personal trainers for herniated discs

Power of Personal Trainers for Herniated Discs

Have you been struggling with persistent neck or back pain?

Do you experience numbness, tingling, or pins and needles down your arms or legs?

Does your back pain worsen when you sit or stand?

Back pain is the leading cause of disability in UK and London. [1]

And According to the NHS, Back pain is a common condition that affects 7 out of 10 people in UK and London [2] which can be caused by herniated discs.

personal trainers for herniated discsIf you have been diagnosed with a herniated disc, research shows that you might have experienced:

  • back pain,
  • numbness,
  • tingling,
  • fatigue and
  • muscle weakness. [3]

And even though these are the typical symptoms of Herniated Discs, you’re not expected to live with them!

This is why it is time to learn how to get rid of symptoms and restore your pain-free life.

And if you’d like to jump straight to learn about the effects of this successful Back Rehab Transformation System.

Here are just a few case studies showing you how Hayley, Franco, Elizabeth Tiffany, Jan, Dr Christian NHS, Michaela, Huw, W.T Police officer and Emma rehab their herniated disc back pain using Jazz’s unique Rehab Body Transformation system.


Herniated Discs: What Are They?

The discs in between your vertebrae play an important role in giving you a stable, yet a mobile spine.

However, to name just a few, back rehab research shows that many factors can cause overload on your spine, for instance:

  • Excessive weight,
  • Heavy lifting,
  • Prolonged standing and sitting
  • Poor posture
  • Weak core muscles [3],[4],[5]

Overloading your spine will place abnormal load on your discs and cause them to bulge out or deform. [4]

In this case, the annulus fibrosus (the outer fibrous ring of a disc) becomes torn and deformed.

Therefore, the nucleolus pulposus (the inner part of the disc) herniates or bulges out compressing the surrounding tissues and causing:

  • irritation,
  • inflammation and
  • back pain or pain in different parts of your body. [6]

Would you want to know what will make your back pain rehab successful ?

Jazz Alessi can help you relate and find out the best way to deal with your condition using the correct assessment and the customised exercises you require.


Specialist Personal Trainers: A Key to Herniated Disc Recovery

If you haven’t found the right support – having a herniated disc is very taxing emotionally, physically and financially.

SPECIALIST PERSONAL TRAINERS HERNIATED DISC RECOVERYUsing the correct, comprehensive assessment and laser sharp exercise customisation I create for you enables you to positively affect change and therefore, you will transform yourself.

No matter how painful this condition was for you up to this point.

Just like in all my clients’ cases.

When these factors are controlled correctly.

YOU WIN – and this pain is not anymore the end of your world!

It is true that 1,233 estimated people in London are living with back pain! But these numbers can get lower. [1]

So, how does this work?

If you have a clear diagnosis, I can successfully help you take it from there.

Even though you cannot restore herniated discs to their place, research shows that specialised rehab personal trainers can help you in your herniated disc recovery journey by providing:

  • Proper movement, postural, lifestyle assessment of your problems and complaints
  • Customising specialised exercises to help support your spine effectively and correctly
  • Focusing on pain management rehabilitation to reduce your back pain and symptoms
  • Restoring your body and spine function and getting you back to being active
  • Preventing recurrence and worsening of symptoms [7],[8]

I know what you are thinking…

  • “Well, I trained before, and my symptoms got even worse”
  • This is right, some exercises might not be right for your herniated disc.

Because as a specialist rehab personal trainer, I would recommend only doing the exercises that will help improve your spine stability and mobility without causing more disc compression and without flaring up your inflammation.

This can only be achieved by careful and detailed assessment.

In other words, comprehensive assessment and laser sharp exercise rehab customisation helps you win the battle and beat your back pain in no time.

Do you have a back pain diagnosis?

Do you need to assess your condition, set realistic goals and set a customised rehabilitation plan to improve your back health?

Jazz Alessi is the best personal trainer in London to deal with herniated disc injuries.


Choosing the Right Specialist Personal Trainer for Herniated Disc

Did you know that according to 2022 statistics, there are 25,350 personal trainers across the UK and London? [9]

CHOOSING THE RIGHT SPECIALIST PERSONAL TRAINER FOR HERNIATED DISCBut, how to choose the right rehab personal trainer for you?

Putting myself in your shoes, and as a long-term rehab certified personal trainer, here are some exclusive tips that I would consider if I am about to hire my own personal trainer:


Long Term Professional Experience

Look for personal trainers who have long term experience not only in personal training in general, but also personal experience in dealing with this injury you have in particular.

Expert personal trainers will take you through the shortest path to your goals, set you the right, safest and most efficient rehabilitation plan based on your complaints.

“Jazz Alessi videoed me walking and attempting basic exercises and shared with me what he observed. From this assessment and his understanding of my problem he created a laser-sharp customised programme for me. My pain diminished to a final reduction of 85-90 percent.” Said Jan while sharing his back pain recovery story

You can also take the chance and get your own free consultation with Jazz Alessi to understand more about your problems and the best way to improve your function and health.


Being Up-to-date

A rehab personal trainer, just like any other professional, needs to keep up-to-date and remain in practice in order to achieve the best results in London.

Working in a Team

Always go for the personal trainer who has MD professionals in their team or those who would contact your doctor for clarification about your Herniated Disc.

This means they are making sure your plan is safe and proper for your medical condition.

Laser Sharp Customisation

No matter how experienced your personal trainer is, if the programme is not right for you, then the personal trainer is not right for you either.

Always go for the personal trainer who comprehensively assesses your problems, goals and condition and sets customised exercise programs for you.

This is the only way you can achieve your goals safely and quickly.

For example, Hayley appreciates safety after going through her rehabilitation programme.

 “When you have an injury, there’s no margin for error. You have to choose people who really know what they are doing. And SAFETY is Jazz’s top priority.”

Said Hayley in her testimonial.

Success stories

It is important to learn from other people’s experience.

For this reason, stalk your personal trainer –– in a good way––, see what the previous customers say in their reviews and testimonials.

Check if they were satisfied and whether they could successfully achieve their health goals.

“After 8 months of training with Jazz in London my back and core feel stronger, and I am able to move more freely.” Said Elizabeth Tiffany Edward about her experience in Disc rehabilitation after severely suffered from multiple back diagnoses for many years.

It is time to make your own success story and start your own recovery surgery by following a laser-sharp customised rehab programme.


Benefits of Personal Training for Herniated Discs

You have every right to wonder:

How will personal training improve my herniated disc symptoms?

Benefits of Personal Training for Herniated DiscsWell, depending on what your symptoms are or how long they have been interfering with your life in London, your back rehab personal trainer can help you achieve the following benefits:

A Lot Less pain and/or Eliminate pain completely

Chronic pain affects between 30-50% of the population in the UK including the city of London. [10]

There is no doubt that pain is one of the most disabling symptoms associated with herniated discs.

This is why pain reduction comes on top of your personal training goals.

With the proper exercise programme, you will improve your core muscle strength and spine stability, the more stable your spine is, the less the load falling on your disc which helps in improving your symptoms and in injury prevention. [11]

Better Flexibility

If your back pain arises from spasmed muscles, or your function is limited by how stiff you feel, flexibility is your key to less pain and better function. [12]

For this purpose, your personal trainer will aim at improving your muscle and tissue flexibility by including stretching and flexibility exercises in your rehabilitation plan.

More In-Shape

Your personal trainer will go the extra mile to help you lose extra weight that is overloading your spine.

Weight loss not only will improve your herniated disc symptoms, but also will improve your function and help you enjoy using your body and feel at your best. [13]

Peace of Mind

Don’t let the countless physical benefits override how important personal training is for your mental wellbeing.

Your rehabilitation programme will help you Restore Your Mental and Emotional health by boosting your mood and confidence, improve your self-esteem and help you enjoy Your Social Life Again [14]

Better Understanding of Your Body

Nothing is better — and safer — than listening to what your body is trying to tell you.

A long term professional personal trainer will help you detect the smallest changes in your body and have a better understanding of how exercise, nutrition and immobility affects your system.

It will also help you understand your symptoms and learn to immediately reduce and eliminate pain levels when you have a flare-up in order to prevent injury and recurrence.

Personal Training Techniques for Herniated Disc Recovery

There is no one-plan-fits-all when it comes to disc herniation.

Because everybody has a unique condition with very unique symptoms and goals.

Personal Training Techniques for Herniated Disc RecoveryHowever, there are many exercises that your personal trainer would include in your plan using the right workouts, intensities and frequency to meet your own goals and help you improve without flaring up your symptoms.

These exercises may include:


Selected Low-impact Exercises

Selected low-impact exercises are a perfect start for disc herniation because it helps you get more mobile without overloading your spine specially when your muscles are still too weak to support your spine.

Your personal trainer may choose yoga, Tai-Chi, Pilates or simple cardio training to get you started safely and effectively. [15]

Building Core Strength In The Right Way

Core strengthening is the cornerstone of improving spine health.

Your personal trainer will dedicate too much time and effort to build your deep abdominal and core muscles in the right manner (“right manner” – is the keyword here) because they play an important role in keeping your spine stable and reducing the load on your intervertebral discs. [11],[12],[16]

Your personal trainer might ask you to do some planks, cat-cow or dead-bug exercises.

However, even though you might not notice, your personal trainer will imbed customised core strengthening exercises in all the exercises you do.

For instance, research shows that when you are walking, and your personal trainer asks you to tuck your belly button in towards your spine, this is core strengthening! [15]

Have you been trying to strengthen your core but never saw satisfying results?

Find out where the problem is and how to maximise the benefits you obtain from your exercise.

Speak to Jazz Alessi in a FREE-OF-CHARGE CONSULTATION.

Flexibility Training

Flexibility and mobility are crucial to a healthy spine and a pain-free body.

Usually, you can tell you have lack of flexibility when your body feels stiff, joints are restricted and your muscles are tight and painful.

Tissue restrictions also limit joint movements and place extra load on your spine and joints.

Moreover, they make you unable to stand tall and thus, impact your posture.

Stretching, flexibility training and nerve flossing will help you restore the normal range of motion, maintain proper muscle and tissue length. [15],[16]


Cannot wait to recover from your herniated disc symptoms and get rid of your back pain?

Don’t let your excitement rush you into the wrong rehabilitation plan.

If your personal trainer is taking a long time interviewing you, looking at your medical reports and assessing your physical abilities, don’t feel bored, in fact – be happy !

Because dedicating time to assess your problems, understanding your symptoms, determining the root of your pain and establishing your goals are the keys to setting the right plan for your very unique condition.

In other words, imagine two people having a herniated disc.

But one of them is overweight, and complaining of low back pain due to back muscle spasm.

While the other has pins and needles down the left leg, leg muscle weakness and a giving-away knee.

There is no way on earth that the same programme would work for both of them.

Generally speaking, as a professional personal trainer, I would set a personalised herniated disc rehabilitation programme for each case.

For the first case, I could set a nutrition plan with core training and mobility, flexibility for the first case to achieve weight loss and spinal stability.

While in the second case, I may focus more on bodyweight training to strengthen the back, hips, legs, leg stretching and nerve flossing etc, to get rid of the referred pain.

Completely different programmes for the very same medical diagnosis!

Why is this?

Just because every injury is different, and customised injury rehabilitation is crucial to predictable help you achieve your desired back rehab transformation goals.

Who is Jazz Alessi?

JazzJazz Alessi is an expert rehab personal trainer specialising in creating custom-made back rehab transformations and nutrition programmes based on each client’s condition and goals.

He dedicates time and effort to listen to his clients.

Jazz suffered from a herniated discs and understands in details how herniated disc symptoms interferes with your life.

He uses his extensive knowledge and unique back rehab expertise to design a laser-sharp customised herniated disc rehabilitation plan harnessing nutrition (when and if is required), customised rehab exercises and lifestyle modifications to help you reduce the symptoms in the short term, adopt a healthier, more sporty and active lifestyle on the long term with the aim to completely transform your back health.

Keen to get started?

Contact Jazz now here.


1. Arthritis Research UK – Prevalence of back pain in England and the City of London

2. Acute Lower back Pain – Physiotherapy department – Queen Victoria Hospital

3. Hossain-Ibrahim, Kismet. (2017). Symptomatic Disc Herniations: A Review to Understand Pathophysiology and Prediction of Outcomes. Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience. 1. 24-33. 10.11648/j.cnn.20170102.13.

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11. Yazdani, Amir & Hesari, Pouria & Khosro, Shima & Anbarian, Mehrdad & Babaei-Ghazani, Arash. (2016). Effects of six-week exercise training protocol on pain relief in patients with lumbar disc herniation. Journal of Analytical Research in Clinical Medicine. 4. 27-33. 10.15171/jarcm.2016.005.

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13. El-Masri, Dana & Kreydieh, Dima & Tannir, Hana & Itani, Leila & El Ghoch, Marwan. (2018). Long-Term Weight-Loss Lifestyle Modification Programme in a Patient with Severe Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Obesity: A Case Report. Reports. 1. 21. 10.3390/reports1030021.

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15. yogic management of low back pain –

16. Spine Conditioning program – American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons

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