Personal Training in Canary Wharf, London

Beauty Doesn’t Fade with a Healthy Lifestyle

Every woman wants to look fabulous at all times, and at all ages, and if you are working in Canary Wharf, you know that looking energetic, youthful and fresh is the norm.

Looking your best and maintaining beauty throughout different stages in life is not as difficult as many people think.

Some people think of enduring beauty as a difficult endeavour that requires a lot of work and dedication.

As an elite personal trainer Canary Wharf working with CEO’s of multinational companies and banking executives I can tell you I have tested it all, and this is not true.

Keeping your glow doesn’t have to be a disheartening, nor a difficult task.

Click here now on this link for a, FREE CONSULTATION.


I have decided to share the things I have learned along the way working with hundreds of female clients who wanted to look good, increase their energy levels, flexibility and strength and feel good about themselves.

Beautiful diet                                         

Beautiful faces may have a lot to do with genetics, but radiant skin and rosy cheeks are at your reach, and no I am not referring to a new skin care regimen.

Like everything else, beauty starts from within.

Beauty relies on health, proper nutrition, and a well-balanced diet that supplies your body with much-needed nutrients that keep you feeling confident and looking radiant.

The link between diet and beauty is scientifically proven.

Studies show that intake of antioxidant-rich food is vital for youthful and beautiful skin[i].

The reason is simple, antioxidants destroy free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative stress and the damage it would otherwise cause.

A nutrition diet programme that is specially designed by an expert nutritionist can help you incorporate more beauty promoting nutrients into your daily meals, and make sure you get that vibrant glow.

Slimming down

When the word diet is mentioned, it is usually in relation to weight loss.

Achieving that goal, however, is difficult for many women.

You may have spent years trying to lose stubborn pounds or stones.

Some would melt away, some would return over the course of months and years, and the result is that you never got quite where you wanted to be, right?

One of the reason many other women, might go through this is the one size fits all approach to nutrition.

Bodies are different, lifestyles are different, and individual needs both physical and emotional are different.

A successful diet has to be designed with all these healthy factors in mind in order to work in the long term.

What frustrates me the most is to see that women are targeted and swamped by all sorts of fad diets and food-related tips that aren’t healthy and could potentially be dangerous.

Fad dieting is not a long term solution for excess weight, not to mention many of these fad diets have negative effects on our heart health, energy levels and beauty.

The best way to tackle this is to work with a long term certified nutritionist who will create a foolproof eating plan based on your age, goals, weight, health, lifestyle, and other factors.

Be more active

Beauty isn’t just affected by the products you use in your daily skincare regimens, and it’s affected by every little thing you do from the moment you wake up until you go to bed.

Like many other women, you wake up, wash, tone, moisturise your skin and apply your sunblock organic cream before running to your Canary Wharf office.

There, you sit down for 8-14 hours working.

Being a busy woman with your eyes on career success makes you spend more time sitting in the office than you’d like to admit.

But, being sedentary affects many areas in our lives.

The risk of weight gain increases and so does the risk of joint problems, heart problems and back pain.

By the way, a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your skin too.

To counteract the physically passive hours spent daily at the office, you need to be more active outside of the office.

The boost of activity helps you keep the weight off, tone muscles, look younger and more radiant, and feel comfortable in our own skin, not to mention being physically fit actually increases energy levels.

Evidence confirms that regular exercise can prevent the ageing process and formation of wrinkles[i].

How amazing is that?

Exercise also slows down biological signs of ageing[ii] in your body.

There is one catch, however.

For many of us, exercise is a burden, a dreaded task, and sometimes, the benefits can be slow to come by.

The reason for all this is simple.

When it comes to exercise, everybody is different, and that’s what every elite personal trainer in London will tell you.

Just like a nutrition diet plan, exercise works best when it’s customised to meet your personal needs, take into account some challenges, limitations, nagging pain or injuries, and to be enjoyed rather than dreaded.

Based on your fitness levels, goals, preferences and many other factors, an elite personal trainer Canary Wharf based will create an exercise plan training you at your location that you can easily fit into your lifestyle.

Do you feel sluggish, perhaps tired, rundown and don’t have enough time to commute or handle the gym?

Click here now on this link for a, FREE CONSULTATION.

Manage stress

I’m not going to throw around some stress-related statistics to show how common of a problem this is, since you already know that.

Modern lifestyle give you a wide range of possibilities to achieve truly amazing things, but at the same time, it’s hectic and stressful particularly for The City bankers or Canary CEO’s, banking executives, high achievers and successful entrepreneurs.

Having a long day or stressful time to get those deals done may not seem like a big deal at first, and it’s easy to think tomorrow will be better.

That’s one of the major reasons why we don’t do anything about stress.

When left unresolved, stress will cause various problems.

For instance, chronic or unresolved stress can accelerate the formation of wrinkles on your face[i].

Plus, it impairs your sleep, contributes to weight gain, and increases the risk of various health problems.

Stress management plays an important role in skin health, beauty, and mental wellbeing.

One of my clients didn’t realise how bad her stress was until she started to work on herself.

When you tackle stress appropriately, you feel better, and you look better.

For me, as a VIP elite personal trainer the first signs I was getting better was a boost of flexibility, strength and confidence coupled with increased energy levels, and of course I also love radiant skin.

One way to manage stress is to exercise, and 121 Pilates Canary Wharf at your home helps you with many types of workouts too (not just Pilates workouts).

This is where mobile personal training in London, comes in.

And you can also add meditation, reading, and other relaxing activity into the getting rid of stress mix.

Sleep tight

We take sleep for granted, we do.

In the middle of all the goals, we chase on a daily basis, hopping from work to and to other business and social gatherings, sleep is pushed down the priority list.

At the end of a long tiring day, some people try to relax by having a glass of champagne, watch their favourite show or catch up with their LinkedIn social media.

You know how it goes; it is this way for many of us.

This explains why we don’t get a good night’s rest most of the time.

The result is that in the middle of trying to balance work, personal life and your health, you are doing your skin huge disfavour.

Studies confirm that sleep deprivation speeds up skin ageing[ii], which isn’t a total surprise if we bear in mind that the lack of sleep is related to increased stress levels.

This is why establishing a regular sleep schedule is crucial.

Sleeping for eight to nine hours is not the only factor for good sleeping habits, you also need to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up every morning at the same time as well.

When you start doing this, you will notice big changes immediately.

Your endurance increases, your skin will start to clear up, and you’ll feel more peaceful, alert, and focused on your work.

Better health, beauty and work performance – more money?

Yes, please.

Balanced hormone levels

While hormones are tiny messengers in your body, they have a huge role in women’s overall health and wellbeing, and you can read more about this in my article,  here.

Beauty isn’t an exception here.

Hormonal imbalances take a toll on the skin, affect our emotional state and can decree our confidence.

Evidence shows that hormonal fluctuations are strongly related to food intake, workload, and other factors like stress, anxiety and depression[i].

In other words, if you eat a poor diet, it may disturb your hormone balance and lead to stressful results including skin dryness or the opposite – oily skin.

At the same time, hormonal imbalance can affect fertility, increase the risk of various health problems, and affect your life in more ways than one.

That’s why an important thing to consider when looking for ways to maintain your beauty is to balance your hormones.

No, you don’t need hormone therapies and whatnot.

I can’t tell you how many times my clients asked me whether they need to get some sort of drug to balance their hormones and I’m telling you the same thing I always tell them – just follow an integrated (integrated is the key word) and smartly customised to your body, lifestyle.

Fortunately, beside smart tailored nutrition plans there is a whole range of 121 Pilates Canary Wharf home based options, and you can start working on your body, beauty, and health today.

Mediate and/or Ditch Poor Habits

Everybody has a guilty pleasure, and there is no shame in admitting that.

We usually find comfort using a poor habit and accept it as a normal part of our lives, but things don’t have to be that way, especially if said guilty pleasure is taking a toll on our health and our beauty.

Poor habits aren’t a life sentence, and we can do something about them.

Smoking, including passive smocking and drinking are another quite common habits we can mediate faster or do without.

In addition to the negative impact on health that you probably already know, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes (passive smocking included) will constrict your blood vessels and contribute to wrinkle formation.

Following a custom diet and using a 121 Pilates Canary Wharf based home routine is great.

For maximum effect you should also consider reshaping and changing any other poor habits you may thought about it in order to achieve the lifestyle needed to let your beauty shine.

Sitting, being sedentary, eating poor nutrition and having a poor posture especially during the work hours at the office are some of the poor habits.

This can result in suffering from neck and shoulders pain, lower back pain, feeling sleepy and a decrease in your energy levels.

Do you have any type of neck, back pain, feel sluggish, a bit rundown and don’t have enough time to commute or handle the gym?

Click here now on this link for a, FREE CONSULTATION.

In exchange, a correct posture, smart nutrition approach and a customised exercise plan will help you feel stronger, energised, physically better, and ready to take on the day.

This worked for all my VIP Canary Wharf clients.

Bottom line

Some clients think is a full-time job to looking at their best at all times, but they realise that it is easy to do this with the correct guidance.

I’ve seen tons of women who go on to do amazing things in their career just by making some lifestyle tweaks that made them more comfortable in their skin.

However, a diet from a magazine and halfhearted gym sessions at the end of exhausting days at the office are not the way to go if you want your appearance to reflect good health and radiant glow.

To look good, perform at your best and feel good from the inside out throughout, your diet and exercise should address your specific needs and reflect your personality, which is something you can now achieve with professional support of an elite personal trainer Canary Wharf based.

Contact me now here for your, FREE CONSULTATION.


[1]Schagen, S. K., Zampeli, V. A., Makrantonaki, E., &Zouboulis, C. C. (2012). Discovering the link between nutrition and skin ageing. Dermato-endocrinology4(3), 298-307.

[1] Tan S. Exercise will help prevent wrinkles and reverse ageing, so forget skin creams. 2014 Apr

[1]Rebelo-Marques, A., De Sousa Lages, A., Andrade, R., Ribeiro, C. F., Mota-Pinto, A., Carrilho, F., &Espregueira-Mendes, J. (2018). Ageing Hallmarks: The Benefits of Physical Exercise. Frontiers in Endocrinology9, 258. doi:10.3389/fendo.2018.00258

[1]CavallascaJ. The effects of stress on skin ageing. 2018 Aug

[1] Naveed S, Ghayas S, Hameed A. Hormonal imbalance and its causes in young females. Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2349-2759

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