6 Ways to Tone Up, Achieve Fat Loss and Transform Your Body with The Best Personal Trainer Mayfair

Best Personal Trainer Mayfair

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and felt good about it?

You might not remember.

Living in Mayfair in this era of business and technological development is way too busy than ever seen.

Although Mayfair is the core of some major business deals adding into the economy of the London,

But at the expanse of what?

  • Your physical health
  • Your medical health
  • Your time
  • Your mental well-being

Do you know, obesity can negatively affect your performance?

This research shows that extremely or moderately obese people are less productive (1).

And it may surprise you that obesity has a direct relation with mental health, anxiety, and a lower mental health-related quality of life scoring (2).

But SAY NO MORE to the disempowering foods and lifestyle choices.

See how Dr Christian feels after training,

“Jazz’s customised nutrition diet plans and unique training method helped me to safely lose 1 1/2 stone and to increase my mental focus, energy level, muscle mass and muscle-joints-flexibility. I recommend Jazz Alessi’s Elite personal training unique method and personalised nutrition to anyone who wants to lose weight natural, fast and safe and get fit in the shortest amount of time.”

– Dr Christian H – NHS –

How To Boosts Your Energy, Productivity and Leadership Skills 

Since living or working in Mayfair comes with great deal of responsibility, from a professional perspective you will become a lot more confident in your work as well as being physically strong.

Training using a customised personal training programme not only tells you how to transform your body, but also your brain, because that is how you grow and achieve.

As evident by research that physical exercise boosts your self-esteem and confidence and improves your cognitive functions (10) by starting your transformation journey with the best personal trainer Mayfair, you claim to boost your higher mental and physical functions.

  • You will soon start to feel strong, agile and performant,
  • You will also start to feel incredibly happy about yourself and regain the confidence to appreciate your new looks and hence your life.

Mind and Body:

One-on-one personal training provides you with many lifesaving benefits.

If you are living or working in Mayfair, you already are or aim to be a Formula One Achiever therefore, it gives you two more key benefits,

  1. Feeling like a million bucks: Smartly increases the amount of physical activity – makes you unstoppable!!
  2. Makes you a smarter and more effective leader (achiever!): it completely changes your attitude through problem-solving (3)

This laser sharp customised personal training programme will help you transform not only your body posture, agility, strength, and appearance, but also your thought process.


That is not a dream anymore but a reality for anyone who trains focused and smart.

You do not need to travel long hours to train with the best personal trainer in Mayfair.

how to transform your body

  • What are your health and fitness goals?
  • Keen to transform yourself?

As a long-term Rehabilitation specialist, Harley Street – certified nutritionist, and elite personal trainer, I will share with you the best way to transform your body.

Using a laser sharp customised training package delivered at your best Mayfair location and convenience, you will start toning up your body, and lose fat fast!!


3 Keys To Your Body Transformation:


  • Goals
  • Planning
  • Execution

Quite similar to your business, Right?

Let us find out if they really are similar.

  1. Goals:

What transformation is to you?

  • Is it weight loss or toning up?
  • Or is a rehabilitation from the back pain you suffer, herniated disc, a knee or shoulder injury?

Or maybe all of them!

If you want to be smart, physical and mentally, your goals also need to be SMART,

Specific: You need to specify what you aim to become.

Let us say if you want to lose weight, your goals will be different from the one who wants to gain weight.

And this is the reason you need a laser sharp customised personal training, nutrition plan and coaching programme.

This proven and tested professional combination will give you everything you require to achieve fast and long-lasting results.

As my client Dr Alieta says,

“What I like about Jazz Alessi approach, is that everything is personalised to the particular client’s needs and health status which is crucial! I guarantee that this approach is the best, as each individual might have specific health conditions which need a particular detailed attention when nutrition and physical exercise changes is a subject.”

Dr Alieta C. – PhD –

It makes your goals and journey easy and clear.

Measurable: If you do not measure, you guess.

  • Your goals need to have measurable targets because that is how you know your progress.

And to help you achieve results faster – I measure everything.

If you want to transform and do not have a measure of the parameters required, it’s all in vain.

  • But do not you worry about that, as an elite personal trainer who works with top athletes in the country, I will make it easy for you – all work is on me.

Attainable: Your transformation goals must be attainable, which means you must consider your general health status before making your goals.

And without any surprise, you may find it difficult, but an expert personal trainer performs a thorough assessment before deciding a plan for you.


  • I trained the best special forces in the country,
  • I created seven national champions in fighting and
  • Helped clients to rehabilitate from near disability back and knee injuries

Therefore, I will create for you, your straight to the point winning formula!!

In a progressive and smart manner soon, you will start and achieve all your body transformation goals.

Relevant: Make relevant goals without trying to copy others, or following a preset one size fit all protocol, and that is why as the best personal trainer Mayfair based, I take time to customise your body transformation journey.

Time-based: We understand that living in Mayfair means following strict schedules and you can’t wait for the goals to turn into reality, and you must also be familiar with the saying “SUCCESS NEVER COMES OVERNIGHT”.

But with my years of body transformation personal training experience, I can provide you with a fast and realistic time frame for your specific goals and results.

body transformation personal training

2. Planning:

This is the strategy you will follow to achieve your fitness goals.

So, once I will help you identify your goals, now it is time to turn them into reality.

For this, you require a knowledgeable and long-term experienced coach to design from scratch your body transformation plan.

If you are busy with your work planning, I am here to do your fitness planning.

I am all ears to your SMART goals therefore, I will customise all your back pain rehabilitation, knee pain or fat loss body transformation programme.

3. Execution

Whether it is business or fitness,


You alone cannot execute your fitness plan for which you need to have a Pro Personal Training Master.

If you are living in Mayfair, it is more than a fact that you are living a busy and at times tedious lifestyle.

It is possible that you cannot get enough time for your mental and physical well-being.

That is why I am here to the rescue.

I provide the best services at your Mayfair chosen location and convenient time and here is the feedback I receive from my client Chris,

“No matter what your goals are, be it weight loss body-transformation, improve muscle tone, strength, flexibility, body-balance, or mental health, Alessi has the expert knowledge and practical tools to help you go beyond your best.”

Chris Victor – Personal trainer

Yes, that is right!

Amongst other things, your customised personal trainer Mayfair training strategy will provide you with 6 easy ways to transform your body at your doorstep.

6 ways, Personal Trainer Mayfair can help you transform

Thinking about transformation, what comes first in your mind?

Diet and exercise?

Have you tried fat loss exercise at home?

You are right in your mind.

Customise diet and exercise are two factors that will give you a never-ending incommensurable energy, that sharp jawline and alluring six-packs.

1. Nutrition Diet Plan: EAT IT TO BEAT IT

Nutrition Diet Plan

Having customised snacks and adequate hydration can help you beat obesity and in a healthy manner maximise your energy levels, so you will be able to do more.

Are you the one eating fast food or pre-cooked meals because you cannot afford the time to cook a healthy bowl for yourself?

If that is the case, then you are most probably on the verge of increasing the pounds around your waist.

Weight gain increase risk of obesity, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, and disabilities.

But wait,

  • Did you try a customised nutrition plan for your brain and lean muscles needs?

Just like everyone else these days you might be the one knowing a lot about healthy diet choices, what’s good for you and what’s not.


  • Despite having a healthy diet, you still do not see faster results?

This is because a diet-induced weight-loss can cause strength loss (4)

Yes, that is right.

The reason why you need a Harley Street certified nutritionist, and an elite personal trainer is to help you develop your personalised formula of fat loss vs muscle loss.

  • You may be having a diet that is making you lose muscle along with fat loss.
  • And subsequently leading to strength loss and reduced productivity.

I am a certified nutritionist and I prefer designing a highly effective and balanced fat loss London diet plan, so you will experience a massive energy boost and won’t starve during your training.

2. Exercise: SWEAT IT TO GET IT

Exercise is a fair deal when we talk about getting those lean abs and yes, 6 packs look sexy.

They also bullet proof your spine.

But did you know that…

  • A flexible diet programme it will make you lose weight fast, and a customised exercise prevents you from losing muscle mass and instead triggers fat loss only? (5)

What is the faster way to fat loss?

If you are not doing the right exercises, it will be impossible to tone up your body using nutrition alone, diet won’t tone up any of your muscles.

best exercises for fat loss

The right exercise programme not only makes you shred fat around your waist and hips but also improves your physical strengths, boosts your confidence levels, and alleviates anxiety and stress.

However, it may not be easy for you to travel long hours for your personal training session.

  • That’s why I will provide you with the best exercises for fat loss at your location and customised for your goals.

But do you know it takes more than just diet and exercise to conquer the fort of fitness and wellbeing?

You must consider some other important factors to achieve long lasting and fast results.


fat loss London

How many hours do you sleep in a day?

Take that into account and read on to find out if that’s the adequate amount of sleep for you.

  • Do you know that adequate sleep helps you fight mental stress, obesity and enhance your quality of life? (6)

If you are a lawyer, barrister or a corporate accountant work is busy.

And if you are running a business – this is not a piece of cake.

I understand the anxiety you are facing related to your work.

  • Does that anxiety hinder your sleep?

If your answer is yes, then you must consult an expert personal trainer in Mayfair to provide you with an effective training regime and transform your sleeping patterns.

  • And do you know that customised physical training boosts your mood, reduces anxiety and stress, and improves your quality of sleep (7)?

I have another living example of it, and W.T also appreciates the outcomes of one-on-one personal training,

“Since I started to train with Alessi I lost over 16 pounds of fat and, while I tremendously increased my muscle mass. My colleagues have asked do I bench press & have made comments about the size of my arms…  Jazz has worked magic all without using any weights whatsoever. I have improved my endurance, strength, flexibility, posture, breathing, mood and I sleep so much better!!”

W.T. – Police Officer –

Now is the time for you to get rid of the overburdened work-related stress and have a peaceful nap.

4. Posture Rehabilitation For Good: TRAIN TO STAND TALL

Customised Pilates training has a posture correcting effect and it strengthens your core muscles (9).

You can best achieve postural correction results if you train with a postural rehabilitation specialist who is experienced to train catwalk models, office workers and pro athletes.


That being said, now let’s implement.

Looks matter and a good posture makes you look presentable and easy to take the next stance in life.

But you know what, it’s not all about looks.

A positive body stance and correct posture builds your confidence and makes you feel good about yourself.

Correct posture improves your testosterone levels, and this key hormone makes you more energised and leaner faster.

Don’t believe it?

Try it out yourself, and you will see the vibe coming.



Your transformation journey may start with a laser smart customised for your goals, diet and exercise plan.

But remember it should not end without benefiting you with neurology boosting balance training.

Balance training seems difficult; however, you can train with the best personal trainer Mayfair to maximise your neurology and mind boosting results.

  • Do you know that only 4 weeks of balance training, with 3 days a week for 10 minutes per day of training (9) is enough to improve your static and dynamic balance?

Think about it,

This also prevents falls therefore, this key customisation reduces your risks of hip, knee, back and ankles injuries.

6. Patience + Motivation = Action

Work out alone is the hardest thing to do,

If you can’t consistently motivate yourself, train and believe that results will come soon, you will stop exerting yourself for the goals.

Just like Emma, you can also find success in coaching motivation. As she says,

“I lost over 14 pounds of fat and I increased my lean body mass. I have nearly tripled my endurance level, now having a lean body and more energy than before.

He truly listens to your goals: none of them is unreachable in his eyes.

Jazz makes you believe that you are superhuman and through his unique personal training method he trains you so that you then believe you are.”

Emma C – international marathon runner

I am not just an elite trainer, but also competed myself and I know the importance of inspiration and motivation in your training.

By sharing my own transformation history with you, I can give you the bouts of motivation required to reach your outcomes within the best, fast time frame.

So, if you need the required pills (inspiration, motivation and goals clarity) for coming into action, contact me now and request a FREE CONSULTATION.

Who is Jazz Alessi?

Not just the best elite trainer in London but the expert full of enthusiasm who train himself to become national champion and benefit others with the athletic knowledge, weight loss and injury rehabilitation expertise he has.

Jazz is a London based specialist personal trainer, certified Harley Street nutritionist and injury rehabilitation specialist.

His remarkable experience is unique and unmatchable in the United Kingdom.

Top-rated athletes including Olympic champions and celebrities have trained with Jazz and accomplished their weight loss, rehab and athletic goals.

He is an ex-athlete and the backbone of the health and fitness success stories of many.

He is a professional injury rehabilitation specialist, lecturer, motivator, educator, and himself a competitor for 12 years.



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