz; the Long-term Nutrition and Weight Loss Expert

If you are following an online-available diet that says you can lose 20lb in 3 weeks, you may feel motivated because 20 lb. is a lot of weight while 3 weeks is a short time. 

What about high quality research showing you that this type of diet will also make you:

  • Lose muscles mass metabolically making you suboptimal and imbalanced  
  • Lose minerals and vitamins
  • Regain weight soon after stopping the diet
  • Mental and physical fatigued 
  • Dehydrated
  • Hormonal imbalances. [10]
  • Yo-Yoing 


What if you follow a made-by-expert diet that takes into consideration your:

  • Optimum daily requirements for your vitamins, minerals, energy levels and goals, 
  • Current health condition, 
  • Existing comorbidity –if any–,
  • Current and ideal weights and 
  • Personal likes and dislikes
  • Provides you with laser sharp food customisations and so many personalised nutritional choices that you can never fail. 

That’s right… Your body is not like any other! 

Only a laser sharp customised exercise and nutrition plan will help you lose only the right – and safe – amount of visceral fats.

It will also help you tone up your body, strengthen your heart muscle, build lean muscles, and get in your finest possible shape. 

Talk to Jazz Alessi in a FREE CONSULTATION NOW

Who is Jazz Alessi? 

Jazz Alessi is a long-term expert personal trainer and London nutritionist lecturing at organisations like LSE, Cameron McKenna, City Bank Group or Olympia Health and Fitness Show with Inside-out knowledge of the body in health, human performance, and disease. 

He provides an insight of holistic and evidence-based fat loss rehabilitation approaches to transform your life not only to the better, but to the “best”. 

Jazz and his medical teamwork with you professionally by helping you making long-lasting lifestyle-based health effective customisations so, you will successfully reach your body and health transformation goals.

Alessi provides you with never ending foods variety (all laser sharp customised to your needs) and helps you change the way you think of exercise, food, and nutrition.

When Jazz trains you he will fully consider any previous cervical, thoracic, and lower back pain and knee or shoulder injuries, physical limitations, or metabolic problems. 


1. Schlüter, Constanze & Kraag, Gerda & Schmidt, Jennifer. (2021). Body Shaming: an Exploratory Study on its Definition and Classification. International Journal of Bullying Prevention. 10.1007/s42380-021-00109-3.

2. Dakanalis, Antonios & Madeddu, Fabio & G., Clerici & Riva, Giuseppe & Zanetti, Assunta. (2013). The role of body shame and body image avoidant behaviors in deliberate selfharm. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 74. 543. 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2013.03.028.

3. Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. (2010) The Role of Body Shame,  Social Appearance Anxiety,  and Body Checking Behavior on Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviors: A Cross-Cultural Study in Germany and Korea

4. Darwin, Helana. (2018). Body Positivity Movement: Feminist Progress?

5. Cortez, Mickey Angel. (2020). Fitspiration and Body Positivity: The Relationships of Body-Focused Instagram Trend and Movement, Self-Objectification, and Gender Stereotypical Beliefs. 10.13140/RG.2.2.23616.15363.

6. NHS Official statistics, National statistics: Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England, 2020

7. Mcwhorter, Ketrell. (2021). Obesity Acceptance: Body Positivity and Clinical Risk Factors. 10.5772/intechopen.93540.

8. House of Commons Library (2022): Obesity Statistics

9. Afful AA, Ricciardelli R. Shaping the online fat acceptance movement: talking about body image and beauty standards. Journal of Gender Studies. 2015;24(4):453-472. doi:10.1080/09589236.2015.1028523

10. Fletcher, Garrett & Dawes, Jay & Spano, Marie. (2014). The Potential Dangers of Using Rapid Weight Loss Techniques. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 36. 45-47. 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000043.

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