Back Pain Rehab

Low Back Injury Rehabilitation and Body Transformation in London

Imagine yourself waking up in the morning, jumping out of bed brimming with energy and stretching your arms out to get that wonderful feeling of an exciting new day and listening to a loud: Crack!

You think it might be the wood in your bed cracking but you realise that the sound really did come from your back.

You stand there paralysed by fear.

Don’t worry, there is no reason to be alarmed, that sound could be just little air bubbles that are in the joints and explode with your movements.

The problem occurs when, after stretching, you cannot return to your normal posture because a sudden pain shows up out of nowhere in your lower back.

Now you go to the bathroom holding your back and thinking: When is this pain going to stop?

Where can I find a Low Back Injury rehab in London?

Learn how HayleyJanDr ChristianMichaelaElizabeth Tiffany , M Taylor and Franco successfully rehabbed their back injuries and beat their back pain.

Keep reading, because today you are going to get many of the answers you have been waiting for.

Low Back Injury rehab in London

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You are closer than ever to the best health of your life

You’ve probably stumbled here exhausted of the promises of body transformation that just never work for you.

And, when I talk about body transformation, it’s not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good.

Eventually, the desperation for results leads us to fall into the same trap over and over again.

Who is right?

What is the path I should follow?

The times have evolved, we are in the age of too much information, and that, obviously, makes you feel confused.

There are too many experts, but only a handful are dedicated to providing you with a personalised response.

I’m sure this is not the first time you’ve tried to find a definitive answer to your low back pain, weight problems, poor nutrition, and injuries.

It’s sad to see how many people waste their time by not having proper guidance.

But there’s no more room for sadness, it’s time to get excited.

Would you trust me if I told you that you could find the answers you were looking for today on this website?

Book a free consultation here.

Low back pain: Just a bad memory

When there is something that has been part of your life for so long, like low back pain, you think it is going be there for the rest of your life.

You start to adopt positions to protect yourself from the pain so you can ignore it during the day.

Just like that brother you fight every time he crosses you, but you learn to love anyway because you know, it’s your family.

But back pain isn’t really your family.

Maybe you’ve gotten used to it after so many years and so many failed attempts at healing yourself.

It’s time to let it go.

I am not here to tell you that it is your fault if you feel stuck, with multiple painful injuries, and that you do nothing to change it.

I’m here to give you solutions.

You may have spent a lot of time being limited or constrained by your low back pain.

And due to these injuries I’m sure you have painkillers all over your house.

You may also think that a total body transformation is impossible because of your injuries.

But I have some good news for you.

It’s true that some injuries may require complete rest to recover, but there are actually a number of low-impact physical activity behaviours and specialised nutritional plans that you can do to improve your pain.

Sometimes the physical activity you avoid so much is the right solution.

Why not book a FREE CONSULTATION with the best personal trainer in London?

Back Pain Rehab

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Leave your fears behind and recover your ability to move again

Prepare to leave all your pain and worries behind with a personalised programme of rehabilitation and personal transformation.

My main objective is that through a personalised programme backed with the most recent scientific studies on the subject, you can recover your mobility with state of the art flexibility exercises. (1)

Once functional limitations fade away, you will finally get to know that idyllic world where your body does everything your mind proposes.

A complete transformation only requires the right mind-set. I can be at your side to help you reach your goals.

Your lower back and pelvis support much of your body weight, as do your trunk and upper limbs. Therefore, it is very common to find injuries in this area. If your pain is recent, it could translate into acute low back injury.

Activities that cause acute lower back pain

  • Muscle or ligament pressure from heavy loads

If you lift a lot of weight because of your work or daily activities or when you make a sudden bad movement, the muscles react to try to compensate to keep your spine straight.

In other words, your muscles do everything they can to keep your spine straight, because inside it is a very valuable nerve structure: the spinal cord.

If a movement that can affect the spine is detected, your muscles react very strongly and contract.

This is why it is important to keep your core strong through exercise.

  • Bad posture

If your work does not require physical effort or heavy lifting and you spend all day sitting in your office, your lower back can also be affected due to poor posture.

Again, your muscles will try to counteract the position of your body.

Sitting in front of your computer for several hours can put your spine in an awkward position, and your muscles contract as a protection.

The stooped position puts pressure on your lower back muscles and they react to that, causing pain.

Bad posture

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  • Standing all day

Spending a lot of time on your feet may induce or worsen lower back pain, sometimes associated with pain in the buttock that radiates down the leg.

This pain improves when sitting and is caused by a slippage of the vertebrae compressing a nerve root.

It is a pain that is commonly associated with the sciatic nerve.

If you have a painful injury in the lumbar spine, the lumbar muscles lose strength and resistance.

Because of this, it loses some of its ability to ensure its stability.

The muscles in this area are supposed to stabilise your posture, but as time goes by they get tired and that is when pain appears.

  • Wrong posture when sleeping

Sometimes we do not have a suitable mattress that offers the ideal support to our back.

That makes you feel a lot of tension in the morning, due to the contraction of the muscles generated by bad posture when sleeping.

As you can see, the activities you do during the day can cause discomfort that if left unchecked could become chronic.

It’s all about improving your posture when you sleep, sit and walk.

Watch your posture when you bend over to pick up a heavy object and take short breaks if you are standing for long periods of time.

Physical activity has extraordinary results for your body, as long as it is done consciously.

Wrong posture when sleeping

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Tips to avoid lower back pain when  standing for a long time

  1. Place one foot up on a stool or other elevated surface:

This relieves lower back tension by relaxing the psoas muscle.

Change the support foot often so that your muscles rest on both sides.

  1. Spread your legs:

This distributes the weight load and improves stability.

  1. Put your body weight on one leg only and alternate with the other leg.

The 3 major muscle groups in your back

  • Extensor muscles:

They are located at the back of your spine and allow you to stand upright.

This group is called Erector Spinae.

When you stand all day, these muscles, which are normally stretched to maintain your body position, become tired and you may have pain at the end of the day.

The 3 major muscle groups in your back

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  • Flexor muscles:

They are in the front of the spine and include your abdominal muscles.

This group of muscles helps you bend over to pick something up from the floor or to greet your pet.

Now imagine doing one of these two things, bending down to pick something up or touching your pet.

Suddenly you return to the upright position and feel a tug on your lower back.

Those are your extensor muscles that allow you to return to the upright position, but because they are contracted by some of the problems mentioned above, (bad posture when sleeping and sitting, standing for a long time or moving heavy objects) you pull your body up and you are left in pain, regretting ever doing what you just did and you find it impossible to stand up straight.

Tight hip flexors create an anterior pull on the pelvis which contribute to low back pain.

The iliopsoas muscle is the prime hip flexor.

The iliopsoas refers to the joined psoas and the iliacus muscles.

Flexor muscles:

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  • Oblique muscles:

These muscles are on the side of your spine and help to rotate the core.

In other words, with these muscles you get to shake your body with those superb dance moves!

This is why one of the most unfortunate things about getting used to life with low back pain is being kept away from you favourite clubs.

But this can change, not overnight, but through a personalised Body Transformation Program.

If you want to know the details you can get a FREE CONSULTATION here.

Oblique muscles

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Three key muscles for the rehabilitation of your low back pain

  • Piriformis Muscle

The Piriformis muscle is located in the gluteal region near the top of the hip joint.

It is a muscle that tends towards hypertonia (increased muscle tightness), and is usually injured easily.

It is closely related to the sciatic nerve, so it can generate symptoms similar to sciatica.

  • Quadratus Lumborum

The Quadratus Lumborum is a muscle that extends from the last rib to the iliac crest, in addition to having fibres that insert at the lumbar level.

It is very important in low back pain.

Most low back pain comes from problems in theses muscles.

Quadratus Lumborum

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  • Iliopsoas Muscle

It is a large muscle composed of the union of two individual muscles; iliacus and psoas major.

It is a muscle of vital importance in lumbar pathologies, due to its anatomical and nervous systems relationship.

The psoas is a muscle that is related to the last dorsal vertebra and to the lumbar vertebrae, the iliac bone and the low limbs.

Iliopsoas is the chief flexor muscle of the hip joint.

As shown in previous images, the iliopsoas muscle refers to the joined psoas and the iliacus muscles and are located in the hip region.

They allow you to flex the hip joint.

Only a certified rehabilitation professional can help you ease the tension and alleviate some of the pain in your lower back through a personalised rehabilitation programme.

Book now a FREE CONSULTATION here.

Feeling excited yet?

There is great power in visualisation, and this is how we achieve our most important goals.

Take a pause when reading this article, since we have come to understand quite a bit about the causes of your back pain, now we will do a visualisation exercise.

Take a deep breath.

Imagine yourself full of energy, free of pain, doing all your favourite activities.

Imagine that you live without movement limitations and thanks to a good physical condition, you feel like going out into the world and enjoy all the wonderful things it has to offer.

Leading a healthy life is not a sacrifice at all, it becomes really easy when you start seeing results in your body.

Isn’t it true that when you see yourself in the near future, with better health and more vitality, you feel a great satisfaction in your heart?

A good rehabilitation programme can change your life and more if the personal trainer is in nearby, in London and goes to where you are.

That’s how easy it is to have an expert at your door.

This rehabilitation and body transformation programme focuses on providing you with solutions.

You can succeed in:

  • Reducing lower back pain
  • Strengthen your muscles in the mid-body area (core)
  • Improving your balance
  • Correcting your posture
  • Return to your daily activities while getting healthier every day

One of the best ways to get these benefits is through customised Pilates exercises because they are low-impact and are easily adaptable to each individual necessities and progression levels.

You will enjoy your healing process.

Customised Pilates exercises are your low back pain’s best friend

With a guided customised Pilates training you can:

  • Relax your hip
  • Activate the muscles that stabilise the lumbo-pelvic region (2)
  • Strengthen the core “Powerhouse
  • Improve flexibility and muscle strength
  • Improve breathing pattern and concentration

The advantages of Pilates exercises are that they can be a challenge for both beginners and high performance athletes (3), improving their overall body condition.

You will be able to discover all that your body can achieve.

Advantages of a Multidisciplinary Body Transformation Programme

Body Transformation Programme

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It’s hard enough to make the decision to change once and for all.

Imagine that one day you wake up in the morning and say: I don’t want to feel pain anymore, I need to change my lifestyle, eat better and exercise.

You take a shower and feel very motivated.

As the water flows you start asking yourself:

  • Should I go to the nutritionist first?
  • Should I go to a personal trainer?
  • Is it possible to schedule an appointment with the doctor soon?

Today, you can put that concern behind you.

In this website you will get a complete Body Transformation in London.

You will have at your disposal a professional who will not only help you with the personalised training you need, but also with a Healthy Diet Plan that adjusts to your specific needs.

Injury rehabilitation depends not only on physical exercise, but also on making sure you get the nutrients you need for your body to repair itself.

Your muscles need a specific amount of protein, vitamins and minerals to nourish and repair themselves.

“Deficiencies of energy, vitamins, minerals and macronutrients – particularly protein – will impair wound healing and exacerbate loss of muscle and tendon mass and function.” (4)

Proper nutrition will take your body to another level.

Ensuring that you get nutrients from nature, free of chemicals and with a wide variety of options.

The right customised programme (customised is the key words) will help you see all your body’s problems disappear and, the right programme is closer than you think with my Body Transformation in the City of London.

You cannot obtain all the benefits that a healthy diet may give you overnight.

I promise to keep my word to get you on the road to a perfect health, but you should know that everything will be done at a pace you can handle.

You will find no empty promises here, my years of study as an Elite Personal Master Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, 2nd generation Pilates and long term injury rehabilitation teacher, have allowed me to bring you the ultimate solution. There is nothing magical behind it.

Body Transformation in the City of London

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A personalised plan means it’s going to be you and me, working together on your health.

First of all, I need to fully understand how I can provide you with the programme that has the right tools so that you can see the results you expect.

As I said before, changes don’t come overnight, but with a 6 week Body Transformation in London

programme, you won’t believe how much you can improve.

Don’t think of the words “diet” and “exercise” as torture.

I understand your frustration, and I know it’s because sometimes we are taught to walk a path that maybe doesn’t work.

With my help you will discover that healthy eating makes you feel satiated and releases you from the anxiety generated by consuming processed products.

The best part is that a personalised healthy diet plan is just for you and only for you.

In addition, proper nutrition also has a great impact on pain relief.

If you are looking to relieve your lower back pain, I can offer you both physical and nutritional tools.

You’re going to get a complete lifestyle change.

A personalised Healthy Diet Plan will have your name, your needs, and your preferences.

It will be the formula for your ultimate Body Transformation Package in London.

When you decide to take charge of your health and start seeing results, time flies.

Week after week you will only see improvement, energy and health.

With my 12 week Personal Training Programme in London, we’ll have plenty of time to give your life back the spark it needs to enjoy it to the fullest.

If you have questions regarding the topics in this article, you can ask them here for free through our FREE CONSULTATION.


1.Sawyer et al., J Yoga Phys Ther 2012, 2:4

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7595.1000120

2.Rydeard R, Leger A, Smith D. Pilates-based therapeutic exercise: effect on subjects with nonspecific chronic low back pain and functional disability: a randomized controlled trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2006;36:472–484.

DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2006.2144.

3.June Kloubec, Pilates: how does it work and who needs it?

Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2011 Apr-Jun; 1(2): 61–66. Published online 2011 Dec 29.

PMCID: PMC3666467

  1. Kevin D. Tipton

Sports Med. 2015; 45: 93–104. Published online 2015 Nov 9. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-015-0398-4 PMCID: PMC4672013









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