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Body Detoxification – The First Step Towards A Healthy Body with One of The Best London Nutritionists

Your body relies on a number of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fatty acids and proteins, to perform some functions that are all essential to life. While you purposely consume foods to supplement your body with these nutritional requirements, many types of chemicals and heavy metals are often consumed unknowingly.

Without realising the exposure to these harmful substances, we continue to be poisoned, usually in a chronic setting due to not being aware of it.

When disease develops due to the free radical damage, other potential health hazards partially imposed by the buildup of toxic materials in the body, and genetics it comes to us as a big surprise.

Education about chemicals obtained through environmental and industrial exposures to possibly hazardous substances can help to reduce disease causing toxic exposure; thus providing a significant reduction in free radical damage and the risk of life-threatening disease.

Heavy metal exposure has been linked to:

  • cardiovascular disease1,
  • chronic kidney disease2,
  • metabolic disorders, and more.

There is a number of preventative measures that can be implemented to reduce the exposure to these harmful substances.

In addition to avoiding exposures, eliminating existing buildups of toxins and heavy metals is essential for a:

  • reduction in free radical production, and to
  • reduce the current risk of chronic disease.

Are You Feeling Tired, Letargic or Find Hard to Achieve Your Goals?

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Toxins – What Are Toxins: toxins are all around us, but when discussing the term “toxin”, confusion is often faced.

The term is quite vague and does not indeed refer to one specific substance or material.

Instead, a toxin is a term that is used to describe any type of substance that can become poisoning to the human body.

Poisoning meaning that the substance can alter cellular function, cause damage to tissue, interrupt the functionality of proteins, or cause the immune system to produce antibodies in response to the presence of the particular substance.

The human body is exposed to a countless number of chemicals and toxins, such as:

  • lead,
  • mercury,
  • aluminium,
  • chlorine and phthalates,
  • etc.

This is happening on a daily basis, and the unfortunate truth is we often do not realise this.

Toxins and heavy metals can accumulate in the human body over the course of years, causing symptoms to develop gradually.

This is why it is often difficult to identify toxicity in the body caused by these exposures.

The symptoms develop slowly, which could cause an affected individual to consider these symptoms a sign of a different health ailment.

History of body detoxification

These toxins can accumulate either natural or as a doing of humans. In a natural environment, possible factors that cause metal exposure may include weathering conditions that cause soil erosion in many cases.

The majority of exposures to metals and toxins can usually be tracked by to human activities.

Things like:

  • mining,
  • sewage discharge,
  • pollution
  • industrial effluents3

These are only a few of the human activities that cause environmental exposure to harmful substances.

Additionally, crops are often treated with certain substances, like:

  • herbicides,
  • fungicides,
  • insecticides and
  • rodenticides,

Which can further lead to the exposure of chemicals in the human body.

In the body, these heavy metals and toxins bind to both nuclear proteins and DNA, which leads to cell malfunctioning, as well as poisoning at a cellular level.

When the metals bind to proteins in the human body, it can disrupt the normal function of cells by primarily increasing levels of free radicals and, at the same time, decreasing levels of antioxidants, such as glutathione, which is essential for fighting against free radical damage.

This is reducing the effectiveness of minerals and other compounds while causing oxidation to increase gradually.


A number of heavy metals have been associated with adverse effects in the human body.

Some of these heavy metals include:

  • arsenic,
  • mercury,
  • lead and
  • cadmium4.

Individuals who reside in developing countries are at higher risks of being exposed to these particular heavy metals.

1. Cadmium exposure is especially a concern amongst smokers, but can also be obtained through some food sources.

Food, such as fish, are the significant causes of mercury exposure5, but dental amalgam can also cause exposure to mercury6.

2. Mercury poisoning can lead to high blood pressure, a faster heart rate, nausea, vomiting, pulmonary toxicity, neurological abnormalities and skin rashes7.

Changes to the mucous membrane may also develop.

3. Arsenic accumulations, over 200 million individuals are directly exposed to arsenic toxins through their drinking water. Arsenic is a chemical that is also classified as a semimetal. Exposure to arsenic can also come from food, as well as the environment.

Arsenic toxicity has been linked to:

  • Learning disability,
  • Memory impairment
  • Reduced IQ8.

Glutamate and cysteine transport can also be altered adversely through the exposure to arsenic toxins.

Additional arsenic symptoms may include:

  • Kidney disease,
  • Liver damage,
  • Skin-related disorders,
  • Neoplasms
  • Gastrointestinal distress9.

Lymphatic cancer has also been linked to chronic arsenic exposure.

4. Lead exposure is found in water, foods and the air. Lead toxicity can be hazardous and lead to cognitive impairment, as well as behavioural problems, amongst children.

In adults, fertility may become impaired due to chronic exposure to lead.

Hypertension is another common complication of lead toxicity, and so is nephropathy or kidney disease.

High levels of lead accumulation in the body can lead to permanent neurological damage and, in some cases, even fatality10.

5. Cadmium exposure occurs via inhalation and through the gastrointestinal tract.

This toxic metal primarily accumulates in the body and causes damage to the kidneys, which may lead to kidney failure.

Bone softening is another potential danger posed by long-term cadmium exposure11.

Additional cadmium complications may include:

  • Bone damage
  • Impairment of calcium metabolism
  • Elevation of blood pressure
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease,

Cadmium toxicity may contribute to cancer12.


Toxins and heavy metals accumulate in the body over the course of several years, gradually causing damage to cells and tissues, leading to the impairment of organ function, and the possibility of toxicity and poisoning.


The elimination of such toxic buildups in organs and body tissue becomes a crucial part in deciding to benefit from one to one nutrition diet plan, customised personal training, coaching and adopt a healthier life.


When weight loss seems like an impossible task, a whole body detoxification system can also become useful since chemicals, and toxin buildups in the body can contribute to impairment in optimal metabolism, as well as cause abnormal fat distribution.

This can lead to excessive weight gain, and make losing weight virtually impossible13.

Eliminate Toxins Through Proper Hydration

Optimal hydration levels may be one of the most important parts of body detoxification.

Water plays an essential role in life. Most human bodies consist of 57% to 60% water.

Water levels in infants are higher, usually ranging between 75% and 78%.

Optimal water intake also plays a crucial role in disease prevention, cognitive performance and physical performance.

Dehydration can lead to impairments in thermoregulation, as well as cause problems with kidney function14.

When the kidneys, along with accompanying organs, are unable to detoxify the body and flush out toxins, toxin buildup and heavy metal poisoning are inevitable.

Cleansing Air Inside Your Home With Air Filters And Purifiers

Pollutants in the air contain hazardous traces of heavy metals, toxins and other pathogenic material that individuals inhale; thus leading to respiratory distress, as well as causing further accumulation in the body.

Today, air pollution is considered a worldwide epidemic, contributing to as much as seven million deaths each year.

Air pollution is linked to strokes, heart disease, poor cardiovascular health, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and more.

The use of air filters can assist with improving the air quality of indoor environments; thus reducing the exposure of a particular individual to harmful materials that might reside within the air15.

Avoiding Foods That Contains Toxins And Heavy Metals

Determining food sources that might be contaminated with heavy metals and other toxic substances can help individuals eliminate such foods from their diet; thus providing a reduction in their exposure to these substances that are harming their health.

Many of the heavy metals associated with adverse health effects are used in insecticides, fungicides, sheep dips, animal vaccines, herbicides and more16.

Identifying food sources that have not been treated with particular substances that contain heavy metals, and opting for organic varieties of:

  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • nuts
  • seeds,

These are a few items which can assist with reducing the health risks associated with the exposure to pathogenic materials found in foods.

Elimination Of Toxic Fat

It is already commonly known that obesity causes a number of risk factors due to an increase in adipose tissue, but what many individuals do not realise is that adipose tissue may be present even in a non-obese individual.

There are different types of adipose tissue.

A recent study17 has provided evidence that the accumulation of ceramides causes a significant increase in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The study confirmed that ceramides, a fat metabolite group, is a toxic type of adipose tissue.

With the proper implementation of a detoxification plan, containing custumised personal training and bespoke nutrition diet plan the ceramide adipose tissue can be efficiently eliminated from the body; thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as additional adverse effects that this toxic type of fat may cause.

Do You Feel Tired, Letargic and Find Hard to Achieve Your Goals?

Contact us now by clicking here for a committment free consultation today.


The human body is naturally equipped with self-defence mechanisms that allow it to eliminate heavy metals, but when exposed to heavy metals becomes too significant, excess heavy metal substances start to accumulate in the body.

This leads to a reduced function of the body’s detoxification organs, including the kidneys and the liver.

By eliminating heavy metal buildups from the body, the body’s natural capability to detoxify itself from toxins and heavy metals is restored, and overall wellbeing is improved in the process.


Body detoxification can be a difficult journey, leading to a range of possible issues while the toxins and heavy metal buildups are eliminated through the body.

Without the right programme and, of course, support, you are more likely to give up before completing your detoxification program.

As an elite personal trainer in North London and clinical nutritionist who have gained the respect and trust of many clients.

I provide elite personal training in North London and bespoke nutritional programmes to help you achieve your individual goals, and I believe that one, of the first step to a healthier life and body, is through optimal detoxification.

Personal Training Master

I offer a number of different whole body detoxification options which are all customised to the needs of every individual client:

  • Juice Detox Diet – Giving the digestive system a break from processing solid foods can be beneficial, which is why my customised juice detoxification programme is so popular.

I account for all of my client’s features, including their:

  1. food sensitivities and allergies,
  2. body composition,
  3. age,
  4. gender,
  5. body type
  6. metabolism levels,
  7. food preferences
  8. existing health ailments,
  9. potential exposure to toxins,
  10. individual needs,
  11. current activity level
  12. overall wellbeing of their metabolism.

This data helps me prepare a custumised juice detox diet that is suitable for their situation; thus avoiding potential complications while maximising the expected benefits.

  • 3-14 Days Natural Detox Diet – Whole-foods is the way to go if you wish to cleanse your body, but you may not always know what foods to each and which to avoid.

I will customise a detox programme for you, based on a number of factors, such as current symptoms that may signal an accumulation of toxins, your current health status, body weight, and more and I’m very happy to liase with your medical doctor (if you are working with one).

We will decide together how long you should follow your custumised detox diet, in order to ensure your needs are 100% met, while also providing you with an efficient way to eliminate harmful toxins from your body.

  • 7 Days Detox Diet – If you wish to get a kickstart with a diet, then a custumised full body detoxification is essential.

My bespoke seven-day detox diet programme gives you a great way to get your body ready for the process of eating for your goals, and to ensure toxins are not going to get in your way of losing weight and it will improve your cardiovascular health and fitness.

  • 21 Days Detox Diet – When toxin buildups have become a more significant problem in your life, and you are already experiencing adverse effects that might be contributed to by heavy metals in your body, then following a one or two-week detox may not be enough.

In such cases, I compile an individualised 21-day detox program that will give you a more thorough cleanse and detox, which will help to restore your energy levels, as well as to improve nutrient absorption and digestive function.

For the best detox in London, be sure to get in touch with me.

I will provide you with a professional and comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle consultation to help you understand how I could be of assistance providing extremely significant relief from  chemical buildups in your body, and how I can help you to start to become free of these harmful substances and enjoy a much higher quality-of-life.

Contact us now by clicking on this link for a committment free consultation today.


1 Eman M. Alissa, Gordon A. Ferns. Heavy Metal Poisoning and Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Toxicology. 8 September 2011. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168898/

2 Multiple Authors. Environmental Heavy Metal Exposure and Chronic Kidney Disease in the General Population. Journal of Korean Medical Science.  6 February 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4330481/

3 Multiple Authors. Toxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals. Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 15 November 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427717/

4 Jarup L. Hazards of heavy metal contamination. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2003. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14757716

5 Reminder of advice on eating fish. Food Standards Agency. 22 January 2015. https://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2015/13461/eating-fish-efsa

6 Lizzie Parry. Woman with ‘toxic dental fillings’ discovers mercury poisoning is to blame for crippling symptoms mistaken for MS. Daily Mail UK. 24 July 2014. www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2703896/Woman-toxic-dental-fillings-discovers-mercury-poisoning-blame-crippling-symptoms-mistaken-MS.html

7 Multiple Authors. Heavy Metals and Human Health: Mechanistic Insight into Toxicity and Counter Defense System of Antioxidants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10 December 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4691126/

8 Multiple Authors. Neurological effects of inorganic arsenic exposure: altered cysteine/glutamate transport, NMDA expression and spatial memory impairment. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 9 February 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25709567/

9 Shi H., Shi X., Liu K.J. Oxidative mechanism of arsenic toxicity and carcinogenesis. U.S. National Library of Medicine. January 2004. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14971647/

10 Neal A.P., Guilarte T.R. Mechanisms of lead and manganese neurotoxicity. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 1 March 2013. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25722848/

11 Remy Melina. Why Is Cadmium So Dangerous? LiveScience. 4 June 2010. https://www.livescience.com/10683-cadmium-dangerous.html

12 Health risks of heavy metals from long-range transboundary air pollution. World Health Organization Europe. http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/78649/E91044.pdf

13 Barry M. Popkin, Kristen E. D’Anci, Irwin H. Rosenberg. Water, Hydration and Health. HHS Public Access. 1 August 2011. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908954/

14 Multiple Authors. An Examination of the Association of Selected Toxic Metals with Total and Central Obesity Indices: NHANES 99-02. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 26 August 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2954548/

15 Multiple Authors. Enhancing indoor air quality – The air filter advantage. Lung India. 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4587002/

16 Multiple Authors. Heavy Metals Toxicity and the Environment. HHS Public Access. 26 August 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4144270/

17 Buildup of ‘toxic fat’ metabolite could increase diabetes risk. ScienceDaily. 3 November 2016. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/11/161103122227.htm

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