Disorders of Anxiety

How to Reduce Anxiety Levels Naturally and Increase Productivity

Reduce Anxiety Levels

The world is changing. COVID-19 has altered our way of life.

The paranoia that comes with it is even worse.

WHO even advised against getting too much news about the pandemic.1

Who wouldn’t worry about the tolls of rumours floating around?

This begs the question of how to reduce anxiety and stay normal.

Especially, when you’re living in a world fighting COVID.

What Anxiety Can Do To Your Body?

Anxiety may actually help you stay cautious and safe.

But this can get very overwhelming very quickly.

Science has shown that anxiety can destroy people.

It can cause depression and reduce intelligence.2

This can make the expertise of a personal trainer for depression necessary.

No one wants to suffer from anxiety disorders or depression.

It can be paralysing.

I know a COVID-world doesn’t make it any easier.

But if you are fit, you’ll be in a fantastic state of mind without worry.

Italy recently discovered that obesity and old age are risk factors for COVID-19.3

This is why the best time to get moving is now.

You don’t want to be overweight or obese and anxiety and depression is not helping you.

To help reduce and eliminate anxiety here is what you can do:

10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

1. Exercise: It’s probably the most important of them all. In doing exercises, your body’s immune system is constantly recharged.

Toxic wastes are removed.

You get stronger.

Your mind is clearer.

Suddenly the world is not so sad or dark.

Endorphins flood your body and brighten your day.

2. Say No to Alcohol: When life becomes worrisome, alcohol may appear to be the best solution. That is far from the truth.

Healthcare professionals will tell you alcohol abuse is bad.

That may seem obvious.

But a staggering drunk may become brain dead in an instant.

Alcohol causes dehydration and affects the body in ways we can’t imagine.

The liver may become cirrhotic.

The liver is damaged and can’t function properly.

The brain may suffer from encephalopathy.

This is a loss of normal cerebral function – dementia.

Memory gets foggy, altered personality, confusion, and you might even get seizures.

The pancreas will try to prevent diabetes and may fail.

So, choose a healthier option to deal with your anxiety.

3. Don’t smoke: Don’t light a cigarette either.

Stress, both the mental and physical are not good for the body.

The mental toll of COVID-19 amidst other things is huge.4

Coronavirus affects people in several ways:

  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Fatigue
  4. Sore throat
  5. Anosmia (Loss of smell)

Smoking cigarettes or any other substance will stress the body further.

The oxidative stress that comes with smoking alone is harmful.5

When you smoke, that dependence makes it harder to form healthy habits.6

Even when you’re committed to any weight loss transformation London has to offer, nicotine dependence cripples such a noble effort.

Other notable ways to put anxiety to bed are outlined below as follows:

  • Enjoy chamomile tea
  • Introduce healthy meals into your diet
  • Remove caffeine from your diet
  • Sleep more, boost your melatonin levels
  • Take up aromatherapy, use essential oils
  • Try deep breathing
  • Try meditation

Testimonials of body transformation London produces periodically place the credit on trainers just as in Australia.7

Some of these have researched widely and gathered so much experience.

A proficient personal trainer gives you accurate information about your health and fitness.7

And all that is channelled to help you hit your weight loss goal and allay any anxiety or worry.

Some Presentations and Disorders of Anxiety

Disorders of Anxiety

I’m sure you remember the first time you got anxious.

Lol, are you finding it difficult to recall?

Why look for how to reduce anxiety since it happens a lot?

Why not accept it as normal.

Honestly, anxiety disorders are very common.

You can be sure the person beside you has had it before.9

Fix your Worries!

So, do we just become slaves to this helplessness?

Or do we do something about it?

There are lots of reasons to deal with it than not.

It can affect the quality of your life negatively.

You may be rolling on your sheet at night instead of enjoying a relaxed sleep.10

It has destroyed several marriages.

Got people sacked as well.

Educate yourself today.

Get to know more about types of anxiety disorders.

Gain power and control over your mind.

Improve your healthy, lose weight and transform your body training with a specialist personal trainer for depression.


  • Social anxiety disorder: Well, social phobia is not a mere excuse. It is a real pathological condition.11

It is so real, you can find it in the ICD.

That is the International Classification of Diseases.

People with social anxiety can feel these symptoms below12:

  • Being pressed to pee
  • Feeling sick
  • Panic attack
  • Trembling hands
  • Vomiting

It is necessary to avoid or treat social phobia.

You may have it already.

And worried about the above conditions instead.

Doctors have found that the anxiety going unnoticed is often cause of the above problems.12

  • Separation anxiety disorder: It’s so sweet when a child wants the parents around always.

However, this can persist for some children well into their teens.13

It can be a serious mental issue.

One to be dealt with professionally.

Parents and caregivers can avoid this at an early stage.

  • Performance anxiety disorder: Have you ever had stage fright?

Or notice your palms can’t hold the mic from excessive sweating?

Maybe for you, it’s simply the fear of pleasing your partner sexually.

You may be living with a form of anxiety disorder.

If you might have any love handles then, getting a weight loss transformation in London may be a good place to begin.

Protect your heart as it can also present with increased heart rate.14

  • Driving anxiety disorder: Ian Lightfoot, is an elf learning how to drive, in the movie, Onward.15

The elven boy just couldn’t merge with the highway.

You may have had an accident in the past.

This may have led to a driving phobia.

Don’t go down like Ben (actually Tim) Thomas in Seven Pounds.16

However admirable, seek help.

  • Agoraphobia disorder: If you’re constantly troubled to enter a mall, an elevator, a bus, or an apartment, you may be agoraphobic.17

This is quite common.

Virtual reality is being used to treat the condition already.

The elevated anxiety levels that come with it, is not healthy.

Focusing on your fitness exercise, health goals and a customised nutrition diet plan using a body transformation London based helps a lot.

      Other anxiety forms you may want to find out more about are:

  • Claustrophobia disorder
  • Health anxiety disorder

Personalised Exercises to Plummet Anxiety Levels

Personalised Exercises to Plummet Anxiety

Anxiety is not good for the mind and body.

This is why remedies are sought after.

However, most of these require physical contact.

There are anxious people that can’t deal with that challenge.

Going out especially during this pandemic can be worrisome.

Learn how to reduce anxiety despite such limitations by exercising.

You may wonder how.

But, we still have the internet you know.

All you need is a long-term experienced outdoor personal trainer for depression or an on-screen to guide you.

This experience is safe and comfortable since you are in your place.

It has been tested and found to work.18

How does exercise help depression and anxiety during this Covid-19?

Anxiety and depression are like twins.2

With one comes the other.

However, exercise keeps them at bay. 19

It’s a matter of a dynamic and active lifestyle.

Then, depression can’t weigh you down.

And if you’re already living with anxiety disorder, you still need exercise.

Exercise is a good combo with any therapy you’re on.

Conditions that Exercises are Pivotal to their Progress:

  • Exercises have been discovered to improve mental health symptoms.19
  • Exercises help new mothers having post-natal depression; 19 It also prevents it in those yet to experience the depression. It lifts their mood, improves their appetite, and get adequate sleep.
  • Exercises improve the cognitive ability of schizophrenic people. 19
  • Exercises lessen the worrisome nature of the current period in people. There are people that have achieved weight loss transformation in London from their couch.
  • Exercises improve the quality of life of those suffering from PTSD.19
  • Exercising is a positive addition in those combatting alcoholism and substance abuse.19
  • Exercising prevents the occurrence of chronic illness or organ failure. Cases of heart failure, obesity, stroke, and hypertension are avoided.20
  • Exercises considerably delay cognitive and memory loss.20

Exercises do all these great jobs by altering and improving the body’s physiology.20

It regulates hormones in the body.

It aids people in achieving their body transformation London goals using the best personal trainers in London.

Also, reduces the stress hormones and increases the feel-good hormones.

It causes the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). 20

This is a hormone.

It helps in relieving your stress.

Cortisol gets secreted as a result.

While not forgetting Dopamine and Endorphins – these are your feel-good hormones.

It helps the body deal with stress.

You become happier and in sustained good moods.

Precaution during Covid-19

Some Important Precaution during Covid-19

Protect yourself and others around you by knowing the facts and taking appropriate precautions.

Follow the advice provided by your local health authority.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Clean your hands often.4 Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. This is extremely important. It can’t be overstressed.

Do it as often as possible.

Have yourself a small and mobile hand sanitiser.

Make sure it is over 70 % alcohol-based.

You can always refill from a larger one.

You can make that one stationary at home.

While you carry the smaller one around.

  • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.4 Even before people start coughing, keep your distance.

The virus can’t travel too far.

This is why standing aloof works.

When you’re around someone coughing or sneezing, stay afar.

Don’t make them feel bad.

Don’t stigmatise them.

Just keep a safe distance.

  • Wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.1 It has been shown to be quite effective.

Get good ones.

There are a lot of fashionable face masks in circulation.

Ensure, what you have meets the right standard.

If that’s cumbersome, get the disposable ones.

Wear your mask whenever you’re around other people.

  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.1 I know it can be difficult. The urge to touch becomes extreme just because of the instruction.

But try and avoid touching your face.

You can get something creative to do with your hand.

It’s quite easy to transfer the virus from your hand into your body by touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.4

We rarely do anything with inside of our elbow.

This is why it quite safe to cough into.

This is will lessen the chances of spreading the virus.

  • Stay home if you feel unwell.1 The Best way to rid the world of the disease is to work together.

If you self-quarantine, you’re saving others and yourself.

Even when you’re not sure, you have prevented a likely case.

  • If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.1

COVID-19 is not the end of the world.

Several people have recovered.

Don’t be terrified of the disease.

It’s better you’re tested early.

This ensures early treatment and a better chance of recovery.


Weight Loss Due to Anxiety

It is interesting that some of those living with anxiety also seem to be losing weight.

Weight loss is not directly an “anxiety symptom.”

But there’s a substantial amount of people losing weight with anxiety.

Research shows that mental health and weight issues are connected.23

Some experience weight gain and others lose it.

Notwithstanding, anxiety affects other things.

Weight Loss Due to Anxiety

Anxiety can prevent you from eating.

It can increase your stress levels.

You may start using more calories than usual.

There have been cases of diarrhea in anxiety disorders.

All these could culminate in losing weight.

When you realise that you’re losing weight, it may even lead to further weight loss.

Because the worry of losing weight will cause further stress.

This is why exercise comes in.

It wards off the stress.

Boosts the availability of the feel-good hormones (These are Endorphins, Dopamine, etc.).

These hormones make you healthier.

Worries, anxiety, and depression becomes history.

And you will be able to dictate your weight gain or weight loss as necessary.

Causes of Weight Loss?

There are other conditions apart from anxiety that causes weight loss.

You need to ensure it is absolutely anxiety.

And if it is any other thing, see a doctor.

It is better when an illness is caught early.

This makes treating more effective.

Other conditions that cause weight loss includes the following24:

  • Cancer
  • Dehydration
  • Dementia with apraxia (Dementia is a brain disorder. Apraxia is not being able to button a shirt, even when you want to.)
  • Depression
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Gallstones
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Increased energy utilisation in tardive dyskinesia (Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary movements like smirking, moving hands and legs without wanting to)
  • Increased energy utilisation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Medications
  • Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
  • Paranoia
  • Psychotropic drug reduction
  • Swallowing disorders

How an Elite Personal Trainer Can Help with Anxiety Problems

If you are stressed and fight anxiety on your own there is help, get in touch now with one of the best elite personal trainers in London.

Elite Personal Trainer

Jazz offers the following services to keep you healthy during Covid-19:

  • Complete Body Transformation: How soon can the body be changed? How can such changes protect against changes?

When you push your body to its limit.

It experiences the need to adapt.

It adjusts to the new need.

The body can be quite stubborn.

What I mean is that it can adjust and stop its development.

But, I will constantly tweak and update your weight loss body transformation programme.

This will ensure your body gets the intended message.

Sometimes, it gets confused.

Then it eventually develops the necessary muscle fibres.

You’ll achieve this by doing in a customised manner (assessment based – evidence based) the required sets and reps.

Then, your rest breaks won’t be overused.

And the tempo of the workout won’t be compromised as well.

  • Health Transformation package: This is done for you to enjoy wellness.

I have developed a plan for your mental health.

Your satisfaction is paramount.

Which is why it targets both mental and physical health.

This is achieved without causing you financial stress.

Especially during the COVID-19 period, it’s vital to be healthy wholesomely.

Sustaining this programme as a lifestyle is crucial.

This is why it works.

Because it provides a constant cover for your health.

If you’re exposed to COVID-19 then your immunity is there for you.

  • Rehabilitation after a heart attack: After such a tragic event, how do you bounce back?

Exercise is a fantastic place to start.

But, this may be impossible at first.

Stress, anxiety, and diet can cause a heart attack.

The truth is they can still be there after the trauma.

So, getting a customised for your hearths needs diet and exercise programme is key.

Having an elite personal trainer invested in your recovery is also necessary.

Because of the need to schedule the time to begin exercising.

In a safe and customised manner the workout will help strengthen your heart.21

This will also help the proper perfusion of the cardiac muscle.

  • Rehabilitation after stroke: Exercise is compulsory for a recovering stroke patient.22

Most movements may have to be relearned.22

Starting out with simple exercises is vital.

The financial stress can be depressing.

The disability can dampen your mood.

COVID-19 is not making it any easier either.

But exercising is a step in the right direction.

The brain needs to be helped.

The neurovascular network needs to be reformed and we help you do this.22

You’ll have to be patient.

But your mood improves with each progress we make as a team.

And I’ll be fully dedicated to you.


Having an elite personal trainer on your side as your expert guide gives you several opportunities.

You won’t have to worry about anybody but you.

The focus is on you and your fitness program.

Your new-found strength will amaze you.

It will drive your motivation to keep pushing.

This is a mind restoration journey.

You get to release stress.

All these begins with a free consultation.

Every session is part of the building blocks to a stronger and healthier mind and body.

Your safety and health come first with me.

I’m in your corner for this.

We’re going to take the steps together.

You’ll feel like giving up.

But we’ll enter a reboot mode.

You’ll be encouraged to get the mind back to the proper energy levels.

When you see your progress, you won’t mind an extra step.

CONTACT JAZZ NOW for a commitment-FREE CONSULTATION today by clicking on this link HERE.

Who is Jazz Alessi?

I’m an elite personal trainer and we are only 6-7 elite trainers in London.

I’m also a 2nd Generation Pilates teacher – there are under 20 people trained in The Pilates Method of Exercise at this level in the whole UK.

And a long term nutrition expert helping my VIP’s and dedicated clients in my  Harley street office.

I’m professionally equipped with exquisitely tested coaching skills.

It will be a body goal miracle, sooner than later.

I take my profession very seriously.

Fitness, wellness and longevity are my top priorities.

I have been committed to acquiring a vast knowledge of fitness over the last 20 years.

This has helped me in assisting people to achieve their best potential in fitness even when they were severely injured.

I specialise in weight loss transformation in London.

I use customised exercises to turn your weaknesses into your strengths.

You will enjoy a massive improvement with a transformation in your muscular and skeletal health.

Back pain, knee pain and fatigue are some usual common complaints I get.

And this usually becomes history as you will progress with your personal training rehabilitation programme.

I bring the highest levels of professionalism in my work.

Only a chat with me and you’ll have a customised programme.

Soon you’ll be flashing your body transformation in London streets.

This will be completely tailored to your needs specifically.

I have worked with people of different ages.

I’ve enjoyed fun-filled days with young people, parents, and everyone who needs an expert!

And I have also put elderly folks through their paces.

I’ve been fulfilled to see the relief on people’s faces after the first few sessions.

Contact jazz Alessi at: 020 3633 2299 (Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm – Saturday: 8am to 3pm).

Request for free consultation here https://www.personaltrainingmaster.co.uk/contactme/

For more information on conditions, customised training procedures and services offered at our website, please visit https://www.personaltrainingmaster.co.uk



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