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Complete Body Transformation In Just 12 Weeks: Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life

12 Weeks To Change Your Body! Are You Up For The Challenge?

Here’s an interesting fact – about 28.7% of the adults in England have a BMI that’s higher than 30.

That makes almost one-third of the adult population obese1.

An additional 35.6% of the adult population in England are overweight – with a BMI between 25 and 29.9.

But, did you know that the prevalence of obesity and overweight is higher among men than women?

In women, about 61.5% have a BMI above 25.

Among the male population of England, an estimated 67.2% have a 25+ BMI.

And did you know that by following a personalised programme, you can completely transform your habits and set yourself up for long-term success in as little as 12 weeks?

With the best body transformation London programme, this is a goal that you can certainly achieve.

Here is how you can do this.

You will melt fat, become super toned and fit – have fun and completely transform your body.

The 12-week complete body transformation programme by Jazz focuses on equipping you with:

  • The best personal training programmes,
  • Expert coaching throughout,
  • Phone, email, text support and
  • Knowledge transfer regarding all services involved including a
  • Bespoke nutrition plan to help you get the body you desire – with real results in just the first 12 weeks.

One-On-One Health And Nutrition Coaching

You know that generic classes, group training groups, diets and nutrition plans are available all over the internet.

A simple Google search allows you to download these, but they are not made for you and your body and often comes with some extreme measures2.

Some would ask you to reduce your calories too much.

Others don’t take your personal factors into account.

This could put your own health at risk.

The ultimate goal of one-on-one health, exclusive elite training and premium nutrition coaching is to give you a fully personalised for your body experience.

Your personal factors are taken into account, including:

  • Medical history
  • Current health status
  • Genetic profile
  • Current nutritional habits
  • Current physical activity habits
  • Stress and working schedules
  • Existing disease
  • Past and current lifestyle
  • And more.

A fully bespoke programme is then developed based on the collected data.

Studies suggest that these personalised programmes offer many advantages over generic options 3.

A fully personalised to your body programme is addressing your specific nutritional requirements, while assuring that how you train, recover and what you eat will not cause problems with your health.

Melting fat fast, becoming toned and fit and getting your confidence back is more accessible than you think.

Get in touch with Jazz and CLAIM now your FREE consultation to find out what this type of programme can do for you.

How Our Body Transformation Programme Is Different From Others?

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Body transformation programs focus on giving you access to the right strategies that you need to reach goals regarding the composition of your own body.

Jazz’s programmes focus on taking your goals into close account to produce a strategy that is personalised to what you expect.

The main goals may include:

  • To significantly reduce body weight and reach a slimmer physique
  • To reduce fat content and increase lean muscle mass
  • Become fit and toned giving you a major confidence boost
  • Improving your metabolism, health and look much younger
  • Gain expert knowledge so, you will know how to maintain it

With the right programme, changes in lean muscle mass and physical strength can be observed within the first eight weeks, according to this study4.

By the 12-week mark, there will be a much more significant effect on these elements.

The average person will also lose about 1.4 pounds a week safely 5.

This way, no side-effects are experienced due to rapid weight loss, yet results can still be observed.

Jazz focuses on providing customised methods that may provide somewhat more impressive results, but still in a safe way.

Remember that all your personal factors are taken into consideration to develop a programme that is unique to your own needs.

Here is an overview of how Jazz’s 12-week programme differs from other body transformation systems:

Comprehensive Nutritional Assessment

Jazz always start with a comprehensive nutritional assessment.

Your existing lifestyle will be taken into consideration.

Your diet needs to be considered at this stage, giving Jazz the ability to determine what nutrients you are currently gaining from your diet.

This also makes it easier to understand what nutrients may be lacking in your diet at the moment.

Current Lifestyle And Medical Assessment

Your current lifestyle is assessed too, along with your medical details.

If you have existing medical conditions, then these will be accounted for.

What you eat, how much you are active, your current stress levels – these factors all play a role in ensuring Jazz can develop an effective personalised strategy for you.

One-On-One Goal Setting

You will work closely with Jazz to develop goals for yourself.

The goals will be broken into multiple phases.

This helps you set more realistic expectations and allow for more frequent moments of rejoicing – when you are able to reach and achieve those smaller goals.

Personalised Training Programme

Jazz develops a personalised training programme based on what you expect from the 12-week body transformation programme.

This may include:

  • Body weight exercises,
  • Resistance workouts,
  • 121 Pilates,
  • Weight training,
  • Kettlebells
  • TRx – suspended training
  • Yoga,
  • Customised assisted exercises
  • Gymnastic and a range of other exercise strategies to help you maximise your own results.
  • Functional exercises

And you can train either in a beautiful private studio in London or at your home  location.

Personalised Nutrition Plan

A personalised nutrition plan is also developed, ensuring you know exactly what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat.

You will have lots of freedom to choose from since most of the nutritional choices will be designed to be interchangeable so, it will be easy to follow and choose.

Most people eat around 20-30 ingredients but, you will have 40 – 70 nutritional options, you will never get bored!

The programme ensures you get all of the nutrients you need, while also catering toward the caloric needs of your body to support your body transformation programme.

Body Transformation Programme Benefits

A 12-week transformation London service provided by Jazz will yield many benefits for you.

Of course, the benefits you get may not be exactly the same as another person.

This is the great thing about a personalised programme.

It aids you in the journey to reaching your own specific goals.

There are a few general benefits that you may want to keep in mind.

Here are just a few you should take into consideration:

  • You will melt fat, get to reach your results without the need to spend hours in a gym each day
  • The programme will be specific to you, addressing your individual needs and goals
  • All of the steps involved in your programme will be safe since Jazz looks at your medical history and takes your current lifestyle, stress levels, and conditions into consideration
  • Your nutrition levels will be optimised, leading to a healthier and stronger body
  • Your personalised personal training and nutrition programme helps to get your body back into balance, improving hormone production, muscle function, and more
  • Mental function benefits just as much as physical health from a personalised programme, helping to fight against stress, anxiety, and depression

Since each programme is different, based on your own criteria, you can learn more at the body transformation page why your customised programme works.

If you want to melt fat, transform your fitness and health, claim now your free consultation with Jazz directly through his website if you have more questions or would like to learn more about the programme.

Injury Prevention (And Rehabilitation If Needed)

Injuries are common in the London population.

Both young individuals and the elderly can suffer an injury at any time.

Among the elderly, falls are often the reason for these injuries.

In the younger population, sport is often to blame.

Regardless, injury prevention strategies are included in a body transformation programme.

If needed, rehabilitation can be provided too.

This helps to strengthen muscles, ligaments, joints, boost recovery times, and ensure there is no risk of injury whilst you are training.

Knee Injuries Rehab

Knee injuries like meniscus tear, ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL tears or a knee ligament rupture are some of the most common issues in the London population.

In fact, throughout the entire world, knee injuries are commonly reported – especially among athletes.

Long-term complications, such as osteoarthritis 6, need to be taken into account here.

Failure to rehabilitate from these injuries effectively does hold a risk of complications.

Appropriate strategies can be introduced to help you get the right posture, ensuring the risk of knee injuries is reduced.

In cases where you have suffered a knee injury, the knee rehabilitation exercises will help you strengthen your knee joint and the ligaments in your knee.

This helps you through recovery and gives you better stability in the knee.

Lower Back Rehab, Cervical Neck Pain or Thoracic Pain

An estimated one in every three people who live in the UK suffers from lower back pain7.

About 20% of the adult population in the country consults a doctor regarding these symptoms.

Lower back pain is very common and has a number of possible causes.

There are certain strategies that can help to address these symptoms and effectively alleviate pain in the lower back but, also in the cervical and thoracic areas of your spine.

With customised exercise and activities, the back region will be strengthened, adding better support.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and injuries are also relatively common in the adult population.

Again, this is a problem that can be effectively addressed with the right customised exercises.

The body transformation programme by Jazz are customised to include bespoke exercises and an unique training approach to help with injury prevention, as well as to provide rehabilitation for existing injuries.

Claim now your free consultation to help you better understand how customisation of your exercise, movements and physical activities will help in your particular case.

Build A Fit And Firm Body With Food And Customised Nutrition Plans

There are several problems that contribute to your weight gain.

Unfortunately, generic diets will not address these issues first-hand.

This is why many people end up quitting a diet. And if you read my previous article you also know that, only 1% succeed in their weight loss quest.

You may find that the diet is too generic and does not address specific struggles that you are facing every day.

Jazz understands that the development of a firm and fit body starts with an assessment of your own habits, your lifestyle followed by a laser sharp customisation.

During the development of a customised nutrition plan, Jazz helps you understand how certain factors cause weight gain and equips you with evidence-based advice and expert skills to address these issues directly.

Some issues that are addressed include:

  • Sweets and sugar: Many people do not realise this, but sugar is actually highly addictive.

There are several studies that have already provided evidence of the addictive potential behind sugar 8.

The over consumption of sweets and other sugar-filled products is the primary concern when it comes to looking at why such a large number of people are obese.

Eating too much sugar leads to excess weight gain.

But, you are also eating empty calories devoid of nutrients – adding to your weight, without positively contributing to your daily nutritional intake.

  • Poor Nutrition: Insufficient consumption of nutrition is yet another important problem among the general population.

When you do not get enough nutrients into your body, you are at risk of suffering from some health complications.

You also make it harder for your body to shed excess weight.

  • Binging: Binging is yet another common problem faced by the global population – another unfortunate example of why such a large number of people are obese today.

Binging can be caused by stress, boredom, or simply by habit.

Because the temptations are imminent and so high most people tend to binge on high calories, low in nutrients (if any) and poor foods.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Simply too many people are living sedentary lifestyles today.

If you are not physically active, you are not burning any calories is as simple as that.

We know that sitting in front of the television while eating bags of chips will cause weight gain.

Sedentary lifestyle equals a caloric surplus.

Yet, we know that it easy to say but, without correct knowledge and support it is just harder to do it.

How We Measure The Difference at The End Of Each Phase

You will set a few short-term goals along with Jazz while developing a customised nutritional and exercise plan to help you reach your goals.

During this time, you want to ensure that you are doing well throughout the entire 12 weeks – which is why there will be phases at which you will be checking up on your own performance.

For the best body transformation London programme to be effective, results should be observed at every check-in that you have.

This is why Jazz will separate your programme into phases.

Starts with one goal, then aim for the next.

After each phase, you will check in with Jazz.

This may be done through a one-on-one session, a phone call, WhatsApp or Jazz may send an email to check in with your progress.

Regardless of the communication method utilised, these check-in sessions are important.

A weigh-in is crucial.

This allows you to see how much weight you were able to drop during the phase.

Another important factor is a measurement and a look at whether you are happy with the visible results that you can see at that point.

Jazz will also consider how well you are doing from his perspective and propose any particular changes that he thinks may benefit your program.

2nd Generation Pilates

Pilates often forms part of a male and female body transformation London programme.

This type of exercise helps to balance the body, reduce pain levels in the muscles /joints, improves flexibility, and comes with quite a very high number of additional benefits too.

There are a lot of Pilates trainers out there.

In fact, a quick search in a local newspaper is likely to help you find a studio that is near you.

The problem is, many of these studios give you access to a Pilates trainer and in a few months anyone can get qualified.

Sure, sometimes they might have a certificate – but the results you will achieve  are completely different when you compare the average Pilates studio trainer to a long term, elite personal trainer and a 2nd Generation Pilates Instructor in London, like Jazz.

Jazz received his training directly underneath some of the biggest names in Pilates, Lawrence Hayward – Josephs Pilates 1st student trained as a teacher.

Lawrence provided him with not shared knowledge and skills to help you gain more benefits from a single Pilates session.

The training and instructions that you get through a Pilates class from Jazz do not only focus on the benefits but also assures that the entire practice is made as safe as possible.

This helps to reduce your risk of injury during Pilates – yes, there have been studios where students participating in Pilates were injured!

All Pilates training takes place at his private studios in London or at your location.

Email And One-To-One Coaching Phone Support

After consulting with Jazz, training 121 during this period and receiving a personalised programme, you might wonder what happens next.

You are left to continue with the instructions that you were provided.

At this time, it is important to ensure you continue to implement the programme that was developed for you.

Be sure to start following the nutrition plan and that you participate in your prescribed physical activities on a daily basis.

Apart from initial consultation and the development of your personalised programme, note that when you train 121 throughout Jazz does continue to offer professional support during the 12-week body transformation program.

Both email and telephone-based support can be accessed when you need to talk to Jazz.

This allows a great opportunity to get in touch with your elite personal trainer London based for any questions about your programme.

In some cases, a quick session on the phone may be arranged to help Jazz get a view on how you have been doing on the programme.

Prior to enrolling in the programme, you can also take advantage of a free consultation with Jazz himself.

This  free consultation can be booked now here directly on Jazz’s official website, and you can get an accurate overview of what this type of body transformation programme is able to offer you in particular.


Generalised training and nutritional programmes are not made for you and your body.

Therefore, these does not offer you the specific factors that are important for reaching specific goals.

You may find it hard to lose weight when the programme is unable to take medical conditions and injuries into account, as well as, gender, age, stress, activity levels, allergies, food sensitivities, and perhaps even disabilities.

Jazz’s 12-week body transformation programme is an ideal option for anyone who is serious about seeing fat loss results.

This way you will get toned and fit fast and keep distance from the generic programmes that often make tens of promises they cannot deliver on.

Jazz’s approach to body transformation training will help you melt fat fast, cut weight, increase your health, flexibility and strength – you will feel and look awesome!

Book a 12-week complete body transformation programme with Jazz now, or get a FREE CONSULTATION first to get a view on what Jazz offers and see exactly how this elite personal trainer London based will help you reach your goals.

You can also get in touch with Jazz by giving him a call on 020 3633 2299.

Jazz is available Monday to Friday between 6.30 am and 9 pm.

On Saturday’s, you can give Jazz a call between 8 am and 3 pm.


1 Obesity Statistics. 6 Aug 2019. House of Commons Library. https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN03336

2 S. Johsi, V. Mohan. Pros & cons of some popular extreme weight-loss diets. Nov 2018. Indian Journal of Medical Research. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6366252/

3 J.M. Ordovas, L.R. Ferguson, E.S. Tai, J.C. Mathers. Personalised nutrition and health. 13 Jun 2018. BMJ. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6366252/

4 M.H. Thomas, S.P. Burns. Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training. 1 April 2016. International Journal of Exercise Science. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4836564/

5 D.F. Williamson, M.K. Serdula, R.F. Anda, A. Levy, T. Byers. Weight-loss attempts in adults: goals, duration, and rate of weight loss. Sept 1992. American Public Health Association. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1694328/

6 N. Maffulli, U.G. Longo, N. Gougoulias, D. Caine, V. Denaro. Sport injuries: a review of outcomes. 14 Aug 2010. British Medical Bulletin. https://academic.oup.com/bmb/article/97/1/47/358051

7 Low Back Pain: Early Management of Persistent Non-Specific Low Back Pain. May 2009. National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11709/

8 DA Wiss, N. Avena, P. Rada. Sugar addiction: From Evolution to Revolution. 7 Nov 2018. Frontiers in Psychiatry. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6234835/

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