best body transformation

Best Fat To Fit Transformation in London that Instantly Puts You in a Good Mood

Go from Fat to Fit with London’s Best Fitness Expert

Changing is always one of the hardest steps one can ever take.

And harder than changing your lifestyle, is sticking to the new one!

This is because habits we adopt over the years are difficult to change overnight.

Yet, ‘Transformation Fat to Fit’ is still doable.

As long as you have a strong reason that motivates you to achieve your fat to fit transformation.

This motive could be anywhere from living a healthier life, to simply fitting in your favourite jeans.

Put aside all the difficulties that you might have thought of, and start retraining your environment, refining your thoughts and counting achievements instead of obstacles.

Think of change as a ladder that you need to climb step-by-step in order to reach your ultimate goal.

For example, when you apply to a 12 week body transformation workout plan, you simply join the achievers club.

The number might be difficult for you to digest at the very first glance.

You might think: 12 weeks is just too long!

But, if you think differently… your whole life can change.

Think of it on day-by-day basis! This way, 12 weeks will just fly by without you even noticing!

And here in this article, I brought you some strategies to help you improve your lifestyle and guide you through your journey of body transformation women and men.

All strategies will focus on reaching your goals with minimal effort, maximum effect and no willpower required!

body transformation women

Everyone is Different

Many people might be sharing the same goal: to achieve the perfect shape, flat stomach and toned legs.

However, because everyone’s body is different in terms of:

  • Body composition,
  • Fat distribution,
  • Metabolic rate,
  • Health condition,
  • Schedule and responsibilities

It is impossible to have a one-size-fits-all transformation plan for everyone.

So, customisation plays a vital role in the effectiveness and safety of your transformation programme.

Here is how a customised online personal training programme can consider your personal needs:

  • If you’re suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression or anxiety, it helps you conquer your symptoms and change your life.
  • If you’ve old injuries, back or joint pain or a herniated disc; It considers your condition and makes it better, not worse.
  • Trying to lose weight the safe and effective way? Or simply trying to boost your health? An online transformation plan that is laser-sharp personalised can meet your very personal goals.

customised transformation journey

For all these reasons – and more – you need an online personal trainer from the comfort – and safety – of your home in order to start your very customised transformation journey right away.

Why Are Some People Eating So Poorly?

Before you try to quit a poor eating habit or adopt a new healthier one, you need to shed light on some reasons why eating poorly has become one of today’s most popular problems.

This will help you get a more fruitful fat to fit transformation journey.

Complicated science

During their trials to go along the path of body transformation women and men face a countless difficulties choosing the best weight loss programme.

Because nutrition is a complicated science, with tens and even hundreds of schools, options and opinions, people usually end up shying away from dieting.

In other words, when you decide to adopt healthy eating habits, or follow a 12 week body transformation workout plan,

you face the complexity of food ingredients, calorie counts and millions of pros and cons that make your decision even harder. [11]

So, you simply look for an easier decision to make, which is usually NOT-DIETING.

Fast-paced Life

Being able to memorise carb grams, or calorie tables, or the names of exotic superfoods doesn’t often change what we eat when it’s time for a hurried breakfast or a got-home-late-from-work dinner.

This is to be blamed on the busy daily schedule we have in today’s life.

However, it cannot be left untreated.

You can find a 12 week body transformation workout plan or a fat to fit transformation programme that still fits in your schedule

Food addiction

It can be true that specific foods make us feel good.

This is usually why many people cannot just quit eating some foods regardless the fact that they might be harmful for their health.

This is scientifically known to be a novel type of substance addiction to tasty and processed food! [16]

12 week body transformation workout plan

  • But the good news is that did you know that this is 100% controllable?

You can easily conquer your cravings and addiction just with the right body transformation women and men-tailored programmes.

You can also get addicted to new, healthier foods that will give you health in a package.

Previous Failures

  • Did you know that after successfully losing weight, as many as 80 to 95% of dieters gain back the weight they’ve worked so hard to lose? [15]

This can be one of the main reasons why people get demotivated and start eating poorly.

Even if you might have not tried yourself, failure of people around you might be the reason why you don’t believe in the miracles of healthy eating.

All these reasons might seem more than enough for you to quit and give up on healthy diets.

However, there are countless reasons that can keep you going.

All you need to do is not let your bad habits control who you will become.

Break Your Habits

Break Your Habits, Don’t Let Them Break You

I understand how many good ideas and plans you have got for yourself.

This is what we all do; we assume we make rational, conscious, informed choices based on logically weighing all the available options.

We assume that we make our decisions by thinking reasonably about things.

But there comes a problem that ruins the plans we have in mind.

That is: the power of habit.

Why habits Take Control

Before you start judging yourself, you have to understand how habits develop over the time.

In fact, when actions turn into habits, they no longer under your conscious control. [1]

Instead, they lie deep within your brain after days and even years of repetition, and they even cause neurological changes to your brain and neurons as they get engrammed.

Although the mechanism is poorly understood, there is evidence that our neurons store the actions we repeat in our brain and soon turn them into the subconscious mind. [1]

This happens in order to shift our awareness towards more important, less familiar actions.

In a nutshell, habits do not literally control us.

Instead, we do not control them because they become too familiar for us to think about them.

So, we just do them without thinking.

How To let Go of Old Habits

Your brain does amazing job to learn an action and acquire it as a habit in your subconscious.

But, unfortunately, the brain has no instant delete key.

Because of this fact, there’s no quick way to undo habits.

And that’s why old habits are so hard to break.

Yet, you can use your brain’s same amazing learning ability to acquire new, healthier habits of your own choice.

How To let Go of Old Habits

Small Changes Lead To Big Ones in Your Fat to Fit Journey

Making a huge change in your life does not have to start with a major step.

You can start by changing very small details in your day, routine, mindset and behaviour.

According to the experts, here are some perfect tiny tips that can help you make bigger changes:


  • Laser Sharp Customisation Matters

Everyone has their own unique body composition, genes and circumstances. [11]

So, what works for your friend, work mate or neighbour might not work for you.

  • Did you know that different exercises create different metabolic effects?

Two different exercises exhibit completely different effects in your body, just as you see in this picture.

Laser Sharp Customisation Matters

And the same thing goes about foods – different foods create different metabolic effects.

In other words,

If your colleague is prescribed a diet plan to lose weight in 12 weeks, the same diet plan might not work as fast for you, it can take longer, or it can take forever if it is not the right plan for your age, metabolism, stress levels, gender, body type and composition.

Similarly, some advice, FAD diets and exercise routines can be a help for some people and yet be a hindrance for others.

  • For instance, a high protein diet that might have helped a friend build their dream, beach-ready body, can be life-threatening for a person with kidney problems. [17]
  • Similarly, a given exercise routine with specific weight training exercises can help you build muscles, but can worsen a herniated disc for someone else.

This is why it is super important to only follow a plan that is specifically tailored and supervised by an expert personal trainer.

Smaller Goals, Bigger Achievements

Everyone likes to see real-life evidence of the progress they are making.

This won’t happen unless you set realistic, achievable and measurable goals.

It is good to dream big, but aiming for smaller goals will help you go on with motivation.

Set your big goals and make sure that each goal is broken down into measurable incremental goals.

For instance, if you need to drop 4 sizes in 4-5 months, break it down into dropping one size in a month or two and enjoy the achievements, no matter how small compared to your bigger goal.

How To Say Good-Bye to Poor Habits

There are those small – but health-unfriendly – habits that you need to say goodbye to.

Start by putting them aside and replacing them with healthier ones.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Have an athlete-friendly meal delivery subscription or shopping list plastered on your fridge door.

This will help you remember, eat better and make you avoid unnecessary snacking, junk food and bad food choices.

  1. Keep the ice cream, cookies, and chocolates out of the house. Getting rid of unhealthy snacks will help you totally forget about them.
  2. Plan your meals in advance. Waiting for until you are hungry to decide what to eat leads to craving, nibbling and fast-food orders!

Don’t get there, and keep your meals planned ahead.

  1. Keep chopped, ready-to-eat vegetables in the fridge, this will help you have healthier snacks whenever you feel hungry.
  2. Don’t be hungry and in the grocery store at the same time – hunger and grocery stores don’t mix.
  3. Think of your food as colors. Food rainbow is one of the most interesting eating strategies you can use to make sure you are getting a wide range of nutrients.

Simply, think of what color you have not eaten today!

  1. Change your list. Having the same foods again and again narrows your range of nutrients and also makes you bored.
  2. Make sure you try new foods and new recipes all the time using healthier ingredients.
  3. Cook more than you need, but eat only enough. This will help you have leftovers in the fridge for your next meal.

Transformation Fat to Fit Regime: New Training Focus, New Body

Although exercising regularly is one vital step in the transformation journey, many junior transformers pay more attention to diet plans than physical activity.

Well, it is true that the right diet plan can help you create a calorie deficit (think about a healthy calory deficit – not just any strategy or foods) and subsequently lose weight, but with the right exercise in action, you can make sure that you:

  • Get in-shape
  • Maintain your muscle mass
  • Lose fat instead of muscles
  • Prevent skin laxity and cellulite
  • Achieve the tight body you need. [11, 14]

So, with regular activity being equally important to proper nutrition, there is also the need to select the right type of exercise.

As a matter of fact, some people who workout for losing weight tend to focus only on cardio training.

And even among those who exercise regularly, participating in a strength training program is more of a rarity than the norm, especially with women and seniors.

So, why does this need to change?

Strength training has long been thought of as a type of exercise suitable for body builders and athletes.

This misconception makes almost everyone shy away from adding resistance to their training.

But, what if you realise how important strength training is?

Before understanding how strength training can make a difference in your body shape, mindset and lifestyle,

You need to have a closer look on what strength training actually is.

The Truth Behind Strength Training

Strength training does not necessarily mean lifting heavy weights and continuously working hard to lift heavier ones.

It is simpler than that!

Strength training means loading the muscles at a specific rate of your choice (could be a small weight or the weight of a body part).

According to this load you put on your muscles, you gain different benefits that range from improving your muscles performance to making them grow bigger – if you want to – [2, 3]

In addition, it does not necessarily involve using resistance like dumbbells or elastic bands.

You can simply use your body weight and still gain the benefits of a full-strength training.

Wondering what those benefits are?

Here are some unique benefits to look forward to.

Stronger Muscles

  • Stronger Muscles

If you are inactive, you are at risk for losing 3% to 8% of your muscle mass per decade, this makes your body even more willing to store fats and gain weight. [2, 3]

In correspondence, strength training can help you build and maintain your muscles.

  • Did you know that ten weeks of strength training can help you gain 1.4 kg of lean muscles and simultaneously reduce fat weight by 1.8 kg [3]

It also helps you take a step closer to your perfect body shape by decreasing fat storage in your fat cells. [2, 3]

  • Boosted Metabolism

No matter whether you want to lose weight, maintain your current body shape or prevent weight gain.

Metabolism is the answer to all your questions.

Your metabolic rate is what actually defines if your body will store fats or lose them.

Boost Metabolism

It is basically the amount of energy your body expends at rest.

  • Did you know that with every decade, progressive loss in lean body mass is also associated with a 2–3% loss in resting metabolic rate?

When your metabolism is slow, it is harder for you to lose weight.

Therefore, you are more at risk for gaining pounds. [2, 3]

Good news is: strength training helps you keep your body burning fat no matter how old you are.

To be accurate, ten weeks of resistance training can help you boost your resting metabolic rate by 7% [3]

  • Better Posture

In addition to all the benefits strength training has for your muscles in general, special treats are given to your anti-gravity muscles in particular.

Anti-gravity muscles are the muscles responsible for maintaining your good posture as you assume different positions.

Proper strength training can help strengthen weak postural muscles, even out imbalances and help to reverse abnormal posture.

Not only will you appear taller, stronger and more attractive, you’ll feel that way too.

  • Better Brain

Exercising is not all about your heart and lungs.

It is also evident that exercising work as a potent brain tonic that will improve your mental health.

Exercising in general and strength training in particular help your brain function better by:

  • Increasing blood flow to the brain.
  • Increasing concentration of growth hormones
  • Expanding the brain’s network of blood vessels. [4, 5]

All these physiological events help your brain function better.

This will be reflected in form of a better memory, sharper mind and increased concentration.

In fact, researches have revealed that strength training performed twice a week can help improve the brain’s plasticity (refreshes and reshapes your brain) and can help preserve your cognitive wellbeing as you age. [5]

  • Fight Depression and Beat Anxiety

Did you know that 78% of GPs who prescribe antidepressants are convinced that there should be a safer alternative? [7]

So, how about exercise as a safe and effective treatment for depression?


  • Did you know that active people are 45% less likely to develop symptoms of depression?

Both aerobic and resistance training can help you fight depression and improve your mood.

  • Exercise effects are also similar to those after drug therapy! [8, 9]

All you need to do is exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week [9] at chosen intensity, following a specific exercise sequence and enjoy the result!

  • Stronger Bones

If you are concerned about the strength of your bones, resistance training has got your back.

In recent scientific research, it was found that resistance training, and not aerobic training, may increase bone mineral density by as much as 1–3% if continued for ten weeks. [3]

This is because exercising, muscle pull and weight bearing stimulate calcium deposition in the bone and consequently make your bones stronger.

In addition, it helps you protect your joints and prevent musculoskeletal dysfunction. [3]

Lose in Winter, Win in Summer

Cold weather tends to get the best of us: Many of us skip out on going to the gym because it’s cozier indoors.

We are already in February and at times weather is still cold.

But once winter is over, the goal is to reshape and redefine our bodies and to get ready for the summer.


  • Did you know that winter is actually the golden opportunity for easy and fast weight loss?

It is hypothesised that brown fat cells function as a gland that helps regulating your body’s temperature.

When it is cold, lipolysis (breaking down fat cells) kicks in and works hard to regulate your body’s temperature. [10]

This is one reason why it easier for your body to burn fat during cold weather.

So, instead of waiting for summer to shed extra pounds, start your weight loss journey in winter and make use of your body’s readily physiology to burn fat.

Here are some unique exercises that can keep you warm, and help you burn more fat than you think:

  • Butt and Legs exercises:

Strong leg muscles are known to be a key to rapid weight loss.

It’s because they are all big muscles and they can boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat.

According to recent research, older adults with extra body fat had approximately 20% more thigh muscle mass compared to people of normal weight. [11]

However, this increase in muscle mass did not mean they had better muscles.

In fact, the same group of people were also found to have 2 times more fat within their muscles than leaner individuals. [11]

This high fat content within muscles negatively affected the quality of muscle performance leading to:

  • Lower force production
  • Easy fatigability
  • Decreased stability
  • Slower walking speed [11]

For these reasons, it is important to have your leg-exercise routine specifically structured to reduce intra-muscular fat in order to improve the quality of your muscles.

A combination of aerobic exercise and resisted training can get you there in no time.

For more effect in shorter time, you can combine both in form of circuit or high intensity interval training. [11, 13, 14]

 Here are some Fat to Fit Transformation exercise moves to combine:

  • Squatting
  • Side-to-side squats
  • Star jumps
  • Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Step ups

Butt and Legs exercises:

  • Arms Exercises:

The attention focused on leg exercises make arm exercises seem less important.

This is why arms end up overlooked, weak and less toned.

I mean, even with no specific exercise routine, we walk on our legs and the leg muscles carry our bodyweight around all the time.

On the other hands, we do not perform similar arm activities to keep our arms toned.

For this reason, toning the arms must receive special attention during the transformation journey.

In fact, strong arms and shoulders will help you:

  • Keep an upright posture
  • Relieve abnormal loads on your neck and spine
  • Have a tighter core
  • Keep your arms in shape
  • Boost your metabolism [13]

If you are new to arm exercises, try some free weight training using dumbbells and light elastic bands to perform the following exercise moves:

  • Back fly exercise
  • Y fly exercise
  • Biceps curl
  • Front extension
  • Scarecrow extension

As you progress, you can try some bodyweight training that not only will help you take your arm training to the next level, but also will engage your core.

Here are some ideas:

  • Push ups
  • Triceps dips
  • Plank push-ups
  • High plank with shoulder taps
  • Bird dog

Cardio Training

  • Cardio Training

The value of cardio training cannot be overlooked when it comes to weight loss and body transformation.

  • It is proved in science that 30 minutes of aerobic training preceded by proper warm up and repeated 3-5 times a weak can have miraculous effects when it comes to reducing body fat percentage. [11, 14]

However, because aerobic exercises alone reduced both fat and muscle masses, it is always recommended to add resistance training to your exercise routine.

  • This will help you conserve lean muscle mass and prevent muscle loss. [11, 14]

Here are some brilliant ideas on how to do so:

  • Jump Rope: Jumping rope is a fun and amazing fat burner, it also helps you build muscles because it powers both your arms and legs as you jump.
  • Burpees: One of the best total body fat burning exercises that also help you build leg, arm and core muscles.

Just make sure you do them properly 😊

  • Jackknife: This is considered a full upper and lower ab workout to give your lower body a bit of rest while bringing your heart rate high enough to burn fat and at the same time preserve your muscle mass.
  • High Knees: bring your knees as high as you can to boost your metabolism and make your heart beat faster. The movement of your legs will also help you keep your muscles strong and healthy.
  • Star Jump: The star jump incorporates leg, arm work and jumping to burn total body fat.

Jump high, bring your heart rate up and keep your muscle mass from being lost.

Simply All-in-one!

  • From the Core Out

Core strengthening is not only about having the attractive six-pack appearance.

Strong core muscles act as your guarding shield against many health problems including:

  • Back pain
  • Disc herniation
  • Abnormal posture
  • Sciatica pain
  • Joint pain including hips, shoulders and knees

It also gives you better stability and balance to do different activities while being pain-free and safe from injuries

And by saying different activities I mean things from desk-work at your office to naughty things in your bedroom!

Put differently, no matter whether you are looking for the perfect plan for achieving body transformation male or female goals

Simply, the best body transformation starts at the core.

best body transformation


Transforming your body means focusing on the tiniest details, training the smallest muscles and changing how you treat your body from inside out.

Because the best fat to fit transformation starts from within, you need to start changing the way you consume food.

In other words, type, amount and nature of the foods you eat should undergo modifications in order to make a healthy environment for every single cell in your body.

On top of the proper nutrition plan, you also need an effective exercise plan that harnesses all the benefits of the best body transformation programme.

That is achieved by combining both strength and aerobic training in a personalised body transformation male or female-specific programme.

And what about if you have a nagging background pain in your body, a new or an old injury?

How about if you are 26 or 46 years old – would you have the same problems and use the same training?

Certainly not!

All these things and more must be considered.

With the right plan for body transformation male and female can achieve their dream bodies.

Jazz Alessi

But first, you need to change the way you think and deal with your new healthy lifestyle.

All you need to do is think of your new routine as habits that you need to acquire.

This is when you will be able to achieve your health goals, and maintain them for the rest of your life.

Who is Jazz Alessi?

Jazz Alessi is an elite personal trainer in London, 2nd Generation Pilates teacher and nutritionist practicing in Harley Street who believes that no two bodies are alike.

This is why he is committed to personalised coaching, individualised training and laser sharp nutrition plans with special focus evidence-based and proven systems.

His ultimate goal is to create long-term health and fitness success, and speedy achievement of health goals using effective approaches that are also easy to follow.

He is enthusiastic to teach his clients how to adopt healthy lifestyles that last for a lifetime.

Contact Jazz now for a FREE CONSULTATION.

If you have any questions or concerns about our London 12 weeks Body Transformation program, please contact jazz Alessi at: 020 3633 2299 (Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm – Saturday: 8am to 3pm). Request for free consultation here



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