Secrets to Natural Beauty

Myths vs. Facts: Secrets to Natural Beauty

Every woman dreams of looking young and pretty at all times.

Let’s confess that every woman’s worst nightmare is:

  • Seeing the first lines of ageing on her face,
  • Not fitting in her favourite jeans or
  • Skipping a girls’ night because she is – literally – not in shape.

You must be going the extra mile to find the suitable women’s diet plan for toning your body or seeking an effective way to improve your body composition in London.

Besides the shape of your body, you might also be having your own age-related and health-related concerns, and might also be looking for a single way to get rid of all your problems at once. These problems may Include:

  • Ageing signs
  • Extra weight
  • Polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS)
  • Excessive stress
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Back pain
  • Skin dryness and breakdowns

Although you’re looking for the optimal women diet plan for weight loss, and you’re having all these beauty goals in mind, you are definitely trying to avoid drugs, cosmetics and surgeries.

Instead, you are looking for the secret behind natural beauty.

Well, Let me reveal this secret for you.

SIMPLY PUT: If you want to look beautiful outside, you need to be healthy inside.

I know this is what almost everyone says.

Yet, in order to get this statement more reliable, there are beauty and health-related myths you need to distinguish from facts. Here are some:

body composition in London.

MYTH: Change occurs overnight

You are definitely impatient to see the change you are dreaming of.

However, you must keep in mind that pronounced changes do not take place in the blink of an eye.

In other words, some changes need time to get noticed.

For example, having a summer-ready body by following a women’s diet plan for toning,

Or transforming your body and achieving the optimal body composition.

The approach I use includes long term results so, your achievements last.


It is all about adopting new habits and getting rid of the ones which are taking you away from the goals you target to reach.

And although new habits do not result in an instant change, they are the best way to avoid disease, prolong your life, live more happily [2] and most importantly: Look and feel younger.

The most effective habits you need to adopt are:

  • Making smart food choices and sticking to a customised women diet plan for weight loss if you gained some extra weight
  • Getting more active
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Reducing stress
  • Prioritising things [1]

All you need to do is start it right – and right away!

Keep in mind that when you make healthy behaviours a habit while you’re still young, you’re more likely to hold onto them throughout your life. [1]

Don’t say you are already old.

No matter how many candles you’ve blown; you can still adopt new habits and celebrate the dramatic change.

women diet plan for weight loss

FACT: You Are What You Eat

Are you perplexed about what to eat and what to avoid?

Trying to lose weight by following different diet plans that are not really working for you?

Or maybe you quit your diet because you have been told you are getting pale and less attractive?

I know what you are going through.

It is difficult to have hundreds of diet plans over the internet and not know which one is the best for you.

But, because you deserve the best, you deserve an ideal, customised diet plan that:

  • Is healthy and effective
  • Helps you lose fat
  • Keeps you in shape
  • Doesn’t make you feel lethargic all the time
  • Doesn’t make you look pale
  • Helps you stop cravings [2]

Based on my long-term experience working with “A” list celebrities, fashion models and female Olympic athletes, I would say the best choice is a balanced diet.

This means your diet must contain:  

  • Quality carbohydrates
  • Healthy essential fatty acids
  • Minerals and vitamins
  • Proteins
  • Fiber
  • Water [2]

Each of these components plays a unique role in making you healthy inside, beautiful outside.

For instance, certain vitamins give you softer, smoother skin and a clearer, younger-looking complexion.

While proteins play a role in cell regeneration, hair growth and skin elasticity.

Carbs give you energy; boost your mood and metabolism. [6]

In other words, you cannot cut off a single component from your diet.

Instead, include all components in a smart way and in specific amounts.

Looking for the ideal weight loss diet plan for your age, body composition and fitness goals? Seek professional support by talking to Jazz Alessi, our elite personal trainer in London and long term Harley Street nutritionist who will tailor a diet plan for you taking into consideration the tiniest details.


Age Is Just a Number

MYTH: Age Is Just a Number

People keep saying that age does not matter and it is just a number.

Well, this is not completely true.

Ageing is a physiological process which at least up to this point includes a countless number of changes that occur to our bodies as we grow older.

These changes basically occur because:

  • Our cells and organs normally grow older
  • Our hormones change
  • Wear and tear occur in tissues all over the years [2], [3]

Good news is: ageing is a natural part of growing older and wiser. It is not a disease or pathology.

However, health conditions arise with ageing due to a combination of:

  • Neglection
  • Comorbidities
  • Poor habits
  • Lack of knowledge. [2], [3]

Although age actually matters, you can make it just a number by making sure you are growing healthier (younger) by adopting a healthy lifestyle including:

  • a balanced diet,
  • regular activity with the right type of exercise and intensity,
  • proper hydration; and
  • less stress [1],[4]

Research shows that a similar lifestyle modification will help you:

  • Slow the ageing process
  • Avoid the unwanted changes of growing older
  • Prevent diseases
  • Look and feel attractive as you age. [4],[1]

If you are noticing some age-related changes in your body and personality, and you’d like to find out whether they are normal, feel free to talk to Jazz Alessi, our expert Harley Street nutritionist and elite personal trainer in London who will give you professional tips for a healthier ageing process.


healthy lifestyle

MYTH: Turtles Live Longer Because They Don’t Exercise

Rabbits have a short lifespan even though they are active. Unlike turtles that live for over a hundred years while being sedentary.

I bet you have heard of this myth!

Surprisingly, the reason why turtles live longer is that they have it in their genes.

YES! They have longer telomeres.

Telomeres are parts of our chromosomes that basically control ageing.

These telomeres are present at the end of our DNA strands.

Each time a cell divides, these telomeres become shorter.

So, after years of cell division, telomeres become too short to divide.

At this point, cells become inactive.

They die or continue dividing in an abnormal way that leads to pathology.

This is how the shortening process has been linked with ageing, cancer and a higher risk of death. [5]

In other words, the shorter our telomeres become, the older we get.

So, Can exercise make your telomeres any longer?

It has been proven that lifestyle factors such as:

  • Smoking,
  • Excessive weight ,
  • Lack of exercise and
  • An unhealthy diet

may affect our health and lifespan by increasing the pace of telomere shortening. [5]

Exercise, however, was found to preserve telomeres length and reduce the telemeter shortening in individuals who exercise regularly compared to the less active population. [5]

Expert tip:

Exercising in moderation is the key. Overtraining may have a negative effect on your body, leading to subtle wear and tear in your tissues and may even result in frank injuries.

This is why it is crucial to exercise at the optimum intensity for the optimal duration.

Get a customised exercise plan that matches your fitness needs by speaking to Jazz Alessi, our expert personal fitness trainer in London. Request a FREE CONSULTATION now!

personal fitness trainer in London

Myth: Menopause Is the Worst Transition in a Woman’s Life

Menopause is one change that every woman dreads.

Apparently, it is a milestone in which women feel they’ve gone over the hill and grown old.

Well, this is a myth you should not go a long with.

Although menopause has some undesirable, troublesome symptoms like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Sleeping problems
  • Weight gain
  • Water retention
  • Stress and irritability [7]

Good news is: The severity of your menopausal symptoms can be controlled by simple measures like increasing knowledge and applying some lifestyle modifications. [7]

For instance, diet modification and following a customised women diet plan in London can help you:

  • Balance your hormones,
  • Control your weight,
  • Decrease water retention,
  • Feel energetic,
  • Avoid osteoporosis; and
  • Avoid malnutrition [6]

Your balanced diet should provide around 2,000 calories (a little less or more depending on your body built and activity level).

According to my expertise, the best women diet plan in London should contain:

  • Wholegrain
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Fruits
  • Proteins
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthy fats and oils [6]

At the same time, you need to exercise based on personalised women’s health fitness goals following a customised training plan.

It is worth mentioning that evidence shows that simple forms of regular exercises (e.g. Pilates) are effective in reducing weight and controlling and reducing menopausal symptoms. [8]

It is also one of the shortest, most effective ways to reach fitness goals for beginners and advanced middle-aged women.

In fact, a recent study revealed that strengthening exercises and Pilates training are an effective intervention because they help improve not only physical fitness like balance and flexibility but also mental health. [8], [9]

Are you still worried about this inevitable transition?

Talk to Jazz Alessi, our elite personal fitness trainer in London and share your fears with a professional who will craft the necessary changes you need in your lifestyle.



As a woman, you face tremendous challenges throughout your life.

Starting from working hard to look at your best

to trying to feel at your best regardless all the physiological and environmental changes surrounding you.

I know women’s health fitness goals are several, and they’re not easy to achieve

Especially with the hectic schedule!

As an expert personal fitness trainer in London, I also realise that you have countless fears and concerns.

But, what if simple changes in your lifestyle can work miracles by solving all your problems,

Vanishing all your fears,

Fulfilling all women’s health fitness goals you have been dreaming of,

And transforming you to the best version of you?

I know change is not easily accepted, but with realistic, reachable fitness goals for beginners and a customised effective plan, you can become a healthier, happier and more gorgeous YOU.

Now that we have been through these valuable benefits, I think change is really worth trying.




1-Kumar, Kamakhya. (2017). Importance of Healthy Life Style in Healthy living. Juniper Online Journal of Public Health. 2. 555596. 10.19080/JOJPH.2017.02555596.

2-Amarantos, Eleni & Martinez, Andrea & Dwyer, Johanna. (2001). Nutrition and Quality of Life in Older Adults. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 56 Spec No 2. 54-64. 10.1093/gerona/56.suppl_2.54.

3- Pathath, Abdul. (2017). Theories of Aging. International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4. 15-22. 10.25215/0403.142.

4-Franklin, Nina & Tate, Charlotte. (2009). Lifestyle and Successful Aging: An Overview. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 3. 6-11. 10.1177/1559827608326125.

5- Shammas M. A. (2011). Telomeres, lifestyle, cancer, and aging. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care14(1), 28–34.

6- Woolf, Kathleen Ph.D., R.D., FACSM; Bushman, Barbara A. Ph.D., FACSM; Gabriel, Kelley Pettee M.S., Ph.D., FACSM; Carter, Susan M.D., FACSM PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES DURING THE MENOPAUSAL TRANSITION, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal: January/February 2016 – Volume 20 – Issue 1 – p 20-28

doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000174

7- Rathnayake, Nirmala & Alwis, Gayani & Lenora, Janaka & Mampitiya, Iresha & Lekamwasam, Sarath. (2020). Effect of Health-Promoting Lifestyle Modification Education on Knowledge, Attitude, and Quality of Life of Postmenopausal Women. BioMed Research International. 2020. 10.1155/2020/3572903.

8- Lee, H., Caguicla, J. M., Park, S., Kwak, D. J., Won, D. Y., Park, Y., Kim, J., & Kim, M. (2016). Effects of 8-week Pilates exercise program on menopausal symptoms and lumbar strength and flexibility in postmenopausal women. Journal of exercise rehabilitation, 12(3), 247–251.

9– Ağıl, A., Abıke, F., Daşkapan, A., Alaca, R., & Tüzün, H. (2010). Short-term exercise approaches on menopausal symptoms, psychological health, and quality of life in postmenopausal women. Obstetrics and gynecology international2010, 274261.


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