Custom Made Exrecise

Online Home Workout in London with Jazz this Corona Pandemic

The spread of corona virus has been rapidly increasing therefore, in the past couple of months, the Sars-NCOV-19 has put London under home quarantine.

Learn more how to protect yourself by clinking on this link, here.

UK government opted for home quarantine limiting people’s essential movements therefore, the transmission of corona virus.

This helps the medical front liners in flattening the curve and combatting the spread of this novel corona virus.

Given the current situation, all public facilities such as:

  • cinemas,
  • parks,
  • pools and
  • gyms

Are closed until the spread of the virus will be under control.

The elderly population and those people with other medical conditions are the one more prone to catch the Covid-19 infection .

This is due to their body’s low immunity.

However, latest statistics shows that for certain reasons a number of very young people without associated conditions or comorbidities have died after become contaminated with corona.

There has been several recoveries from those who tested positive to the virus, however, since the virus is very contagious it is still spreading fast.

According to recent studies, the Sars-Cov-2 Virus has the possibility to be transmitted through bio-aerosols.

By simply exhaling or breathing or talking, one might transmit microdroplets in the air from an asymptomatic individual.

Which is one reason why the rapid transmission of the virus has been very effective. (7)

And as we are always told, prevention is better than cure.

WHO recommends to:

  • wear masks when going outside,
  • practice proper hand hygiene and
  • controlled coughing or sneezing etiquette when we are outside, and
  • ensure proper social distancing.

At this time of pandemic, we need moderation and a good balance to maintain our immune system at its optimum. Other than eating healthy, wearing masks, practicing proper hand hygiene and social distancing, we should also equip our body physically. Keeping those muscles working and maintaining its strength amidst the CoViD19 Pandemonium, would be one of our best defenses. So keep those muscles flexing and working.

Home Quarantine, Stress and The Body’s Immunity

The UK Government has asked UK citizens to stay at home and minimise all non-essential activities.

People are asked to work from home and limit travel to markets and groceries to buy our personal supplies.

This is because practicing social distancing minimises the chances to catch the virus.

During this quarantine period, some of us might experience cabin fever and prolonged confinement at home may cause further:

  • anxiety,
  • insomnia and sometimes may trigger
  • depression in others and eventually lowering our defense system, our body’s immune system.

Need a quick mood fix?

Surely, the cold weather would definitely bring your mood down and you’d rather crouch in that comfy couch at home.

Give your body a good spring cleaning routine.

Try exciting workout routines and feel the natural high.

A good exercise is when you are challenged enough during the routine but not feeling exhausted afterwards.

Your body would definitely thank you for that good mood lift and you’d feel that good after-exercise-glow.

Our Body’s Immune System and Immunity Cells

At this point in time, no vaccine has been developed to eradicate CoVid-19.

Therefore, we are relying on our immune system to initially fight off the virus.

Did you know that you have two kinds of Natural Immunity?

Humoral Immunity

When the B Lymphocyte is stimulated by the virus infected cell, it produces antibodies in order to neutralise the virus, and the other

Cell Mediated Immunity

In the presence of virus infected cell, the helper T Cells recognise the virus thus, producing Cytokines that helps in regulating the immune response of the body and calling upon the Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, the NK (natural killer) cells and macrophages which then fights off and eats the virus infected cell. (4)

Immunity Cells


These are cells produced from the stem cell of the bone marrow, that is involved in detecting, phagocytosis – a process of which the macrophage eats the foreign cells – and destruction of virus infected cells or bacteria that enters our body. (6)

Helper T Cells

They recognize the virus infect cells and helps the other cells(6)

Cytotoxic T Cells

They kill virally infected cells and tumors(6)

Natural Killer Cells

They are best known for detecting virally infected cells and in detecting and controlling early signs of cancer, without being prompted by another cell. (6)


Are the front liners in response to acute inflammation and act in response to invading microbes.

Once these microbes are recognised, they are engulfed in a vacuole through the process called Phagocytosis. (6)

What Happens when we are under stress?

When a person is under duress, the body start to release the stress hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol, tends to increase sugar in the bloodstream and enhances the brain’s ability to use up glucose and make substances for tissue repair more available. (2)

However, when an individual is subjected to prolonged stress, whether this may be physical or psychological stress, and coupled with the natural aging process of our body cortisol tends to be released in the body for a long period, thus, it is altering the immune system and other bodily processes such as:

  • digestion,
  • reproductive function and
  • Growth (2)

Research have shown how physical and psychological stress affects our immune system.

Research shows that psychological stress has been involved and altered our immune functioning in many diseases.

Under prolonged stress the body tends to become resistant to the accumulation of stress hormones, therefore it is producing inflammatory cytokines (3).

These Cytokines are responsible in interacting with the immune system in managing diseases.

In the constant presence of cytokines, the body tends to be under constant inflammatory process, which then further compromise the immune response.

This is just one of the reasons why sometimes we tend feel flu-like symptoms evidently.

Exercise to boost your defenses against disease

However, instead worrying about this all the time why not prioritise so you can practice more:

  • your hobbies,
  • enjoying the time with the family and
  • staying active at home by enjoying exercises.

Yeap! Take your time but, sweat it out properly at home 😊

Here is your opportunity to come out stronger, more fit and healthy after the quarantine period.

Work out on those abs, pecs, biceps and sexy curves that you’ve been dreaming of.

Proper exercise form is the key to achieving the best results when performing exercises.

Most people would rely on online videos and tutorials on how to do an exercise.

But nothing substitutes a good personalised training session to be able to carry out exercises safely and with proper exercise form.

A good professional advice would guide you in maximising the benefits of all the movement you perform during your exercise routine.

How Structured Exercise Can Help

Exercise has long been proven to combat mood swings and decrease anxiety.

There is a strong linear connection between exercise and the body’s defense system.

Habitual exercise improves immune regulation (1) which is what you will need to fight off diseases.

Exercise effects, Covid-19 and your Immunity

A recent study from University of Virginia, a review by Dr. Zhen Yan, strongly support the possibility that exercise can prevent or at least reduce the risk of ARDS (Acute Respiratory Disease), that affects 3-17% of patients with COVID19 (10)

Most patients with COVID19 will develop Acute Respiratory Disease (10) which is characterized by

  • rapid breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • bluish skin discoloration
  • less oxygen to the body

Immunity Cells activated during Exercise

Since there is no tested drug or vaccine to effectively eliminate CoVid-19, the best defense that we can do to prevent the virus from invading our system is by:

  • eating varied healthy food in a personalised manner,
  • taking your Vitamin C
  • keeping our body healthy and strong by performing structured exercise.

Did you know that during exercise, even small bouts of exercise, our immunity cells:

  • the macrophages,
  • neutrophils and
  • NK (natural killer) Cells – are the most responsive when we do exercises?

These cells, which eat up and fight off the virus infected cells would help us fight off the virus and keep the body healthier.

Acute exercises performed at moderate intensity ( <60% Vo2 Max) and duration (<60mins) produces a good response from the NK Cells, Neutrophils and Macrophages(5)

According to a recent study by Dr. Zhen Yan’s , a powerful antioxidant called Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase, or EcSOD, is naturally produced by our muscles (11)

What is EcSOD?

According to Dr. Yan, this naturally occurring potent antioxidant

  • haunts down harmful free radicals
  • protects our tissues
  • helps prevent diseases
  • produced significantly through exercises (11)

Thus, it helps the body in fighting off the virus, furthermore, EcSOD may also prove to be beneficial in multi-organ dysfunction syndrome, where multiple organs fail as a result of the disease. (11)

Prolonged high Intensity exercises can actually lower your immune system.

More than 90 minutes of high intensity exercises done in a prolonged period will make your body susceptible to infection.

After exercise, the muscles tend to sore and the body undergoes a natural inflammatory process after exercise which tends to lower the immune system temporarily.

There should be enough rest and recovery in between bouts of exercises.

Are you tired of following the same old mundane routine at home?

Would you like a customised workout that suits your goals, medical history, injury rehabilitation and body transformation needs?

Ask any question regarding weight loss, knee injury rehab, back pain rehabilitation or body transformation and I will get back to you immediately – contact me now, here.

Get Your Body Moving sans the Gym Equipment

What’s already known is that we are going to be stuck at home for quite some time.

But we cannot live in isolation for a long time and keeping our body strong at this time of pandemic is necessary.

Therefore, personalised exercises will keep your muscles strong and at the same time builds up your immunity against pathogens and corona virus.

Here below are few awesome options I created for you to help you fight anxiety and boost your mood, improve your immunity and come out of coronavirus pandemic with a:

  • fitter,
  • toned and
  • more lean physique

You can easily achieve your body transformation, back pain and knee rehabilitation goals using 121 Online Personal Training in real time and lose weights, rehabilitate your injuries – all using supervised exercises at the comfort of your home.

During this time most of us won’t have access to gym equipment therefore, I will provide with a personalised weight loss, knee and back injury rehab – 121 supervision in real time and a custom made Online Personal Training Programme.

I will customise all exercise right for your weight loss, knee rehab and back pain injury rehab goals, addressing the different imbalances that you have acquired over time.

These exercises will be custom-made therefore, it will promote and enhance your body’s immunity and transform your body into a more fit, leaner and stronger person – whilst not breaking the bank.

Custom Made Exrecise

Figure 1: Functional Training Exercises – Photo by


Functional training exercises are workouts specifically designed to mimic the movement that we do on our daily activities, so you will enjoy exercising even if you can’t go to the gym.

WHO and their Exercise Recommendations:

According to the recommendation of WHO, adults aging from 18-64 years of age should do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 70 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity.(8)

As a form of progression, the WHO recommends that adults should

  • increase their physical activity to 300 minutes per week or 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises and
  • muscle strength training should be incorporated using larger muscle groups on 2 or more days a week. (8)

Can’t go to the gym to do those exercise routines?

Keep those muscles flexing and busy at home.

You can carry out those exercise programmes at home.

You can join online classes, watch videos or better yet, why not seek for a professional advice so you can truly maximise your work out routine and achieve those pecs, biceps and sexy curves in time for the summer.

Use this quarantine time to work out on that body you want to achieve.

Come out sexier, leaner, stronger and healthier after this CoVid chaos.

Listen to your Body

You will be able to perform lots of exercises at home.

In fact, these exercises could be certain common movements that you will be able to perform.

At the end of your exercise session, your immunity will be stronger, you should be sweating out but not feel exhausted to carry on with your daily routine.

Keep on reading to check out these effective and simple choices you can do.

Begin by performing these functional workouts at home.

The goal is to effectively and efficiently contract your muscles for a short period of time and of course incorporating proper breathing technique.

Before you begin the exercises, I’ve provided a few anatomical fact nuggets so you can understand the importance of each exercise on each of the body region.

When you enroll in your weight loss body transformation, knee rehabilitation or back pain rehab, I will provide an in-depth personalised advice.

Your fat burning, knee injury or back pain rehab exercises are based on your thorough assessment. Strengthening and reshaping your dream body using 121 personal exercises supervised live on video.

It’s a convenient and affordable way to improve your health and fitness whilst maintaining social distancing.

Your Core Power

The Core is defined as the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.

It is where we can find the center of gravity and where all movement begins.

This is a group of muscle usually found at the midsection, in between the ribcage and the pelvis.

An efficient core provides optimal neuromuscular efficiency in the entire kinetic chain, allowing for optimal acceleration, deceleration, and dynamic stabilisation of the entire kinetic chain during functional movements.

Personalised core training also provides proximal stability for efficient lower-extremity and upper-extremity movements. (9)

This muscle group could keep our back straight and works whether we are in motion or in a static position.

An efficient core allows for maintaining a normal length tension relationship and coordination when we do movements simultaneously with our body.

Your Upper Body Strength

The upper body is comprised of the shoulder girdle, the upper arms – where we find the biceps and triceps – the forearm, wrist and hand.

The muscles of the upper body are the ones responsible in most of our movements from carrying heavy loads of groceries, to moving furniture around the house or writing a postcard to a friend.

Basically, we need to have a good upper body strength to carry out most of our basic and essential tasks.

Your Lower Body – Multifactorial Positive Effects

This section of your body is comprised by your:

  • hips,
  • glutes,
  • hamstrings,
  • calves and
  • the foot

These muscles can enhance our flexibility, mobility and also keep the body upright in prolonged standing positions.

In most cases of people living a sedentary lifestyle and sits for prolonged period of time, the hamstrings and the low back muscles become tight and eventually causes low back pain.

Therefore, lets provide these muscle group with an awesome exercise routine especially if you have been working on your desk for longer periods of time.

The Workout

When and How: Breathe In, Breathe Out

It is very important to have a good breathing technique when you perform exercises.

It allows the lungs to take in more oxygen which is needed by the muscles during contraction.

During exertion and exercise, proper breathing should always be incorporated in order to avoid a rapid spike in the blood pressure and dizziness (in some cases).

As you breath in, you take in oxygen which is being transported through your bloodstream which is then distributed to the muscles that you will use during the course of exercise.

  • Begin by inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
  • As you inhale, feel your stomach rise while filling your lungs with air and allowing it to expand.
  • As you exhale feel your body relaxed and your stomach go back to normal.
  • Always remember: Inhale when you’re preparing for the movement and exhale when you are exerting an effort.

Dead Bug Exercise

The main goal is to activate your core muscles by moving the limbs alternately, keeping a controlled movement as you extend and lengthen the legs and arms, whilst maintaining your neutral spine position.

Your neutral spine position, is when the curve at your lower back is flattened at the floor or mat but, your abdominal muscles are also engaged at the same time therefore, your back is not flat neither hyperextended.



  • As your starting position, begin by lying down on the floor, face up. Your arms are stretching out, reaching the ceiling, whilst your hips, knees and feet are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Engage the core muscles by allowing the curvature at your lower back to flatten on the floor or your mat. Keeping it flat on the mat all throughout the exercise.
  • Start by extending one leg and allowing it to hover on to the floor.
  • Going back to the starting position and perform it by alternating the other leg.             Figure 2: Dead Bug Exercise (Photo By:
  • Perform the dead bug exercise for about 30 seconds continuously.


  • You can progress the exercise by simultaneously extending the right leg and the left arm reaching behind the head. Do this alternately with the other side.


  • If you’re having a hard time, you can do a beginner’s dead bug
  • Start by keeping a neutral spine, your hips at 45 degrees and the knees are at 90 degrees and both your feet flat on the mat and both arms at your side.
  • This preparation allows you to promote abdominal bracing in preparation for the dead bug exercise.



  • Start with your right arm reaching your left knee, while raising it to 90 degrees.
  • Do it alternately with the left arm reaching for the right knee.
  • Repeat the movement by doing 2 sets of 15 repetition for each limb.

Stretching the hamstring muscles could decrease certain low back pain flares.

What are your goals?

Contact me here for all your physical training needs.

Plank Exercises

Plank exercises are a surefire workout!

They will activate your core muscles and helps you engage better your abdominal muscles.

Whilst maintaining the plank position, you are also activating your:

  • hips,
  • glutes and
  • upper body and
  • shoulder muscles.

One of your main goal is to keep your spine neutral – the curves in the spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar – must be maintained in good alignment.

  • To perform the plank position, come on down to a push-up position with your arms straight.
  • Keeping your elbows locked and the arms should be kept straight within your shoulder’s width.
  • The legs would be in full extension and your toes tucked, whilst keeping a neutral spine.
  • The crown of the head and the tail bone are in one straight line.
  • Maintain the plank position in between 5 seconds to 2-3 minute.
  • Remember to breathe in and breathe out while holding this position.
  • You can progress the exercise by doing a shoulder tap or having one arm reach forward alternately for 3 sets of 10 repetitions. This progression will also challenge your upper body strength.


If you find it difficult to do the full plank position, you can try the half plank:

  • Begin by bending your elbows and keeping it directly under your shoulders.
  • The knees are touching the mat and toes are relaxed.
  • The neutral spine position is key in doing the plank exercises.

Side Plank with a Twist

Another plank-based exercise that specifically targets your:

  • obliques,
  • upper body and
  • arms

The goal is to engage the core, workout the oblique muscles and provide a good workload on your arms and shoulders.

  • Here is your starting position:
  • Begin on a side plank position with your right arms outstretched, elbows tucked and positioned directly under the shoulder.
  • Extend the legs with your left leg on top of your right leg.
  • Raise your torso from the mat or the floor.
  • Position your left arm with the arms outstretched, reaching for the sky. This is the starting position
  • Begin the exercise by twisting your trunk and allowing your left hand to point towards the floor then go back to the starting position.
  • Keep your hips above the mat/ floor. Engaging just the core during the whole exercise set.
  • Perform the exercise for 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

Side Plank with a Twist

Figure 3: Side Plank with a Twist (Photo By:

If you find this position challenging, use this side plank regression I created for you.

  • On a side plank position, have your left arm form a straight line directly under your left shoulder and your left elbow bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • Both of your legs are extended and the right leg positioned on top of your left leg.
  • Your right elbow is bent with your right hand touching your nape. This is the easier version of it – the elbows are flexed.
  • Begin the twist by allowing your right elbow to point towards the floor, whilst keeping the hips above the mat and engaging the core muscles.

If you find this position challenging, use this side plank regression I created for you.

  • On a side plank position, have your left arm form a straight line directly under your left shoulder and your left elbow bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • Both of your legs are extended and the right leg positioned on top of your left leg.
  • Your right elbow is bent with your right hand touching your nape. This is the easier version of it – the elbows are flexed.
  • Begin the twist by allowing your right elbow to point towards the floor, whilst keeping the hips above the mat and engaging the core muscles.

Side Plank

Figure 4: Side Plank with a Twist – Regression (Photo by:

Aiming for those ripped abs?

Contact me here for a customized exercise session.

Jump Squat Exercise

The Jump Squat Exercise is a plyometric (jumping) exercise and it aims to activate:

  • the glutes,
  • hamstrings and
  • promote strength on your lower extremity muscle.

Jump Squat exercise London

How to Perform the Jump Squat Exercise?

Begin by standing with a wide stance.

Make sure your feet is as wide as your shoulders.

  • Lower into a squat until your knees are parallel to the floor but not extending over the borders of your toes (keep your toes behind your knees).
  • This is the ideal squat position, as it lessens the potential of knee injuries when loading your quads or your thigh muscles.
  • Jump as high as you can and land on your toes and with soft knees.
  • It is very important to have a controlled landing so as to avoid injury on the knees and ankle
  • Perform these for 2 sets of 20 repetitions (increase / decrease according with your abilities).

Was it challenging? Let’s make it easy.

If you find it a bit challenging, you can begin by just doing the squat position. Bend your knees without extending further the borders of your toes. It is important to keep a neutral spine as you are doing this exercise.

wall squat

Figure 6: Wall Squats (Photo By:

  • You can also do squats easier by having your back lean against a wall.
  • Your feet should be as wide as your shoulders and about 12 inches away from the wall.
  • Bend your knees, as if you are about to sit on a chair.
  • Do this for about 2 sets of 15 repetition.

Did you know that the alignment of the patella on the knee joint affects how we walk and how we perform exercises?

Three Point Toe Touch

This exercise aims to strengthen your lower extremity and at the same time working on your balance and coordination.

How to Perform Three Point Toe Touch

The Commencing Position:

  • Stand with your feet together. Engaging the core, come to a half squat position.
  • With your weight on your right leg, position your left foot in such a manner that the toes are only points touching the ground.
  • From the commencing position, tap your left toes directly in front of you then return to start.
  • Then tap them to the left and go back to the commencing position.
  • Finally, tap your toes at the back and go back to the commencing position
  • This is the cycle of the exercise. Perform this cycle on one leg for 2 sets of 15 repetitions. Then do it on the other leg.
  • To increase exercise difficulty, after you manage to use good form – you can perform it faster and complete as much repetitions as you can in 30 seconds time for each lower extremity.

Three Point Toe Touch

Figure 7: Three Point Toe Touch (Photo By:

I have been very passionate with fitness and in promoting a healthy lifestyle. In this time of sickness, we can only protect ourselves if we also take good care of ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. You can always contact me for a thorough assessment and create a personalized exercise suitable to your needs, regardless of your level of activity.


  1. Journal of Sport and Health Science by David C.NiemanaLaurel M.Wentzb: A compelling link between Physical Activity and the Body’s Defense System
  3. Current Directions in Stress and Human Immune Function: Jennifer N. Morey, Ian A. Boggero, April B. Scott, and Suzanne C. Segerstrom
  4. Medical Microbiology – Baron S, editor. Galveston (TX): University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; 1996. –
  5. Military Strategies for Sustainment of Nutrition and Immune Function in the Field: Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Military Nutrition Research. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1999. –
  7. Consultation on the Possibility of Bioaerosol Spread of SARS-CoV-2 for the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 1, 2020) (2020); Chapter: Rapid Expert Consultation on the Possibility of Bioaerosol Spread of SARS-CoV-2 for the COVID-19 Pandemic
  8. Global Recommendations On Physical Activity for Health – ISBN: 9789241599979
  9. Barbara J. Hoogenboom, EdD, PT, SCS, ATC, Michael L. Voight, DHSc, PT, OCS, SCS, ATC, CSCS, FAPTA, William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA, Musculoskeletal Interventions: Techniques for Therapeutic Exercise, 3E,
  10. COVID-19: Exercise may help prevent deadly complication:
  11. Exercise May Protect against deadly COVID-19 Complication, Research


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