Body Transformation for Men Over 50

Body Transformation for Men Over 50: How to Get Fit and Healthy in Your Golden Years

Being a man in his golden 50s feels good!

You feel so proud of what you have achieved so far and look forward to what is coming next.

You can easily make conclusions and decisions based on your experience.

You also look good with some greyish hair on your head or beard.

It is literally the GOLDEN AGE!

But, you might have noticed some challenges that you are concerned about and would like to find out the best way to deal with them.

If this is case, let’s agree that 50s come along with some physiological and emotional challenges that are completely normal.

In this article, I will go through these changes, give you some professional advice on how to deal with them and discuss the importance of fitness, diet and nutrition for men over 50.

Can you really transform your health, fitness, cognitive health and youth when you are 50?

You absolutely can!

Learn how to do a complete body transformation for men in a safe and effective way during this golden era of your life.

Changes of the Fifties  

You may notice your body is going through many changes.

While some of them might be subtle in a way that you might not even notice them, while others might be interfering with your everyday peacefulness.

Nutrition: The Key to Body Transformation for MenThese changes may include:

  • Mental changes (e.g., mood changes, less concentration and memory problems)
  • Sexual changes like different testosterone levels:
  • Changes in your body composition: (e.g., loss of muscle mass and strength, increased fat percentage, visceral fat as well as decline in your bone mineral density) [1],[2]


Nutrition: The Key to Body Transformation for Men

Do you want to stay as active and energetic as you are even after the age of 50 and 60?

If your answer is yes, it is time to consider combining customised nutrition and exercise in one comprehensive and very effective over 50 workout plan.

This is the way to conquer the unwanted symptoms of aging and become not older, but much leaner, stronger, youthful and healthier version of yourself.

Most senior fitness programs in London focus on what you consume because it is a major part of how your body changes and functions

Importance Of Nutrition In Body Transformation For Men

Nutrition not only does help you feel and look healthier as you celebrate your birthdays, but also prevents many diseases associated with ageing.

Here is how nutrition can play a major role in body transformation for men:

Better Body composition

A customised nutrition plan can help you maintain your lean muscle mass, while combining it with the right over 50 workout plan can help you build more muscles and shed extra fat.

This not only does help you look in-shape, but also:

  • boosts your energy levels
  • improve your metabolism
  • reduces fatigue
  • protects your joints and spine
  • Prevents metabolic diseases associated with obesity such as diabetes and atherosclerosis
  • Less joint pain or no pain in your joints at all

Sharp Mind

Believe it or not, the food you consume can have a mind-blowing effect on your mental health.

Consuming the right foods rich in Vitamin B6, B12 and Vitamin D and selected anti-inflammatory foods can help you:

  • Improve your cognitive function
  • Boost your memory
  • Reduce anxiety and stress levels
  • Improve your mood
  • Enhance your concentration [3,4,5]

Preventing Malnutrition

After fifties, the changes in your appetite and dietary habits can affect how much nutrients your body gets.

Having a diet plan can help you avoid deficiencies and will keep your body in a healthier state.

Are you living in Kensington, Chelsea, Notting Hill, Canary Wharf or Central London?

Your elite London personal trainer might also recommend selected organic natural supplements based on your condition and fitness needs.

You might wonder, are the supplements necessary?

Or can I just rely on a balanced diet?

Even in a younger age, your body does not get all the daily requirements from the food you eat.

Simply because the food we consume goes through a long process until it is utilised and absorbed.

In addition, some nutrients are not sufficiently available in foods for body transformation.

For example…

Did you know that the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) reported that vitamin D intake from the diet alone can provide only 50% of the recommended intake for this important vitamin. [6]

This is why it recommends older men – and even women – in London and the UK to add Vitamin D supplements to their diets.

This vitamin alone is important because it improves:

  • Bones, muscle and connective tissue condition
  • Mood and mental health
  • Sleep quality
  • Cognitive health
  • Your immune system
  • Balance and reduces risk of falls [5]

If you would like to learn more about the best supplements for body transformation and how to eat healthy and give your body the nutrients it needs, it is hard to do whilst you are unique with unique needs and with a million options out there.

This is where professional help comes in handy.

Consult Jazz Alessi, London’s number one Harley Street nutrition expert.



Essential Nutrients for Men Over 50

  • Good Protein

Protein is mainly made up of amino acids which is the building blocks of muscles and bones.

Research shows that by following a diet that contains moderate to large number of varied amino acids of anti-inflammatory sources helps your body regenerate better whilst it will facilitate protein synthesis and help build muscles not only in young but also in older people. [7]Essential Nutrients for Men Over 50

As you age, your muscle response to proteins slows down, especially when you consume a low number of imbalanced amino acids ratio.

After 50, make sure you are getting at least 10-15 g/day of essential amino acids to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. [7]

If you want to rely on high quality plant-based nutrition and proteins to improve your lean muscle mass but you don’t know how to make it balanced, tasty and up to your liking.

It is time to talk to Jazz Alessi and learn how to make healthy foods tasty.

  • Healthy Fats

Most people in London are afraid of fats!

Maybe because they believe fats contain lots of calories and lead to weight gain.

However, if you select the right type of fats, you will:

  • Improve your cell function
  • Enhance food absorption
  • Improve absorption and utilisation of fat-soluble proteins (Vitamins A,D,E,K)
  • Reduce LDLs (bad cholesterols) and increase HDLs (Good cholesterols)
  • Reduce arthritis and gout symptoms and risks
  • Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease [8]

To gain these benefits, make sure you focus on foods that contain monosaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6.

For example:

  • Walnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Nuts
  • Avocado [8]

Ready to start your transformation?

You don’t need to spend too much time wondering what to eat.

Get the best professional advice from elite personal trainer Jazz Alessi, the best Harley street nutrition expert in London.


Foods to avoid for successful body transformation

If you are trying to follow a healthier diet to boost your energy after the age of 50, here are some foods you definitely want to avoid:

Foods Rich in Sodium

Even though minerals are important, too much salt can be a problem after 50 years of age.

High sodium leads to elevated blood pressure and can put you at risk of hypertension.

Ready to start your transformation?Also, a too much salt can cause calcium loss in the urine and lead to bone weakening and osteoporosis. [9]

And that’s a big deal, because approximately 3 million people aged 50 and above experience bone fracture in London and the UK alone.

And even though it is more common in females, 1 in every 3 men over 50 breaking a bone.  [9]

Replace sodium with herbs and spices in order to make your food taste good while keeping it healthy.

Energy drinks

If you are a big fan of sodas and sports drinks, it is time to reconsider replacing them with healthier drinks

These drinks contain a huge amount of sugar. [10]

Give it a thought, one can of cola contains about 39 grams of sugar in only one serving,

This equals 10 teaspoons of sugar! [10]

Consuming this amount of sugar can put you at risk of diabetes, weight gain and more serious diseases.

Empty Calories

Some foods will provide you with a big number of calories and will temporarily satisfy your hunger but will not add any nutritional value to your body

These types of food such as French fries and other deep fried foods lead to weight gain and high blood lipids.

REMEMBER: Diet Right!

In addition to all the foods you need to avoid, it is also important to avoid dieting if you have no nutritional background.

Improper diets and excessive caloric restriction can cause detrimental health effects such as:

  • Sarcopenia (muscle loss),
  • Nutritional deficiencies,
  • Impaired cognition,
  • Osteoporosis (fragile bones) and
  • Immune deficiencies. [11]

Make sure your diet is customised, safe and effective and enjoy professional supervision.

Jazz Alessi lecture Athletic Division at London School of Economics – he is the best long-term nutrition expert in London.


Exercise for Body Transformation

Exercise is always important, but the older you get, the more important it gets to exercise on daily basis.Exercise for Body Transformation

Importance of exercise in body transformation is that it compliments your diet plan and helps you improve your body composition and you will get more energetic, leaner and stronger faster. [12]

The only thing is, after your 50, make sure you select the right Types of exercise suitable for men over 50.

Here are the main types that you don’t want to miss:

Strength Training – Resistance Training

Strength training includes any exercises that load your muscles.

This load you add helps you build stronger and more powerful muscles.

It is also your shortest – and safest – way to stay in shape and burn excess body fat. [12]

Aerobic Exercise

Cardiovascular exercises are your shortest way to keep your body active and your energy level high.

It will help you maintain a healthy heart and lungs and will reduce your fatigue levels. [12]

To gain the maximum benefits, the recommended frequency and duration of exercise like walking, jogging and cycling should add up to 150 minutes/week.

Flexibility and Balance Training

If your goal is to be over 50 and healthy, stretching and balance must be your best friends.

When you get older, your tissues tend to get less flexible as they lose water and collagen.

Muscles, tendons and ligaments become shorter and tend to limit joint movement and make you feel stiff. [11],[12]

To avoid that, make sure you are stretching regularly to restore your mobility and maintain tissue flexibility.

Also, don’t overlook balance!

Proprioception is responsible for giving you sense of body position and movement in the space.

When proprioception declines with age, it affects your balance and leads to increased risk of falls. [11],[12]

For this reason, make sure you are strengthening your core and including balance training when you use proven to work customised senior fitness programs.

Common challenges faced by men over 50 during body transformation

Everybody goes through a unique aging experience with unique problems and challenges. For this reason, there is no one-programme-fits-all when it comes to body transformation above 50.

In fact, some men may face one or more of the following challenges:

  • Difficulty losing weight due to low metabolism [13]
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Muscle pain
  • Loss of appetite [13]
  • Symptoms associated with underlying medical conditions or prescribed medications
  • Lack of motivation
  • Tight schedule

how to face challenges for body transformation

So, How To Face These Challenges?

Facing these challenges alone can make them even more challenging, but with the help of a professional body transformation expert in London, your life can become easier.

All you have to do is get yourself a comprehensive transformation plan that takes all these challenges into consideration.

For example, if you have arthritis and your joint pain is holding you back from exercising, combined injury rehabilitation and body transformation programmes is the solution!

Your London rehab personal trainer will modify the exercises to place less load on your joints and avoid flaring your symptoms.

And similarly, if you have certain medical condition (e.g., diabetes), your expert trainer in London will assess you, review your doctor’s reports and make sure you receive a carefully designed customised, very effective and easy to follow diet plan that’s suitable and safe in your case.

And this is why customisation is important.

Because simply, it tailors a plan according to your problems, aiming at your goals, accommodating to your circumstances your and conquering your challenges.

Who is Jazz Alessi ­­

Jazz Alessi is an expert personal trainer, Athletic Division LSE teacher and nutrition expert who pays special attention to your medical, fitness history, current state and future health goals. He masters the art of customising a very personalised exercise and diet plans to 100% transform your body and help you regenerate your body fast and get fit and healthy in your golden years.

He conducts a thorough assessment to make sure he knows how to help you in a very effective and safe way to change your life the way you want and achieve the goals you are dreaming of safely, effectively and quickly.


1.What is the best type of exercise for men over 50?

Generally speaking, there is no one type of exercise that is considered “the best”. The best exercise plan is always a combination of strength, mobility, endurance, proprioception and flexibility training that are combines to meet your body’s condition, needs and goals.

2.How often should I exercise as a man over 50?

It is recommended to exercise in a customised manner (customised is the keyword here) at least 3-5 times/week depending on your level of activity and the exercises you do.

3.What is the role of supplements in a fitness plan for men over 50?

Supplements will help you improve your energy levels, regenerate much faster, reduce inflammation and joint pain and substitute for the important nutrients that you do not get in your diet. This way, you can make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals regardless the calorie deficit.

4. Can I still exercise if I have a chronic condition?

1-2-1 exercising is considered a vital part of rehabilitating chronic conditions; it can help improve your symptoms and prevent worsening of the condition. If –– and only if –– you follow the right exercises that won’t flare your symptoms or negatively impact your condition hence the role of a certified rehab trainer.

5. How long does it take to see results from a fitness plan?

If you are over 50, you will already notice changes after 2-4 weeks of training with a rehab fitness trainer and following a customised fitness plan. To see the results you are waiting for, you need at least 12 weeks.


1- Pinzón-Ríos ID. Loss of Muscle Mass Induced by Aging. Rev Cienc Salud. 2019;17(2):223-44.

2- Jiang Y, Zhang Y, Jin M, Gu Z, Pei Y, Meng P. Aged-Related Changes in Body Composition and Association between Body Composition with Bone Mass Density by Body Mass Index in Chinese Han Men over 50-year-old. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 19;10(6):e0130400. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130400. PMID: 26090818; PMCID: PMC4475062.

3- Malouf R, Grimley Evans J: ‘The effect of vitamin B6 on cognition’, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003(4):CD004393.

4- NIH–Office of Dietary Supplements: Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B12 (2011). Available from: http://ods.od.nih. gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-HealthProfessional/.

5- Tsz Ning Mak, Sandra Caldeira (2014):The Role of Nutrition in Active and Healthy Ageing For prevention and treatment of age-related diseases: evidence so far –– JRC SCIENCE AND POLICY

6- Burton, Dominick & Wilmot, Chloe & Griffiths, Helen. (2018). Personalising nutrition for older adults: The InCluSilver project. Nutrition Bulletin. 43. 10.1111/nbu.12356.

7- Paddon-Jones D, Rasmussen BB: ‘Dietary protein recommendations and the prevention of sarcopenia’, Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 2009;12(1):86-90.

8- Gillingham, Leah & Harris-Janz, Sydney & Jones, Peter. (2011). Dietary Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Are Protective Against Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. Lipids. 46. 209-28. 10.1007/s11745-010-3524-y.

9- Salt and the Older Population ¬¬–– Consensus action on salt and health

10- Shilpa Amarya, Kalyani Singh and Manisha Sabharwal –– Ageing Process and Physiological Changes


12- Alberta Health Services – Nutrition Guideline Seniors Health

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