irritable bowel syndrome

Body Transformation while having Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I’m glad you’ve finally found the place where all your questions will be answered.

I know it’s been a difficult journey so far.

I hope you’re not feeling those abdominal cramps right now that make you think you can’t have a normal life.

You’ve probably looked into the irritable bowel syndrome diet before and been nothing but disappointment, because there doesn’t seem to be a way out.

How many times does your gut decide for you? 

Whether you’re having a meeting with friends or a road trip, I bet you’re looking at your belly trying to negotiate the ride.

How capricious and inopportune those symptoms are!

Remember this: You’re in control.

That little grumpy friend who makes uncomfortable sounds when you’re in an elevator can’t decide for you.

I have good news for you, because everything in life has a solution.

You just have to contact the right expert and, if you were looking for an irritable bowel syndrome specialist in London let me tell you: you’ve found it.

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a chronic disease that has a significant impact on the quality of life of people who suffer from it.

irritable bowel syndrome

The signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome vary from person to person.

The most common are as follows:

  • Abdominal pain and bloating that can be relieved after evacuation of the bowel
  • Excessive gas that can make you uncomfortable
  • Diarrhoea or constipation, some people may even suffer from both of these alternating symptoms
  • Mucus in the stool

All this ends up dominating your day-to-day life by making you postpone your favourite activities due to unpredictable symptoms. (2)

If you have other symptoms such as fever, weight loss, diarrhoea lasting more than 6 weeks and anaemia, you should have a test to exclude any other conditions.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder that you will need to manage over the long term, so it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

There is a lot of work to do but, you can control IBS perfectly.

Only a small number of people with IBS have serious signs and symptoms.

According to a study conducted in an urban British community, IBS was found to be more common in women. (4)

This study confirms that IBS is extremely common in the general population and is nearly always painful.

Irritable bowel syndrome does not change your bowel tissue or increase your risk of other diseases.

It is just a condition that you have to learn to live with.

What causes irritable bowel syndrome?

You may be surprised to learn that it has no specific cause, however it is well known that a person can be born with more nerve tissue in the intestine, which can increase the contraction of the muscles in that area causing pain and watery stools.

Also some factors such as microbiota gut, immune system cells and some infections may be involved in the symptoms.

Some people experience an improvement that lasts a long time.

They feel it is the best time of their lives because they are free to eat anything without feeling any discomfort.

The problem is that the symptoms eventually return and the cycle begins again, having to look for healthy eating options to relieve the pain.

A healthy, balanced lifestyle guarantees that you have irritable bowel syndrome under control so that symptoms don’t come when you least expect them.

Your bowel will work with you if you work with it.

You’ll have to start looking at it as an agreement between two good friends who have had too many bad practical jokes against one another in their lives and now want to sign a peace deal.

irritable bowel syndrome

  1. The nervous system and the digestive system are connected through a network of neurons, which is why what affects the intestine affects your mind and what affects your mind also affects the intestine.

If you are nervous, your intestine will surely manifest itself.

  1. The fact that you have to postpone trips, parties, and activities with your friends because of constant bowel movements and abdominal pain can cause bad moods and depression, making you feel sad and lonely.

3. Your family and friends may not fully understand your symptoms and believe that they are excuses for not leaving the house, which can interfere with good social relationships.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome does not change the structure of the intestine and therefore does not directly interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

However, having constant diarrhoea can cause inflammation and prevent you from taking advantage of healthy foods in your diet.

In addition, constant bowel movements prevent food from being properly digested and many nutrients are lost.

  1. Exercise can be a challenge when you are having acute symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea.

Some exercises that do not involve force can help relieve symptoms by relaxing the nervous system and distracting your mind from the pain but, it will depend on the type of exercise customisation required in your specific case.

  1. You may have episodes of anxiety during the day because your body will be asking for the nutrients it lacks.

This anxiety is often misunderstood and creates a tendency to choose the wrong foods that do not contain nutrients and make the symptoms even worse.

  1. There may be complications such as haemorrhoids that would cause discomfort in daily activities due to pain and bleeding.

This complication along with the usual symptoms can cause work absenteeism, decreasing your efficiency as a worker.

  1. Due to poor nutrition from anxiety, depression and mood changes, there may be weight gain which affects self-esteem.

Weight gain in turn brings other problems such as poor circulation, tiredness, sleep disorders and many hormonal problems.

Low FODMAP diet for IBS

Fortunately, the right diet to improve a swollen bowel is well identified.

The right diet can benefit you in many ways.

In recent years the word “diet” seems to be the answer to many things.

The reason is because there are many advances in research on how food behaves once it enters the digestive system.

Food generates many feelings, some positive and some negative.

You can use food one day to celebrate an important achievement and another day be eating on the go feeling disappointed.

It’s normal, it’s part of life.

However, if you want to feel really good and have the energy to do all your activities successfully, you must start improving the relationship you have with some foods.

That’s the trick.

What you put on your plate shouldn’t be your enemy and cause a battle in your gut – you can learn to relate better to those foods that can alleviate your symptoms.

The meaning of FODMAP is Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono- Saccharides and Polyols. I don’t want you to remember that, but fortunately we have a nice way to abbreviate it which is easy to remember.

The important thing here is to learn what foods trigger the symptoms of IBS.

foods trigger the symptoms of IBS

Oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols are a wide range of carbohydrates that can cause the annoying symptoms and make your day completely transformed.

These are some of the foods that can cause IBS symptoms:

  • Wheat
  • Legumes
  • Soft Cheese
  • Mangoes
  • Onion
  • Figs
  • Blackberries
  • Some low-calorie sweeteners

Of course, this does not mean that all these foods will hurt you or make your symptoms worse.

You may be sensitive to some of the list or different foods.

A low FODMAP diet means that you should reduce the foods that are on the list, since they are high in FODMAP. When you start making these changes, your energy will be renewed.

Depending on the level of customisation you will implement with your dietician or nutritionist you are going to have to dust off that schedule book because your life from now on is going to be very active.

Best of all, with a healthy lifestyle you can forget about all those pain pills and all the embarrassing situations.

The Right Diet to Get the Right Body Weight

Before starting a healthy diet programme, priorities need to be set.

If you currently have symptoms of IBS such as bloating, watery stools and abdominal cramps, then the most important thing is that we should resolve that first.

Once your body is recovered, we will be able to organise your diet in a way that will help you lose weight without distractions, since the body is not interested in being beautiful, only in feeling good.

If you eat healthy food with an inflamed bowel, you won’t be able to take advantage of its nutrients for what you really want to do: lose weight.

Some foods have the wonderful power to stimulate your fat deposits (6) so that they can be used as energy.

Some of them are vinegar, fermented foods like pickles and sauerkraut, broccoli, butter, sugar beets, coconut oil and olive oil.

These foods stimulate the thermogenic activity of the body, that is, your body will be burning calories thanks to the action of these ingredients.

This is called: eating smart but, again the type of nutrition diet plan and customisation you will require might be very different.

Exercise: A Secret Weapon for IBS Symptom Relief

Now that we are all good with your diet, surely you must be excited and want to know all the details that will help you transform your body and your life.

But there’s something we can’t put aside.

I really wish you could prepare those delicious dishes that are good for you, with a big smile on your face.

You can’t cook under high levels of stress.

There’s no better way to relax and release all the tension than to do some physical activity.

A Secret Weapon for IBS Symptom Relief

Physical activity has so many advantages that you can easily lose track of them all, but I’ll do my best to list some of them:

  • Low-impact aerobics helps you oxygenate your whole body and fill it with energy
  • High-impact exercise promotes cardiovascular health
  • A large amount of toxins are eliminated through sweat
  • A focused and personalised workout helps you lose weight
  • During exercise you distract your mind and forget about all the day-to-day problems
  • Staying active regulates bowel movements and prevents constipation
  • Thanks to the connection of the nervous system and the digestive system, maintaining a calm mind generates a calm bowel, favouring the improvement of irritable bowel symptoms
  • Exercise improves mood because it produces endorphins that make you feel good
  • Constant movement allows your joints to be flexible and functional, keeping pain away
  • Exercising outdoors is an excellent opportunity to breathe fresh air and be in contact with nature, which is very positive for the body

As you can see, physical exercise brings nothing but positive things to your life and you can really enjoy its benefits if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

By lowering your stress levels, you will be able to live with a bowel that will behave as it should.

What Type of Exercise Is Most Helpful?

I want you to know that you’re one of a kind.

Although irritable bowel syndrome is very common, you have your own personal abilities such as:

  • stamina,
  • strength,
  • skills, and
  • personal preferences.

During acute symptoms, it is best to avoid exercises that can make them worse.

You might not be able to do some exercises if you feel pain in different areas of your body and you can’t sprint for long and have lots of sprinting lapses if you feel that heavy feeling that comes from having a swollen bowel.

But, even in these conditions you might be able to do a bit of sprinting and sculpt your abs using the 6-pack training programme I will customise for you.

Fortunately, the discomfort is always temporary and will resolve as soon as you include the right foods in your diet.

If you feel good and are pain-free, there are no limitations.

One of the exercises that most favours general well-being is Pilates.

In London you can count on the best personal trainer London based that will help you transform your body; you can get a free consultation here to solve your doubts.

transform your body

The only thing that will cause you irritability now is not being able to wait until the next exercise session!

With Pilates you can develop your muscles using few implements and working with the weight of your own body.

In addition, it is an activity that you can do at your own pace, without chronometers or competition.

All you have to do is focus and enjoy that oxygen bath for your cells.

London is a beautiful city and has many places where you can practice your favourite physical activity outdoors.

Being in contact with nature is positive for your mood and of course, for the health of your intestines.

What is a healthy weight loss?

It is not a secret that when we have a few extra pounds, we want to get rid of them overnight, as if by magic.

If you search on the web, you will find an infinite number of options to reduce weight “super-fast”.

Those express diets always generate a lot of illusion because they seem to be the right route.

Do you know what happens in your body with accelerated weight loss?

When you dramatically reduce the calories in your diet, you begin to see changes in your body, of course you do.

Sure enough, your clothes are starting to get loose and people are noticing your change.

The point is, your body needs a specific number of calories to complete its basic functions.

These specific calories are called the Basal Metabolic Rate.

The Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR is obtained through a formula that uses your weight, height and age as a reference.

It is a totally personalised formula.

The basal metabolic rate is the requirement that your body needs to perform basic functions such as:

  • breathing,
  • heartbeat,
  • build hormones and enzymes,
  • digest food, and
  • repair your muscles, among others.

If you don’t give your body the right amount of nutrients and calories, as soon as you go back to eating, your body will start storing everything you eat as if it were in a state of emergency.

Your body will say, hey, I know you like to deplete me of the reserves I use to survive so I’ll be saving three times that amount for the next time you think of making that joke.

That’s why all extreme and unsupervised diets generate that bounce-back effect that makes you gain back all the pounds you lost.

Food to healthy Weight Loss

On the other hand, if you do a guided, personalised and nutrient-appropriate diet, your body is able to lose a couple of pounds a week and that’s perfectly healthy.

You may find the process slow, but the result will be that you will be able to maintain this lifestyle over time and will not regain the lost weight.

You will not feel anxiety because you will be eating balanced and delicious food that gives you everything you need.

Anxiety comes from need. If your body is well nourished, the cravings go away.

It’s not worth it to spend so much time and energy losing weight, just to gain it back again, and you do this over and over with every new incorrect diet cycle.

Healthy Diet Plan Consultation London

How boring is the word diet to you?

I bet just reading it puts you in defensive mode.

It’s just that there are so many options available out there that it’s hard to tell the difference between what works and what doesn’t.

A diet should be able to make you lose weight and still be delicious.

Guess what: You can have both.

It’s a dream come true, isn’t it?

Healthy Diet Plan Consultation London

When you book a Healthy Nutrition Diet Plan with me, you can be sure that there won’t be any other plan like it in London, because I plan your diet immediately after I have all the details about who you are and more importantly: what you need.

It is impossible to reach your personal goal if you follow a generic diet, just like all the others.

What works for you may not work for your neighbour.

This is why it is so important for me to know you.

If at this point you need to solve any doubt to know how I can help you, you can get a FREE CONSULTATION HERE

The secret that transforms your body

Following a healthy diet plan means that you will have on your plate all the nutrients you need to look and feel good.

Imagine that you are walking down the streets of London and you see someone with a spectacular coat that would look great with those boots you have in the closet.

For that coat to look really good on you, you need the one that fits you, no matter how perfect it looks on that other person, you need one that is unique and exclusive to you.

That’s what a personalised plan is all about.

It doesn’t matter how great the diet looks that someone you know is doing and all the promises that kind of alimentation may have.

If it’s not made for you, it won’t work.

I just told you my secret to success.

You’ll have all the tools you need to transform your body from the moment I meet you, and those tools will have your name on them.

Nutrition Basics: Micro and Macronutrients

I’m not going to burden you with too many profound explanations of nutrition.

This is a beautiful science that has its hows and its whys.

But I want to make your life easier.

You just need to know the basics for now, that’s the most important thing to start with.

The personalised plan I offer you is not a restrictive diet.

It’s not a military regime with crazy rules that no one can follow. I mean, I don’t want to torture you.


There are 3 important nutrients that must be included in every diet to ensure our health, these are the macronutrients.


These are the main source of energy for basic body tasks such as muscle activity, brain activity and digestion.

When you consume carbohydrates, they are transported to different parts of the body through the blood so that they fulfil all their functions.

If you eat poor quality and more carbohydrates than you need and there are few tasks to perform, the excess carbohydrates are stored as fat.

That is why it is important to eat them in moderation.

Foods rich in carbohydrates are cereals such as oats, rice or corn.

It also includes potatoes, fruits, honey, legumes and pasta.


Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids that are broken down during digestion.

The importance of these amino acids lies in the leading role they play in producing metabolic and digestive enzymes and in replacing worn and damaged tissues.

All the cells in our body are made up of proteins, which is why this macronutrient is so important in the stages of growth and development of the human being.

Some sources of protein are: meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and nuts like walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

They are also found in legumes, tofu, cereals and dairy products.

  • FATS

Fats are those valuable energy stores that are distributed throughout the body to be used when needed.

A layer of fat protects the body from environmental temperature changes and preserves body heat.

In addition, fat plays a very important role in the formation and regulation of your hormones, which is why excess fat leads to a hormonal imbalance that generates different types of metabolic diseases.

Foods that contain fat are nuts, oils, avocado, seeds, olives and dairy products.

Protein Food


These nutrients are called this way because your body needs them in a very small amount, but that doesn’t mean they are less important.

Micronutrients are fundamental to life.

  • Water: There is nothing that has not already been said about the importance of water. It is vital to hydrate the body, bathe our cells and allow all the body’s processes to take place.
  • Minerals: Minerals such as Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Zinc and Copper fulfil different functions in the body.

We are unable to synthesise minerals in our body, which is why we must acquire them through food.

Some minerals allow the formation of your bones, others form haemoglobin, regulate the thyroid and others allow transport between cells.

  • Vitamins: Vitamins, like minerals, are vital in a healthy diet because the body is not able to synthesise them on its own. Vitamins support many functions of the body and prevent disease.

There are two types of vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, which dissolve in water and are all of the B group (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9) and vitamin C.

And, the fat-soluble vitamins that are stored in the body’s fatty tissues and they are vitamins A, D, K and E.

As you can see, a healthy diet doesn’t just involve worrying about consuming large amounts of protein and cutting down on fat.

It’s much more than that. It’s about finding that balance that allows you to get the macronutrients and micronutrients you need to feel really good.

Learning what kinds of foods to include to ensure you get all these elements takes time and can be difficult at first.

With my health centred professional help you will get a personalised plan here in London that will guarantee you a life change and more importantly, you will not have to worry about whether this plan is right for a person with irritable bowel syndrome or not.

Slowly Building Up your Cooking Skills

I know that everything sounds great until I tell you that you should cook your own food to be really healthy because then you’ll be able to control the ingredients.

Many people are afraid of the kitchen, because they are afraid of being disappointed that the food doesn’t taste as good as it is shown in the pictures.

Learning to cook healthy is a slow process, it’s all trial and error, just like life.

Slowly Building Up your Cooking Skills

Remember that all the experts were once beginners.

To improve your cooking skills, you’re going to have to commit to this task and believe in yourself.

I’m going to help you with all the tips you need.

Your well-being depends on you, and in order to control that irritable bowel, it’s important that you know what’s good for you and take it into the kitchen to make it a delicious dish.

I’m going to give you some tips right now that will help you improve your relationship with the kitchen:

  • If you don’t know how to cook take your time and practice only 3-5 recipes per week

Think of the basics, you don’t have to look for the gourmet recipe they serve in Michelin-starred restaurants.

You can select several healthy recipes that have no more than 5 ingredients and spend a Sunday perfecting them.

Once you’ve found the trick to the recipe, you can let your imagination run wild and start customising it to your personal tastes.

  • If you do this, in only 2 months you could have practiced and learnt how to prepare 24 – 40 lunches and dinners

Learning takes time, but it’s never time wasted.

This time will be an investment in your health.

Cooking delicious, healthy food should be a skill you want to check off on your wish list, plus it’s a relaxing way to distract your mind and keep stress under control.

  • Even if you would only be able do about half of these – with 16 mixed recipes learnt in 2 months you would still have created for you a great start up – stable cooking structure and you would have learnt how to cook 8 lunches and 8 dinners.

The simpler the better – just bear in mind that the only nutrition diet plan that works is the one which is customised for you.

Knowing how to prepare a small number of healthy recipes is enough to get you started.

Your gut will be grateful and your mood will improve so much that you’ll soon be looking to learn more recipes to keep that relationship between you and your gut at peace.

  • And even if you go at a 50% slower pace, in only 3 – 4 months you could be at 100% of your cooking skills and learnt 32 recipes – 16 lunches and 16 dinners.

That’s right, don’t think about what you can’t do today.

Think about all the things you’ll learn in a few months.

You don’t climb a ladder thinking about the first step, you go up with your head held high visualising what you are going to find at the top.

  • Since you have to implement the recipes on your own and no chef, doctor or nutritionist will prepare food for you (unless you will employ one to do this task) – you have to be as proactive as possible and allow 8 – 16 weeks to build the skills you need for life

If you want to feel good, it might be a good idea to do things properly.

There’s no way you’ll regret doing something for your intestinal health.

Remember that your intestines are home to the immune system that prevents you from many illnesses, and to succeed in life you need to be healthy and have energy.

  • If you don’t want to take cooking classes, ask friends who know how cook to help you out and use convenient Whatsapp / Zoom videos to allow them to support and guide you to build more cooking skills

With my Healthy Diet Plan you will have recipes explained in great detail about how to prepare them, so it will be easy for you to follow the plan.

But, any excuse is good to get together with friends and family to share a nice evening in the kitchen.

If you don’t live with someone who helps you with your cooking skills, meet with someone who wants to learn with you.

That way, even if you fail on the first try, you’ll have a fun story to tell.

  • Organisation is the most important thing

Sometimes lack of time can make the task of cooking a little difficult.

This is where organization comes in.

Take a day off each week to cut up vegetables for freezing or put some in containers to have ready and make quick salads.

With frozen vegetables you can make some recipes like stews and soups, even delicious smoothies.

If you learn to make some dishes, prepare them in large quantities and store them in containers in the fridge, you can use them throughout the week.

  • Grab and go

Our rhythm of life sometimes interferes with our goals of body transformation.

I know that time does not always favour us.

To avoid the temptation of buying junk food on the street, have natural options at hand that don’t require you to stop and cook.

Some of these options are fresh fruits, nuts, whole-grain bread and… Water!

Never forget to take your water bottle with you when you run out of the house.

How to Find Best Personal Trainer in London for Body Transformation?

Finding the right expert in the city of London is the first step towards your transformation and, to save you time and effort, I can get you there.

From North London to South London – Fulham to Richmond – into central London around Westminster and out to Canary Wharf, Wimbledon Kensington and Hampstead – no matter where you’re based in London, I can be there, too.

The path to a renewed life is getting closer than ever before.

Other areas in my catchment include Knightsbridge, Notting Hill, West Brompton, Bank, London Bridge, Victoria, Mayfair, Bond Street, Marylebone, Kensington, Richmond, Baker Street, Bayswater, Fitzrovia, Swiss Cottage and Islington.

W.T., a London Police Officer, is absolutely delighted with my Personalised Transformation Plan and said “Jazz will help you achieve your goals and take you to other levels you can only dream off”

The results speak for themselves and it is very comforting to see how many people in London now have a new life.

This has been my experience during all these years working for the needs of my patients, and it has been a path that I have fully enjoyed.

It is rewarding to see what we can achieve by working as a team.

I need to know you to determine which of my tools I can offer you to help you change your life.

A personalised nutrition plan will help you reach your goals and will be so different from anything you have tried before that you will not realise how quickly time passes when you do things right.

One of my clients, Adriana Bulzis has changed her life with my Healthy diet plan in London and said:

“The nutrition advices you gave me helped me a lot…..and not only me but my whole family and children are so happy about this new way of eating.

We are feeling much better and empowered!

From now on everything is possible, because your problems will have solutions.

“Transformation” is a powerful word, because it implies a change that is important and visible.

To transform yourself from the outside, it is necessary to improve your health.

It is important to transform yourself from the inside.

The true wealth of a human being lies in its own health.

Many people today follow diets they find around with only one thought in their head: losing weight.

It is possible that they will succeed, but what is the cost?

Feeling weak, losing muscle mass or being in a bad mood all the time is a very high price you have to pay when you follow the wrong programme.

You need a plan that has your name on it, a plan that is written for you.

If you lose weight but also lose your health, it’s not a good plan.

Life is beautiful out there and it needs people who are willing to live it to the fullest.

Transformation Diet

I want you to experience your life feeling better every day, because if you feel good, there is no obstacle that can distract you from your goals.

Some of the advantages of getting a personalised programme of personal transformation are:

  • You have clear instructions to follow.

I know that change requires many actions, but with a simple, organised plan, you will be clear about what to do step by step.

  • A personalised plan takes into account your personal tastes, so you won’t be eating anything you don’t like, nor will you be following a generic diet that only brings discomfort and bad mood.
  • You will not receive a document with heavy and difficult to understand information.

You will have a simple guide that will serve you even if you have never tried to diet or exercise before.

  • If you don’t think you’re capable of exercising, it’s because you’ve probably tried to maintain the same intensity that some people you know train with.

This plan is for you and only you, so the rhythm will be what you can handle.

My intention is that you feel good about the whole process.

  • You can rest assured that this program is not full of false promises.

You will learn that you are able to transform your own body and maintain those results forever.

  • With just one programme, you will receive help with your diet and your training.

You don’t have to seek out several professionals to achieve your goal, my body transformation programme has everything you need.

  • When you start to see results, all your daily tasks will be easier and you will have a constant feeling of well-being because you know you are doing everything to improve your health.

A healthy person is able to experience the most wonderful things in the world with a good attitude and lots of energy.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of a personalised body transformation program, you can have a Free Consultation Here

Elite Weight Loss Personal Trainer in London

A Body Transformation in London is possible, you will never have to worry about your body goals again due to lack of time.

You don’t have to go anywhere, I can get you there.

Comprehensive Nutrition, Lifestyle, Behaviour and Fitness assessments are provided before the beginning of your Personal Training Sessions.

You can count on me as a weight loss trainer online.

Talking to you face to face will allow me to know all the important details I need to create the best weight loss and body transformation programme for you.

I run seminars for businesses on a regular basis including CMS Cameron McKenna, CitiGroup, London School of Economics, Olympia Diet and Fitness Show, Vantra, Vitao and London Vegans, but this is just a small part of my job.

Jazz Alessi

I am a Certified Nutritionist in London, my job is to help people feel good by offering them a wide range of nutritional tools and personal training so that they are able to achieve the best results in their lives.

I know it’s very frustrating to feel like you’re stuck, that you’re trying to do your best when you exercise but at the end of the day you’re discouraged by muscle pain, weakness and how hard it is to get back up.

You can avoid all this by eating customised to your needs.

With a 100% personalised Healthy Diet Plan for people who live in London you can improve your performance during training and always keep your energy level high.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a problem of the past.

If you follow the recommendations, I will offer you, you can be sure that you will feel better and the annoying symptoms will disappear or at least they will diminish a lot.

Irritable bowel syndrome is part of you, it is like a defining characteristic of your personality.

That makes you unique.

Sometimes we are lucky to have certain health problems.

If it’s something that’s going to be with you all your life, it means that you’ll always keep an eye on your health and take care of yourself.

For people who always feel good and do not have any health problems that can be seen with the naked eye, it is common that they do not take as much care of themselves because they “feel good”.

Sometimes, there are silent problems that are not noticed until it is too late.

As you can see, not everything is negative about irritable bowel syndrome.

Your intestine will always be there giving you that push that reminds you to eat well and avoid situations that overwhelm you with stress.

Certainly, the symptoms can be very upsetting, but I want you to see this as an opportunity to take better care of your health, get away from stressful situations, and live an active and happy life.

Sometimes, people need a little push to help them get on a healthy path in life, and if this syndrome is your sign, please take advantage of it. From now on you can only take charge of your health and experience life in a positive way.

Discover how to maximise your physical and mental capabilities through meticulous diet planning with an online weight loss trainer in London.

I am close to you to help you change your life.

Losing weight is not just about losing it.

The best way to do it is to avoid the risks that can make your health worse.

I’m sure you think, this sounds too good to be true.

Maybe you think you can get all these benefits but with a boring plan.

The best thing about my programmes is that you only will be eating foods that you enjoy.

You’ll get a detailed plan with well explained recipes so you can make your kitchen a place to create delicious healthy dishes.

I will be working closely with you through our training sessions and via Skype so that I can address all of your concerns.

I will be by your side helping you because I deeply believe that change is possible and it is achieved by working as a team.

If you can dream it, you will be able to achieve it.

One wish changes nothing, one decision changes everything

Success is reached when you celebrate small steps every day.

Small steps are really big moves towards your dreams.

You are stronger than you think.

Every programme for body transformation is different, because every person is a different world.

To create yours I need to get to know you first. I would really like to know what your personal goals are.

If you want to improve your physique and you have some symptoms that have kept you from doing so during all this time, you are now in the right place.

If you have read this information completely and have come this far, you just need to take one more step, you can do a FREE CONSULTATION to learn all the details about how to get a Complete 12 Week Body Transformation programme.


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  1. Irritable bowel syndrome: an international study of symptoms in eight countries. Charles D. Gersona, Mary-Joan Gersonb, Richard A. Awadc, Abhijit Chowdhuryd, Christine Danceye, Pierre Poitrasf, Piero Porcellig, Ami Sperberh and Wei-An Wang. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2008, 20:659–667 Wolters Kluwer Health. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  1. Brown and Brite: The Fat Soldiers in the Anti-obesity Fight Shireesh Srivastava and Richard L. Veech. Front Physiol. 2019; 10: 38. Published online 2019 Jan 30. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00038 –


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