Low Back Pain Rehabilitation

Low Back Pain Rehab by London's Best Back Trainer

Do you experience a dull or achy, lower back pain?

Is your back pain confined to one body spot or region?

Does it move around and it varies in intensity or it feels like an electric shock, searing and it travels into your hips, knee and legs?

Jazz provides you with the best and most effective, premium laser sharp customised back pain rehab transformations in London.

This includes full online back rehab service professionally catering for all your lower back injury rehabilitation needs.

What are your main back pain rehab targets and long term rehabilitation goals?

Learn now how Franco, Hayley, Jan, Michaela, Dr Christian NHS, WT police officerElizabeth Tiffany Edwards , lawyer M Taylor  and Huw completely transformed their life by successfully rehabbing their chronic back pain.

Contact us now through this link.


If you’re one of the brave back-pain fighters, you need to know that every body is different.

Back problems can arise from:

• poor postures,
• slipped discs,
• nerve compression,
• muscle strain and spasm,
• Accidents and different types of injuries

Although proper core strength, self-knowledge and self-care are golden tickets to recovery, there must be a holistic back rehabilitation programme that accurately addresses the cause and tackles your problems from the roots without causing any extra harm.

If you’re looking for the best personal trainers specialising in back problems  to guide you through your lower back rehab journey, here’s our unique programme for low back pain rehabilitation online.

Right from home, you can schedule one-to-one live assessment and rehabilitation sessions with Jazz Alessi, the expert online trainer for low back pain rehab who will help you get rid of your back pain forever.

What are the goals of low back pain rehabilitation online?

• Address the cause of the your back pain in a customised manner
• Create a list of realistic short and long-term rehab goals
• Set the proper customised training plan
• Set the proper nutritional plan
• Special approach to help you relieve the pain
• Restore normal range of movements and function,
• Restore strength, balance and good posture
• Prevent pain recurrence

That sounds great, doesn’t it?

BUT, what causes of back pain do Jazz Alessi’s specialty and experience cover?

Jazz is top London expert in back pain rehabilitation, he can professionally deal with your back pain if it is caused by:

• A slipped or herniated disc
• Poor Bad posture
• Strains and sprains
• Muscle spasm
• Spondylosis or degenerative joint disease
• Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
• Sciatica
• Muscle imbalance

If you are looking for the best lower back rehab specialist in London or your diagnosis is not listed above, you can have a FREE CONSULTATION and speak to Jazz.

He can set you the proper programme customised for your diagnosis, X-ray, CT and MRI.

  • Does your low back become more painful after prolonged sitting or standing?
  • Do you have any muscle spasms, tightness and pain in the lower back area, pelvis and your hips?
  • Does your lower back pain shoots down on one or, both legs?  

If you have any of these serious low back pain symptoms, keep reading on.

We are experts in lower back pain rehabilitation and sciatica, and created this professional rehab page to help you.

We will show what caused it, what type of back pain is yours, how to testing it getting a laser sharp accurate diagnosis, and more important…

Throughout this page we will show you, how you can get rid of your low back pain!

“My back pain disapeared and I don’t feel stressed anymore. I am sleeping better and I perform better in a very demanding job. Jazz Alessi’s area of specialisation completely covers back pain rehabilitations, and healthy weight loss.”

 – Dr Christian H – NHS 

Do you live in London, and are suffering from low back pain?

With more than 1million years of productive days lost to back pain in the UK alone, lower back pain is indeed a major problem.

  • According to the statistics published by NICE in 2017, 37% of all chronic pain in men is attributed to back pain.
  • In women, the percentage is much higher at 44%.(1)
Low Back Pain Rehabilitation

What is your major problem in getting rid of the back pain?

The back problem is huge and unfortunately ever growing.

The main reason for this according to a recent study is the rampant use of unapproved and unscientific treatment techniques to cure back pain for monetary gain. (4)

Lack of consensus on the best practices for the management of uncomplicated lower back pain among clinicians creates confusion in the minds of people.

This prompts them to look for quick fix solutions that do not guarantee complete respite.

Types of grading back pain

Acute low back pain lasts from a few days to 3 weeks. It is self-limiting with no residual loss of function. Self-care helps to resolve the symptoms.

Subacute low back pain is defined as pain that lasts between 4 and 12 weeks.

Chronic back pain is defined as pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer, even after an initial injury or underlying cause of acute low back pain has been treated.

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What causes a Back Pain

The vast majority of low back pain is mechanical in nature. Only 1% of cases of back pain in middle age may be due to a serious pathology. (4) The common causes of back pain include:

  • Sprains and strains:  Ligament injuries or sprains are caused by sudden twisting motions that stretch the ligament.

Muscle tear or strains occur as a result of an activity that overstretches it.

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Treatment for Back pain

Medical Treatment

Medical intervention is usually directed at reducing pain and muscle spasm through analgesics, NSAID’s and muscle relaxants.

Researchers have advised to use low doses of safe drugs for the shortest periods.

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Are you ready to say goodbye to back pain London’s most common cause of disability and work absenteeism?

As a long-term expert personal trainer for back pain, I can confidently tell you that to get rid of your pain, you need to clearly understand the reason behind it and what caused your back pain in the first place.

For every personal trainer back pain is not the same in all clients. For instance, your back pain might be caused by repetitive movements, poor posture, spine overload, muscle spasm, muscle weakness, body asymmetries, compensatory mechanisms, disc problems or spondylosis (inflammation of the vertebrae).

Low Back Pain Rehabilitation

Thus, it is important to work closely with the best personal trainer back injury – long term rehab trained background who can successfully deal with different types of back injuries and problems.

Do you have a back pain diagnosis?

Talk to Jazz Alessi about your symptoms and learn more about effective back pain rehab.

Request a free consultation now!


Is walking good for lower back pain?

Walking can help you improve blood flow, lower inflammation, improve your posture and overall muscle strength. However, it can also increase your symptoms and put more load on your spine. It all depends on where you are at throughout the recovery process. For this reason, always consult your rehab personal trainer to find out when is the best time to start walking, how long you can walk and what is the best walking intensity in your particular case.

What is prevention and rehabilitation low back pain?

Customised back pre-rehabilitation prevention programmes will help you dramatically improve your back pain and, in many cases, prevents further complications like disc herniation and nerve entrapment by stabilising your spine and strengthening your deep core muscles.

How does an exercise program help with low back pain rehabilitation?

Customised rehab exercises are a cornerstone in back pain rehabilitation. With different types of exercises, you can improve your spine health and improve your back pain symptoms.

For example, strength training will improve your core strength and stability. Aerobic training will help you lose weight and decrease the load on your spine. Relaxation, customised Pilates, Yoga and flexibility training will help you improve your posture, muscle spasm and tissue restriction.

Can I still exercise with low back pain, or should I rest?

It depends on the type and cause of back pain; Resting is only recommended in the acute stage of an injury where you need to allow for the inflammation to subside. This takes only 2-4 days and it is recommended to start exercising right away after rest to restore tissue flexibility and muscle strength. You must exercise in a customised manner.

Are there any exercises to avoid when rehabilitating low back pain?

For sure – 100%! Depending on the cause and origin of your back pain, your long term back rehab personal trainer will ask you to avoid specific exercises that might worsen your symptoms or increase your back pain. This is only possible after completing a proper and thorough assessment of your back problem.


  1. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Low-Back-Pain-Fact-Sheet
  2. https://www.nice.org.uk/news/article/nice-publishes-updated-advice-on-treating-low-back-pain
  3. Samantha Bunzli, Anne Smith, Robert Schütze, Peter O’Sullivan “Beliefs underlying pain-related fear and how they evolve: a qualitative investigation in people with chronic back pain and high pain-related fear” BMJ Open 2015;5e008847. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008847
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/mar/21/lower-back-pain-being-treated-badly-on-a-global-scale-study-says
  5. Carragee EJ, et al. “Discographic, MRI and psychosocial determinants of low back pain disability and remission: a prospective study in subjects with benign persistent back pain.” Spine J. 2005 Jan-Feb;5(1):24-35.
  6. http://www.patrickrothmd.com/herniated-disc/
  7. Hans-Raimund Casser, Susann Seddigh, Michael Rauschmann “Acute Lumbar Back Pain :Investigation, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment” Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2016 Apr; 113(13): 223–234.doi:  10.3238/arztebl.2016.0223
  8. Michael Schneider, “Back Pain as a Signal That Something Needs to Change” Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2016 Aug; 113(33-34): 563. doi:  10.3238/arztebl.2016.0563a
  9. https://www.physio-pedia.com/Low_Back_Pain_and_Pelvic_Floor_Disorders
  10. https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/cbt-sessions-help-back-pain/
  11. http://www.cochrane.org/CD001351/BACK_acupuncture-and-dry-needling-for-low-back-pain
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