Jan’s Successful Back Pain Rehab Transformation Experience

"The inconsistencies and asymmetries diminished by 85-90 per cent very quickly. Pain also diminished to a final reduction of 85-90 per cent though over a longer period. My work is better because of this. I could potentially take up a new sport for example. Jazz commitment, knowledge and care are surely unsurpassable.  I would recommend Jazz without reservation. " My work is better because of this.

I experienced severe back pain for ten years before contacting Jazz. 

Initially it was intermittent lasting 3-4 weeks twice a year. 

I consulted the best osteopaths and chiropractors I could find but my understanding of my problem did not develop and the pain did not reduce despite being a committed patient and following all advice.

I knew a little about it’s origins as I had worn a heavy satchel on the same side of my body for most of my twenties and it had developed an S shape. 

This caused one side of my body to be weaker than the other hence I was susceptible to injury. 

But the repetitive exercises I was prescribed made no difference and it’s best these were weekly appointments that were rushed.

In the five month period before contacting Jazz I was in severe and constant pain. 

It was different during this period in that it did not go. 

My left leg felt solid, my left buttock and left lower back had constant shooting pain.

I had never felt anything like this before. 

My whole body collapsed inward around the pain and my shoulders could nearly touch each other. 

I became massively restricted. 

I could not sit down. 

I could not ride in a car or use public transport. 

And I could not play with my three young children or pick up their mess (not always a bad thing). 

I became intermittently depressed about my future. 

For example I could not envisage travel or holidays. 

This pain and physical restriction was exacerbated by the fact that I did not know how to solve it or who to speak to.

I consulted one final chiropractor. 

She diagnosed an L5 nerve entrapment. 

I recognised my condition as sciatic pain. 

I read a lot and watched endless YouTube videos and stretched for one to two hours a day. 

I had six sessions with this final osteo and followed all the advice. 

I had frequent massages too. 

Nothing changed.

I could no longer exercise fully which was something I had always enjoyed. 

I was too frightened in case I caused more damage. 

Downward dog, touching my toes, and simple stretches were off limits. 

It took me one to two hours to get out of bed and feel relatively stable.

I found Jazz by googling ‘Sciatica Master Pilates’. I had not tried Pilates! 

And I felt intuitively that although my main problem was unresolvable 

I could perhaps effect change in the broader collapse of my body that I was experiencing. 

This was my last resort.

Jazz seemed instantly approachable and deeply knowledgeable when we spoke. 

It was a tremendous relief to speak to someone who asked the right questions. 

He was confident but unassuming. 

These are a few of the reasons I chose him.

Jazz came to my home four times a week for a period of three months. 

Initially he assessed what I could and could not do. 

He videoed me walking and attempting basic exercises and shared with me what he observed. 

From this assessment and his understanding of my problem (as I had shared in the initial video call) he created a programme for me. 

He said it would be ‘lazer sharp’ and it was.

I soon learnt that this would be a continuous re-assessment based on my responses to specific exercises. 

In this respect it was collaborative throughout. 

It required me to be honest with him between sessions as to what had happened as a result of his input. 

This enabled Jazz to refine his understanding of my problem and it’s potential solution.

Jazz cared deeply about his work with me and this was always apparent. 

I continually felt it mattered to him what the outcome of a session was. 

He was able to see things which I had always felt but did not know to address or even describe. 

They were inconsistencies, over compensations and asymmetries primarily. 

He would do his utmost to address them. 

This had a massive effect on my confidence in my self and my future and I started to experience change.

I made good progress but it was slow. 

Initially I noticed that my pain began to take up less of my awareness both physically and emotionally. 

I started to see ‘in action’ where deficits and over compensations lay in my body and how they repeat in all the exercises we did. 

I was able to perform lunges and chin ups with an understanding of why these were important for me to perform correctly as well as many new exercises and stretches which accessed muscles that had long been dormant. 

It was demanding, difficult and exhilarating but tremendously rewarding.

Jan-LungeI can do more so feel more confident in my abilities. 

The inconsistencies and asymmetries diminished by 85-90 per cent very quickly.  

Pain also diminished to a final reduction of 85-90 per cent though over a longer period. 

My work is better because of this. 

My breathing is deeper and even my voice sounds different to me. 

My upper body is more toned and defined. 

The sides of my upper body are considerably more muscular and evenly so. 

I can access muscles on the side of my body to reach up and across in a way I couldn’t before. 

I built strength and endurance through training and doing way more than I thought possible.

I could potentially take up a new sport for example. 

Carry more food home from the shops etc. 

I also feel more confident knowing I can affect change in my body and how to do so.

I am much more optimistic about my future. In the home, travel, starting new sports etc. so in a way it has re-opened my future up for me. 

My overall muscle tone, flexibility and training volume has increased by as much as 300 per cent which I did not expect. 

My children are grateful too as I am better able to play with them and plan activities. 

Jan-Side Plank smiling

My four-year-old spontaneously performed a lunge and she was so impressed with what she saw.

I appreciate Jazz precision, dedication, vast expertise over many disciplines, personal experience of injury and body and back pain transformation

Jan-Side Plank - Technical skills

I would recommend Jazz without reservation. 

His commitment, knowledge and care are surely unsurpassable. 

These qualities are entirely unique within the field of back care as I have encountered it.

Jan – 25 July 2022, London

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