Don’t Drink Your Calories

7 Small Diet Changes That Yield Big Fat Loss Results

Not everyone has the willpower or time to make sweeping healthy lifestyle changes.

But the good news is: when it comes to losing weight, the change you need to make does not need to be big or dramatic.

In fact, people who succeed the most often make small but consistent changes and see big — and, more importantly, long lasting fat loss results.

The reason behind this fact is that the poor lifestyle which leads to weight gain in the first place develops over years of bad habits.

When you try to replace them with healthier habits all at the same time, lifestyle change eating healthy and sticking to the new habits become difficult and sometimes impossible.

On the other hand, making small healthy lifestyle changes is more achievable, easy to commit to, and can still give you the same results you are looking for.

However, depending on your fat loss targets, goals and a targeted health outcome, you can use a 1-2-1 nutritionist support and successfully go all in, – for much faster weight loss results.

Keep reading to learn the easiest small changes to lose weight that can give you fast and guaranteed results.

1- Replace Your Scale!

Before deciding to make small changes to lose weight, you need to learn that losing weight is not always as healthy as you think it is.

In fact, your numbers on the scale might be decreasing, but you might be doing more “bad than good” to your body.

To understand why that is, and before making big or small changes to lose weight, consider that your body consists of different types of tissues and contents; those are:

– Fat: also known as fat mass or total body fat. (TBF)

Muscles: referred to as fat-free or lean mass. (FFM)

Water: referred to as total body water. (TBW)

Bone and minerals: referred to as Bone-mineral content. (BMC) [1]

So, when you start making lifestyle change eating healthy, you need to be watching carefully for what you are losing.

Losing fat is great, but what about losing water, muscles or bones?

Which Loss Is A Win?

Successful healthy lifestyle changes lead by an expert nutritionist and an elite personal trainer is different.

It starts by understanding how your fat is distributed all over your body.

As a matter of fact, fat in your body is distributed in a specific pattern based on different factors.

These factors include:

– Genes: some fat distributions might be running in families

– Gender: men commonly have apple-shaped bodies while women tend to be pear-shaped.

– Hormones: hormones like androgen affect your fat distribution (e.g. androgen and estrogen) [2]

Lose Not Only Fat, But Visceral Fat

Although a high fat percentage in general can lead to increased body weight, and thus, put extra load on your immune system, joints and spine.

It is always more dangerous to have fat accumulating in the belly than anywhere else in your body. [4]

So, having a belly abdomen is an alarm that tells you it’s time to make small changes to lose weight

In fact, a high waist circumference is an indicator that you have too much visceral fat in your body.

Visceral fat is the fat accumulated around your internal organs such as your stomach, intestine and liver.

It increases life threatening risks — this is why it’s the most dangerous type of fat.

 It is associated with higher risk for:

For these reasons, it is important to not only make sure you are losing fat, but also target visceral fat to get the maximum health benefits from your lifestyle change eating healthy.

  • Have you been following the wrong diet?
  • Have you lost more muscles than fat and you are looking for the fast way to regain your muscle mass and reshape your body?

It is time to get it right in no time!

REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATION now and find out what healthy lifestyle changes Jazz Alessi has for you.

Keep Your Muscles

The ultimate goal to successful weight loss is to preserve as much muscle as possible, or even gain some more muscles, while at the same time lose as much body fat as possible.

So, is there a way to tell you are losing muscles instead of fat?

If you are living in London, there are countless objective measures by which your expert personal trainer London based can tell if you have lost muscles instead of fat (e.g. bio-electric impedance analysis and DEXA scans).

However, an expert personal trainer will notice the early signs of muscle loss; including:

  • Faster than normal weight loss
  • Reduced fitness capacity
  • Reduced muscle strength
  • Change in body contouring and skin quality
  • Easy fatigue
  • Sleep problems [7]

It is also important to make sure you are not losing water, or bone density.

Losing fats, muscles, bone or water will show as a decrease on your weight on the scale.

But, to lose weight in a healthy way, only your fat percentage is the key indicator of your success, not the scale.

Simply, stay off the scale!

And follow a lifestyle change eating healthy plan to lose weight the right way

  • Are you looking for the most effective nutrition programme that will help you lose fat and reach the ideal body composition?

Jazz Alessi will design you the perfect customised nutrition plan, so you will reach your body transformation goals.

Request a FREE CONSULTATION and get started right away!

lifestyle change eating healthy

2- Replace Dairy Products: Plant Based Milk is The Way to Go

If you’re a big dairy drinker or like adding milk to your smoothies, you can make quitting dairy milk the first small change to make.

Here are some interesting facts that explain why plant-based milk is a better alternative:

Plant-based Means Less Calories

Dairy products provide you with more calories from fat.

While plant-based milk contain 1.5% less fat. [9]

It can save you a bunch of calories and still give your smoothies a better taste.

Milk Is No Longer the “Bone Saver”

As a child, you must have been advised to drink dairy milk because it is vital for your bone health.

However, latest research shows that you can reduce your risk for osteoporosis by increasing your intake of:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and other leafy green vegetables and beans
  • Calcium-fortified plant-based milk. [8,9]

Increased Risk For Heart Disease

Dairy products — including cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurt — contain significant amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat.

As a result, they increase your risk for high blood cholesterol and heart disease.

Alternatively, and according to recent researches, a low-fat vegan diet that eliminates dairy products can not only prevent heart disease, but also reverse it. [8]

Dairy Products Are Recently Linked To Cancers

Recent studies revealed that dairy products increase the risk of cancers by different mechanisms.

Generally speaking, consuming dairy products on a regular basis lead to increase in insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which is a compound that promotes tumor development by impairing cells’ natural life-cycle. [8]

Lactose Intolerance

One of the silent drawbacks of consuming dairy products is lactose intolerance.

This is one drawback that many people are not even aware of.

Simply, you might be lactose intolerant, struggle with some borderline digestive issues and never find out.

In other words, dairy milk can be the reason behind your ever-lasting stomach upset, bloating and discomfort.

By the passage of time, you put yourself at risk for developing chronic problems in your digestive system. [8]

Diet plans are not the same for every one, for this reason, Jazz Alessi, expert nutrition and rehabilitation specialist considers your very personal circumstances before designing a plan.

As a doctor I must warn you that Alessi’s going to take you through some nutritional shortcuts that will completely blow your mind! His costumised nutrition diet plans and unique training method helped me to safely lose 1 1/2 stone.”

Says Dr.Christian – NHS about his personalised body transformation plan

Request now a FREE CONSULTATION with our Harley Street expert in customised  nutrition, Jazz Alessi.

Microbiomes: The Unknown Soldiers

Microbiomes are naturally-present tiny organisms that live in your digestive system.

They have long been forgotten until their importance has been recognised as they perform different functions including:

  • Synthesis of essential and non-essential amino acids
  • production of vitamins
  • Digestion of resistant starch and fibres.
  • Regulating your immunity
  • Regulation of body weight
  • Help in controlling your brain health [22, 24,26]

Your body contains different types of microbiomes, some of which are crucial for your health, while others are not as beneficial.

The balance between these types is important. If imbalance takes place (a problem called gut dysbiosis), health problems can rise. For example:

– Weight gain

– Inflammatory diseases (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome)

– Heart diseases

– increased risk for depression [22, 24,26]

The foods we consume play an important role in the balance of microbiomes within our bodies.

As a matter of fact, a plant-based diet rich in:

– Vitamins (e.g.  in fresh veggies and fruits)

– Fibers (e.g. whole grains, leafy vegetables)

– Polyphenols (e.g. green tea, olive oil and whole-grains)

can help restoring balance of microbiomes and reverse the deleterious effects from other unhealthy diets. [22, 23,24,25,26]


Plant-Based Diet Can Be Your Shield Against Infections

It is scientifically proven that those who are at risk for infections, including respiratory tract infections (like COVID-19) are those with weaker immune responses

Immunity response is weakened by several factors like aging, poor nutrition, autoimmune diseases and specific medications.

Good news is: a balanced-plant based diet can help you boost your immune system.

It is all in the evidence-based researches! Here is how:

Eat Fresh

A recent study has revealed that old adults who consumed 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables had more resistance to infections than those who consumed only 2 portions/day [20]

So, increasing your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables can help you boost your immune system.

Cook Less

Nothing is easier than ‘not cooking’!

However, you might have been used to not cooking, and ordering fast food instead.

Now that you are on the brink of the best changes of your life, it is the best time to not cook, and eat as much less-cooked, fresh foods as possible.

In fact, cooking causes super-foods to lose their health benefits, fibres and nutrients, specially when cooked for long.

Some foods, when eaten raw, can make miraculous changes in your immune functions.

For example, garlic, green tea and Kiwi fruit were found effective in boosting immunity, and thus, helping the body fight against different infections (e.g. common cold, influenza, COVID-19) and diseases as serious as cancers. [17,18,19,20,21]

3- Change Your Carbs: Carbs Are Not the Bad Guys

Another concept you need to change in your mind while adopting new lifestyle changes to lose fat, is the way you think of carbs.

Carbs have long been demonised and thought of as enemies.

Some people actually blame carbs for their increased body weight, resistance to weight-loss programmes and night cravings!

The truth is…

Not all carbs deserve this bad reputation they get.

Complex carbohydrates that are derived from whole and unprocessed plant-based foods are

considered much healthier than simple carbohydrates.

In fact, simple carbs from added sugars and processed foods provide ‘empty calories’ (i.e., calories without nutrients) [10]

While complex carbs and carbs found in fiber-rich foods —like vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole-grain breads and pastas — are great for:

  • Fueling your body with the energy to function.
  • Control appetite and conquer cravings.
  • Prevent muscle loss and sparing proteins to build muscles.
  • Boost your metabolism and lose weight more efficiently.
  • Promote health of your digestive system. [10,11]

Soup Or Salad Come First

4- Prioritise Your Food: Soup Or Salad Come First

Soup and salad are ideal starters for your meal because they contain a few calories while being rich in fibers and nutrients.

This helps filling you up which means you eat less of your entrée, which is often more calorie-dense than this type of appetisers.

It also helps you stay full for longer, control your appetite, limit cravings and thus, be more successful throughout your lifestyle changes to lose weight.

Here are some vegan broth-based soups you can add to your meal:

– Mushroom Soup

– Creamy cauliflower soup

– Broccoli soup

– lentils soup

Are you out of ideas?

  • Do you need customised recipes that will help you stay healthy, lose weight and boost your metabolism?
  • Do you need to lose weight, transform your body and improve your fitness just like Emma did?

“I lost over 14 pounds of fat and I increased my lean body mass. I have nearly tripled my endurance level, now having a lean body and more energy than before. With his unique training method, I have increased my running speed over three-fold.”

– Emma – International Marathon Runner

Keen to get started?

Talk to Jazz Alessi our Harley street expert nutritionist about your goals now.


Smart Snacks Make Difference

  1. Smart Snacks Make Difference

Snacks are as important as meals. Especially if you are making lifestyle changes to lose weight.

However, not all snacks have positive effects on your lifestyle changes to lose fat.

Some snacks, like the bag of chips you munch away while watching the tele, can cost you a load of calories.

At the same time, a healthy snack like a handful of nuts, oats bars and fresh fruits and vegetables can help you fight hunger, control your blood sugar levels and prevent overeating. [13]

  1. Make Sure You Get Enough Protein

Protein gives you more than just making you feel fuller and helping you think less of food.

The unique thing about protein is that it helps you build muscles.

This is why it is crucial to add enough protein to your diet.

As a matter of fact, you need at least 30 g of protein in one meal to stimulate muscle building.

This amount will help you boost your metabolism, keep yourself energetic and start burning fat. [14]

Expert tip:

Consuming more than 50g of protein in one meal is not effective.

Try to limit your per meal intake of protein to 30-50g max and make sure you distribute your proteins all over the day.

  • Everyone has a diet plan that works the best for them.

This should be a customised plan that takes into consideration one’s body weight, composition, needs and level of physical activity.

  • Get your plan and lifestyle changes to lose fat customised by Jazz Alessi, our nutrition and body transformation expert.

Don’t Drink Your Calories

  1. Don’t Drink Your Calories

If you are taking steps towards a leaner, healthier body, or adopting new habits and lifestyle changes to lose fat, it may be time to cut unnecessary calories from sugary beverages.

Usually, purchased beverages are loaded with processed sugars that can give you as much as 500 calories, and even more depending on the ingredients.

In addition, they take no time in your stomach, so you feel hungry soon after drinking them.

One of the most effective lifestyle changes to lose weight in this case is: trading your liquid snacks for fiber-rich fruits and veggies which will help you stay full for long, and also provide few calories. [15]

If you are still a fan of cool, liquid snacks, learn to prepare tasty – yet healthy – smoothies recommended by Jazz Alessi, elite personal trainer and nutrition specialist. 


  1. Switch to Lighter Alternatives

Different foods are different in the calories they provide based on their composition.

When available, try to find alternatives that provide less calories (specially calories form fats) and replace heavier foods with lighter ones.

For example, when adopting new habits for lifestyle changes to lose weight, the low-fat versions of salad dressings can save you some calories and still make your salad taste great.

Achieving your goals is one step away.

All you need is a laser-sharp customised diet and exercise plans.

What if one person can provide it all?

“Since I started to train with Alessi I have lost over 16 pounds of fat and, while I tremendously increased my muscle mass. The benefit of training with Jazz is that as an expert personal trainer in London, Pilates teacher and a Harley street nutritionist he looks after every aspect of your development.”

– WT—Police officer MET

Switch to Lighter Alternatives

Who is Jazz Alessi?

Jazz Alessi is a Harley Street nutrition and weight-loss expert who will be your very own personal weight-loss trainer every step of the way throughout your transformation journey.

He will closely work with you in a team, and start with a comprehensive consultation and advanced lifestyle assessment, so your fat loss programme will laser sharp customised to your precise needs, very effective and evidence based.

Jazz will design customised nutrition and exercise plans that match your every tiny detail; starting from the food you like, to the goal you need to achieve whether it is simply transforming your body, or lowering your weight to avoid surgery.

You will not just lose visceral fat and maintain your desired weight levels, but also become healthy, fit and completely transform your body.

With Jazz Alessi, everything is done safely, conveniently and professionally.

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact jazz Alessi at: 020 3633 2299 (Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm – Saturday: 8am to 3pm). Request for free consultation here

For more information on fat loss services offered at our website, please visit


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