Celebrities Anti Ageing

8 Ways to Block Senescence in Women

“Senescence” is the biological term for ageing. We all understand the concept of ageing, or at least we think we do!

The question is how does it actually happen, and is there any way to slow down the process of senescence?

Firstly let’s discuss the process of ageing and how it happens, so that we can get a better idea of what we are working with.

Ageing happens both at a cellular level and also, in turn, throughout the whole organism or body.

Our cells are continually in the process of being born, dividing and dying.

The death of a cell is known as apoptosis or programmed cell death.

These dead cells need to be broken down and removed to allow the healthy body to thrive.

Therefore the accumulation of dead matter could be a contributing factor that encourages the ageing process.

The rate of apoptosis is astonishing; in fact, billions of cells die in our bone marrow and intestines every single hour!

Scientists are now studying the removal of these dead cells to both reverse ageing and also chronic disease.

It is possible to block senescence to allow us to live a long and healthy life.

There are a variety of lifestyle factors that can dramatically impact how our bodies age.

If we get this right, then we can not only live a longer, healthier life – we can also enjoy living due to the fact that we have halted the process of ageing and decay.

Living a healthier life allows us to spend more quality time with our loved ones.

We can move around much better if we learn how to alter our environment and lifestyles to reduce the effects of ageing.

There are a variety of practices that we can start immediately and begin to reap the rewards of stalling the process of senescence.

Senescence Blocking Mechanisms in Women

Weight and senescence

Being overweight (in any capacity) greatly reduces quality of life.

The excess weight is actually a result of accumulated excess toxins and proteins being bound up in your body.

Removing these not only reduces your weight, it also allows your whole body to work more efficiently and thus not get into a diseased state.

Being overweight puts a great deal of strain on your body and results in inflammation and water retention which further impair your bodies healthy functioning.

To allow your cells to function properly it is important to get your whole body into a healthy weight range.

Loosing weight is essentially the purging of dead or damaged cells and this has proven to enhance the performance of the whole body.

The damaged or dead cells if not removed efficiently have a negative toxic effect on the body overall.

  1. Weight loss as a senescence blocker

Losing weight is a great way to block senescence because our bodies are effectively cleansed of a lot of unwanted matter that was hindering our wellness.

When we lose weight we remove a lot of dead matter that has accumulated due to apoptosis and unwanted toxins from food and our environment.

All of these particles block our system and create a negative effect which ultimately leads to chronic disease and early death.

The role of a healthy diet in senescence blocking

Both eating a healthy diet, and eating at the right time/s will help you live longer.

A healthy diet should be one that is clean and free of processed foods.

Eating a moderate, balanced healthy diet ensures that you get all of the nutrients that you need to regenerate your cells.

Additionally, removing or crowding out junk food with healthier foods will ensure that your body does not get clogged up and therefore your energy can flow better to ensure that all cells can regenerate in the best possible fashion.

Healthy and nutritious foods to eat to reduce senescence in women

The most healthy foods for a human body are fruits, vegetables, seeds and (some) nuts!

Eating a balanced diet filled with plant-based wholefoods will enhance your quality of life through proper nourishment and reduced decayed matter in the system.

Our bodies thrive on raw living foods and the more fresh fruit and vegetables you can eat, the better your overall health will be.

Antioxidant rich foods will further aid the process of cleansing out unwanted matter from your body to allow it to work efficiently. Foods such as:

  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Berries
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Melons

Foods to cut off to slow down senescence

To slow down senescence we should NOT consume any foods that have been man made or “processed”.

We must lean more in the direction of freshly grown whole foods straight from the earth.

  1. Female specific vitamins

The vitamins requirements for women (Vitamin, C, A, E, K, D and Calcium)

The majority of our vitamins can come from our diet.

For example a lot of fruits and vegetables are considerably rich I vitamins A, K and C.

However one major problem that we are seeing in our society is the severe lack of vitamin D.

This is mainly due to our lifestyles becoming more indoors, and undertaking sedentary pursuits.

As I am sure you are aware, vitamin D essentially comes from the sun, and we are designed to live in harmony with nature in the sun.

Vitamin D is particularly important for women who are trying to conceive.

Another essential vitamin is calcium, which is used to alkalise our body and build bones.

Calcium is also more efficiently processed with the addition of the right amounts of vitamin D.

Therefore we must ensure our bodies stay in an alkaline state to optimise our calcium reserves.

Is diet sufficient or are supplements required?

In the west it is almost always required for us to take supplementation to ensure overall health.

This is due in part to the industrialisation of our food supplies, but also due to increased stress and lack of sufficiently nutrient dense foods.

The main supplements we should turn to as women are iodine (for our thyroid), B12 and Omega 3 for our brain functioning, vitamin D for overall health and finally a B-Complex for our hormones.

The majority of the other nutrients can be obtained from our food.

One last nutrient that plays a large part in the removal of unwanted matter in our system that can cause disease and ageing is vitamin C.

Therefore, it is a good idea to consume a daily vitamin C supplement to ensure that you have the right amount in your system.

  1. Physical fitness and senescence

The importance of physical fitness in women to help slow down the ageing process

Keeping the body moving is important to ensure your body is healthy and moderate exercise also slows down the ageing process.

Motion and cardio exercise is what causes the body to move the lymphatic system that removes waste from our bodies.

Therefore it is important for us to exercise for 20 minutes each day to ensure that we can live our best version.

Relationship between exercise and the immune system

Our immune system, is the process our bodies carry out to eliminate particles that are not useful to our system.

These might be virus’, bacteria, foreign proteins, toxins or other types of metabolic waste.

This elimination process begins with our blood discarding that which is no use to our system and then pushing it out to the white cells in our lymph which then ensures that our bodies are free from disease.

The lymphatic system is stimulated through motion of our bodies and therefore exercise plays a large part in our immune systems functioning efficiently.


  • Are you feeling tired, and perhaps a bit run down?
  • Would you like to maximise your energy, youth factor and vitality?

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  1. Skin care as a technique for delaying senescence?

What is the impact of the ageing of skin on the overall ageing process and what are the signs of skin ageing ?

When the skin begins to age it begins to gain the following:

  • Dull appearance
  • Creases/ lines
  • Dark circles around the eyes

 These appear firstly around our eyes and necks. The skin then begins to lose its elasticity and hang loose from the body.

Skin care procedures to help reduce ageing

We must remove the metabolic waste produced on our skin to effectively allow it to regenerate and reduce the ageing of the skin.

To remove the waste from our skin we must cleanse it with clean water and fresh face cloths.

It is also a great idea to stimulate your skin with the following procedures:

  • G Washing
  • Washing with dilute apple cider vinegar
  • Dry skin brushing
  • Deep tissue massage

N.B It is also reported that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can reduce the appearance of ageing in the skin.

Diets to follow to reverse the ageing of skin in women?

A healthy whole food, plant based diet is the best possible diet to reverse ageing in women.

5. Anti – ageing stem cell treatment

What is a Stem Cell?

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell of an organism, meaning it does not yet have its form as a particular “type” of cell.

Therefore it can differentiate into a wide variety of different types of cells under the right conditions.

What is stem cell treatment?

Stem cell treatment is normally performed by taking either bone marrow or umbilical chord fluid and injecting it into the infected area (or area that we want to treat).

The benefits of stem cell treatment

Because stem cells are undifferentiated they can effectively form any type of new tissue.

This can be of use in anti-ageing therapies to rejuvenate damaged tissue and restore it to a younger state.

  1. Reproductive senescence blocking

Hormone replacement therapy as a reproductive senescence blocker

HRT is used for people to relieve the symptoms of the menopause.

For some people who have not had their last period, it is still possible to get pregnant while taking HRT.

A lot of the hormones associated with youth and reproduction are boosted with HRT which can restore your bodies hormones back to that of a much younger person.

The process of hormone replacement therapy

HRT can be done via the taking of tablets, skin patches, gels or vaginal creams, pessaries or rings.

To begin the process you should contact your GP.

Benefits and side effects of hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HTR) can be useful for anti-ageing purposes and can restore health and vitality in some people.

The way that it works is by balancing your hormones to a state whereby you have a lot more of the look and feel good hormones.

If a person undergoes hormone replacement therapy before the age of 60 or within 10 years of the onset of the menopause, then there are reportedly less risks involved.

The possible side effects of HRT are numerous such as:

  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness or swelling
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Inflammation in parts of the body
  • Leg cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vaginal bleeding

7. Delaying menopause in women

How a delayed menopause helps in blocking senescence?

The role of diet in delayed menopause

It is important to stay properly hydrated when going through the menopause to reduce symptoms.

Additionally, you can eat plant foods rich in Phyto-oestrogens like flaxseeds/ flaxseed oil / linseeds.

Also it is a good idea to reduce your intake of caffeine rich and spicy foods.

It is important to take adequate amounts of Omega 3 as part of your diet or supplementation, especially during the menopause.

This will help ward off depression and other mood related symptoms.

The ways to delay menopause in women

You can effectively delay the menopause by living a healthy balanced lifestyle or by taking HRT.


  • Are you feeling tired, and perhaps a bit run down?
  • Would you like to maximise your energy, youth factor and vitality?

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  1. Child birth and ageing

Do women who give birth early age slower and those who do not have children age faster?

The evidence points to women ageing faster when they have children.

However, the good news is, if you have children later on in life then studies show that you will live longer.

The correlation between the number of child births and the ageing process

The more children a woman has can increase the ageing process by putting extra stress and depleting her of nutrients.


By ensuring that you live a healthy lifestyle, take moderate exercise and eat a clean plant based diet you will greatly reduce the effects associated with senescence.

Furthermore, vitamin and mineral supplementation can balance hormones and overall health in addition to a healthy diet rich in Phyto-oestrogens.

If you are looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or ageing on your skin, it is a great idea to drink adequate amounts of fresh water and exercise.

You can also look at more medical based treatments to reverse the effects of ageing like stem cell treatment or HRT.

This is professional advice but, nevertheless it is still generalised advice simply because I don’t know your full medical history, age, past and current nutrition and supplements taken, exercise, injuries etc, and  in a few words – I don’t know your body.

The maximise our youth factor we must customise everything to our very specific requirements and particular needs.

If you want to keep youthful, perform and feel at your best living longer younger them, contact Jazz Alessi now, and request your FREE CONSULTATION.

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