customised training programme

Maximise Your Confidence Through a Customised Training Programme in London

  • Are you looking to find ways to feel better about yourself and start living life as you think you should?

The best option is to take it easy and not put more pressure on yourself.

  • By the way, did you know that a calm mind will help you find answers inside yourself because no one knows you better than you do.

Low self-esteem is like walking through life with a broken ankle: you’ll always be complaining about pain and your difficulty to walk.

You might be facing the most beautiful landscape in the world, but your mind can’t think of anything else but your ankle.

Low self-esteem does not allow you to admire the beauty around you, nor your own beauty.

Even if you manage to schedule a programme with the best personal trainer for weight loss, the only person who can really make a difference is you.

When you accept your imperfections, no one can use them to hurt you, not even yourself.

But wait, accepting your flaws is not about settling!!

It means understanding that there are things we cannot change and looking for ways to improve what we can transform. Personal training programs are made to help you in that goal in a strategic and well planned way.

Starting today, at top of your list of priorities should be: You.

The rest of the time, you can leave it to an online fitness coach UK to help you find the best way to express your potential.

Personal training programs

Looking for Inspiration in The Right Place

The first step towards your personal transformation must be to seek inspiration in the right place, have clear goals and be willing to do what is necessary, but be mindful and avoid extreme measures.

Maybe you have a role model or thought you’d like to look like a famous actress.

Those are the thoughts you should avoid, there is nothing falser than the standards of beauty proposed by social networks and television.

Through an online fitness coach UK you can find your own beauty and work to achieve the best version of yourself.

What you consider as flaws, are the details that make you unique and it’s time to take advantage of that.

You have in your hands the ability to build your best version.

Talk and advise yourself out loud like you would with someone you love and want to see succeed… but don’t do it in public so you don’t get locked up.

Some realistic sources of inspiration you can rely on to start your transformation are:

– You

Through meditation you can navigate into the depths of your mind and search for the main reason to change your body and your life.

– A loved one or friend

A person close to you who has achieved wonderful things is worthy of admiration. Also, you can take the opportunity to talk to a real person and ask their advice on the things they did to get where they are.

– Your family

If you have children or wish to have them, it’s a good reason to want to improve your health and thus have the energy to share your best days with them.

– Social labour

If you are active in activities that promote the health of others or have people with special needs in your care, you must remember that they trust you to improve, and there is no better inspiration to achieve your change than knowing that you are an important part of society.

Once you’ve got a valuable source of inspiration, you’ll feel that vibration in your chest that won’t let you stop until you’ve achieved your dreams.

Customised Weight Loss Programme for Powerful Women

I am here with a very special proposal for you.

My experience has allowed me to create specialised programmes for women like you, who are constantly struggling with the changes they want to achieve and have not yet reached.

We cannot rely on superficial things to achieve your transformation, even if you have clear goals, such as a special event or simply feel good about what you see in the mirror.

We need a stronger purpose.

Not just to be more attractive for the sake of it, but to project yourself professionally and to improve your health.

I like to think of my clients as people who have feelings, problems and concerns just like me.

That makes me want to give you my best to help you feel good.

If you want to tell me a little bit about your goals, you can do it through this link for free consultation.

People who work as a team accomplish wonderful things together.

customised training programme

Why are your feelings important when starting a customised training programme?

Your emotional state is the key to following the personalised eating advice I’m going to give you.

Proper nutrition will make you feel good eventually, but taking the first step is difficult if you are full of doubts.

To be happy, you need to wish you were happy. This is what will help you look for the best options to feel good:

  • Your mood is reflected on the outside. Focus on moving away from stressful situations so that you are able to spread confidence and vitality.
  • Don’t let challenging circumstances get in the way of change. Whenever you have a problem, try to focus on the solution rather than the difficulties.
  • Be positive. If there is something in you that we can change for the better, let’s focus on doing it, and if there is something in you that we cannot change, let’s accept it.
  • Appreciate those things that make you unique. Don’t train with the thought that you hate your body, better train because you love yourself and want to be the best version of you.

How to Improve Your Strengths to Achieve Your Goals

Self-confidence has many enemies, and many affect us from our childhood.

These enemies make us believe that we are not able to improve, to face what we fear and to get ahead in spite of the difficulties.

They are disguised among the messages of people who have wanted to protect us, and the consequence has been to limit our enthusiasm, our motivation and our willingness to face new experiences, which allow us to develop our skills.

We all have a skill, even if we have not discovered it yet.

Through a customised training programme for women in London, you can boost your physical performance, build your ideal body and improve your health to achieve the look you’ve always wanted. Book your consultation here today.

improve your strengths

Through meditation and long walks in the park, you can achieve the clarity of mind you need to find the answers you are looking for. There are many parks and open spaces in London where you can benefit from fresh air, which will be ideal for performing 121 personalised training.

There are many ways to boost your feminine strengths:

Question everything.

No matter what you have learned so far, there is always room to learn more and forget what we have taken for granted.

Trust yourself and appreciate what you are.

If you think you can achieve something, I promise you will.

But mind you, if you limit your mind with negative thoughts, you will be predisposed to failure.

This study shows that mastering and expanding your strengths allows you to be in control of your own health. (1)

Think constantly about this sentence: I CAN.

Having that winner’s thought will help you find the resources necessary to obtain excellent results in everything you set out to do.

Self-esteem is not something you can buy in a boutique.

Self-esteem is worked on in the same way that you work your muscles to strengthen them.

Start by doing good things for other people, do your job as best you can, train for the best of your abilities and focus on finishing your daily tasks even if you don’t feel like doing them.

That way, when you see what you can accomplish, you’ll become a fan of yourself and feel proud.

An online fitness trainer is an ideal partner to make your routines more effective. Videos with pre-designed routines abound on the internet and they have nothing good to offer you, so they end up making you feel worse.

Don’t stop thinking about yourself when you do good things for others.

Lack of self-esteem does not mean that you do not appreciate yourself, but that you are not thinking about yourself enough. (2)

Signs of Emotional Stagnation and How to Avoid it

What does it mean to get stuck in an emotion?

Negative thoughts are like parasites that feed from your energy.

If you have committed yourself to transforming your body through a personalised training plan for women in London, but there is still something in your mind that is sabotaging you, it is because you are allowing it to do so.

Step 1 to avoid getting stuck in an emotion: Accept it.

You may have many ideas in your head that keep you from achieving the things you set out to do, but that happens when you only focus on them.

Don’t try to get them out of your mind, just welcome them.

Everything has its positive side, just as roses have thorns but are still beautiful, in the same way you can allow yourself to have negative thoughts without letting them dominate your actions.

Don’t think about failure as something negative. If you fail to meet a goal the first time you try, remember that this will give you experience and learning.

Imagine a rainy day that gives us its particular smell and a pleasant atmosphere with relaxing sounds.

We never complain about how grey the sky is, because the grey clouds are also part of the beauty of the landscape.

This is how a healthy mind works.

Body transformation London is possible in a pleasant atmosphere, worthy of enjoyment. Our city deserves your attention even on those days when the colour grey predominates.

Your positive thoughts live in harmony with your negative thoughts.

Managing emotions is fundamental to general health

Some studies have found a very close relationship between personality and cardiovascular disease (3) in which it is shown that people who are hostile, irritable or socially isolated due to depression are more at risk of heart disease.

One clear reason why emotions affect health is because hormones are involved.

As a woman, you should know very well what I’m talking about – hormonal changes throughout the month have a major influence on mood.

Body transformation London

It is hard when your own body makes you feel irritable, anxious or angry.

But, if you consider based on research that this is normal in 75% of women in the days before their period (4), then somehow we can accept it as part of a perfect cycle in which you are fertile and healthy.

Hormones and Stress

Stress is not just feeling worried about some situation. Stress involves a whole chain of hormones jumping around in your body making you want to scream in desperation for no apparent reason.

Something very interesting happens in our bodies during stressful situations.

When your body prepares to run away or to fight: a hormone called cortisol comes into action to prepare you for battle.

Cortisol releases glucose into the blood and makes it easier to use this fuel as energy (5), at the same time adrenaline speeds up your heart so that all your tissues have enough blood.

This means that your body prepares you for action!

All this activity is positive and interesting, unless it happens constantly which then becomes a serious problem.

When you expose your body to long periods of stress in which all your hormones start doing their job, you start to feel the negative effects: weight loss stops because it’s not a priority when the body thinks it’s in survival mode.

Body transformation program London allows you to manage stress levels through a personalised training plan and a diet calculated for you. There is no way to fail.

Some situations that trigger this hormonal reaction are:

  • A hostile working environment
  • Family issues
  • Economic difficulties
  • Bad news
  • Feeling constant fear in a relationship where there is physical or psychological violence

Stay away from anything that makes you feel bad, if you need to change jobs, I want to encourage you to do so.

Maybe it’s not a change you can make overnight, but if you create an escape plan to free yourself from situations that can make you sick, you’ll already be taking an important step.

Work on acceptance and gratitude, so that you face each day with the best attitude.

The Journey to Weight Loss: How to find yourself on the Road

Walking in front of a mirror and feeling good about what you see is a rewarding feeling.

You won’t always be pleased with what you see, but accepting it as you work to improve will help you walk the road to your body transformation in a more relaxed way.

What you tell yourself has great power in your life.

Avoid talking and criticising yourself as if you were your own enemy.

Thoughts like:

  • “I can’t do it”,
  • “I’m not strong enough” and
  • “I’m going to fail again because I have no discipline”

Are the worst guests you can have in your mind.

On the other hand, if you think about you in a positive way, it’s going to be easier to find solutions to day-to-day problems instead of getting caught up in a cycle of self-destruction dominated by fear.

A personal trainer for weight loss is a great help, but it also takes a great commitment to get the desired results.

Start with a positive attitude when facing difficulties and you will have a giant step on your way to personal growth.

personal trainer for weight loss

You’ve probably read enough about self-help, self-improvement and success stories. There are many personal training programs out there with promises of abrupt changes that do not focus on the integral needs of each person.

Reading motivational articles and books is a good way to pass the time, but if you don’t practice a single thing in those books by the time you finish reading, it will have been a pointless read.

This time, I want you to take action so that you begin to see your own transformation.

There is no better adviser than your own conscience.

You know how you feel, your life experiences have led you here.

I assure you that the answer you are looking for is not in any motivational writing but within you.

The reason I am talking to you today is because I have the tools to help you change, at your pace and in your time.

You just need to find the willpower to leave behind all toxic thoughts and start experiencing well-being.

Body transformation for women is a dream come true that not only focuses on your external beauty, I also want you to be able to see yourself as the perfect being you are inside.

Benefits of a Customised Training Programme in London

When you think about exercising, it’s normal to think that you’re not able to complete even the slightest movement because you suffer from overweight, joint pain or any other reason.

The advantages of focusing on body transformation London is that the training will be designed according to your abilities and will be right here in your beautiful city.

You will not have any other competition than yourself.

The most important benefits of this type of training are:

  • You can enjoy the outdoor spaces that London has to offer.
  • The training will be adapted to your body and abilities.
  • You don’t need any special tools for training, just your personal trainer who will guide you step by step and encourage you.
  • In addition to the physical training, you will have a personalised healthy meal plan to help you achieve your weight loss goal.
  • You can count on someone who attends to you directly and cares about your needs.
  • No programme is the same as another, your programme has your name on it.
  • We will start training immediately after I have all your background and medical history, know your preferences and understand your problem.
  • Having an elite personal trainer near you in London makes it easier for you to complete the exercises, you won’t be alone at home trying to find the impetus to move.

You Have a Great Power Within you to Face the Difficulties

Let me tell you this, you are a powerful woman because you are independent and can make your own decisions about your life.

Your mind has power, and the way you use it can do you a lot of good or a lot of harm.

No one is going to force you or rush you to improve your body.

Through an online fitness trainer you can get tools to improve your body and your life, but the decision to change is only yours.

Love yourself so strongly, that you are able to see your beauty, no matter how much body weight you have.

With a body transformation program London you will be able to improve, look more beautiful and be more confident.

It is important that you love what you see in the mirror, not after the achievements of the training are there, but before.

Starting the journey towards your body transformation requires the right mind-set.

I will always be close enough to solve your doubts and share my tools and knowledge with you.

Smile and enjoy every day!

A woman can be very attractive physically, but if her face reflects sadness, anger or worry, its glow will be extinguished.

On the other hand, joy is contagious.

Body transformation for women may have sounded like a fantasy before, but now it is possible and very close to you.

No matter what level of your transformation you are at, you will be beautiful because you will radiate that glow that comes from a healthy and calm mind.

If after reading this article you feel inspired and are able to take a deep breath and smile, we can say that we have completed the first step towards a new healthy lifestyle.

Before we start your transformation, get a free consultation here.


1) Chapter 20 – Health Assets and Active Lifestyles during Preadolescence and Adolescence: Highlights from the HBSC/WHO Health Survey and Implications for Health Promotion. Luis Calmeiro, Margarida Gasparde Matos.

2) Chapter Three – Self-Protective yet Self-Defeating: The Paradox of Low Self-Esteem People’s Self-Disclosures. Joanne V. Wood, Amanda L. Forest.

3) Role of personality in cardiovascular diseases: An issue that needs to be focused too! Swapnajeet Sahoo, Susanta Kumar Padhy, Binayananda Padhee, Neha Singla, Siddharth Sarkar.

4) Patient education: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) (Beyond the Basics) Robert F Casper, MD.

5) Chronic stress puts your health at risk. By Mayo Clinic Staff.,Depression


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