Complete Body Transformation

9 Reasons Why An Elite Personal Trainer In London Will Help You Become Toned, Fit And Lose Weight Faster

Although exercising on your own has its merits, and appears as the easiest and cheapest option, completing a self-directed or generic fitness plan includes several downfalls of which you may be unaware.

Statistics show that working with a weight loss personal trainer in London is an effective, individually oriented, and most importantly, the safest way for you to achieve your biggest fitness and weight loss goal.

We are all very different from each other, i.e. personal training for women is different from personal training for men with each category requiring a completely different personal training plan.

Fig 1. Jazz Alessi training outdoor two clients.

Therefore, customisation is an absolute must in the world of health and fitness, so, that clients will be supported professionally according with their fitness goals and health needs in every aspect of weight loss, toning your body, and getting fit.

Fitness exercise customisation can come in the form of workouts, doing in-home training sessions, and doing sessions that are mobile in London.

If you’re trying to tackle a fitness journey on your own, be aware of these risks below to ensure you’re really being smart about your health.

1. When exercises are performed incorrectly, they do more harm than good

Can you afford taking time off to take care of an injury?

Let’s examine squats, a simple lower-body exercise intended to strengthen the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. Since this exercise appears simple, many people complete it on their own.

The risk and potential harm that can come from squatting incorrectly has been examined, and when a squat is done incorrectly, the smaller knee extensors may be doing a job meant for the large hip extensors [11].

This can lead to possible serious injury of the knee, and could result in significant time off from the gym, or even surgery in some cases [5].

Here are some of my visual key teaching points you can use to learn “How To Squat Correctly” .

Fig 2. Jazz Alessi’s Fitness – learn  “How to Squat Correctly”.

It is important to remember that even very simple exercises can cause significant damage over time.

2. Is your body as balanced as you think?

Do you have weakness in your core that need to be strengthened using customised back exercises?

Or, maybe your right arm is stronger than your left, and perhaps you have a pain in your neck, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, or lower back.

Individual and customised workout plans are not just a smart way of taking care of your body but, are a necessity.

A fully balanced workout plan is crucial for successful musculoskeletal injury prevention [12].

An elite personal trainer in London or a sports injury rehabilitation coach will be able to design a workout plan tailored specifically to improve your body’s movement mechanics.

When correct movement mechanics are enforced, you’ll experience certainty, with improved posture, reduced chance of injury, better breathing, oxygenation, more self-confidence and much faster muscle gain [17].

Fig 3. Elite personal trainer in Canary wharf Jazz Alessi trains a client, in Limehoues harbour.

A generic workout plan will not lead to these conclusions, and may stimulate your chance of injury and harm that could be caused by lack of exercise customisation.

3. What is muscle memory, and why does it matter?

As stated above, exercising on your own can be harmful, and a contributing factor can be “procedural memories”, also called muscle memory. If you do an exercise repetitiously without using safe and proper mechanics, and using poor form this movement pattern will become engrained in your memory [15].

Fig 4. Avoid stress and injuries risks by using correct form when you exercise.

These habits can damage our joints, cause injury, and are difficult to eradicate because of their nature. It is best to work with “a personal trainer near me” to ensure these habits never happen in the first place, making the entire workout process easier and better for your body.

In terms of anatomy, when everything is properly aligned and moving accurately, you also begin to lower stress and optimise your physiological health.

Examining knee injuries specifically, 70% are caused without contact, and can be avoided by ensuring proper movement mechanics [13].

4. So you want to lose weight…and increase your lean muscle mass

Weight loss provides one of the biggest reason individuals want to hit the gym, and an often-heard gym complaint is “I’m working out, but don’t see any results”.

Your body’s energy utilization sources need to be stimulated efficiently to see the pounds drop.

Stimulating your body’s anaerobic glycolysis system has been proven to burn fat at a higher rate than any other system [3]. This burns glucose stored in the body, which decreases the presence of adipose tissues.

Fig 5. Lose weight, increase lean muscle mass and fitness by tailoring everything to your body.

Additionally, your body’s oxygen needs and metabolism will be increased long after your workout is completed [10].

Completing exercises that use this system allows for a leaner, more toned figure and effective weight loss results. A customised body weight exercise plan, focused resistence exercises and a body weight training programme will complement your running.

An elite weight loss personal trainer in London, or a “weight loss personal trainer near me” will optimise your body system to burn the fat, so you can get your ideal figure.

5. A big concern: Do you suffer from a disease or chronic pain?

Individuals who have a disease or those who live with chronic pain need to handle workouts very delicately. Many times, they may need medical supervision.

Fig 6. Low back pain, hypertension and other medical conditions require a smart and progressive fitness programme.

Special restrictions may be in place depending on medications, diet modifications, or other medical treatments.

While exercise is scientifically proven to positively assist with the symptoms of most conditions [16], it can be very easy to not fully understand or realise the disease guidelines effects, over-do it causing harm, and injury.

For instance, individuals who take antihypertensive (blood pressure reducer) medications need to be very cautious of fatigue and dizziness [14].

This prescription may impact the intensity and duration in which an exercise should be performed.

A sports injury rehabilitation coach should strictly enforce customised disease exercise guideline rules to ensure no severe medical ailments occur.

6. A simple test: How well do you know your body

Everyone’s internal and external systems are different. Just looking briefly at the external aspects, you realise, to begin with, that there are three body shapes called endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph and in addition to these three there are even more variations.

Fig 7. We are all different and require different, customised sollutions to achieve our goals.

Endomorph individuals are usually larger in appearance, and accumulate fat easier than other body types. In some cases, endomorphs may find it difficult to drop weight because of prominent adipose tissue [2].

Ectomorphs are exactly the opposite of endomorphs. They have a tall, slender build, and are often below the average weight for their height. Ectomorphs frequently have a high metabolism, eating high caloric meals with no weight gain.

The mesomorph is a slight combination of the former listed body types, having a larger body frame, but usually a lower body fat percentage [6]. This is sometimes stated at the ideal body type.

7. What can be done now that you’ve identified your body type.

Properly identifying your body type helps to specify what types of workouts should be completed.

For example, ectomorphs should train with less repetitions and more weight.

Endomorphs should include high amounts of cardio in their exercise plan, and mesomorphs need an equal balance of cardio and weight training to obtain an ideal body shape [2,4].  However, there is much more.

Fig 8. Elite personal trainer in Holborn, Jazz Alessi trains a client just a few minutes away from Holborn station.

A weight loss personal trainer in London will assist with creating a customised exercise routine for you, enabling your body type to reach its ideal shape, whereas generic fitness plans do not pertain to this major concern.

8. Work with a sports injury rehabilitation coach to recover faster from your injury

Injuries can be frustrating and can inhibit your accomplishment of fitness goals in a timely manner.

However, an educated rehabilitation coach will determine what exercises can be completed safely without increasing damage to your existing injury.

As swelling and inflammation of the injury begin to drop, the muscles need to be (carefully) utilized to maintain and safely increase their endurance and strength.

Strength training should begin gently, carefully, and progressively increase to stimulate growth and improve body and movement function [9].

Fig 9. An injury rehabilitation coach Jazz Alessi trains a client to rehabilitate a shoulder injury.

Pain and hesitancy are psychologically part of the injury and are common struggles when getting back into fitness.

Another commonly observed hardship is very often re-injury.

We must re-teach our minds that the joint is stable, and these activities can be accomplished without further damage [7]. but supplying yourself with the best support and care will make the injury rehabilitation process simpler with less stress.

9. Exercise adherence can be an uphill battle

One of the toughest aspects of working out with a generic fitness plan is the ability to dedicate consistent adherence to time at the gym.

This  study shows that individual adherence to exercise declines exponentially over time [1]. Therefore, another strategy to maintain motivation must be included. For the following reasons, you should consider working with a weight loss personal trainer in London.

If you search in Google terms like “elite personal trainers London” or  “personal trainers near me” you will find the best elite personal trainers getting you everything you require in the form of,  in-home personal training sessions.

This maximizes your time by not having to travel to the gym, and budget additional time for travel, getting ready, etc.

Fig 10. Jazz Alessi trains a fashion model client in Canary Wharf.

Mobile training sessions allow for better adherence because you can train anywhere and you’re less likely to cancel, and the appointments can fit into your schedule, training outdoor and even if you’re busy at the office.

In today’s fast-paced business culture, prioritisation for exercise can be difficult.

It is also proven that exercise during the workday leads to better energy levels, clearer thought processes, reduced stress, and improved work efficiency [8].

Taking the extra time to work out actually allows you to get more done in a day.

In Conclusion

When you’re looking to lose weight fast and achieve your most desired fitness goals, remember that convenience is crucial to keep things easiest on you.

A weight loss personal trainer in London who can travel to you and train you with mobile sessions in home, ensure safety, and maximize your body’s potential are all key aspects when you’re wanting to achieve your health, fitness, and injury rehabilitation goals.

Are you searching for the best personal trainer in London –  eager to achieve your goals?

Contact us HERE .


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  2. Borja, A. The 3 Body Types Explained: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Accessed April 2016.
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You agree to hold harmless the owner of this site for any action taken on your own without consulting your medical doctor first by using the information on the website for diagnostic, treatment, or any other related purposes. This is not medical advice. If you are suffering from any illness, disease or ailments please contact your doctor first and immediately. 

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