Weight Loss and Body Strength Smart Training 101: Why You Need Personal Trainer

Are you tired of feeling lost and frustrated in your weight loss journey?

Do you want to finally achieve your fitness goals with the help of a personal trainer? Discover the benefits of smart training and why a personal trainer could be the missing piece to your success

Strength training and smartly chosen whole-body exercise will help you lose weight fast and safe and make you alive.

It’ll be the most alive you’ve ever been. The transformation that comes with it is remarkable.

  • Do you want to add some muscle mass?
  • Are you trying to get rid of that stubborn fat?
  • Or do you want to know how to lose weight with a personal trainer and learn how to keep it off afterwards?

If yes, strength training and whole-body exercise is for you.

How Do You Avoid COVID-19 Infection?

The new world order shows something interesting.

COVID-19 and fit people don’t mix.

  • People with underlying health conditions have been shown to be more susceptible to COVID-19.1
  • While those exercising are practically safeguarded.

Some unfit individuals may not even know they have certain underlying medical issues.

This is why you need body weight conditioning and strength training.

Because whole body exercise, body conditioning and strength training is a form of exercise capable of helping you during COVID-19.2

This will help you reinforce your immune system.

Also, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy weight.

It will fortify your body to fight off any infection common in London including coronavirus.

This doesn’t mean you should forget other things.

  • You must maintain social distancing.
  • Endeavour to use your face mask.
  • Wash your hands as many times as possible.
  • When coughing, practice respiratory etiquette. Cough into your elbow.

Strength Training Options

There’s no excuse not to be strong.

Because being strong is easier than before.

You can join a London-based gym.

Use a sporting facility. You don’t have to own any equipment.

If being outdoor is restricted in your region, then stay indoors.

You don’t have to go outdoors to workout.

You can train at the comfort of your couch.

If you haven’t performed a Google search you may say there’s no personal trainer for weight loss near me.

But that’s not enough reason.

You can benefit from a personal trainer weight loss program online especially in London.

The world is a global kitchen now. You can be guided through your paces with a smartphone or a laptop.

This takes nothing away from the quality of the session.

Benefits of Body Weight Training

Body weight training is a workout with your body alone.

This method has been shown to build strength.

There are lots more:

  • From being more flexible to building lean muscle.
  • Being strong without being too bulky to your clothes size.
  • It helps get rid of stubborn fat and achieve a stronger core.
  • You also get to do your routines anywhere. It could be outdoor training or indoors.
  • You can even train online with a partner or a personal trainer.

How to Jump-Start Weight Loss Efforts to Improve Your Chances of Success?

You’ll be doing next to nothing if you don’t work on your nutrition.

When it comes to achieving anything with weight loss, diet is crucial.

Studies have shown that lack of nutrition management only leads to little changes despite working out.4

So don’t be surprised if there’s no added muscle mass.

Since nutrition is the major ingredient in losing weight or gaining muscle mass, what type of meal is vital?

Personalised plant-based nutrition is the answer.

This diet is fortified with all vitamins, minerals and all classes of food.

A proper customised nutrition programme is all you need.

This will help maximise the workout and nutrition.

So, what do you need to make your body system get in shape inside out?

  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Tubers
  • Veggies
  • Whole grains
  • Pulses
  • Nuts and seeds

You might want to have a timetable in an obvious place.

If you can’t do it yourself, no qualms.

A personal trainer with long term nutritional expertise comes in handy.

The Role of Healthy Diet:

Healthy Diet London

The reasons to include veggies in your meals are many:

  • Vegetables are rich in nutrients.5 They give about 20 calories per serving.

The rest of the classes of food have about 60 to 80 calories for the same portion of food.

  • Vegetables contain lots of water. 5 This is what makes them useful in diabetics. It makes you feel full.

That will discourage you from eating more.

  • Among other minerals they possess, they’re rich in potassium. This mineral is crucial in the regulation of blood pressure.

It goes further to help in regulating fluid in your body.

  • Veggies are a good way to stay off cancer. 5 It contains anti-oxidants.

This, in turn, carries out detoxification of free radicals. 5

  • Vegetables like carrot give your visual power a boost. 5 It allows you to enjoy good vision.
  • Vegetables are practically dietary fibres. This helps the gastrointestinal system a lot. 5
  • Vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also good at protecting you from having a stroke and diabetes. 5


If you’re an early riser in London. If you enjoy morning exercises, then plan your workout after breakfast.

Get your gears on and start burning those fat and lose weight.

But, if you prefer afternoon or after-dinner workouts in London, feel free to train when the sun is down.

No big deal, just focus on your comfort but, get it done.

There are several reasons to work out. From being fit to managing and preventing chronic illnesses.

Some exercises that could be used in a home/couch/indoor workout are below.

  1. Chair Dips
  2. Chest Press with Dumbbells
  3. Double Crunch
  4. Jump Rope
  5. Leg Lifts
  6. Burpees
  7. Plank
  8. Push-Ups
  9. Triceps Extensions
  10. Walking Lunges

Weight Loss  exercise

Reasons to Consider Hiring a Personal Trainer

If you have decided to achieve a goal you need a personal trainer.

Your goal might be to lose weight.

It can be to grow lean muscle.

It might be to control your diabetes.

You may have even started out with a gym before the COVID-19 started.

You may yet be about to give up.

A personal trainer may just be what you need.

There are so many ways a personal trainer is helpful to you.

Your Goal is Hard to Hit

It won’t be of value if it was easy.

You may need an expert’s eye to re-evaluate your regime.

If there’s anything to adjust this will be done.

If certain exercises need to be added, that will happen as well.

There are times it may just be the proper form of doing the workout.

These are some of the things the personal trainer will spot and address.

Skills in Identifying the Starting Point

Helpful to Know Where to Start.

Some people only need exercise.

Some may need a knee recovery after an injury or some back pain rehabilitation before anything else.

While some only need nutritional modification.

Only a trained eye and mind can spot these things.

Include New Form of Exercises

Boredom may have discouraged you from having your target weight.

But a personal trainer knows if you only need a new workout programme.

This may just refresh things enough to work.

The new exercise may be included to even avoid injuries.

Challenged-driven Sessions

No matter how determined you are, you’ll get tired.

It is at this point that the most progress is achieved.

There’s a pressing need for being challenged.

This will drive you better than before.

Being challenged will ensure you reach your full potential.

Be Self-reliant

If you live in London, in order to be able to do all your exercises correctly, you need a London personal trainer.

Even when you seem to be doing the right thing.

An elite personal trainer in London will always help you fine-tune things.

Need Accountability and Motivation

Nothing beats old-fashioned transparency.

They’ll carry you along and ensure you’re motivated.

They’ll be your biggest fan.

Endeavour to Train Safely

An elite personal trainer will help you prevent injuries during the workout.

Elite personal trainers trained top competing athletes therefore are very from a regular personal trainer – they are highly rated to drive progress in a fast and secure manner.

They also know shortcuts a regular personal trainer won’t even have any clue about it.

One can’t beat their long-term experience since, they have been working with top competing athletes and know all shortcuts.

When you train with an elite personal trainer these very useful shortcuts will transfer into your progress so, you will reach your goals easier and much faster.

The flexibility of the Schedule

There can be moments you’re indisposed.

But being free to pick training days makes life easier.

It’s not like any London personal trainer to be rigid with time.

weight loss workout

How to Find a Good Personal Trainer in London?

It can be heart-breaking and disappointing not to get your money’s worth on the scale.

After paying and registering in a gym for months with no significant change.

No one is asking you what you’re doing differently.

No one is giving you compliments.

All you get is sour muscle and pain.

No matter when you check your weight, it’s the same story.

Sometimes even the 2kg you lost have been gained back.

And believe me, finding the perfect elite personal trainer in London will help you realise your dream.

What do you need from a personal trainer?

You need a consistent regimen.

You need a trainer that can deliver that.

Someone that can carry you along.

A coach that’ll evaluate and reassess your development.

You require an elite personal trainer in London that possesses long-term nutritional expertise, injury prevention and training skills.

Start with your goals for finding a personal trainer:

This is crucial.

Without this set-in fine print, you may lose focus.

Ensure your elite personal trainer and you agree that your ambition is achievable.

That goal will also be your driving force when weary.

Place emphasis on the objectives achieved and the advantages offered by the trainer-people revealed by the Testimonial part of the website:

There’s nothing like learning from people.

Experience doesn’t always have to be yours.

You can garner lessons from other people.

Check out how the personal trainer is perceived by others in London.

With that, an informed decision can be made.

What certifications should a personal trainer have?

A personal trainer should possess a national certificate.

Also, the enterprise of the personal trainer should be accredited nationally at least.

A personal trainer has to be certified to resuscitate.

And the provision of first-aid treatment is crucial too.

You want a trainer who will implement the best in your case injury prevention approaches.

Therefore, your trainer must have a long term rehabilitation accreditation and long term expertise working with injured clients.

If it doesn’t you may become injured.

What’s the experience of the trainer?

You need a trainer with vast experience.

Enrolling with a trainer without experience is dicey.

This is like having a tour guide who has no knowledge.

You also need to know if there have been successful medal-winning athletes under the care of such a trainer.

The idea of referral comes from one good experience.

If the reviews are bad, even unsuccessful athletes won’t show up.

Is the trainer qualified in injury rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is a key field a personal trainer excels in.

There are people suffering from knee injuries like meniscus, ACL injury / PCL and lower back pain like sciatica or herniated discs.

They need a seasoned guide to help them.

The advantage of having such trainers is invaluable.

It means they’ll not even give you a regimen that’ll lead to back injuries in the first place.

If you get such things backed up by client’s testimonials, then you’re in the right place.

Does the trainer have long term nutrition expertise?

Most people focus on the workout and weight training alone.

There’re times nothing is achieved with that.

An experienced personal trainer will tell you diet is key.

Key to body transformation.

Key to losing weight.

Key to adding muscle mass.

Crucial to a healthy lifestyle.

If your personal trainer is adept at formulating nutrients, you’ve hit the bull’s eye.

Does the trainer teach Pilates and Yoga?

If you get you a trainer that can teach Pilates (ideally a 2nd Generation Pilates Teacher) and Yoga, you’re home dry.

These are very powerful tried and tested whole body exercise systems.

It means such an individual is versatile.

That is the kind of trainer that’ll give you a wholesome transformation.



1. Flexibility in Scheduling your Training: There’s nothing that beats being able to choose your timing.

The timing will be fitted into your plans and convenience.

The idea is to ensure an optimal result.

Because what you do is what you get.

2. Persistent Global Accountability: Since the world is connected through the internet.

Your personal trainer can reach you whenever you’re ready.

Your achievement is only one click away.

3. Safe Outdoor and Online Training: You get to choose your outdoor facility. Even if you choose to do it online at home, you’re fine. There’s nothing to worry about.

4. A Personalised Health Package: You’ll get a customised and comprehensive nutritional programme.

This will guide you.

It will help you focus on your target.

This will, in turn, enhance your immune cells and health in general.

5. On Going Coaching – Being Constant: To know you’re on the right path, you need a personal trainer.

You need to know you’re doing things right every step of the way.

This may be far fetched in traditional gyms.

But, you can contact your personal trainer as you wish.

6. Knowledge Transfer when Requested: Every question you have will be attended to.

Research and experience are what makes a good trainer.

Imagine when that is personalised to you, the merits are outstanding.

7. Cost vs Investment: Long term experience fuels expertise. This will give you the recipient top results.

Your target and struggles have been witnessed before by your personal trainer.

A time like this is when we need to support each other more.

This makes an elite personal trainer invaluable in this era.

8. Nil Competition: It’s possible you’re body-shamed in a local gym or feel intimidated.

It’s human to be intimidated when you see some people’s gig muscles and gains whilst yours are trending.

It is not unusual to give up when you think someone is losing weight faster than you.

But, you won’t have to face any of that with an elite personal trainer.

You’re your own competition.

So the focus is on improvement and what you need.

9. Motivation: One of your biggest fans is your personal trainer.

The joy of a personal trainer knows no bounds with each improvement witnessed.

All the encouragement you need will be given.

No judgement dished out.

Just pure raw motivation and support.

10. Affordability: The fees are quite reasonable compared to your weight loss health goals, body appearance transformation and fitness gains, what is being offered and guaranteed results.

Not so much is needed.

Everything you need for the regimen, you get for yourself.

All concerning paperwork is solved immediately.

Just connect and provide your details online.

Learn now how to eliminate anxiety and stress, boost effectively your immune system and cardiovascular health.

Learn more how to lose the extra weight and learn how to keep it off and start transforming your body and mind with this FREE CONSULTATION.

Weight Loss Programme

What Can You Expect From Jazz Alessi’ Weight Loss Programme

  • You’ll Achieve Weight Loss: In this case the focus is weight loss.

A few things like your target weight needs to be put into consideration. Despite that, the healthy weight you’ll enjoy comes to play as well.

Your medical history is pivotal too.

  • Are you diabetic?
  • Are you hypertensive?
  • Are you sickle-celled patient?
  • Do you have bronchial asthma?
  • Do you have peptic ulcer disease?

These are some of the things to be checked in your health history.

And depending on the lengths of your programme you can be sure to lose about 10 Kg at least.

Even if any abnormality is detected in your medical history, an informed adjustment will work.

  • Control your Diabetes: My weight loss programme is a unique way to burn more glucose.

This will help reduce blood glucose in your bloodstream.

This will also help in preventing acute and chronic complications of Diabetes.

  • Enjoyment of Deep Sleep: You’ll be able to sleep better. What makes sleep relaxing is the reboot/refreshing effect it provides us.

A key component of that is how much deep sleep you have.

Working out to lose weight will ensure an improved sleeping cycle.

  • Improve your Fertility: One of the culprits of infertility in women is PCOS.

This is a polycystic ovarian syndrome.

It affects normal endocrine functions.

There’ll be a disruption of the normal menstrual cycle.

Abnormal hair growth and acne will be noticed.

Most females with PCOS are obese.

One of the major therapy to be rid of PCOS is weight loss.

And weight loss is what Jazz Alessi’ Weight Loss Programme is dedicated to.

  • Increase your Sperm Count: Who wants bad sperms?

Do you want good quality sperms?

Then, please start a customised fitness and weight loss programme.

Because bespoke programmes including nutrition, exercise and stress management (and more) are key to changing your body biochemistry and having excellent sperms.

Weight loss programme with me is special.

It focuses on diet and workout.

And these two are necessary for male fertility and quality sperms.6

  • Long-Lasting Results: The hallmark of my weight loss programme is in the quality of the journey.

The guidance and education provided are integral to your success.

Understanding your body and your health comes to play.

You’ll be able to grasp how and why you need certain exercises.

This will enable you to enjoy your transformation.

The brain always wants to repeat what it enjoys.3

  • Protect your Heart: Having hypertension or hyperlipidaemia is bad for you. The bespoke diet plan and exercise regimen I will prepare for you will both work to help you prevent them.

The heart will benefit from low cholesterol diet.

It will also function better with exercises.

  • Relieve your Back Pain: When you lose weight, your back does less work.

The workout training will even help in loosening your joints and make them healthier.

  • You’ll be More Energised: You’ll feel much stronger than you’ve felt in years.

Energy will be coursing through your body.

You’ll be closer to Henry Cavill’s character, Superman.

There might be slight pain.

It may be stressful.

But each day will show you that you can do more.

It is very mind-blowing to discover you’re stronger than you know.

  • You’ll Wear 2 Dress Size Lesser: You’ll fit into that wedding dress or suit.

I’ve worked with brides who wanted to look ravishing on their wedding day.

It was a personal goal for some of them.

Nothing is impossible


Healthy weight loss, customised whole-body exercises and strength training for your goals makes you happy, stronger and more protected from COVID-19.

You can practice body weight exercises and / or body weight training or a mixture of these two.

It helps in giving you lean muscle and fit in this COVID-19 era.

Without a proper nutrition diet programme, strength training and body weight exercises may be in vain.

Customised plant-based nutrition provides balanced diets at lesser calories.

Yet it supplies all your body systems with lots of powerful antioxidants.

There are different forms of exercise that can be done at home.

This is practically free.

When you struggle to achieve your desired goals, hire an elite personal trainer.

There are certain criteria helpful in choosing the right personal trainer.

If you live in London there are several merits of enrolling an elite personal trainer in London.

It ultimately breathes comfort and result.

You can be sure you’ll lose weight and become toned, fit and strong with Jazz Alessi.

Who is Jazz Alessi

I am skilled at presenting, organising, educating and training some of the best athletes in the world and other personal trainers as well.

 I share with my clients, athlete’s students and trainers the real weight loss secrets how to build athletic performance without injuring their clients.

I show them exclusively what to focus on.

The customised approach they implement boosts my clients training efficiency and productivity.

The growth is astonishing.

London organisations I worked with have reported an upturn in confidence and engagement.

Some even used my diet plan for developing weight loss apps.

It has prevented sudden energy drops, nutritional depletion, anxiety or disturbance of their workforce.

For years my expertise on nutrition and exercise has been provided to individuals and top educational organisations in the world like as London School of Economics (LSE), and financial institutions like  J. P. Morgan , City Group Bank and Wells Fargo .

Many organisations in London call me to enhance their workers productivity using customised to their needs lectures, nutrition seminars and health talks.

I’ve also worked with Olympic athletes.

I have maximised top world athlete’s performance through bespoke personal training, injury rehabilitation, nutrition for sport performance and customised nutrition diets plans for weight management.

Their target weight gets easily achievable with my customised to their needs weight loss programme.

 Maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult.

Using my finely customised nutrition diet meal plan, it doesn’t have to be challenging anymore.

Book now your Complete 12 Week Weight Loss Program

For more information on fitness transformation, weight loss programmes, health conditions improvements, injury rehabilitation and complete body transformation services offered at our website, please visit

https://www.personaltrainingmaster.co.uk and book now a free consultation using this link https://www.personaltrainingmaster.co.uk/contactme/

Contact Jazz Alessi at:

020 3633 2299

 Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm

Saturday: 8am to 3pm.

  1. Covid, C. D. C., COVID, C., COVID, C., Chow, N., Fleming-Dutra, K., Gierke, R., … & Roguski, K. (2020). Preliminary estimates of the prevalence of selected underlying health conditions among patients with coronavirus disease 2019—United States, February 12–March 28, 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report69(13), 382. https://doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6913e2
  2. World Health Organization. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak, 18 March 2020(No. WHO/2019-nCoV/MentalHealth/2020.1). World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331490/WHO-2019-nCoV-MentalHealth-2020.1-eng.pdf
  3. Malik, A. A., Williams, C. A., Weston, K. L., & Barker, A. R. (2020). Influence of personality and self-efficacy on perceptual responses during high-intensity interval exercise in adolescents. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1-19. https://https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2020.1718798
  4. Lipecki, K., & Rutowicz, B. (2015). The impact of ten weeks of bodyweight training on the level of physical fitness and selected parameters of body composition in women aged 21-23 years. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism22(2), 64-68. https://doi:10.1515/pjst-2015-0014
  5. Dias, J. S. (2012). Nutritional quality and health benefits of vegetables: A review. Food and Nutrition Sciences3(10), 1354-1374. https://doi.org/4236/fns.2012.310179
  6. Nematollahi, A., Kazeminasab, F., Tavalaee, M., Marandi, S. M., Ghaedi, K., Nazem, M. N., & Nasr‐Esfahani, M. H. (2019). Effect of aerobic exercise, low‐fat and high‐fat diet on the testis tissue and sperm parameters in obese and nonobese mice model. Andrologia51(6), e13273. https://doi.org/10.1111/and.13273

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