questions to ask your personal trainer

5 Questions to ask your Personal Trainer

I know, you are very well aware that exercise is essential for our health and you need a personal trainer. 

But, did you know that one size doesn’t fit all? 

Everybody’s body type is different! 


  • fitness goals, 
  • types of body pain and injury history, 
  • age, 
  • current muscle strength,  
  • gender, 
  • body tensions, 
  • endurance, 
  • metabolism, 
  • stamina,

And many other health and fitness parameters differ from person to person.  

So, your training programme and each workout must be designed and customised for you only and based on the parameters I shared above since, to help you reach your goals successfully you require evidence based professional support.

This can only happen if you get the chance to work directly with a long term and experienced qualified trainer!

If you could get an experienced long term personal trainer on your side, it would be your best fitness, health and body transformation bet. 

Now if you are thinking ‘how do I find the right personal trainer?’, then you are on the right page. 

Continue reading to know more about how to find the right fitness trainer and what to ask a personal trainer.

Is Your Personal Trainer Compatible With You?

Before you could ask a personal trainer any question, be sure about your own expectations. 

Your fitness goals should be clear in your mind although at my end I help my selected clients to successfully completely close this gap using my Advanced Goal Assessment unique work. 

Then based on your injury history, challenges (like lack of motivation, inspiration, not having enough time, not being able to shop or cook etc.), goals, needs and expectations, your personal trainer selection starts. 

Otherwise, your wavelengths may not match and you will start feeling incompatibility with your London personal trainer. 

Better to be upfront, ask everything you want and discuss!

I know, you have many questions in your mind. 

But, here are some of the top questions to ask your personal trainer to get the maximum possible information in minimum time! 

Are you living in London?

Here are the questions to ask your Personal Trainer London based. 

Top Questions To Ask Your Personal Trainer

1. Could You Let Me Know About Your Qualifications and Especially About Your Long-Term Verifiable Experience (hint; this would not be a TikTok video)?

This is perhaps the most important question indeed! 

Think about it…

Research shows that over 15% of clients are injured by personal trainers.  

So, if you suffered an ACL, PCL, meniscus or any type of knee or cervical or lower back injury or have any type of body tension or pains.

Would you risk putting your health in the hands of a newly qualified trainer or just having a couple of years’ experience?  

Your future personal trainer should be qualified at expert level and have at least 10 years’ experience and ideally should have trained athletes, so you will be safe at all times and it will help you reach your goals in a straight line. 

In this era of fake it until you make it social media, everyone will promote themselves as an expert. 

Don’t accept TikTok videos as references of your trainer success or work. 

You should carefully check out the personal trainer’s qualifications and experience through his client experiences (hint; the testimonials must not come from their friends!). 

Go ahead and ask the trainer about his/her website and multiple previous clients’ experiences, and testimonials.


Carefully assess your trainer clients background and client’s variety to ensure that he / she has a wealth of expertise under his / her belt.  

This will help you gather the most important background information about a personal trainer’s capabilities.

  • Are you struggling with lower back pains, upper body postural pains or had a knee injury or knee surgery?

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2. What Level Of Nutritional Advice And Practical Food Guidance You Are Able To Provide?

Research shows that regular exercise will help to build our energy high, relieve stress and anxiety, increase flexibility, joint mobility and manage your body weight successfully. 

But do you know that exercise alone is not enough to make a healthy lifestyle? 

Exercise and a customised nutritious diet plan (customised are the keyword) go hand in hand.   

Therefore, your personal trainer should be able to design a comprehensive nutritional diet with lots of variety and many options for you (this will help you avoid boredom) and to help you achieve your health, fitness and weight loss goals. 

Avoiding fast foods and fried junk food, and reducing sugar are OKAY but, just very common suggestions. 

  • Does your future personal trainer provide medically supervised nutrition programmes for weight loss, perimenopause or PCOS?
  • Does your personal trainer have testimonials coming from respected or licenced professionals like medical doctors, police officers and lawyers? 

These are all good questions…

Your future personal trainer must be able to design a customised and healthy balanced and nutritious diet and provide professional programmes for top professionals vouching for his / her credibility.

So that you will not risk any micro and macro nutrients deficiencies and will get you optimum fuel for your workout whilst losing weight if this is what you want and increasing your lean muscle mass. 

expert coaching diagram

What are your main goals, is it sport recovery, sustainable weight loss or lean muscles gains? 

Contact Jazz directly now for a FREE CONSULTATION

3. How Do You Assess New Clients? Are You Expertly Trained In Injury Rehab? 

If your trainer is rehab trained and has long term experience?

The personal trainer must professionally assess any existing body tensions and injury, any  further risks of re-injury, cardiovascular, back pains and knee risks, physical strength, and your technical ability to understand the essential movements and postures. 

The personal trainer must prepare a comprehensive personalised questionnaire (personalised is the keyword) and based on your answers and a face-to-face assessment, this very important section of your future programme will be completed successfully for you. 

It will cover all the questions, from your health challenges and goals to lifestyle habits!

That is the best thing! 

This way you won’t miss out on anything and your future trainer will get to know you better therefore, it will be able to help you in the best possible way!

  • Precise straight forward work leads to precise and straight forward results!

And yes, it takes some time although not too much and these services won’t come cheap but, if you want to stay safe at all times, avoid injuries and reach awesome health, weight loss and fitness results.

And get to work with the right person then you must be prepared to put some time into assessing your future trainer capabilities. 

4. What Is Your Style Of Training And Encouragement?

Fantastic question! 

Because your training programme must be designed as per your body’s challenges and needs. 

You might have some lower back pain, a herniated disc, knee pain or specific training preferences and this will dictate what training style can help you best.

A generalised you tube workout program (push ups, squats and jumping jacks etc) should not be used for all candidates, BE AWARE!!!

Therefore, a long term specialist London personal trainer must be an expert in different workout styles like cross-training, body conditioning, gymnastics, athletics, Pilates, weights training, Yoga, TRX, and BOSU training and perhaps providing fitness education to reputable organisations like LSE and others.  

Now, you should know how the trainer will execute his workout style from you? 

Is it outdoor, gym or city style?

Is it military style? 

Does it take into account your injury rehab requirements and understand how to customise your training programme to successfully help you fight anxiety and depression?

Does the trainer praise and reward? 

Make sure that you ask more questions so that you will understand whether you like that approach or agree about using a different approach to help you achieve the best health, rehab or fitness results.

  • What are your current goals?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at this moment?
  • What is your favourite training?
  • What is currently missing in your life?

Request now for a FREE CONSULTATION directly with Jazz Alessi !

5. How Do You Track Fitness Goals And Achievements?

You should have very clear fitness goals and expectations, and make sure you don’t hold back and you understand that in order to reach your goals you need to become a proactive person – you should go all the way.


Your trainer should track all your goals in his / her way. 

If the trainer is not tracking your achievements, it is not possible to accurately measure your progress. 

Can you see where all this can go? 

Based on the progress you make, the trainer can decide further course of action, like: 

  • A change in your nutrition or 
  • Different workout plan 
  • Increasing your training intensity, training volume and / or 
  • Change the number of repetitions and / or 
  • The number of customised exercises used. 

Your trainer must maintain a clear and detailed training record / spreadsheet of several parameters like:

  1. Current and tracked weight since you started, 
  2. Body measurements at specific body spots, 
  3. Your body mass index, 
  4. Waist-to-hip ratio etc, for you as their valuable client. 

This spreadsheet / record helps both to know how far you have reached in your fitness journey and how much you want to go also if any changes are required.

What are you waiting for? 

Hey, now you know what to ask a personal trainer. 

Contact Jazz now to share your goals and the challenges you face with the best elite personal trainer in London who trained world class athletes and understands how to help you bring out your peak performance fast.

As an elite trainer in London Jazz Alessi helps you move predictably towards optimal health, lose weight fast (if you want) and keep it off, rehabilitate existing injuries and avoid injuries risks. 

Remember that a true elite personal trainer’s credentials and long-term experience will demonstrate his/ her true elite status through work, videos you can read the emotions and testimonials.  

Also make sure that you check what his clients are saying about the trainer’s expertise in body biomechanics, physiology, and injury rehabilitation techniques.

If you haven’t exercised for a while, would like to lose weight and transform your body but experience some types of body tensions and pains, injury prevention is a premium added skill you’d definitely like in your personal trainer. If you are looking for fast and sustainable medical weight loss – all trainer supervised and want to reach specific health, rehab and fitness goals, look for an elite expert trainer for you and jump on board as availability last.

Keen to become stronger, fit, toned, strengthen your mind and transform your body?

Contact Jazz Alessi for a FREE CONSULTATION !

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