Customised Personal Training Benefits

How to Get Fit for Life

Did you know you have a higher  possibility of remaining active and accomplishing your fitness goals when you train with an elite personal trainer?

From a lift in self-image to a knock in creative thinking, a single one to one fitness session can bring you an amazing range of instant benefits.

Let’s see what’s this all about.

Depending upon the nature of fitness training you are doing, there can be bundles of beneficial changes like:

  • Improved cardiovascular functionality;
  • Better bone density;
  • Improved metabolic efficiency;
  • More lean muscle mass; and
  • Undeniably decreased body fat. [1]

One to one fitness training can be customised to a particular individual or can be done in a group session (classes) which off course is beneficial but a lot less effective.

So as to be effective with any lifestyle change or rehabilitation programme, it is vital to:

  • develop laser sharp goals,
  • in a smart way to get rid of challenges or potential physical or mental barriers
  • build an enjoyable and safe fitness journey which maximises your mental and body transformation

And of course a great way to overcome these is through one to one personal training sessions.

Fitness training, particularly when carried out in a therapeutic setting, can help to make you regular and achieve your goals. [2] [3] [4]

Therefore, you can start reaching your goals now with our FREE CONSULTATION service and achieve them working directly with the elite personal trainer in London, Jazz Alessi.

Eliminate Distractions

Your personal training programme is designed with perfect customisation goals in mind – using fitness activities, exercise and movements as  well as coaching sessions to help you maximise your fitness and health results.

Short breaks are provided in the middle of your training so you can exchange feedback on the spot and recover anytime you require.

I help you to melt fat successfully and increase your lean muscle mass (so, your metabolism and body become healthier), transform your body and health but also you will  develop strength, flexibility and new fitness skills –  as you can see in this research implementing them in a safe environment. [5]

A Way towards a Rewarding and Healthy Life Style

A smart routine is highly important in replacing at times possible self-destructive or sedentary habits with positive ones that concentrate on safe progression, fitness and healing.

The structure of personal fitness builds up a basic daily schedule that makes clear-headedness a priority while keeping up a fair way of life that you can stick even in post-injury scenarios; if you have encountered any injury.

Proceeding with the organised lifestyle learned through fitness programs implies you will feel less strained and will find relief when you return home. [5]

No More Skip Days from Fitness

It is obvious when you try to perform a new exercise on your own, some muscle tension and pain might occur, and it is usually common to be tempted to skip practising.

One reason could be that you might not be certain about the exercise form therefore, you just don’t enjoy performing it.

In a one to one fitness session, I will tailor everything to your needs making any adjustments you require and incorporating the most helpful and relevant exercises for you.

This is done under my supervision all the time to make sure each one of my client is using the right form, intensity, speed and technique.

Along these lines, you also improve trust and become more accountable whilst enjoying an amazing training that is safe, pleasurable and effective at the same time.[6]

Give it a Real Try

Regardless of your goals:

  • shed some pounds or stones of fat,
  • gain muscle mass,
  • build your strength,
  • increase your energy levels,
  • increase your flexibility and endurance,
  • enhance your body coordination,
  • train yourself for an athletic activity,
  • want to look pretty for wedding or a friend’s get-together or simply
  • stay in shape

Working with our fitness trainer will assist you in reaching them and getting your desired upshots.

Firstly, all clients told me how much they enjoy working with me when we laser sharp defined and refined their goals.

Secondly, as you can see in this research [7] [8] a plan by the trainer will develop a positive and supportive relationship with you which will keep you staying motivated with the aim of achieving the results you want.

Why not try it out by contacting us now for your FREE CONSULTATION.

Reduces and Eliminates the Risk of Injury

Another huge benefit that elite London personal trainers can provide is to help decrease the risk of injury.

Your trainer is working with you to ensure your workout will not only help you meet your fitness goals but also get you injury-free.

Both acute as well as overuse injuries usually occur when people trail a constant workout designs that are not customised to their needs or using poor exercise form.

People who have been injured previously, that have an underlying health condition or chronic disease have an increased injury risk that will consequently benefit significantly from personal training.

For instance, the rehab of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)  is different from the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) and therefore needs to be addressed accordingly by your injury rehabilitation personal trainer in London. [9]

Fitness for All

Similarly, patients with diabetic neuropathy may require to keep away from high impact exercises so as to keep and improve their vascular in addition to nerve health.

What’s more, individuals with different kinds of arthritis should figure out how to build strength and joint stability without making further damage to cartilage and joint surfaces.

One to one fitness sessions may help to protect against a number of diseases.

Fitness protocols are customised to the conditions but our goal of fitness remains constant for all. [9]

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Most women realise that it is difficult to lose body fat (which is very different from weight loss) on stubborn sites like buttocks, thighs and belly.

Sometimes, it just seems like fat loss is just impossible to achieve.


It is the abdominal fat that makes the health danger to a woman and appears to reoccur when a woman touches her late-thirties or mid-forties.


It must be pointed out that it is possible to reduce body fat and lose weight by targeting the exact area and with custom designed one to one fitness protocols. [10].

Builds more Muscle Mass

By the time a female reaches her late-thirties, she is beginning to lose muscle bulk.

This muscle loss speeds up a little with every decade of life thus when a woman gets in her forties, it is estimated she will gain around 500 grams of fat each resulting year which equals to a fat gain of 5 kg every ten years. [10]

Inactive women can lose up to 5% of muscle mass each decade. [10]

Active women will also lose muscle mass but at a much slower rate, especially if they maintain a regular weight training programme.

One to one fitness will make you lose weight and build muscle mass by regular whole body conditioning and strength training.

This will not provide lot of room for fat cells, anymore, to spread and create a strong hold.

In other words, if you have more filled fat pockets than muscle tissue, you will find it hard to keep the body toned and weight in a normal zone.

However, customised body weight conditioning and strength training regimes will help you overcome this. [10]

Avoid and Eliminate Injuries

When an individual attempts to use a gym equipment the person is new to, it’s very likely that he or she might use a poor form.

Lifting weights with poor form is a recipe for long lasting or severe injuries – some of them leading to surgeries.

A fitness trainer will show clients the correct for and spot-on them as they experience the exercises, in this manner lessening the risk of injuries.

We know that already – one size doesn’t fit all.


Customised personal fitness training helps you maintain a strategic distance from recurrence of injuries too.[10]

Your Body Becomes More Flexible and Smarter

Whether you are a normal person or suffering from any disease, practising the full range of motion (ROM) will improve your flexibility.

As fatigue occurs, due to over load the muscle tightens and this is decreasing the ROM.

In order to maintain optimum ROM it is essential to perform customised stretches at the end of your workout.

As we pass middle age sitting, inactivity, back pains and other types of injuries makes us lose flexibility.

When not being used, muscles, the connective tissue becomes shortened.

Personal fitness programmes with dynamic and static stretching tailored to your limitations and goals can help to keep up the full ROM.

Previous injuries additionally can influence flexibility and females are often viewed as more flexible than men, but the chance exists for everyone to recover their flexibility. [11]

Big Bunch of Rehab Benefits

Everyone is different and this implies everybody’s abilities and requirements are not the same when it comes to rehabilitation or exercise.

If someone has a chronic knee injury that requires surgery, but as you have not done anything effectively to rebuild the muscles or improve mobility, at that point you are going to require various exercises and goal line as compared to an athlete who is preparing to run a marathon.

This is the place where a personal fitness trainer or one to one fitness rehab session will make a great difference to your injury or health status. [12] 

Positive Vibes for your Body

Having a confident feeling about your body sets in motion a wide range of good things.

But, sometimes man and women may feel negative about their bodies.

This is a worry since poor self-perception or body image can have unsafe implications for a woman’s mental and physical wellbeing including risk for low self-esteem, depression and for binging, dietary problems.

Of course, lots of us men suffer from these too.

A customised fitness regime can help to overcome all this in a smart, gentle and progressive way.

For customised solutions regarding better body image and self-perception, you may contact us now for FREE CONSULTATION[12] [13] 

Proven: Combats Anxiety and a Plague of Stress

The effects of fitness training on stress is proven.

Even a single fitness session can stimulate the surge of happy hormones within the body.

The boost in synapses and neurotransmitters can also help an individual to overcome depression.

Besides this, it can improve memory as well, ultimately making your mental health and nerves strong. [12]

Most of you will get stunned to see much of these incredible changes can begin in your first fitness session.

In a one to one setting everything is super strategised and professionally focused: limitations and challenges, your goals and a perfectly customised progressive programme designed for your injuries, weight loss or fitness goals – to name just a few things which matter.

When you try a single one to one fitness session, your mood and the body will start to feel massively different.

It’s the continuation of working out that puts you on the way to improved health by and large. [1] [12]

When you work out regularly on a steady schedule, you will feel the impact of skipping sessions.

Your body adjusts to the demands put on it and becomes accustomed to the rhythm of those training and recovery days.

Your energy levels go up, your endurance threshold improves, cardiovascular fitness so many positive changes.

So if something comes about and you take a week off, when returning to the workout next time several individuals feel they have lost something. [1]

The feeling before and after the training really make you feel how beneficial customised exercises are for your mind, body and health.

I am Jazz Alessi and if you like to achieve any fitness and health goals I will personally help you – contact me now for your  FREE CONSULTATION


  1. 10 Positive Things That Happen to Your Body After Just One Workout. (2018, December 14). Retrieved from
  2. Group versus Individual Approach? A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Interventions to promote physical activity. (2005, November 30). Retrieved from
  3. Group exercise more effective than individual workouts, study says. (2017, October 30). Retrieved from
  4. Glazer, M. (2019, April 2). The Benefits of Group Exercise. Retrieved from
  5. The Benefits of Rehab. (2019, April 8). Retrieved from
  6. The advantages of Personal Training – What clients should understand. (2019, May 30). Retrieved from
  7. The Benefits of Group Physio and Rehab. (2017, July 6). Retrieved from
  8. Personal Training — 1.2.1 Fitness. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  9. Cartee, G. D., Hepple, R. T., Bamman, M. M., & Zierath, J. R. (2016). Exercise Promotes Healthy Aging of Skeletal Muscle. Cell metabolism, 23(6), 1034–1047. doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2016.05.007
  10. Wilkinson, D. J., Piasecki, M., & Atherton, P. J. (2018). The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function: Measurement and physiology of muscle fibre atrophy and muscle fibre loss in humans. Ageing research reviews, 47, 123–132. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2018.07.005
  11. Personal Training Techniques for Flexibility Enhancement – Dynamic vs. Static Stretches. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  12. 15 Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  13. Personal Training ? The Benefits. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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