Fat vs. Muscle: The Wildest Battle of All Time

Many people start off with a simple weight loss goal like: “I want to lose 10 pounds.”

That’s a great goal, but unfortunately, it’s a little too vague.

10 pounds… of what? Fat?

If yes, how will you know when you’ve hit that goal?

Even if you step on a scale and see your weight has decreased by 10 pounds, how can you be sure that those 10 pounds are all fat?


False Weight Loss

When you decide to start a diet plan to control the amount of calories you consume, you might think that the less you eat, the faster you will lose weight.

Well, this is actually what the scale shows.

However, if you are:

  • Not following a balanced diet,
  • Not doing the right type of exercises or
  • Not getting the right nutrition that suits these exercises, [1]

You might weigh less, but your body will have lost muscle mass instead of losing the extra fat.


Here is a little advice: Change your goal from “I want to lose weight” to “I want to change my body composition”.

And don’t mind how many pounds you weigh, just aim for less body fat and more muscles.

Because muscles are more dense than fat and take up less room in your body, no matter how heavy you weigh, you can still look slimmer.

In other words, you might weigh the same, but you will not feel the same.

You will be leaner, healthier and generally better.

Still want to lose weight?


Fat is not the Bad Guy

No one seems to like fat!

Almost everyone wants to get rid of them.

Especially after home quarantines that led to increase in almost everybody’s body weight due to lack of activity.

Well, it is true that excess fat causes countless health problems.

But a normal fat mass does more good to your body than you think. Here is how fat helps you:

  • It is your back-up source of energy
  • It helps regulating your body temperature
  • It helps supporting your inner organs
  • It helps your body use the fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)
  • It helps your cells function properly [2]

Due to these benefits –and more– you might start wondering: is fat a good thing?

Well, the truth is: fat is necessary for our body to function. [2], [3]

BUT the more the merrier doesn’t apply to it.

According to the American Council on Exercise, for an average sedentary adult, the acceptable body fat percentage must range between 18-24% for males and 25-31% for females. [4]

While a fit adult should have a fat percentage that is way below these numbers.

As your body stores fat beyond this normal range, you start experiencing problems such as:

  • Being overweight,
  • High blood pressure,
  • High cholesterol,
  • Insulin resistance,
  • Joint pain,
  • Poor immunity,
  • Breathing difficulties and
  • Low self-esteem [3]

So the whole idea is: fat has benefits that cannot be overlooked, but when it is excess, these benefits are just outweighed by the life-threatening drawbacks.

Now that you know how much fat your body must have, let’s learn how to change body composition fast using both diet and exercises to improve body shape.

What Are Body Composition Exercises?

When you exercise, your body starts using glycogen to fuel the muscles.


This is the fastest and the most convenient form of energy stored within your muscles and liver.


Normally, when your activity lasts for long, your glycogen stores are depleted and your body starts using its energy reservoirs (mainly stored as fat cells).

In other words, your body starts burning fat.

This happens if – and only if :

  • You are exerting effort for a long duration (30 minutes or more)
  • You are exercising aerobically (i.e. at low to moderate intensity)
  • You are following the correct diet plan that contains the sufficient amount of carbs and proteins.

Without these three conditions, your body fails to burn fat and it starts to breakdown protein for energy which means losing muscles instead of fat.

This is how false weight loss takes place. [5]

In order to prevent this, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Add body composition exercises to your exercise plan.

Loading your muscles as you exercise stimulates an anabolic state (this means your body tends to build more muscles). [6]

If you are wondering what loading muscles means, let me tell you in more details…

Placing load on your muscles means adding weight or resistance to your exercise routine.

For example, using elastic bands or using body weight.

When you exercise against resistance your muscles experience microtears (small injuries).

When these injuries heal, the muscle undergoes hypertrophy (increase in mass) and becomes a little bigger, stronger and more in shape. [6]

Expert tip: When you strengthen your muscles, they burn more fat during rest and during cardio exercises.

Also, these exercises, along with the proper protein intake, help you maintain your muscle mass and lose actual fat weight.

So, resistance training is always a win-win deal.

No worries!

Body composition exercises are no big deal, they can simply fit in your complete body transformation training without need for any special equipment or preparation.

  1. Add enough protein to your diet

Proteins you consume are converted to amino acids that are essential for building and renewing your tissues.

Normally, a healthy diet is usually 45-65% carbs, anywhere from 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fat. [7]

However, if you want to build up muscles, your diet plan can be modified accordingly.

You can safely consume a higher percentage of plant based protein in order to increase your muscle mass and prevent protein loss. [5], [6]

Wondering what is the best diet and exercise plan for your body? Consult Jazz Alessi, our body transformation expert FOR FREE!

  1. Take rest

Remember that micro-tears thing?

When you exercise, your muscles are lightly injured by the repetitive strain of muscular effort.

So, you need to allow enough time for your muscles to heal and recover. [6]

With enough amounts of protein, and proper rest, your muscles will develop and will give you the leaner appearance you’re dreaming of.

body composition exercises

Sample Body Composition Exercises

Exercises come in countless shapes and forms.

It is confusing to think what to add and what to omit when it comes to setting a new exercise plan.

Well, the key is choosing the best exercise that leads to achieving your goal.

Personally, I prefer bodyweight exercises.

Those are the exercise moves in which you use your body weight to load your muscles.

Here is why these exercises are my favourite:

  • They can be done anywhere
  • They need no or minimal equipment
  • They place less stress on the joints
  • They engage multiple muscle groups instead of single muscles
  • They engage your core muscles
  • They improve not only strength, but also speed, coordination, neurology and stability.

Here are some expert recommendations on exercises that will shorten your way towards your dream body:


Training your arm, shoulder and chest muscles is a very important step towards a lean body.

In fact, strong and toned arms, shoulders and chest muscles can help you lose weight even faster.

Also, because some arm movement requires a stable torso, arm exercises are a very successful way to strengthen and tone your deep core.

For example, when you do modified push-ups, you train not only your arm muscles but also your abs and back muscles which are engaged for stabilising your body.

Expert tip:

Don’t let boredom be a part of your workout!

Always modify the way you workout to stay motivated and to engage as many muscles as you can.

For example, instead of doing traditional push-ups, try some stability ball push-up to tone your abdomen and improve your stability.


The muscles in your legs are large.

This is why they consume more energy when you train them.

This is good news because the stronger your leg muscles become, the more fat they burn during cardio training and even at rest.

The best type of leg exercises to do is the one where you use your body weight to load your leg muscles.

For example, instead of sitting on a chair and extending your knee, do some front lunge or walking lunge exercises  or any of the lunge variations that will give you faster results in no time.


If you want a whole body strengthening exercise, combine arm and leg exercises and take your exercise moves to the next level.

You can try adding arm activity to your squats and lunges.

For example, instead of simply lunging, perform an overhead lunge by holding a ball or any other object and raise your arms up high while keeping your tummy tucked in.


If you want to build muscles and burn fat at the same time, combine strengthening and cardio training.

Wondering how…?

Simply, do your usual strengthening bodyweight exercises in succession and minimise the resting time between reps and sets.

This is called circuit training.

Here is an example of how to do a successful – yet simple – circuit training that involves all your muscles.

Start with 20 seconds of star jumps, followed by 20 seconds of push-ups, and finally 20 seconds of squat exercises with an overhead press.

Rest for 10 seconds every 20 seconds and repeat the whole circuit for the whole duration of your workout.


How much Fat is in your body?

Stepping on a scale tells you only a little about your body.

In fact, it only tells you how many pounds your body weighs.

This is a very vague piece of information because your body is composed of different things. These are:

– Muscles

– Fat

– Bone and minerals

– Viscera (internal organs)

– Water

In other words, two people can have different body compositions (i.e different percentages of tissues) but they may still weigh the same.

So, if you are aiming for losing only body fat while building muscles, body fat percentage will be an objective method to make sure you are doing it right.

Expert tip:

You can always tell if your body is losing muscles instead of fat!

Indeed, it is not as accurate as measuring your fat percentage using an in-body analysis machine, but it can always be an indicator that something is wrong.

Here are some signs that your body is breaking muscles down:

– You feel strained during exercise

– Your physical performance does not improve

– You are losing weight very quickly

– You feel tired for long after exercise

– Your skin is redundant or you see wrinkles that were not there.

If these signs are familiar to you, something must be wrong in your:

  • Nutrition plan,
  • Training plan or
  • Rest time

This is usually when you need to consult an expert for real quick modification

Jazz Alessi welcomes answering all your questions about body transformation anytime. You can simply get all your questions answered, all you need to do is request now your,  free consultation.

How much Fat is in your body?

Not improving? Seek professional help

After the worldwide calls to stay home, most of people stopped going to the gym in order to comply with the COVID-19 guidelines.

If you are one of those and you have been trying to work out on your own, congratulations!

You are self-motivated!

However, due to lack of experience and supervision, you might have witnessed no change during this home training.

If this is the case, don’t worry!

A personal trainer London based with long-term experience in body transformation can help you get rid of your extra fat and replace it with muscles faster and safer.

Although today’s internet provides unlimited sources of information, having an elite personal trainer London based of our own is different.

Your personal trainer will:

  • Assess how much fat you need to lose
  • Determine the duration in which you can lose fat safely
  • Set you an exercise plan to build up muscles
  • Train you safely to avoid injury
  • Consult, and design from scratch the perfect customised nutrition plan to prevent muscle loss and promote fat loss
  • Set realistic both short – and long-term goals to keep you motivated as you see your achievements before your eyes
  • Keep your spirit high all the time
  • Make sure you are committed
  • Make instant modifications as necessary

It is Worth it!

Hiring a personal trainer might be a little costly.

However, if you weigh the expected health, fitness and appearance outcomes, you will realise it is totally worth it.

Body transformation not only gives you a good shape, but also:

  • Better exercise capacity
  • Less fat in your blood stream. Hence, less risk for heart diseases
  • Less risk for joint arthritis
  • More flexibility,
  • Significantly less or no muscles and joint pains
  • Better cells longevity, which contributes to a delayed ageing process.
  • Better immunity
  • Improved psychological state, self-confidence and self-image [8]

So, no matter how much you invest in transforming your body.

You actually invest in your health, which is the most precious thing you have.

personal trainer London

Bulk or Cut: Which is first?

What is bulking?

The bulking phase means producing a caloric surplus to increase muscle mass while keeping the increase in body fat to minimum.

It is usually done by people who are underweight, skinny or would like to look more bulky. [6]

What is cutting?

On the other hand, cutting means getting rid of the body’s excess fat by creating a caloric deficit; this means consuming less calories than the body needs.

Cutting is usually used for people who are overweight or those having a high percentage of body fat. [6]

Both at once: is it possible?

On top of these two terms, there’s this widely-used-at-the-gym term: “RECOMP”

Short for recomposition, this term refers to losing fat and building muscles at the same time.

Recomp is usually a more complicated process that includes fluctuation in caloric intake and physical activity in order to achieve the bulk-cut balance that everyone is dreaming of.

However, it is not for everyone!

Recomp is usually advised for those who are more advanced and motivated due to its slow results.

In addition, it is pretty complicated as you need to consume a surplus of calories on specific days and create caloric deficit on others. [6]

What is the best for me?

Most of those who are new to exercising and losing weight are longing to see dramatic results.

They usually have unrealistic goals that leave them demotivated – when not reached as fast as they have expected.

So, recomp is not suitable for fitness beginners.

As it might also be difficult for them to:

  • Understand the concept of carb cycling.
  • Do strenuous exercises on workout and surplus days
  • Get convinced that gaining muscles may lead to an increase in their body weight or it might leave it unchanged.

Also, if you have a higher fat percentage, fat will need to be partially reduced before bulking or recomp.

This is because a higher body weight puts more load on your joints. So, the heavier a person is, the less exercise moves he/she can do.

For these reasons, it is usually preferred to set goals that are:

  • Realistic and achievable.
  • Safe for you.
  • Measurable so that you can see and measure your progress.
  • Reachable by simple routines that you can easily follow.
  • Capable of keeping you inspired and motivated.

Don’t worry if your London personal trainer suggests you either lose fat or build muscles first.

Everyone has his own body composition that must be considered individually.

If you are not sure whether you are a candidate for recomp, you can discuss it with Jazz Alessi, our elite personal trainer with long experience in body transformation.

Request a consultation with him for free.

London personal trainer

3 Steps Towards An Ideal Body Composition

The Health Survey for England 2017 estimates that 28.7% of adults in England are obese and a further 35.6% are overweight.

These numbers have drastically increased after the coronavirus home quarantines. [9]

Reading these percentages may give you a motive to stand out of the crowd and achieve an ideal body composition.

To do so, you need to:

  1. Find your inner balance with your nutrition plan

Never underestimate what your diet can add to your transformation plan.

Because –simply– you are what you eat.

Here is how different components of your diet can help you achieve your goals:

  • Carbohydrates: Your intake of carbohydrates controls how much easy-energy your body receives.

Also, when handled correctly, it can be an important factor in losing weight and building muscle.

  • Protein: important for building muscle and healing injuries.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: contain countless numbers of vitamins and minerals that will help you stay energetic, keep your metabolism high and regulate lots of functions within your body.
  • Minerals: Play an important role in regulating your body water (e.g. Sodium); you cell function (e.g. Potassium) and bone density (e.g. calcium).
  • Water: will keep you hydrated so that you can exercise and lose weight without developing water retention and –most importantly– without developing health problems.
  1. Perform a balanced and well-rounded exercise routine

As I mentioned earlier, the type of exercise you perform determines how your body responds.

  • Aerobic Exercises:

These are usually the best way to lose fat.

Walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes 3 times/week can make unbelievable changes to your body fat percentage and the way your body looks. [11]

  • Strengthening exercises:

Resistance or weight training is usually used to build or maintain muscle mass. This helps:

  • Boosting your metabolism,
  • Reshaping your muscles,
  • Toning your body and
  • Bulking (if you use the right amount of resistance) [10]
  1. Make a mental commitment to becoming the best you can be

How you think of your transformation plan determines how long and strong you can go.

If you realise the huge benefits of a healthy lifestyle or a weight loss programme, you will definitely remain motivated until you reach your desired goal.

In order to be mentally prepared for transforming into a better version of you:

  • Learn about the benefits that your body will gain
  • Make it fun
  • Find a fitness partner or a personal trainer
  • Set realistic goals
  • Break your goals into smaller, more doable ones
  • Get enough sleep (at least 6 hours of night sleep)

If you are looking for the perfect personal trainer who has the sufficient background, and who can keep you motivated for as long as you need to achieve your goal, Try consulting Jazz Alessi for free and find out what he suggests for you.

Fit vs Fat Diet

How Body Fat Sabotages Your Immune System?

Body fat mass is an important measure that tells you how many pounds you need to lose before you reach your ideal body composition.

When this fat mass is calculated out of the total body mass, it turns out that males should ideally have a fat percentage of 10-18%, while females’ ideal fat percentage must be around 18-28%. [4]

When you gain wait, your body turns more of the food you eat into fat cells for energy storage.

The more fat cells you have, your body fat increases and so does the percentage.

Unfortunately, a high fat percentage means you are at risk for:

  • heart diseases
  • metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes)
  • Fatty liver
  • Atherosclerosis (narrowed arteries)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Infections (including sever COVID 19) [12]

In addition to all these life-threatening diseases, recent researches have revealed the very serious impact of obesity on the immune system.

So far, overnutrition has been found to increase susceptibility to the development of:

  • Inflammatory diseases,
  • Autoimmune diseases and
  • [12], [13]

A high body fat percentage is also associated with altered functioning of circulating immune cells.

Those are special cells in your body called T-cells and B-cells; they are considered the first line of defense in your body.

These unique cells are responsible for:

  • Quickly responding to an invasion by foreign cells like bacteria and viruses.
  • Fighting infection and
  • Defending the body against outsider cells. [13]

When these cells are impaired, the body’s ability to fight against invader organisms declines.

This puts you more at risk for getting sick and catching infections.

So far, Hopkins University has revealed significant correlation between having a higher body mass index and a younger age in the COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care. [14]

How Body Fat Sabotages Your Immune System

Healthy Immune System, Healthy Life

Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies.

Based on this fact, I believe that the recent COVID-19 outbreak shared with the whole world a lesson that, – it is important to defend your body against harmful habits that feel enjoyable to do, like:

  • Eating fast food,
  • Being sedentary,
  • Smoking,
  • Drinking…etc

And in return, your body will develop a very strong immune system to defend your body against infections and diseases

For this very specific reason:

  • Is best to avoid smoking,
  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables,
  • Replace meats with more nuts and seeds
  • Eat more fiber
  • Eat more fresh colorful foods
  • Exercise regularly and
  • Take well care of your body so that your body will take care of you.

Fat Lose

Belly Fat-Loss Workouts: Five Circuits to Build Muscle

Everyone is familiar with the very effective triad of losing weight. That is:

  • Diet control with calories deficit
  • Prolonged moderate exercise
  • Healthy food choices

But there’s another piece of the fat-loss puzzle which, if missing, will ruin your efforts, and that’s maintaining or building muscle.

You might think building muscles is not the thing for you because you think developing muscle mass will make you look bigger and weigh more.

However, this is not true.

Building muscles doesn’t necessarily mean having big, bulky muscles.

BUT it means developing muscles so that they:

  • Boost your metabolism and burn more fat
  • Prevent cellulite and redundant skin
  • Protect your joints and visceral organs [10]

You can simply build muscles and lose belly fat by adding bodyweight exercises to your routine in form of circuit training.

The type of training combining weight training and cardio.

In this list below are just some of the best exercises that I recommend and create for my clients who need to lose body fat in general and belly fat in particular:

  1. Dumbbell Fat-Loss Workout
  2. 20-Minute Barbell Fat-Loss Workout
  3. 15-Minute Barbell Fat-Loss Workout
  4. 10-Minute Fat-Loss Finisher
  5. 12-Minute Kettlebell Fat-Loss Workout
  6. Squat-Jump and burst squat with overhead workouts

Fat Loss Transformation Programmes in London

Fat Loss Transformation Programmes in London

Because living in London leaves you only a few time to workout, your fitness plans must be:

  • Less time consuming
  • Short in duration (if you just started you may need more time)
  • Perfectly customised for your challenges and goals
  • Effective
  • Flexibly scheduled

For these reasons, you need a plan that is tailored for your very personal needs and goals.

This is what I am offering you in these programmes.

First of all, you need to be assessed based on scientific basis to determine the best plan for you.

During the assessment, I also figure out the best measurable and objective way to track your progress.

After that, you can choose whether you want to be supervised from home (especially during the current COVID-19 outbreak) or you prefer outdoor sessions in the fresh air.

Depending on what your body needs, you may be a fitting candidate for one of these two comprehensive life-changing programmes:

In this programme, I will help you to set off for a 12-week journey that will change not only your body, but also your life.

You will be following a holistic approach that is designed for people of all ages, shapes and sizes who want to look, feel and perform at their best.

Throughout this intensive course, you will be offered elite personal training sessions including different types of exercises tailored for your needs at your desired location (provided it’s in the London catchment) and at a time to suit you.

You will also be advised diet-wise and a specific diet plan will be set for you to crown the effort you will be exerting during the training sessions.

By the end of this course, you will witness dramatic changes in the way you look, live and think of a healthy lifestyle.

And if you would prefer to train less times / week or more or increase the time spent on your time (12 -24 weeks etc) this can be arranged too.

For more details about this programme, you can refer to the full blog on Complete Body Transformation programme.

If you have a health problem that holds you back, and your physician has recommended you to start exercising, you must be concerned.

You must be looking for a personal trainer London based who would consider your problem and help you exercise to get better without causing any harm,

Well, this programme is the one for you.

In this 12-week programme, all your medical reports and investigations will be reviewed before a personalised exercise and nutrition plans are set to match your abilities and goals.

No matter what your health problem is, it might be:

  • A chronic disease (e.g. liver, kidney, heart disease…etc.)
  • A metabolic or hormonal disease (e.g. diabetes, PCO…etc.)
  • A joint problem (e.g. arthritis …etc.)
  • An autoimmune disease (e.g. systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis)
  • A previous surgery (e.g. open heart, coronary stent…etc.)
  • A previous injury (e.g. ACL injury, shoulder dislocation…etc.)
  • A mechanical problem (e.g. low back pain, scoliosis…etc.)

If you cannot find your problem in this list, don’t worry!

 This list only contains examples of the health problems Jazz Alessi can help you conquer.

If you are still concerned, you can read now the full Health Transformation package benefits.

Or you can speak directly to Jazz in a free consultation about the problem you have and see what he has for you up his sleeve.

exercises to improve body composition


If you would like to have a body that you feel proud of, it is now easier than ever with the right exercises to improve body composition.

Yet, you need to base your transformation routine on a measurable parameter that will help you monitor your progress

This parameter can be your body fat percentage!

If you have had your body fat percentage measured or you would like to learn how to measure body composition,

Or if you would like to learn the best Body composition programme that would work for you, you can consult Jazz Alessi who will tell you exactly what your body needs.

Request a consultation now FOR FREE!

 Who Is Jazz Alessi?

Jazz Alessi is an elite personal trainer London based who pays attention to even the tiniest details of his clients.

Being dedicated, he can use his long experience in fitness coaching, nutrition, Pilates, special forces training and body transformation to help his clients achieve the best results in no time, and guide them through their path to peak performance.

He makes sure that every plan he sets matches the client’s condition, physical ability, goals and personal preferences.

This is why his programmes are always the shortest, yet the most effective.

Contact jazz Alessi at: 020 3633 2299 (Monday – Fri: 6:30am to 9pm – Saturday: 8am to 3pm).

Or request for free consultation here https://www.personaltrainingmaster.co.uk/contactme/

For more information on complete body transformation, weight loss, knee and back pain injury rehabilitation and Pilates services offered at our website, please visit




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2. FAO Food And Nutrition Paper 91 – Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition: Report of an expert consultation; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 10 − 14 November 2008. Geneva. ISSN 0254-4725


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4. American Council on Exercise – Body fat percentage


5. Wang HM 2014: Science Energy Systems: Nutrition & Metabolism.


6. Chappell, Andrew & Simper, Trevor & Helms, Eric. (2019). Nutritional strategies of British professional and amateur natural bodybuilders during competition preparation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 16. 10.1186/s12970-019-0302-y.


7. Manore, Melinda. (2005). Exercise and the Institute of Medicine Recommendations for Nutrition. Current sports medicine reports. 4. 193-8. 10.1097/01.CSMR.0000306206.72186.00.


Pasanisi, Fabrizio & Contaldo, F & Simone, Giovanni & Mancini, M. (2002). Benefits of sustained moderate weight loss in obesity. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD. 11. 401-6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11317514_Benefits_of_sustained_moderate_weight_loss_in_obesity

8. Carl Baker (2019): Obesity Statistics. House of Commons Liibrary. August 06, 2019. No. 3336 Obesity Statistics

9. Mota, Gustavo & Orsatti, Fábio & Costa, Tatienne & Marocolo, Moacir. (2010). Strength training and weight loss. Journal Health Scince Institute. 28. 337-40. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271908222_Strength_training_and_weight_loss

10. Aktaş, Samet & OZDIL, Gamze & BAGIS, Ozlem & Güven, Faruk. (2016). The effects of 8-week aerobic training on body weight among sedentary females. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 18. 113. 10.15314/tjse.93052. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309685264_The_effects_of_8-week_aerobic_training_on_body_weight_among_sedentary_females

11. Sattar, N., McInnes, I. B., & McMurray, J. J. V. (2020). Obesity Is a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19 Infection: Multiple Potential Mechanisms. Circulation. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047659


12. Agrawal, Madhur & Kern, Philip & Nikolajczyk, Barbara. (2017). The Immune System in Obesity: Developing Paradigms Amidst Inconvenient Truths. Current Diabetes Reports. 17. 87. 10.1007/s11892-017-0917-9. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319129294_The_Immune_System_in_Obesity_Developing_Paradigms_Amidst_Inconvenient_Truths

13. Kass, D. A., Duggal, P., & Cingolani, O. (2020). Obesity could shift severe COVID-19 disease to younger ages. Lancet (London, England), 395(10236), 1544–1545. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31024-2


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