benefits of taking Supplements

Repair, Recover, and Rejuvenate with Resveratrol

Want to feel younger, lighter, and healthier?

You CAN be in charge of your own health!

It’s much simpler with Resveratrol, the right nutraceutical supplement based on careful goal, medical history and at the right time.

  • Did you know that traditional evidence-based vitamin and herbal nutraceutical supplements are formulated to help you get the best benefits of safe and high-grade natural antioxidants?

Boost your metabolism, recover faster after exercise or a disease, and burn that extra fat most simply.

Isn’t that simple?

When you start working out, suddenly you start to realise that you are bombarded with many performance-enhancing supplements that claim to build strength and assist in recovery.

You get confused.

The use of some supplements can be clouded by a lack of true scientific support, side effects, and financial cost.

And if you live in greater London you need to consult a London certified nutritionist.

A few elite London personal trainers will have advanced nutrition certifications so, one of these elite personal trainer London based will help you focus on the right and safe supplements (assessment based).

If you are staying in London, just google supplement applications trainer London or sport recovery trainer London.

As a long-term certified nutritionist teaching nutrition at LSE athletic division and a top-ranked Elite Personal Trainer I can design the best customised nutrition plan for you and help you make the correct choices if you will require any supplements.


As you can see in this article I published in June 2016 the correct customised nutrition plan WILL produce powerful performance enhancing drugs effects maximising your physical and mental performance but, without risking your health or getting banned.

  • If you are a world class athlete.
  • I will help you to naturally enhance and maximise each one of your performance boosting mechanisms in the healthier and most natural way (using foods only) without risking to get banned!!!

If you find yourself with an injury, you should not allow a fear of what may happen to your routine workout.

There are customised injury rehabilitation solutions for nearly any health concern, you just need to work with the right professionals.

The best sport recovery trainer London based will provide you with a professionally supported customised recovery programme, so that you will recover quicker and faster.

Supplement applications trainer London based can also advise you with regards to some vitamins or herbal supplements you could use to speed up your exercise recovery so that you can get back to your peak performance quickly.

multi-vitamins and dietary supplements

Before this, you need to know a few things about multi-vitamins and dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements comprise a broad array of products.

All are designed for better health as they provide essential nutrition.

These products are available in a variety of forms like:

  • powders,
  • tablets,
  • gelatins capsules,
  • veggie capsules,
  • liquids, and
  • bars

The supplements either have single components or maybe a concoction of:

  • vitamins,
  • minerals,
  • amino acids,
  • fiber,
  • essential fatty acids,
  • prebiotics,
  • probiotics, and
  • anti-oxidant packed nutraceutical herbs [1].

Personal Trainer Advice on Multi-vitamins and Herbal Supplements

You must be coming across several advertisements for dietary supplements including vitamins.

They are widely used because they offer the potential to improve health if are medically approved by your doctor and appropriately customised to those in need.

Personal Trainer Advice

Although you may be having nutritious food every day, you still could suffer from some micronutrient deficiencies.

For example, vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 deficiency are very common in developed countries including United Kingdom.

So, you have to take them regularly.

Vitamin deficiency is almost like a pandemic.

The deficiency of certain components in regular diets is known to cause some disease conditions like:

  • Anaemia,
  • Sore throat, inflammation and redness of tongue,
  • Scurvy (Swollen and bleeding gums)
  • Osteomalacia (bone pain),
  • Impaired immunity,
  • Vision problems,
  • Muscle weakness and many more.

Human diets should be complete with all the ingredients so, it will supply you with energy, support growth, nutrition, and optimum health you want.

But few things are perfect and this applies to your nutrition too.

When a regular diet is deficient in some of the food/nutritious components necessary for the body, you can re-assess your nutrition diet plan or artificially add these nutrients to the diet either directly or indirectly.

This is called ‘dietary supplementation’ [2].

As a long-term certified nutritionist working in Harley Street in London, in an assessment-based manner I recommend health supplements whenever these are required for your body and are customised (customised is the key word) to your body’s needs.

Let me tell you, most if not all athletes, at all levels of competition, take dietary supplements (simply think creatine, protein powders etc) because they know the crucial role of using the correct nutraceutical supplements in athletic performance.

Along with talent, specific training, approach, tactics, and motivation, customised nutrition including correct supplementation plays an important role in physical and mental performance.

So, supplements are always added to the athlete’s nutrition strategy.

There are various types of supplements like foods:

  • protein powder, gel, or bar,
  • vitamin tablets and capsules,
  • herbal nutraceuticals, and
  • ergogenic supplements.

If they are produced in tightly controlled conditions, the herbal supplements are the best and most safe because our body knows them!

They are isolated from vegetables or fruits or grains.

Sometimes they are botanical extracts.

It’s very interesting to know, how these supplements are discovered.

It’s all based on traditional experiences.

However, not everyone needs all the supplements.

‘Every individual is unique’.

This unique requirement arises from the genetic factors as well as the individual’s physiology.

Hence, we need to understand the special requirements of everyone and design a diet.

Someone wants strength, someone feels endurance is more important, someone might want to have weight loss or just feel and look healthier!

So, a personalised nutrition diet programme and supplements are required to be customised (customised is a key word).

  • Eager to reach your goals?

In just a few weeks from now on, you can be way ahead and very close to your goals!!

When you reach for bottle of health supplement, you might wonder how well it’ll work. The first thing to ask yourself is whether you need them in the first place.

Because of the times we are living in and the kind of lifestyle most of us are leading, supplementing the diet has become a mandate for many of us.

Inadequate nutrition cause deficiencies and affects our health.

Pieces of evidences suggest that many supplements:

  • Enhance health in different ways.
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Decrease the risk of cancer
  • Act as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Act as photoprotective, protect our skin and make your skin healthy
  • Acts as antiaging
  • Help in obesity/weight loss, body building, menopausal symptoms, gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion or constipation, etc

What are the potential benefits of taking Supplements?

benefits of taking Supplements

Multivitamins are some of the most popular supplements.

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by the body for normal physiological functioning.

They are required by the body every day.

Their demand increases in special cases like increased physical activity so, your medical doctor might advise you to take more.

Water Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins like C and the entire range of B group vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 are very powerful antioxidants.

They scavenge free radicals which are the most dangerous toxins responsible for ageing.

If you talk with a neurologist, they will tell you that the B complex group may provide you with mental boost and important neurological benefits.

Free radicals are highly reactive substances that cause damage at the cellular level are responsible for:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases like inflammatory bowel disease,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • atherosclerosis, and even
  • cancer [3].

Vitamins could protect our body from the damage caused by these free radicals [4].

But some vitamins are water-soluble however, fat soluble vitamins and are not stored by your body.

Hence, your medical doctor might advise you to take some vitamin supplements regularly.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin A, D, and E are water-insoluble vitamins and are stored by the body.

Still, many people develop deficiencies for Vit A, D, and E therefore, your medical doctor might advise that supplementation is required.

Working with an experienced long term Harley Street certified nutritionist you can get all these from foods.

Vitamin A is good for vision, cell growth, and immunity.

Many people have vitamin A deficiency, especially:

  • young children,
  • pregnant women, and
  • women of reproductive age.

Deficiency of vitamin A causes:

  • visual impairment,
  • blindness, and
  • the person becomes prone to common infections [5].

In terms of beauty effects one of the most important function of vitamin A is that it reduces:

  • wrinkles and
  • visible signs of aging.

The deficiency of sunshine vitamin D is identified as a global pandemic.

Vitamin D is required for bone health as well as for skeletal muscle health [6].

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered important for brain health and for your heart and playing a positive role in:

  • diabetes,
  • cancer,
  • Alzheimer’s disease,
  • dementia,
  • depression,
  • visual and
  • neurological development [7].

Did you know that the use of herbal medicinal products and supplements in sports has increased in past few decades?

  • Some herbs are used to enhance muscle strength and body mass.

The health benefits from plants are because of their bioactive including:

  • Polyphenols,
  • Terpenoids, and
  • Alkaloids

These substances act as powerful antioxidants and repair the oxidative damage [8].

It Sounds Good but What Is Oxidative Damage?

Oxidative damage or stress indicates increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cells of our body that cause damage to other important biochemicals like lipids, proteins and DNA.

ROS include the superoxide anion (O2−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radicals (OH·). There are highly reactive chemicals which cause myriad of pathologies.

Although supplements are good for health, you need to be very, very cautious, because some manufacturers launch several products with banned ingredient inside or they may even use inappropriate amounts.

Such products cause harmful side effects [9] like:

  • Elevated blood pressure,
  • Racing or irregular heartbeat,
  • Increased risk of heart attack,
  • Headache, dizziness, or
  • Digestive symptoms.

 Why you need Supplements to help Muscle Recovery?

Supplements to help Muscle Recovery

Remember those micro-tears in your hamstrings?

When you exercise, your muscles are slightly overused.  We are training our muscles, but sometimes during our repetitive efforts, hamstrings get torn.

I am telling you about hamstrings just as an example.  But many other muscles from your body get micro-injury.

  • Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is very common in regular work-out, and sports.
  • Muscle soreness can cause a temporary loss of muscle function [10].
  • There will be swelling of the affected limb, decreased range of motion, and impaired muscle force-producing capacity [11].

Now, you need to rest and recover.

Allow enough time to heal.

With proper rest and focused customised nutrition, your muscles will get repaired faster.

And if you require a speedy recovery, some herbal nutraceuticals come for your help.

  • Resveratrol is one of my favorites for muscle recovery.

Now you must be wondering.



Here is the ABC of resveratrol for your complete understanding.

It is a polyphenol nonflavonoid present in strongly colored vegetables and fruits like:

  • red grapes,
  • blackberries, and
  • blueberries [13].


It is a substance with diverse biological activities, including:

  • anti-tumor,
  • anti-oxidant,
  • anti-viral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-angiogenic,
  • vasorelaxant, and
  • many more.

Not that I advise alcohol consumption in any way but, did you know that as you can see in this research high quality red wine in small quantities has been associated with a decreased incidence of certain types of cancers including breast cancer and lung cancer [14].

Did you know that occasionally sipping on a glass of homemade red wine might be good for your health?

Yes, it’s not an illusion.

It’s a fact, scientifically proven.

Although French people consume a high saturated fat diet, they still have a healthier heart compared with people from many other countries.

Not optimal as it could be but, just a bit better compared with others.

And it turned out that they die less of coronary heart disease thanks to their higher consumption of red wine [15].

High quality homemade red vine is not just alcohol.

It is a complex mixture of several hundred compounds, many of which are in extremely minute amounts.

In brief, some of the major components of wine are:

  • water (86%) and
  • ethanol (12%).

Did you know that the alcohol content varies widely among wines (from 10% to 14%) and is mainly obtained by yeast-converting sugars?

Wine also contains:

  • glycerol,
  • polysaccharides,
  • some trace elements, and
  • volatile compounds like β-damascenone, β-ionone, trimethylcyclohexanone, Trimethyl-dihydronaphthalene, and vitispirane.

It also has very small amounts of acids like:

  • tartaric acid,
  • citric and
  • maleic acids.

High quality homemade red vine is different from other alcoholic beverages due to its content in various phenolic compounds

High quality homemade red wine contains resveratrol!

How resveratrol helps me with exercise

You may wonder… How resveratrol helps me with exercise?

Resveratrol not only improves cardiac functions but also acts on skeletal muscles (bones).

As I said earlier, the benefits of resveratrol are well proved in scientific studies carried out on animals.

Resveratrol intakes increased their aerobic capacity of mice and was observed from their increased running time and consumption of oxygen in muscle fibers.

After a huge success in animals, resveratrol benefits are proved in humans too.

A study carried out in human volunteers showed that resveratrol increased:

  • Exercise performance,
  • Muscle mitochondrial respiration,
  • fatty acid oxidation
  • Skeletal muscle activity, and
  • Elevated muscle torque and power [16].

Let me explain you the implications of these enhancements in sport recovery.

When you perform new form of exercises for which you are not accustomed, your skeletal muscle will undergo some cellular level damage and adaptation process due to controlled stress during eccentric contractions movements.

Eccentric (lengthening) muscle contractions are an integral part of most movements during daily or sport activities.

Eccentric muscle contraction occurs when you apply a force to the muscle that exceeds the momentary force produced by the muscle itself, resulting in the forced lengthening of the muscle-tendon.

Due to its specific physiological and mechanical properties, the eccentric contraction has gained a growing interest.

Skeletal muscles contract eccentrically to support the weight of the body against gravity.

Unaccustomed eccentric exercise is known to cause muscle damage and delayed pain, commonly defined as “Delayed-Onset Muscular Soreness” (DOMS).

We can also call it as Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage.

In DOMS, there is lactic acid release, spasm, connective tissue damage, muscle damage, inflammation and oxidative stress.

  • Did you know that your muscles may feel sore, there may be some swelling and also your performance declines dramatically?

This is oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species in the muscles [17].

To reduce and eliminate DOMS problems, customised dietary nutritional intervention is one of the most powerful and effective used strategies.

It involves a:

  • smart nutrition plan you will be able to use for the long term (years) and
  • targeted dietary supplementation of antioxidants and
  • selected anti-inflammatory nutrients for helping short-term recovery from muscle damage.

No one is spared 😊

Did you know that DOMS happens in both elite or novice athletes?

Commonly observed DOMS symptoms include:

  • muscle tenderness, and
  • sometimes a very severe debilitating pain.

Did you know that for DOMS, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds are useful for speeding up the recovery [18]?

Anti-Ageing Weight Loss Diet Plan For women

‘Being a woman, means that you are very precious in this world.’

But this also makes you a lot more conscious!

That’s your nature.

  • Just be aware that… you may be subjected to unreasonable expectations and this may influence the way you see and think about yourself.
  • And did you know that women are generally always concerned with appearance, are less satisfied with their bodies, and always think that they’re heavier than they are?

There is also pressure in our society to look a certain way.

Plan smartly and tackle overweight and obesity so, you will become stronger and healthier but, don’t allow ephemeral trends to dictate your choices – unless is safe and a health promoting one therefore, you will be the beneficiary.

Weight lose

Being a woman, means that you might be less satisfied with specific body parts especially the:


  • abdomen,
  • buttocks,
  • hips, and
  • thighs

That’s why women sometime are less happy with their muscle tone.

But, did you know that for a woman, satisfaction with body parts is related to her self-esteem!?

Weight loss and muscle toning is the most desirable thing for any woman.

You are no exception if you are trying for weight-loss!

That’s not the only matter of concern.

  • Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death.

Apart from causing other diseases like:

  • diabetes and
  • hypertension,
  • obesity is responsible for increased out-of-pocket healthcare expenses [19].

Amazing side effects of weight loss?

Sounds crazy!

Weight-loss has the most amazing side effects! Not only body transformation toning and ideal shape contouring but also:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved mobility
  • Lower risk of developing diabetes
  • Less joint pain

But is always best that you understand the risk as well.

Fat loss occurs all over the body even on your face, although fat is more on the thighs and abdomen… 😊

  • Did you know that stubborn bulges encourage you to lose more weight and unhealthy starvation diets will create more harm?

Unfortunately, facial skin starts sagging, wrinkles and folds become more apparent.

Now, you would say, why so?

You need to understand the connection between weight loss and skin health.

As we age, it is tough for our bodies to maintain a healthy weight.

Our energy levels start declining making us tired; you don’t always feel like exercising.

So, muscle mass decreases whilst fat storage increases.

You see?

Your body energy starts to shift.

  • Since fatty tissue burns fewer calories than muscle tissue, you need to make customised dietary changes as you age to maintain an optimum healthy weight.

Follow a sensible diet plan and body shaping contouring and procedures.

If you live in London you should follow a certified nutritionist London based recommended healthy diet plan.

So, to avoid the effects of aging, you can easily follow a customised diet nutrition plan, and focus on nutrition and exercise.

So, you will lose weight at a slow and steady pace, that won’t allow your facial skin to sag.

An anti-ageing meal plan will tone your skin whilst nutritional supplements will produce younger skin.

In this focused on your health scenario, you will say goodbye to unhealthy looking sallow skin and welcome a firm, supple, and more elastic skin with a radiant and youthful glow!

It’s time to Rejuvenate, Recharge, Redefine yourself!

5 simple tips to lose weight with anti-aging health habits

  • Reduce the calorie intake on your own or consult an elite personal trainer in London for a customised weight loss low-calorie diet program
  • Start to condition your body to feel fuller after eating smaller quantities (think fiber, protein and fats)
  • Introduce healthier anti-oxidant rich foods into your diet. Find foods that are naturally low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.
  • Cut down and eliminate unhealthy, processed ones like cookies, cakes, pastries, and soft drinks
  • Boost your energy with organic and naturally occurring vitamins and nutraceutical supplements
  • Would you like benefit for free from professional exercise advice that will help you improve your skin condition and maximise weight loss and anti-ageing benefits?

Keen to get started?

For a limited time only, contact Jazz Alessi now for a FREE CONSULTATION !

Jazz Alessi, is a certified nutritionist in London practicing in Harley Street and the elite’s women weight loss expert trainer.

When Elite Personal Trainers in London Recommend Supplements for Weight Loss

‘Did you hear this? “Small changes make a big difference over time’ 😊

You may be aware of various generalised types of diets for weight loss.

Each diet plan has its own indications [20].

It’s not a One-For-All strategy.

No way.

Be aware that a very low-calorie diet could give you a good weight loss but it can also induce a great loss in lean body mass and you want to stay as far away from a muscle loss / waste effect.

Research shows that if your weight loss journey is not customised, correctly structured and controlled it is dangerous [21].

It is a challenge to consume a very low-calorie diet and still maintain a lean body mass.

Think about it…

When you lose lean body mass, you will face serious negative health effects such as

  • Decreased weight loss sustainability
  • Decreased resting energy metabolism,
  • Fatigue,
  • Decline in neuromuscular function,
  • Faster than normal ageing process, and
  • Increased risk for muscle injury.

Generalised diets, such as one solution fit all could be dangerous.

Therefore, a diet plan requires to be customised based on your body’s need.

Many weight loss programs give short term success, but they fail to give long term weight loss.

One of the reasons behind the failure for long-term success is the loss of lean body mass that occurs with weight-loss.

Let me tell you, in the latter decades of the twentieth century, the nutritional focus, and the health focus are changed.

The focus shifted towards the chronic diseases that afflict middle-aged and elderly people in affluent populations such as:

  • cancer,
  • heart disease,
  • diabetes and
  • osteoporosis.

Did you know that these 4 chronic diseases now cause most of the deaths and chronic ill-health in long-lived populations?

So, my customised dietary advice will be aimed not just at ensuring the adequacy and preventing deficiency but also at delaying the onset of these ‘diseases of industrialisation’ or ‘diseases of longevity’.

This improves aging.

You need to understand the power of truly individual, personalised nutrition.

Health and wellness can be achieved through an intrinsic team work of certified nutritionist, medical doctors and personal trainers that helps you understand how exercise and nutrition

The New Tradition is Good Health Supplement

Whether you prefer working out at home or the gym, it’s important that you prepare your body with the necessary nutrients it needs to perform at the optimal level.

But, how to pick a right health supplement?

  • Consult your personal trainer and design your smart diet-fitness programme.
  • Prefer Made in UK products
  • Read the ingredients used in product and cross-check their biological effects.

affect your body and mind and provides a progression plan which measures everything and motivates you to stay on track.


Most certified London nutritionists and dieticians suggest that a prudent diet should have substantial amounts of fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day), good amounts of protein, and healthy fat sources focusing on variety and naturally reaching your clinical significance intakes (these are different for everyone).

You can refer to Food-based dietary guidelines in – the United Kingdom and sometimes this is not always an easy process.

Therefore, most people prefer to take anti-aging supplements London based on their certified nutritionist or their elite personal trainer’s advice.

  • Did you notice that most sites are flooded with Wellness supplements London based markets confusing you to make a decision?

Be very careful.

  • Not all botanical dietary supplements standardised. As you can see in this research scientific evaluation of the safety and efficacy of these products is very important [22].

It would be unwise, if you assume all purified nutrients, food extracts or herbal products are always harmless.


Overdoses of several nutrients have potential toxic and even fatal effects this is why the quality must be verified and used in a recommended customised manner.

Even the long-term consequences associated with some supplements like e β-carotene, vitamin E and selenium taken to prevent cancer and heart disease, which in fact research shows that it may accelerate the disease [23].

Therefore, is best to consult a wellness supplements London based expert to get the most effective tailor-made best-fit solution.

  • Keen to start moving forward?

For your body’s personalised needs.

For fast recovery needs and for anti-aging supplements London based containing structured evidence-based exercise and customised nutrition plan request now a FREE CONSULTATION !

Enquire now about your Complete 12 Week Weight Loss Program

If you have any questions about 12 weeks Body Transformation programme.

Please contact Jazz Alessi now directly through Contact Jazz page or at 020 3633 2299 .

Monday – Fri: 6:30 am to 9 pm

Saturday: 8 am to 3 pm.

For a limited time request a free consultation now here

For more information on weight loss body transformation procedures and services offered at our website, please visit


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