online training program

Online Personal Training Programme in London

Think back a few years to those DVDs you bought with Pilates and conditioning exercise programmes.

Sure, they added some excitement to the living room, but how long did you continue following them?

The truth is, many people buy these generic exercise DVDs and never achieve any real results.

This is why an online personal trainer program London may yield better results.

London’s Top Online Personal Trainer focuses on providing a highly personalised programme that focuses on your goals.

An online personal trainer program London provides a custom made plan taking your specific preferences and criteria into account.

Problems that can be solved with a live 121 on video personalised online training and nutrition programme include:

  • Lose weight faster and safer.
  • Experience a complete body transformation under supervision from an elite personal trainer.
  • Improve the tone of your body while becoming lean and fit.
  • Implement rehabilitation exercises for back pain problems.
  • Obtain a rehabilitation programme focusing on alleviating sciatica symptoms.
  • Speed up recovery from knee-related injuries, including meniscus tears, as well as PCL and ACL injuries.
  • As a long-term lifestyle expert experienced in helping with enhancing immunity, Jazz Alessi can also deliver an immune-boosting programme that makes your body more effective at fighting against disease.
  • The 121 fitness personal training online programme also delivers custom-made home workouts that you can perform – in as little as 48 hours after the initial digital consultation.

Customised Online Personal Training Program in London to give you the Best Possible Results you could achieve

I believe that 121 LIVE online personal training is not just about sending out an exercise plan for you.

This is a process that involves both parties. I work closely with each of my clients when developing an online programme that is perfectly tailored to them.

During the customisation of a programme, I will take into consideration multiple areas of your lifestyle, health, and fitness.

I look at your current:

  • body weight;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • stress;
  • activity levels;
  • metabolism and fitness level; and
  • I will discuss further with you if you have any health condition.

After you give me as much information as possible, I can start to work on a programme that is perfectly tailored to your body and goals.

As part of an online personal training London programme, I need to ensure the plan is customised to your unique lifestyle, health, and goals.

The perfect personal training programme does not only consist of an exercise plan.

  • Yes, exercise is one of the most critical factors in achieving your goals.

Studies show1 that physical activity is crucial in losing weight and improving body composition, after all.

This is not the only factor that should form part of a personal training programme, however.

  • What you eat accounts for functions in your body – and affects your ability to reach your goals.

eat accounts for functions in your body

Studies confirm that diet has a major impact on your body composition2.

  • The macronutrient composition of food as a role to play on how you look and feel3.
  • Some foods can adversely affect your fat distribution. This leads to weight gain.

A personalised programme should consist of an exercise plan and a perfect nutritional diet that is rich in nutrients, and free of harmful ingredients that are going to make it harder to reach your goals.

How It Works

Let’s take a look at how my 121 personal training programme works to give you custom content that you can use to achieve your goals at home.

1.   A Complete Assessment To Help Me Understand Your Goals

  • The process always starts with a comprehensive online form and on the phone assessment based system.

To deliver a personalised programme, I need to know more about you.

I believe in providing my clients access to evidence-based solutions, but to do that, I need to know what solutions would work best for you.

  • Thus, we start with a comprehensive nutritional assessment and advanced lifestyle questionnaire.

The details that are gathered through this professional questionnaire allow me to conduct a more in-depth assessment of your current life.

I also ask you about diseases that are affecting you.

  • Sometimes, a disease makes you more likely to experience complications when you eat something specific or perform certain exercises.

Sure, the heart can benefit from exercise.

  • But, pushing yourself too much can lead to more risks3. This means more harm is done than good in the process.
  • Poor exercise form is a recipe for long lasting or severe injuries – some of them leading to surgeries.

I will show in details the correct form plus I will correct your form in real time, this eliminates your risk of injuries.

You just can’t do this on video.

  • For clients suffering from diabetic neuropathy I will show them what types of impact exercises they must or must not do – to keep and improve their vascular performance in addition to nerve health.
  • For clients suffering with different kinds of arthritis I will show them how to build strength and joint stability without making further damage to cartilage and joint surfaces.

These are problems that we want to avoid with your custom made programme.

Once the assessments are finalised, your 121 training is carried out through high-quality video in real-time.

  • One journal entry explains that personalised nutrition is the ideal way of helping to reduce the risk of many common diseases.
  • Inappropriate dietary habits are linked to stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease5.

You need to understand what nutrients your body needs and ensure you avoid eating food that is not good for you in particular.

2.   A Meal Plan Customised To Your Needs

  • A meal plan is generally one of the very first things that we will focus on when you sign up for the VIP 1-2-1 online personal training programme system.

The reason I start with a meal plan is that sometimes we can’t just monitor everything.

As part of my online personal training packages in London, we need to ensure your dietary habits become complementary toward your goals.

 Meal Plan Customised To Your Needs

Therefore, if you just don’t know what foods provide you with the biggest health and fitness return in a custom-made manner you can’t adhere to the weight loss, immunity boosting, body recovery and health building dietary recommendations.

  • The NHS recently published an important post6 that I want you to take note of at this time.
  • The post describes how a poor diet is now killing more people in the United Kingdom than smoking.
  • We all consider smoking and excessive drinking as big killers, yet we often fail to look at how what we eat would affect our longevity.

There are many goals that a custom-made meal plan will have in mind.

  • The meal plan will be unique to you
  • Every person who opts for the 1-2-1 programme will have their own individual nutrition needs and even preferences.

The focus will be to help you ward off inflammation, anxiety feelings, perhaps effects of depression and many stress-related problems, while focusing on:

A. Body transformation results,

B. Rehabilitation after an injury, inner strength and your physical health,

C. Fast and safe weight loss,

D. Get toned, fit and lean as soon as possible.

  • This custom-made meal plan will help you feel energetic and focused
  • The comprehensive nutrition assessment will show how much you will benefit by changing parts of your nutrition profile, reduce some saturated fats intake, and what foods are causing you the current problems you experience and the effects of other substances or processed ingredients in your day-to-day performance.

Instead, these are replaced with carefully selected whole foods that deliver the best-quality nutrients and highest numbers to your body – all are coming from easy to find regular foods.

  • You will feel a massive increase in energy as you continue to follow the personalised meal plan and experience a massive boost in your mood and overall mental and physical well-being.
  • Your vitality increases, along with your virility.
  • Your skin starts to look radiant and younger – you will also feel younger in the process.

3.   Full Support At Any Time

What is a personalised programme without the right support?

  • Unfortunately, buying a DVD to give you a few exercises to perform at home comes with no support or help at all.
  • When you get stuck with an exercise or find that a specific activity is making you too sore, you have no-one to turn to.

I am to change all of this with the 1-2-1 personalised training system.

As an elite personal trainer London based, I know that everyone has unique needs.

Even when a programme is customised for you, there may still be questions and concerns lingering in your mind.

personalised training programme

  • This is why I offer you access to a 24/7/365 full support system.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, then simply you will call me straight away directly on my mobile or discuss them live with me on video next time when we are TELE-TRAINING together.
  • If we are in between sessions, I’ll reach out to you immediately and ensure that your questions are answered without any delay.

If you want to follow up on the progress or simply check-in and advise on any specific changes to your performance, then the support channel is the best way for you to keep up your level of motivation 24 / 7.

You should note that I will not allocate team members or an agency to offer the support nor even my PA.

  • I will be developing your personalised programme, which means I will always be available when you need support.

Thus, I will be dealing with your questions and support directly – so feel free to get in touch if you have any questions even before signing up.

4.   An Evidence-Based Training Program Focusing On Your Goals

Next up is your 121 VIP training programme – a unique plan that will focus on your goals, while also taking the data I collected during the initial step of the process into account.

  • A training programme should be customised to your abilities – not provide a generic set of instructions that may cause you to harm or even lead to insufficient results.
  • You want your results to be experienced quickly and effectively, while you also keep your body safe when you are doing these exercises.
  • We work together to set the best complete body transformation, get fit and toned or injury rehabilitation goals for yourself.

This is an important part of Your Goal Process, as I need to realise what you want to achieve – this is a process you will be so happy to complete (hint: this is not found anywhere!).

  • Would you like to tone your body and become lean?

121 VIP training programme

  • Or would you rather just want to focus on losing some of the excess pounds that you are carrying in your body?
  • Perhaps you recently had an injury to your knee, and know which to take up a knee injury rehabilitation programme to get the healing process going.
  • Or your lower back pain, excruciating sciatica or some cervical pain is too much and you need a custom-made plan to help you stabilise these injured body parts.

We will talk about any challenges and limitations that you have when exercises.

  • Perhaps your knee is still painful, or maybe excess weight in your body make certain movements difficult for you.

online training program

We find a way to work around these issues and challenges, and I create a programme that will get you to your goals, regardless of the obstacles that you may face down the road.

To learn more about how I customise programmes in the 1-2-1 offering, be sure to reach out and contact me.

I’ll be happy to give you some feedback and help you get a better understanding as to how I work as an elite personal trainer.


5.   A Library Filled With Exercise Videos And Tutorials

You do not only get a personalised programme but also access a full library of exercise video content.

The library contains hundreds of useful videos that you can use to gain inspiration.

This allows you to gain a visual presentation of how each of the exercises should be performed.

It ensures you are able to do the exercise according to appropriate instructions – and avoids injury due to an incorrect posture or method.

The best news is the fact that you can access the video library no matter where you are.

I ensure the entire library can be accessed on different platforms, including computers, laptops, and even smartphones.

Library Filled With Exercise Videos And Tutorials

The video library will act as a resource guide for you.

If you are uncertain about any exercise in the video library, simply get in touch with me. I will take a look at the personal data collected and the exercises you are interested in.

This allows me to assess whether the exercise is appropriate for you or not. I might make additional suggestions to help you do the exercises that will be most beneficial for reaching your personal goals.

6.   Fast Changes To Your Personalised Programme To Help Keep You On Track

No matter how effective a pre-set programme offered by a fitness trainer online in London, there may come a time when something does not work great for you.

  • Perhaps you find that the exercises are making you feel too stiff.
  • There may be times when you find that the exercises are giving you some pain in the back or shoulder area.
  • Or your recovery is too slow (hint: it shouldn’t be!)

These are only some examples of concerns that you may face when you implement the personalised exercise programme.

  • The good news is, I provide LIVE, straight on the spot and on-going changes to your programmes.
  • Outside of our training simply get in touch with me whenever you have a training or goal-related thought or a suggestion, and we will discuss everything in detail.

Sometimes, we simply need to introduce more custom-made changes, use different exercise, reduce the intensity of the exercise or maybe training together using the same exercise, just less frequently.

By providing a TELE-VIDEO fitness trainer online in London, these changes can be made on-the-spot without delay.

7.   Review Of Your Goals And Progress At The Sixth Week Of Your Personalised Programme

At the sixth week, we take a review of your progress.

Together, we will consider your starting fitness, body shape, weight and condition and see where you are now.

You will decide, and we will work together how far you have come measuring the awesome progress you have made.

Mind you; this will come on the top of monitoring your progress each time when we will train LIVE ON VIDEO.

how to lose weight

  • If your goal was to lose weight, then we see how much weight you have lost.
  • If you are losing too much weight, then adjustments could be made to make the process safer.
  • If too little weight was lost, we will discuss changes that would accelerate your results.
  • If your goal was to achieve a complete body transformation, we would take a look at how the composition of your body has changed since the beginning.
  • We also consider any improvements to your health that was noted during the prior six weeks while you were implementing the personalised programme at home.

This approach I use with my VIP clients truly provides you with one of the best monitoring systems in the world.

It provides you with the TELE-VIDEO live on the spot support you require but, also with the periodic re-assessment and monitoring support.

If you want to feel fit, toned, and lean, then these are the results we will be looking at.

  • Have you shed some of those excess fat cells and do you feel that your lean muscle mass has increased?

These are important questions we will ask to track your progress.

Home Workout

  • If rehabilitation was the goal, then we take a look at how you are doing at the moment.
  • We consider if you still experience pain.
  • We will also look at whether there have been improvements, such as an increase in your range of motion, strengths, coordination, confidence and flexibility.

Would you like to receive this level of detailed support?

  • For immune-boosting programmes, we consider how well you have been fighting off invading pathogens.
  • I will surely ask if you have been feeling ill or caught a cold during the last few weeks.

This and many other things can help us determine if your immune system is becoming stronger.

8.   Access To Exclusive VIP Articles

The Personal Training Master website already contains a lot of medically verified professional resources that you can take advantage of.

Some people say that the Personal Training Master website provides the best medically verified resources in London and in the UK.

  • Whether you want to know how to set up a personalised exercise programme or want to learn more about custom made nutrition – there really is something for everyone.
  • If you have not seen it yet, be sure to take a closer look.

Apart from these, I will also be producing up to 10 evidence-based posts and articles on a monthly basis for members who are part of my 1-2-1 online personal training programme.

These will be medically verified bite-size professional articles that will offer you significantly greater value over the normal articles that you can already see on my website.

  • These articles will give you away “The Secrets” the “How To” – you can call them “The Goods”.
  • Access to these articles will be very easy but only for my VIP members.

I will also make sure you can get access to them from any device, regardless of where you are, and they will be emailed to you immediately are published in your VIP members only area.

  • I will only be sharing medically verified expert information, bespoke tips, and science-based tricks, along with some useful tutorials, in the bite-size professional content I publish for my 1-2-1 programme VIP members.

9.   Continuous 12-Month Support System

121 online personalised training programmes require on-going support to ensure you remain motivated.

These 3 month and 12 month VIP membership packages are all about your:

  • body transformation and new body shape,
  • weight loss or healthy weight gain and
  • injury rehabilitation goals you are targeting to reach.

I will personally inspire, motivate and professionally support you to reach and go beyond your goals that you are striving toward. This is an important part of 121 online personalised training programmes.

You will always feel that I am present encouraging you to move forward with your goals, almost like we are face to face!

We have already established the goals that you are trying to achieve at this point.

weight loss online

Now, it is time to ensure we keep up with your 121-custom made package, consistent support at my end and excellent progress at your end.

This is a 121-training teamwork.

I will frequently ask you about how you are progressing – and you can check in with me at any time we will train live on TELE – VIDEO to provide each other feedback and details on your fitness and health performance.

  • I will frequently be checking up on your progress between the 3rd and 12th month of your programme.
  • Together as a close team, we will move you towards your absolute best results and take your satisfaction with the results into account too.
  • If we find that any improvements can be made, we will make these improvements straight on the spot and at every 6 weeks
  • Your programme is constantly customised so that it provides you with maximum body transformation benefits.
  • We will also safely increase the types of exercises and intensity of your programme – this is especially useful if you had experienced some background pains or injury limitations during the earlier stages of your customed made exercise plan.


When an in-person training session is out of the question as is happening now with the coronavirus outbreak, custom made online personal training programme is an ideal alternative to achieve:

  • Nice toned body, stronger immunity and health

lose fat fast

  • Flexibility, confidence and strength (beside adversities)
  • Back pain rehabilitation (sciatica pain rehab, lower back pain rehab, scoliosis and cervical pain rehabilitation)
  • Knee injuries rehabilitation (ALC, PCL, meniscus)
  • Awesome weight loss or healthy weight gain – you decide

With personalised fitness and nutrition support, you will transform your body from the inside out.

DVDs and “one programme fits all solution” are just generalised exercises.

They show you some exercise ideas, but they lack the personalisation you needed to give you real results.

This 121 online personalised training programme is delivered safely to you via the online world, providing you access to both custom exercises and a diet nutrition plan.

These would yield better success and gives you the opportunity to check in with your elite personal trainer on a regular basis anytime we will train but, also in between your sessions.

The regular check-up sessions through a high-quality video conference give you the motivation and inspiration you need to reach and go beyond your goals.

For more information about how Jazz Alessi’s programme could help you, get in touch with him here.

About Jazz Alessi

Jazz Alessi has more than 20 years’ worth of experience in the field of providing elite personal trainer services to customers.

He is also an expert in the field of personalised nutrition, ensuring clients gain access immediately to highly customised 121 TELE VIDEO personal training programmes but also easy to follow and delicious nutrition diets plans that adhere to your custom-made immunity-boosting unique nutritional requirements.

Jazz Alessi

Jazz is also experienced as a lifestyle expert and can help people undergo rehabilitation for previous injuries that they might have suffered. This includes knee like ACL, PCL , meniscus and any type of back pain injuries.

Jazz is also an expert in the field of weight loss, providing customised solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of the customer – ultimately leading to faster and more successful weight reduction.

Apart from his experience, Jazz also holds the title of an elite personal trainer, and is a three times ex-national champion and a black belt in three different martial arts styles.

He is a second-generation Pilates instructor and is highly motivated to ensure each client walks out of a programme with the body transformation of their dreams.

Jazz goes the extra mile to ensure all factors are considered when a personalised programme is developed, including pre-existing conditions and limitations that may restrict the abilities of the client.

Jazz is also a recognised lecturer on the topics of immunity, body transformation, personal nutrition, and injury rehabilitation throughout the United Kingdom.


1 D.L. Swift, N.M. Johannsen, C.J. Lavie, C.P. Earnest, T.S. Church. The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance. 11 Oct 2013. HHS Public Access.

2 Multiple Authors. International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition. 14 Jun 2017. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

3 A.M. Gross, L.L. Goree, A.C. Ellis, P.C. Chandler-Laney, K. Casazza, M.E. Lockhart, B.A. Gower. Effects of diet macronutrient composition on body composition and fat distribution during weight maintenance and weight loss. 13 May 2013.

4 CJ Lavie, R.V. Milani, P. Marks, H. de Gruiter. Exercise and the Heart: Risks, Benefits, and Recommendations for Providing Exercise Prescriptions. Oct 2001. The Ochsner Journal.

5 J.M. Ordovas, L.R. Ferguson, E.S. Tai, J.C. Mathers. Personalised nutrition and health. 13 Jun 2018. BMJ.

6 Poor diet now killing more than smoking. 4 Apr 2019. NHS.

7 Weight-Loss and Maintenance Strategies. 2004. Weight Management: State of the Science and Opportunities for Military Programs.

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