Pilates for Back Pain


Back pain? That’s typical.

Back problems are now considered a healthcare epidemic in the UK.

However, early rehab will prevent worsening and in many cases will even prevent surgery.

I know what you’re going to say!

You’re certainly going to mention the countless attempts to relieve your back pain that have all gone in vain, I don’t doubt that you’re also going to say you are tired of going to rehab centers.

So, why don’t you THINK OUT OF THE BOX!

Jazz Alessi, our expert rehab specialist who is specialising in back problems, suggests you join him in one-to-one Pilates online sessions for back pain.

Customised Pilates training will transform your body and mind and it is always safe and effective when done under supervision of an expert Pilates trainer.

On top of that, your sessions will be held online on a video call with your elite Pilates personal trainer London based.

This will save you time and effort and will put less post-session strain on your muscles.

You will also be given the opportunity to keep in touch with Jazz Alessi 24/7.

You can perform Pilates for back pain if it’s caused by:

  • Muscle strain or spasm
  • Knee injuries affecting your whole kinetic chain
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Scoliosis
  • Prolapsed or slipped disc
  • Roundback and poor posture
  • Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction
  • Mechanical low back pain due to inactivity, belly abdomen or following pregnancy
  • etc

Pilates can help you relieve your back pain, improve your posture and regain your balance if you are guided by the right person.

Contact now Jazz Alessi and enjoy your FREE CONSULTATION and comprehensive assessment so that he can decide if you will benefit from Pilates online for back pain in Canary Wharf and all over London.

Pilates for back pain has been proven both beneficial and risky.

If you are living in greater London these exercises can be very helpful if they are assessed and performed correctly, under the supervision of a Pilate’s personal trainer in London.

Unfortunately, some reports have also claimed Pilates can be damaging.

These reports often describe injuries occurred during Pilates2, but, fail to notice that the Pilates exercises followed were not customised for the particular individual who suffered the injury but, were generalised Pilates classes.

This page provides you with evidence based Pilates back injury rehabilitation occurred from generalised Pilates classes to help you to choose the best one to one Pilates programme for your back pain rehabilitation needs.

  • Are you living in London suffering from back pain, sciatica, scoliosis or a herniated disc?
  • Do you want to improve your back health and get rid of your back pain?
  • Do you want to feel, move, perform and look at your best again?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then, you are in the right place.

This page provides you with a professional back rehab information therefore, please be prepared for about 9-12 minutes of reading.

“My back pain disapeared and I’m not stressed anymore, all thanks to Jazz Alessi. I am sleeping better and I perform better in a very demanding job. Jazz’s area of specialisation completely covers back pain injury rehabilitations, and healthy weight loss and if you struggle with back pain I recommend working with him.”

 – Dr Christian H – NHS 

If you’d like to benefit from a committment free consultation please click now on this link, HERE.

Pilates for Back Pain

Back problems are considered a healthcare epidemic in the UK.

This problem accounts for as much as 11% of all disabilities within the country1.

Determining the specific cause of back pain can sometimes be difficult.

Pain can originate from various regions of the back, including soft tissue, joints located in the spine and from bones3.

Back pain can be chronic or acute.

The causes of each kind are different, and rehabilitation and treatment methods also differ.

For example paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often provided for relief pain and inflammation4.

However, adverse reactions, such as cardiovascular risks and gastrointestinal side-effects, are risk factors involved with some of these medications5.

Back pain is not only a painful condition.

It can be detrimental to various parts of a person’s life.


Let’s consider some possible areas where back pain can be a real pain:

  • Many people suffering from back pain need to take days off work when the pain becomes more severe. This leads to having to take unpaid leave, causing uncertainty, anxiety and financial difficulties.
  • Talking about financial troubles caused by back pain – the constant visits to physicians, scans and tests, physiotherapists, osteopaths, medication can be very expensive.
  • Back pain can be hazardous to a couple’s intimacy, causing the one experiencing the symptoms to enjoy less of being together or be less “potent” during their time in the bedroom.
  • Psychological complications may also occur with severe back pain.

When a person is unable to perform specific tasks they were usually able to perform, it can make them feel upset, anxious, depressed, and frustrated.

They feel like they are missing out on life, their family and their loved ones because they are unable to attend to all of their needs.

  • With back pain, even simple daily functions become painful to do, making them more difficult.

Take for example – getting in and out of the car, tie your shoes, picking up things from the floor, playing and lifting the childrens, washing the dishes for example, or even driving the kids to school.


However, a proven method of:

  • Rebalancing your body segments,
  • Re-aligning and correcting your posture,
  • Improving your core muscles whilst
  • Strengthening and stretching just in the right amounts for your body and…

All customised for your diagnostic, and muscle and joints imbalances is one of the solutions to improve and get rid of your back pain.

Customised Pilates-10

“I used to have back pain but, thanks to Jazz Alessi’s Pilates, customised strengthening and stretching back exercises, postural movements and individualised programme he designed for me I don’t have any spine or back pain anymore. I’m now able to have a very intense workout and I took my fitness to the next level.”

– W. T.  – London Metropolitan Police 

Would you like to improve your back health fast and learn how to get rid of your back pain?

Contact us now for a commitment free consultation today clicking on this link HERE.

The Principles Of Pilates

Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates Method of Exercise was ahead of his time.

In the early 1900s, Joseph Pilates developed a new method of exercise, providing the best body conditioning and fastest injury rehabilitation in mind.

Read more

Spine Disorders That Can Be Improved By Pilates

Many studies have been conducted to provide more accurate data on how Pilates can be beneficial when used to address symptoms caused by specific spine-related disorders.

The following is just an example of spinal disorders that can be improved through one-on-one Pilates programmes that have been tailored toward a particular individual’s condition, lifestyle, health factors and body features.


Are you suffering from any of these?


Sciatica is a very painful condition that refers to pain originating from irritation or constriction of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the root of the body’s spinal cord toward the buttock.


Scoliosis is a condition where a sideways curve occurs within the spine and where certain muscles are weakened. The disease tends to happen before puberty when a child goes through a growth spurt.

Herniated disc

A herniated disk is a very painful condition where a soft substance contained within the disks of the spine, contained in-between the vertebrae, leaks out through a tear pressing on the nerves.

Kyphosis (roundback) of the spine

A Kyphosis of the spine refers to an excessive curve developing in the upper-part of the spine. The condition is officially diagnosed when the excess curve can be measured to 50 degrees or higher impairing breathing, body oxygenation, and even energy levels.

Spinal fractures from injuries

Following an injury, which may occur during sports or a fall, for example, can lead to fractures occurring in any part of the spine.


Fibromyalgia is considered a chronic health condition that primarily affects the muscles. Many people with this condition find that the first symptoms are in the form of back pain.


Spondylolysis refers to stress that is placed upon one of the small bones that are part of the spinal cord, referred to as the vertebrae. The stress may also lead to a fracture or crack. The most commonly affected individuals are those who frequently participate in sports that require repetitive stress to be placed on the spine or lower back region.


Muscle Strain

Muscle strain in the back can also cause a significant amount of pain in some individuals.

Muscle strain can occur in particular professions like (registered nurses, medical surgeons and cameraman’s required to handle equipment or to stay in the same position for longer periods of time, material movers, heavy truck drivers and office workers etc) and due to overworked muscles, possible injuries and from tears that develop in muscle fibres.

“I wanted to improve my fitness level, gain more energy and lose weight while, correcting my posture and getting rid of my severe back pain. I achieved everything I wanted and I went beyond my goals. My posture is so much stronger and I don`t feel any back pain anymore.”

– Alless – Fashion designer 

Would you like to improve your back fast and learn how to get rid of your back pain?

Contact us now for a commitment free consultation today clicking on this link HERE.

Joseph Pilates stated…

“The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning develops the body uniformly, correcting posture, restores vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit.” –  Joseph H. Pilates – founder of the Pilates Method of Exercise 

Pilates Exercises For Back Pain

Assisted Pilates stretch-min-25

A study6 published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science took into account results from eight different randomised controlled clinical trials.

The study analysed the effectiveness of Pilates for back pain.

Some participants received standardised treatment options.

Another group were provided supervised Pilates exercises specialised toward lower back pain.

The results presented evidence that Pilates is an effective method for improving lower back pain symptoms.

Jazz Alessi using an assisted postural strech while working with a client (all exercises are fully customised thus, this exercise may not apply to you).

Pelvic Tilt to Pelvic Curl

The Pelvic Tilt and Pelvic Curl are two of the principle move introduced to individuals who are interested in performing Pilates and suffer from back pain.

When these two moves are combined, they provide a way to increase mobility, decompress the spine (especially from a lying down position) and get the joints to moving, slightly targeting the core muscles, whilst promoting low back balanced movement throughout.

They could be beneficial for those suffering from low back pain.

Chest Lift

Another beneficial Pilates exercise for those suffering from back pain, mainly when the pain originates from the cervical (upper back) area or the neck. This exercise could be useful for building core muscle strength.

Swan Prep

The Swan Prep is a Pilates stretch exercise used to address the excessive effects of forward bending that can strengthen and stretch the back, as well as other parts of the body, including the pelvic floor, hip flexors, the hamstrings, and the shoulders.

Child’s Pose

The Child’s Pose is an exercise used for giving the back a good stretch during a workout session. It is also ideal for relaxation however, in some cases it can have negative effects in sciatica and herniated disc thus, it can be a double edged sword.

It is quick and easy to do and does not require any movements that may put a person at the risk of injury (except if you suffer from the one mentioned).

Kneeling Arm and Leg Reach

With balance being a crucial part in promoting better movement and also improved posture and support for the back, the Kneeling Arm and Leg Reach exercise is a beneficial Pilates balance move to incorporate into any Pilates back care workout program.


When talking about Pilates for back pain, the Cat-Cow move is often one of the most recommended options.

This exercise helps to stretch the back, and the spine improves abdominal muscle strength and also helps to improve spinal flexibility however, if there is a herniated disc and it could aggravate your condition thus, make a correct assessment before using it.


Those ready for a more challenging and complex move for aiding their back pain often give the Swimming Pilates exercise a try. This whole body exercise uses a large number of different body parts, and together improves your body balance, coordination, strength, endurance and overall hip flexors flexibility.

Spine Stretch

The Spine Stretch move is one of the most fundamental Pilates moves.

It is, as the name suggests, a stretch that works on both the hamstrings and the back.

This stretch can be used as a warm-up for other exercises, or as a way to effectively reduce tension in the back during other activities however, if you have back pain and used unsupervised it could aggravate both a sciatica and a herniated disc.

Would you like to improve your back fast and learn how to get rid of your back pain?

Contact us now for a commitment free consultation today clicking on this link HERE.

Risk Factors We Work To Modify And Control Improving Your Back Health

In back pain rehab one size fits all, increases back injury risks factors.

This is why customised Pilates exercises are the best choice for cervical, thoracic or lower back pain.

These modified to your needs exercises are known to help correct posture7 effectively, our core, alignment and improve muscle tone which is a common problem among individuals who experience back pain.

They are useful in a variety of risk factors that can decrease but, also increase back pain symptoms this is why we are customising everything to your specific back rehab needs.

Muscle and Joints Balance: Pilates can assist with reducing the risk factors involved with imbalances in your muscles and joints.

Weak muscles: in the back can also lead to an increased risk of back injuries and back pain.

These weak muscles can cause flexor muscles in the hips to become tight and, in turn, lead to the curvature in the lower back to be increased – hyperextension.

Pilates can help to strengthen these muscles, which reduces the risk of suffering from back pain caused by injuries, imbalances, body missalignments and weak back muscles.

Legs, Pelvis and Back Imbalances: one to one Pilates exercises will assist with improving the overall balance of the pelvis and legs with the back, which can contribute to improving your back pain symptoms.

Poor and Incorrect Body movements: will put a particular individual at a higher risk of back injuries.

With Pilates core strength, precision, coordination, focus your overall balance is improved thus, it is helping your body moving more efficiently, in harmony, and eliminating back injury risk.

Poor posture: an apparent small issue poses as a serious problem leading to social and many long term medical complications.

Studies have found that poor posture affects numerous bodily functions and systems, including anxiety, stress, cognitive performance9, respiratory function10 and even, in some cases, kidney function11.

A correct posture will help you breathe better, using correct muscles thus, it will help reducing these risks.

Overactive muscles: can get into spasms pulling out of alignment the body structure.

This put a person at a much higher risk of experiencing back pain whilst increases their risk of suffering a back injury.

With the use of the one-on-one Pilates programmes, muscles that are overworked can be adequately deactivated and make it to work correctly.

This could reduce the tension experienced in these muscles and reduce the risk of the overworked muscles causing painful symptoms.

Pregnancy: can cause strain on joints, the pelvis and many other parts of a woman’s body.

The female body also goes through many changes during pregnancy, which can lead to a misalignment of the pelvis, instability of the hip joints and commonly also leads to pressure on the knee, back, which can causes more back pain.

One-on-one Pilates sessions with an experienced trainer, a professional assessment and exercise correction plan can help to rectify these pregnancy related problems.

Modified Pilates moves are designed mainly to address the particular individual’s case, taking into account how severe their misalignment and instabilities are, in order to avoid putting more strain on these body parts and aggravating the after pregnancy symptoms.

Switched off muscles: Following a back injury some muscles may remain inactive, while others are being overworked.

This can cause problems in the back area leading to imbalances, structural problems and back pain.

Modified Pilates will be reactivating the back muscles that have remained inactive; thus ensuring all muscles in the back are working again equal and balanced.

Repetitive movements: cause an increased risk of spine-related injuries.

Modified Pilates is used to help recreate balance throughout your body segments, rebuild switched off muscles and tone down overstressed muscles and reduce this risk.

Flexing and extension: of the spinal cord are common in many Pilates exercises.

Without appropiate supervision, these moves can result in serious problems with the vertebrae of the spinal cord, such as lead to two bones pinching a nerve found in the spine.

People with cervical, lumbar stenosis or herniated discs are at an increased risk of such an aggravation of symptoms during Pilates, due to the narrowing of the spaces between the bones in their spine.

This can cause:

  • Numbness,
  • Weakness,
  • Severe back pain flares up,
  • Other back injury complications.

One-on-one Pilates training ensures the right level of flexing and extension is performed so, the vertebrae are not put under pressure or stretched too far apart.

“The back pain I sporadically had completely disappeared. I was taught special stretching, strengthening, breathing techniques and Pilates exercises. Jazz used only customised back rehab exercises allowing me to recover much faster, which made a big difference for me. Not just that I got rid of my back pain but, I nearly doubled my flexibility, Iboosted my running speed by at least 30% – and my stamina by 50%. I recommend Jazz to anyone who want to rehabilitate a back injury.

– Ken Yeng – Professional dancer 

Do you want to improve your back health fast and learn how to get rid of your back pain?

Contact us now for a commitment free consultation today clicking on this link HERE.

If you currently experience back pain, any or all these risks factors (and more) are likely to affect our back health causing pain, some loss of physical abilities and body functions, anxiety, upset, unhappiness, and even depression.

These risk factors are also causing new movement and postural patterns addaptations thus, are increasing pain levels and the risk of structural damage done to the spine.

In a sentence “Your weak muscles will be getting weaker whilst the stronger muscles will be getting stronger” therefore, serious muscle and joint imbalances occurs.

This is where Pilates method will help.

Many medical doctors, physiotherapists and osteopaths in Canary Wharf, London advise on using one to one Pilates in order to optimise your body alignment, correct posture, strengthen the core using whole body movements thus, getting maximum rehabilitation benefits while you still exercise.

To achive sustainable back health and conquer your back pain you must reach a place where your body is able again to move with easy in all three planes of motion: sagittal, coronal or frontal and transverse plan – where natural movement occurs.

This why this customised Pilates Back Care Programme is designed to help you to move again safely in all three plans of motion so, you are able to maintain optimum back health in a long term.

sagittal, coronal or frontal and transverse plan of motion

Why Do You Need A Pilates Instructor To Do Exercises?

If you suffer from back pain, there are risks associated with specific movements, including those involved with Pilates.

The individualised risks need to be assessed before starting with any general programme, especially when the exercises are for back rehabilitation.

When it comes to back pain, no matter the cause, the right movements can lead to improvements in the symptoms.

With one to one Pilates, injuries are not common.

Unfortunately, the wrong moves performed in a Pilates class cannot be supervised enough thus, it can reinjure your back and causing back pain.

The movements introduced in this form of exercise has a low impact on the body, but pose risks when are not appropriate for your back injury diagnosis, individualities and imbalances and not performed correctly.

This is why if you are living in London, when it comes to Pilates it is recommended to always opt for one to one Pilates personal trainer in Canary Wharf, London – especially in the case where the exercise is used for back rehabilitation and pain management.

“I used to have back pains but I don’t have back pain anymore. I rate Jazz 10/10 – he always pays attention to detail and makes sure all goals are achieved, at a safe level. Jazz made all the difference I needed and I’m so happy now that my back pain is completely gone.”

– Emma Choli – International marathon runner 

The condition causing lower back pain symptoms is one of the most important to be considered.

The individual’s physical capabilities, existing medical conditions, activities and lifestyle, body composition – these all play a factor in ensuring they can perform the right Pilates moves without further injury.

Therefore, if you want to successfully recover from back pain all these factors and more,  must be considered with an individualised Pilates programme.

“What Jazz does is prepare a customised Pilates personal training programme, for you as an individual. The customised Pilates exercises Jazz designed for me helped me to completely get rid of my back pains, tension in my shoulders, and hip pain and increased my body coordination, flexibility and overall improved the range of movement throughout my body. I’m also about two stone lighter now than I was when we first met.”

– Beverley Sage – Art Painter – Artist 

Would you like to improve your back health fast and learn how to get rid of back pain?

Best Pilates Trainer In Canary Wharf, London - Jazz Alessi


Lawrence Hayward, Pilates Elder and 1st generation Pilates teacher trained Jazz Alessi – Jazz  is a 2nd Generation Pilates teacher in Canary Wharf, London.

I take into consideration your back diagnosis, physiotherapist, sport and medical doctor advice and assess my client’s every detail – from their lifestyle, activities, body composition and body type to the specific condition that is causing their symptoms.

This helps me design a personalised and very effective Pilates personal training programme to help recreate muscle and joint balance, optimum movement and reduce back pain and other symptoms they are experiencing, without causing them any injury risks they would be exposed to with a general Pilates programme.

Contact us now for a commitment free back pain consultation today clicking on this link HERE.


1 Charles Greenough. The National Back Pain Pathway. NHS England. 1 August 2016. https://www.england HYPERLINK “https://www.england.nhs.uk/blog/charles-greenough/”.nhs.uk/blog/charles-greenough/2 Charlotte Dovey. How pilates can make your bad back worse: It can help reduce pain and improve posture, but as one woman’s story shows, there are hidden dangers. Daily Mail UK. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2161301/Pilates-make-bad-worse-Experts-agree-help-reduce-pain-improve-posture-hidden-dangers.html

3 Back Pain: Causes. NHS Choices. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/back-pain/causes/

4 B.W. Koes, M.W. Van Tulder and S. Thomas. Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. The BMJ. 17 June 2006. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1479671/

5 Multiple Authors. Adverse effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, aspirin and coxibs) on upper gastrointestinal tracti. PubMed. 24 April 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20227026

6 Various Authors. Effects of pilates on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 28 October 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5088161/

7 Multiple Authors. Effects of Pilates on muscle strength, postural balance and quality of life of older adults: a randomised, controlled, clinical trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27 March 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4395733/

8 Multiple Authors. Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak following a pilates class: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 21 December 2014. https://jmedicalcase HYPERLINK “https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1752-1947-8-456″reports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1752-1947-8-456

9 Multiple Authors. The effect of body posture on cognitive performance: a question of sleep quality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 27 March 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3973903/

10 Multiple Authors. Effect of sitting posture on respiratory function while using a smartphone. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 31 May 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3973903/

11 Rosemary Lindan. The Effects of Posture on Kidney Function. CMAJ JAMC. 1 June 1956. https://ww HYPERLINK “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3973903/”w.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3973903/

12 Back pain from pilates (lifting, yoga, arms, tendonitis). City-data.com. 1 September 2012. http://www.city-data.co HYPERLINK “http://www.city-data.com/forum/exercise-fitness/1679227-back-pain-pilates.html”m/forum/exercise-fitness/1679227-back-pain-pilates.html

13 Pilates CAUSING back pain?? Fitness Forum. https://training.fitness.com/showthread.php?t=12846

14 Jody Braverman. Soreness After Pilates. LiveStrong.com. 30 January 2018. https://www.livestrong.com/article/479619-soreness-after-pilates/

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