herniated disc exercises for fast results

How To Rehab a Lower Back Injury – Get Rid of Your Back Pain for Good

  • Are you suffering from low back pain?
  • Do you feel burning, stinging sensations going down your leg?
  • Do you feel needle-like pinching in your foot whilst you sit in your office?
  • Have one or both of your legs go numb and heavy at times?

If you are struggling with sharp back pain or suffer from any of these problems listed above, research shows that there is a chance that you might have herniated disc pathology, as these are the typical herniated disc symptoms (7).

And just as it helped Jan, Dr. ChristianElizabeth Tiffany, WT MET Police officerFranco, Hayley or Michaela and many other clients.

A laser sharp personalised back rehabilitation programme can help you get back your life on track, live your life to the fullest and beat your back pain for good.

  • Do you know that 5 to 20 people out of 1000 are diagnosed with herniated discs annually? (1)

Surprising is the fact that old age is not always a factor.

Research suggests that 95% of people with herniation are 30 to 50 years old (2).

And according to the same study males are two times more affected as compared to females. (2)

  • Fun Fact: Even if you are not facing any of these back problems, you can still have a herniated disc, because it sometimes goes asymptomatic (3).

Just don’t stress out!

Let’s find out if you have a disc herniation or not, and how to rehab a lower back injury with laser sharp customised personal training programme?

Back pain exercise rehab customisations can help you transform your back health and get rid of your herniated disc symptoms faster than ever.

If you don’t know what is the cause behind your back pain, contact Jazz now for FREE CONSULTATION.

Understanding disc herniation:

Before starting a herniated disc rehab, you need to know how a herniated disc in your back can cause such disabling symptoms in your legs, so let’s have a look at a brief explanation of the structures in your back.

Your spine is intricate:

  • Do you know, our spine is composed of 33 vertebrae along which the spinal cord runs in the spinal canal (4)?

herniated disc rehab

The vertebral bodies are vertically stacked upon each other with discs between them:

  • to prevent shock,
  • friction and
  • allow pain free movement.

Don’t take Risk with your Disc: IT’S DELICATE

Your disc is a pretty simple structure consisting of three parts, the outer layer called the annulus fibrosis which is a ring covering the inner part called nucleus pulposus, and also a cartilaginous endplate (5).

And these structures resemble a slime ball.

Interesting right?

What’s holding it all together to support your weight?

You must wonder, if your disc is delicate, then how does it support so much weight?

Top Exercise for Disc herniates

  • Fortunately there are fibrous bands called ligaments surrounding the spine as a whole from the front, back, and sideways (6).

These ligaments don’t allow your vertebrae to displace, and also helps your discs to support the body weight.

If you STRESS it, it will STRESS you:

  • This is why a disc herniates,

As you already know that your disc is squishy and elastic, just like a slime ball.

Now think of what happens to a slime ball when you squeeze it?

The slime inside the ball bulges out.


The same happens when a disc is loaded with more weight than it can bear, it gets squeezed, or you can say compressed, resulting in what we simply call a herniated disc injury.

Ligaments weakness

  • Do you know, the reason for your disc herniation may be,
  • Ligaments weakness
  • Degenerative diseases (7)
  • Congenital disorders (8)

What Causes Back Pain?

  • Are You Doing Any of These Mistakes?

A wide range of activities of daily living can contribute to your back pain due to disc, and that’s why you need to be gentle while moving.

  • Lifting: Lifting heavy loads can exert extra compressive forces on your spine that are unbearable for your disc to carry (9) (10).
  • Bending: When you bend forward the gap between vertebrae narrows in the front and widens at the backside, it pushes the disc backward, compresses the spinal cord which leads to excruciating pain (9).
  • Twisting: Combined forward and side bending with rotation can be the cause of your disc-related back pain (11).
  • Poor Posture: Your discs are in their optimum condition when your spine is neutral and a bad posture involves undue stooped or hyper straightened spine resulting in moderate herniated disc symptoms (19).

With that being said, let me remind you,

“There is always a right and a wrong way of doing everything”

You can’t always stop what you do however, you can change your way of doing it.

All these activities can cause you backache related to disc only if you do it the wrong way.

And just like I did with all my clients suffering from debilitating sharp back pain.

I will create your effective blueprint customised back pain rehab and over a number of sessions, I will teach you the correct exercises your body requires to help you perform at your best.

  • When you have back pain flare ups you can’t really wait.

My client Franco had a similar experience and this is what he says after training,

-Franco –

Therefore, I will also teach you how to deal effectively and fast with back pain flare ups.

Learning how to eliminate re-injury risks and use bio-mechanically correct ways of performing the activities you have to do or love being involved in it, will provide you with peace of mind, regaining a positive attitude and massive mental benefits.

This is the time of decision for you to start a herniated disc rehab with an expert back rehabilitation specialist to safely strengthen your body and core, improve mobility and get back to the hustle stronger than you were before.

If you want to move freely without pain, and want to learn very effective exercises for your back pain rehab, then don’t hesitate to contact Jazz now FREE CONSULTATION.

Assessment for herniated disc:

Once you have a diagnosis and have clearance to exercise, your rehabilitation will begin.

To understand the severity and background of a herniated disc, I will perform a comprehensive assessment consisting of,

  • Injury and Medical History
  • Personalised Questionnaire Assessment I will prepare for you
  • Advanced Movements, Posture Assessment, Injury Limitation, and Fitness Assessment

Based on these I will create from scratch the most effective back pain rehabilitation programme customised for your current state, very specific and unique goals.

Being a long-term and very experienced back rehabilitation specialist, I can perform a detailed assessment to ensure your safety before starting your training.

MRI Herniation Disc and Diagnoses:

  • Do you know your disc can slip in either backward or sideways, and the most common disc herniation occurs postero-laterally (12)?

The reason for this is that the annulus fibrosis is thin posteriorly and laterally making the nucleus bulge more commonly in these directions.

  • Has your back cause pain while bending, walking, and stair climbing?

You must pay maximum attention to your work and the activities you are involved in.

Recent research shows that in the case of a completely posterior herniation, your herniated disc compresses a greater section of your spinal cord, and this is eliciting symptoms bilaterally (both legs).

Posterolateral herniated disc injury: This is the most common type, as it compresses the nerve root when it enters the spine, eliciting symptoms on one side (one leg), only where the nerve is compressed.

Posterolateral herniated disc injury

  • You will immediately benefit from a thorough assessment and based on this evidence-based approach, I will create for you from scratch the most effective customised back exercise rehab programme, so you will see results fast.

Just like my client Hayley, as she says,

Hayley –

What Part of Your Spine Is Affected?

Level of Disc Herniation

It is the segment of your spine where the herniated disc is present.

Your symptoms depend on where your injury is located:

Cervical area: You will feel symptoms in your neck and it can radiate to your arms and hands.

Lumber area: The pain radiates to your legs from the lower back.

By the way…

  • Did you know, that L4-L5 and L5-S1 segments have more chances of disc herniation leading to backache (14)?

Generally, you can have a herniated disc anywhere in your spine.

  • But do you know,
  • The most common disc herniation occurs in the lumbar spine, which is your lower back (13).
  • And the second most common region is the cervical spine that is your neck.
  • Discs in the thoracic spine, because of their greater stability are less susceptible to disc herniation (1).

The extent of herniation – back injury surgery:

Do you think you require back surgery as a herniated disc treatment?

  • You have a disc bulge or prolapse when the outer layer of the disc is intact and the nucleus of the disc bulges out.
  • You have herniation when the nucleus tears out the outer layer and comes out.
  • You have sequestration – this is when the nucleus breaks into the tiny piece and dislodges into the spinal canal. This is when you need to perform surgery for repair.

How to heal a herniated disc quickly?

Let me tell you,

Surgery might come with long lasting extreme side effects (20) nevertheless, if you require back surgery and this is the doctor’s advice then just go ahead.


Based on the comprehensive assessment I provide and if you qualify.

You can benefit from a laser sharp customised, – back rehab exercise programme delivered at your doorstep

how to heal a herniated disc quickly

If you wonder how to heal a herniated disc quickly?

Let me tell you,

I ascertain to introduce my clients to herniated disc exercises for fast results.

To make it really effective, last, and completely transform your back health my clients go through 3 phases of back rehabilitation exercises for disc herniation.

3 Phases of Back Rehabilitation For Your Disc Herniation

Here comes the real deal!

Now if you gained enough background knowledge from my article about your spine health and disc herniation, it is time to start training and safely (safe if the keyword).

The back exercise rehab will be customised, safe and it will progressively help you get rid of the pain and further down on the like – even back pain disability.

These are just 3 phases,

And once you complete your comprehensive assessment, I will make it very easy for you, so you will enjoy your training, get stronger in a safe manner and start to get rid of your back pain for good.

Now all you need is to start using this expert knowledge, believe in yourself, provide timely feedback after each session and just stay focused throughout.

I am a long-term certified rehab trainer at the specialist level.

Therefore, I provide top-class specialist back rehabilitation to my clients.

By improving your condition – in time, you can achieve 70 to 98% relief and reach the absolute maximum of your goals.

Elizabeth reached out to me with a herniated disc and facet joint effusion, this is what she says after training,

  • “I’ve never been given exercises before that work both the upper and lower back together so effectively. In my personal experience Jazz provides rehab exercises more effective than any physio. I noticed a considerable increase in strength from completing push-ups which transferred across to day-to-day activities. The customised programme Jazz designed for me made a massive difference.” -Elizabeth Tiffany Edwards –

After completing your injury and medical history, written and slow motions video assessment, the first step will be discussing if your physiotherapist, MD, or clinician has given you clearance to exercise.

And then

You will start your 3-phase laser-sharp back rehabilitation training.

If you want to learn some back exercises for herniated disc, that you can perform at home for a lifetime, you will hugely benefit from these carefully customised back rehabilitation exercises.

  • Let’s turn your goals into actions, and find out what exercises you require for your back pain.
  • Contact Jazz now for FREE CONSULTATION!

1. Phase I: Stabilise

Priorities: Using your laser sharp customised exercise programme you will work with me as a team, so you will stabilise your injury fast.

You will also improve your joint mobility, flexibility, and strength before moving deep into training.

herniated disc treatment

The customisations I will use in your Stabilise Phase depend upon the severity of your injury and the recommendations provided by your medical doctor or physiotherapist regarding your herniated disc treatment.

Sessions per week: 3 to 4

Total Duration: 4 to 6 weeks


  • To reduce 50-85% of your pain, but it will also…
  • Enhance your functional mobility (16)
  • Improve your joint range of motion
  • Increase your strength
  • Reduce your muscle spasm and soreness

Once you reduce/eliminate pain and achieve all the goals we will work on it before you start your stabilise phase (15) you will immediately move forward into the next phase of your back rehabilitation

2. Phase II: Consolidate

OK, so you reached your goals and already stabilised your injury.


You are now moving further and you will be progressing a lot faster with your back rehabilitation programme.

This is when you probably have completed your medical treatment for disc herniation (you still must consult your clinician before stopping any medications)

Sessions per week: 2 to 3

Total duration: 4 weeks


  • Pain level reduces 70-90% drastically.
  • You also gain significant strength.
  • You have a high-level of coordinated movements.
  • You level up with exercises and moves.
  • You know how to deal with flare us and immediately reduce your pain levels – just like my clients Hayley, Franco, and Elizabeth Tiffany.

At the end of this phase, you will also notice a massive positive change in your mood (17), strength, flexibility, and confidence levels.

See how Dr. Christian feels after training,

  • “My back pain disappeared and I don’t feel stressed anymore. I am sleeping better and I perform better in a very demanding job.”

-Dr. Christian H –

And the best part, you will have the knowledge to exercise independently for many years to come, you have an idea of how to heal a herniated disc quickly, you will have your blueprint rehab and you can handle the flare-ups all by yourself.

3. Phase III: Max Progress

After Max Phase III, your spine will be a lot more resilient and stronger than before.

You already leveled up your fitness training and now you are ready to approach athletics (18).

The Max Progress Phase lowers your risk of re-injury to the max, and you are on the way to hit a milestone that was once a dream.

Most clients in the acute stage of disc herniation don’t require phase III, as they improve significantly through the back exercises for herniated disc in phase I and phase II.

back exercises for herniated disc

This specialist customised back rehab programme is designed differently for each individual, so you will achieve your phase III goals faster.

Few Goals:

  • To achieve balance
  • To be able to progress to high-intensity training
  • To improve your awareness
  • There is a lot more. All these and more are maximised when you complete the 1st step – Your Comprehensive Assessment

I will share with you some herniated disc exercises for fast results and early recovery so that you can go back to work/sports at the earliest possible.

Do you want to achieve the maximum progress? If yes then contact Jazz Alessi now for FREE CONSULTATION

3 herniated disc exercises you must avoid:

Pay maximum attention to this part,

herniated disc exercises for fast results

1. Crunches: 

I understand – just like me – you love to have those six-packs and you might be a big fan of crunches.

However, in many cases.

With a herniated disc, you must avoid crunches, as it involves flexion of your back.

But don’t worry,

Along with the specific herniated disc exercises for fast results, I will create safe alternatives for your core strengthening and bulletproof your abs and back health, without causing you extra pain.

2. Standing hamstring stretch: 

This may be the easiest hamstring stretch for you,

Let me warn you again!

It can worsen your herniated disc.

A standing hamstring stretch involves bending forward to touch your toes, which exerts pressure on the disc.

However, throughout your customised back rehabilitation programme, I will create customised hamstring stretches allowing you to progress and enjoy pain-free moves.


3. Deadlifts:


If you do deadlifts or any heavy weight lifting, you can make your herniated disc treatment and rehab go all in vain.

Because deadlifting compresses the spine and hence your disc bulges out more, rather than recovering.

You need to be highly cautious for your disc but at the same time JUST DON’T STRESS OUT.

You can now come on a back transformation journey and join this customised for your needs back rehabilitation programme.

This will transform your life, help you maximise your back health, maintain your gains, and live a normal life, the one you desire.

Who is Jazz Alessi?

Jazz Alessi is an expert back rehabilitation and sports injury rehabilitation specialist.

He is also a certified nutritionist based in London and a 2nd generation Pilates trainer.

Jazz provides customised personal training to Olympic athletes, models, and has 12 years of experience as the top-class Elite Rehabilitation and it’s the founder of Personal Training Master.

He works on your weak areas and makes you a hero, by improving your strength, endurance, agility, and reducing your back pain faster than ever.

After training with Jazz you will feel more alive, enthusiastic, focused, and less anxious and your overall productivity will increase significantly.

Jazz provides, expert rehabilitation programmes customised for your unique needs, and a goal-oriented professional yet friendly environment for you to train better and gain the best.

  • If you want to know more about the back rehabilitation programme and want to find a permanent solution to your back pain,
  • To get rid of pain and stiffness in your back and understand what is right for you, contact Jazz now for FREE CONSULTATION!


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