transform body without losing weight

How to Transform your Body without Losing Weight

How could you lose inches around your belly without losing weight, add lean muscle mass and improve your metabolism and health?


Could you achieve a complete body transformation without weight loss

You may wonder, is it even possible to lose those unwanted inches on your body without affecting the figure that appears on the weighing balance every time you step on it? 

The answer to your question is “Yes”. 

You can transform fat mass into lean muscle.

1. Does Inflammation Stops You From Getting A Lean Body

The link between overweight, obesity, poor health, various diseases and inflammation are scientifically proven therefore, whilst things are more complex – the short answer is yes. 

2. Specific Training Customisation Targeting Specific Physiological Markers

I will customise your training approach to help you improve glucose metabolism, decrease insulin resistance (think prediabetes, overweight, diabetes type 2 and PCOS etc), dramatically increase the number of your mitochondria (these are small but very important units inside your cell) and energy levels whilst smartly decrease your general body inflammatory status.

3. Stronger Heart and Healthier Lungs – Longer Life 

In a smart way I will help you increase your body oxygen transport ability and cardiac output so; your heart gets stronger fast and safe.

4. Better Mental Health – Better Work Performance and More Satisfying Social Interactions 

Using customised nutrition and exercise, I will help you skyrocket the numbers of good bacteria in the gut (gut / brain axis – focused mental support) whilst I will design the training for you to help you achieve better hormonal balance in one laser sharp customised programme.

Learn more how this 12 Week Body Transformation Program helps you achieve the best fat loss results. 

I can help you build smartly and easy awesome physical abilities (think moving with ease as a superbeing in all plans of motion) so through training you achieve flexible, toned, strong muscles and if you are on the skinny side without losing your body weight.

If your goal is to achieve a sustainable body transformation this laser sharp customised programme will train you and help you to achieve your perfect body recomposition. 

Yes, you may tone your body without losing weight.

If you work in front of a computer, are on the skinny side and struggle with a poor posture, you may not want to lose weight but add more muscles and correct your body postures.

Many active individuals have this sustainable goal of body transformation without weight loss

Proper 1-2-1 postural training is required for long-lasting effects and your programme will be customised to help you lose fats fast and build muscles at the same time. 

If you are even marginally on the skinny side but, still have a bit of weight around your belly button.

Next time you wish to have that bikini figure or a lean bodybuilder image and enjoy Yogi flexibility you could apply for a customised training programme designed to help you lose inches around your belly button fast without losing weight but adding more lean muscles.

Or lose more inches around your waist and the stubborn belly fat if visceral fat loss is one of your health and fitness goals.

How To Transform Your Body Without Losing Weight?

If you want to embrace a weight loss programme to help you lose weight sustainably then fast crash diets or yo-yo dieting are not a good strategy.

Research shows that these two types of diets will destroy your metabolism, health and in the long run it will help you put on weight.   

Instead, I advise you to train your physical abilities so you can start feeling flexible, confident and strong.

Based on my scheduled availability, I can help you to sculpt your body in a way that helps you get rid of the unwanted fatty stuff that has been clinging to your belly, thighs, arms or even your back. 

We will discuss exactly how you can say goodbye to fat and strengthen your muscles:


If you would like to achieve a flat belly and 6 ripped packs and maintain them effortlessly in the long term, the first important step is to cut down on certain foodstuffs. 

This research shows you how to fill up your plate. (2) 

  • Cut down sugar and process sugar containing different types of foodstuffs.
  • Replace the sweeter options with plant-based protein portions.

Need help with your diet plan and want this customised to your weight loss or performance boosting needs? 

Click now here !  

Either prepare whole meal food stuff or a low sugar protein bar, protein shakes, or simply add plant-based protein powder to water for your snack time.

  • Maintain meal timings with either 3-5 hours of gap between breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


If you want to achieve complete body transformation results and lose visceral body fat you also need to understand that you need to be physically active.

Move more every single day at least until you achieve your fat loss goal.

Keep your eyes on the ball and be both consistent and persistent. 

Based on your:

  • body type, 
  • age, 
  • stress levels and social / family dynamic 
  • gender and 
  • your current body measurements.

One option I could help you use with ease is to create a progressive and safe cardio-based programme.

These evidence-based customisations I will create for you will help you lose the midsection fat fast.

And if you are on the skinny side these laser sharp customisations will help you achieve your body transformation without weight loss

A. Cardio Pilates

A regular exercise routine that includes a fast-paced cardio Pilates programme is one of the best options to help you lose fat. 

This is how Pilates transforms your body

This study has shown an effective body fat loss around hips and reduction in waist circumference in women doing cardio Pilates regularly for four weeks. (3) 

Imagine the massive visceral fat loss you could achieve in a 12 weeks laser sharp customised programme. 

B. Mix and Match Focused on Your Goals – BEAT BOREDOM

Smartly combine different approaches so you can safely increase your physical activity. 

For example, sign up for a run and at the same time do some Pilates or / and Yoga. 

This research shows that this approach will help you reduce your belly fat. (4) 

At the same time, at least once per week you could perform strength training in the gym. 

This mixture of physical activity helps you avoid boredom.

These customisations will help you burn visceral fat and build your lean muscles.

C. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest ways to help your body transform. 

Staying hydrated comes with a bunch of health advantages. 

  • This study has established that drinking a minimum of .5 liters of water in a day can result in considerable fat loss. 

Before or during your snacking or having a meal sip on water. 

Drink water as you work out. 

Research shows that the more water you drink, the more calories you cut and you get a feeling of fullness of the stomach. (5) 

Just ensure that you will not overdo this since, too much water will dilute and flush out your micronutrients namely vitamins and minerals.

This could cause severe damage including death.

D. Is Strength And Resistance Training Part Of Your Training Routine?

girls exercising in london body transformation program

Adding lean muscle mass and increasing your muscular strength is one of the goals you could target and I will help you achieve this during your body transformation

Amongst cardio you also need a strength training and resistance training programme (think body weight, resistance bands etc) to build muscular health and tone your body without losing weight:

  • Strength training: improves your muscular strength, improves your metabolism, and is another fantastic way of achieving a sustainable body transformation

Using smart kettlebells and weight machines will help you improve muscle strength. 

Pushups, planks, lunges and squats will help you get a toned muscular physique. (6) 

While there might be a hundred hits on the internet that give you generalised tips on how to transform your body or how to tone your body without losing weight remember that your body is different from anyone else around you and your programme must address your:

  • genetics, 
  • age, 
  • gender, 
  • job,
  • stress level, 
  • sleeping patterns,
  • postural and body imbalances,
  • vitamins and minerals deficiencies 
  • family and social life
  • old, new or nagging injuries and 
  • health and fitness goals.


If you live in London only an elite personal trainer in London can provide you with tailor-made recommendations helping you to achieve a long-term sustainable body transformation

Losing body fat without losing weight

If you’d like to bulk up and won’t want to look and feel really skinny you need to know that a  body transformation without weight loss is not a myth but smart work for smart professionals. 

There are many options I could use to help you bulk up transforming your body and they will be ALL customised to your requirements and body appearance needs.

Or if you would like to lose visceral fat, I will help you successfully reach this goal fast, this is successful close team-work.

Fat around your belly button is directly related to diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

Therefore, I will immediately customise your programme to help you lose fat around your mid-section and anywhere else where there is fat in your body. 

A combination of proper diet, the right type of exercise, intensity and training volume and customised lifestyle changes can bring about this transformation that stays with you for a long time. 

If your body has hit a plateau where your weighing scale fails to change yet you might have a lot of excess visceral fat to lose then you need to be careful in your choices. 

Excess visceral fat can trigger inflammation in the body and put you out of form. 

Moreover, this fat builds a foundation for metabolic syndrome  and this a condition that may result in:

  • heart diseases, 
  • diabetes or 
  • hypertension.
  • And…

Did you know that clinical studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficiency of endurance training and resistance training for fast visceral fat loss?

The studies have shown overwhelming results in participants. (7) 

Here are a few tips to lose visceral fat:

Make Better Food Choices:

The right food choices will shape your body.(2)

  • A restricted diet with fewer carbs and more plant based healthy proteins
  • Cut down and eliminate sugary drinks
  • Quit smoking
  • Cut down alcohol 
  • Binge on green tea
  • Fast intermittently


Vegan Keto Diet:

Low-calorie vegan ketogenic diets are beneficial for losing belly fat. 

Talk to your nutritionist and get a vegan keto diet customised for you so that you lose belly fat while gaining muscle strength. 

This will help you keep your weight constant as you lose the extra fat. (8)

vegetable salad


happy woman exercising

Stay active and work out more to build your muscle strength.

  • Resistance training including weights, your body weight or resistance bands 
  • Aerobics and cardio such as walking, running, cycling, performance dancing

E. Maintain excellent gut health and immunity by eating a large variety of unprocessed whole foods plant-based nutrition.

Did you know that an optimum balance in your gut microorganisms namely good bacteria vs poor bacteria is required for maintaining good gut health?

You can successfully transform your body by losing fat around your waist and gaining muscle strength and nice muscle tone.

But you will need to monitor your food quality and intakes and exercise intensity and volume to name just a few things which matter.

This nutrition and exercise awareness will also help you pay more attention and improve  your gut health. 

Research shows that low sugar plant-based protein supplementation stimulates gut bacterial amino acid metabolism and also induces visceral fat loss. (9)

Reach out for Support

Having a firmer, tighter, and toned body is a dream of many. 

You need to work out closely with a specialist elite personal trainer you will instantly click and you can trust and who will be an active part of your body transformation journey. 

Medical research shows that customised nutrition and exercise is the best option for your health, metabolism, body appearance and physique.

When you adhere to the large food variety (you will never get bored with so many food options I will create for you) and customisations created specifically for you this process is always successful. 

This holistic approach helps you tone up correctly and completely transform your body appearance, fitness and health.

I will help you achieve your desired BMI (body mass index).

And if you are on the skinny side, the large variety and laser sharp customisations, I will create for you will support you throughout your body transformation without weight loss (if you don’t need weight loss)

Who is Jazz Alessi?

Jazz Alessi is an elite personal trainer in London who trains athletes and is specialised in natural fat loss, herniated disc rehab and back pain and knee injury rehabilitation.

Jazz is the owner of Personal Training Master, lives in Central London, and is a long-term body transformation expert specialised in athletic performance, anti-ageing and healthy weight loss.


  1. Barakat C, Pearson J, Escalante G, Campbell B, De Souza EO. Body recomposition: can trained individuals build muscle and lose fat at the same time? Strength & Conditioning Journal. 2020;42(5):7-21-
  2. Arciero PJ, Ormsbee MJ, Gentile CL, Nindl BC, Brestoff JR, Ruby M. Increased protein intake and meal frequency reduces abdominal fat during energy balance and energy deficit. Obesity. 2013;21(7):1357-66-
  3. Sevimli D, Sanri M. Effects of Cardio-Pilates Exercise Program on Physical Characteristics of Females. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2017;5(4):677-80-
  4. Irawan RJ, Anggarani MA. The Effectiveness of 8 Weeks Low Impact Aerobics and Yoga Combination Program on Body Fat Percentage among Obese Female. KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2019;14(3):426-31-
  5. Vij VAK, Joshi AS. Effect of excessive water intake on body weight, body mass index, body fat, and appetite of overweight female participants. Journal of natural science, biology, and medicine. 2014;5(2):340-
  6. Schoenfeld BJ, Grgic J. Effects of range of motion on muscle development during resistance training interventions: A systematic review. SAGE open medicine. 2020;8:2050312120901559-
  7. Dutheil F, Lac G, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Walther G, Vinet A, et al. Different modalities of exercise to reduce visceral fat mass and cardiovascular risk in metabolic syndrome: the RESOLVE* randomized trial. International journal of cardiology. 2013;168(4):3634-42-
  8. Moreno B, Crujeiras AB, Bellido D, Sajoux I, Casanueva FF. Obesity treatment by very low-calorie-ketogenic diet at two years: reduction in visceral fat and on the burden of disease. Endocrine. 2016 Dec;54(3):681-690. doi: 10.1007/s12020-016-1050-2. Epub 2016 Sep 13. PMID: 27623967-
  9. Bel Lassen P, Belda E, Prifti E, Dao MC, Specque F, Henegar C etal. Protein supplementation during an energy-restricted diet induces visceral fat loss and gut microbiota amino acid metabolism activation: a randomized trial. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 2;11(1):15620. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94916-9. PMID: 34341379; PMCID: PMC8329187-

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