Tips for Body Transformation By An Elite Personal Trainer

Even though it is well-known that body shape has a significant role in the attractiveness of a person[1], including both men and women, it is important to consider that body shape does not only define a person’s attractiveness. When comparing a person with a well-defined body to an overweight or obese person, obvious differences usually also include their health-status.

The person with the well-defined body will most likely be much healthier than, the overweight or obese individual.

The obese person health could deteriorate quite fast and unfortunately would also be more likely to suffer from various chronic illnesses, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes[2].

Cardiac Rehabilitation in Women

The British Heart Foundation[3] recently published a report claiming that a new study has provided more evidence that obesity is also strongly linked with premature death.

One study[4] notes that a particular problem that people currently faces is that they are in a cycle of weight loss and weight gain – after successful weight loss, many fail to keep it off.

The use of an elite personal trainer, however, can often provide more many long-term results and help a person keep that weight off after losing it.

Today, we want to take a look at some useful tips for a complete body transformation, provided by Jazz Alessi, a top elite personal trainer in Islington.

1. Cardio vs Weights For Getting In Shape

Both cardiovascular training and weight bearing or weight lifting are needed for optimal results when it comes to a complete body transformation.

It is important to realise that these two types of exercises should not be compared, but rather combined.

Aerobic, or cardio, exercises have been proven to deliver impressive results when it comes to burning excess fat – a particular training type known as “HIIE”, or “High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise”, is especially popular when it comes to burning fat[5].

This training technique also provide effective results when it comes to conditioning.

Weights Body Transformation

However, weight bearing exercises or lifting is still needed to assist with improving body shape[6] while fat is being burnt through cardiovascular exercises.

Would you like to feel strong, balanced, get rid of body pains and Transform Your Body?

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2. Strength Training Is Key

Strength training should be a key part of any person’s journey to achieving a better body shape, even if the ultimate goal is not to reach a masculine physique.

Strength training has numerous benefits to offer a person – for men, the most obvious benefits is the increase in lean muscle mass.

One study[7] found the testosterone and growth hormone levels of both young and old men to increase significantly following strength training workouts.

Cardio v/s Weights

The improvements in body composition and muscle tone also provide a boost in confidence, endurance, coordination and good posture.

Strength training can also assist with reducing body fat percentage, which is further beneficial for reducing the risk of obesity and improving overall health.

3. The Importance Of Sleep For Optimal Performance

Sleep is another vital part of a healthy lifestyle and should become a vital part of your life if you intend to become healthy, improve your weight management skills and experience the benefits of an improved physique.

One study[8] explains how sleep deprivation causes a significant impairment in a person’s concentration, memory and even affects their memory-making abilities.

Sleep deprivation also holds many physiological complications for the human body.

One study[9] found that sleep deficiency has a role to play in the risk of becoming obese, as well as greatly contributes to the development of numerous medical conditions, including hypertension and a reduction in leptin levels.

Leptin is a protein produced by adipose tissue in the human body, and as a role to play in energy expenditure, hunger and fat storage.

Higher levels of inflammation throughout the body is another important complication of sleep deficiency to take into account.

4. Getting Your Nutrition Right

The UK Government[10] reports that over 20% of people in the United Kingdom consume fast foods at least once every week.

Fast foods are filled with processed substances, like refined oils and sugar, as well as saturated fats.

A review paper[11] on BioMed Central’s Nutrition Journal explains that the excessive consumption of foods high in these substances causes inflammation in the body, a higher risk of cancer and comprises the body’s ability to fight against infection.

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Focusing on reducing the consumption of these harmful substances and increasing the consumption of healthier, plant-based foods, such as vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, can help to provide improvements in the body’s immune function, offer a more effective approach to weight management, and reduce the risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

5. Think Of Food As Fuel

A lot of people eat simply due to experiencing a craving or for the pleasure of eating, but this is not always exactly the best approach to use food, especially when it comes to transforming your body.

Food is not just something that is added to the body in order to fill up the stomach and satisfy hunger, but also acts as healthy energiser and fuel for every living cell within the body.

Cells require a continuous energy supply in order to regenerate and to maintain their overall wellbeing[12], which helps these cells stay alive and perform at an optimal level.

Thus, a scientifically sound diet will be composed of foods that can provide an adequate supply of “fuel” for the body and all its cells, maintain both physical performance and health and not just foods that will be converted into fat, cause tissue to inflame and taking you away from your health and fitness goals.

6. Fat Loss Is About Consistency

A particular problem that many people face is that fat loss and body transformation programmes are not overnight magical events that will turn a person into a slimmer version of themselves in just a few hours – or even a few days.

Weight reduction and body toning is something that takes training, time, patience and effort.


When a person decides to quit, all of the time and effort they put into their journey are wasted.

Thus, it is important to know that weight loss is not something that will happen overnight, but rather a journey that will require consistency and patience and it will show up.

Weight Loss Programs

With continued inspiration, smart work, motivation and dedication, it is possible to lose a very considerable amount of weight, build a stronger and more feminine or masculine body, and reach whichever goals a person may have in mind.

7. Dealing With Cravings Is Easy When You Have On Your Side The Best Body Transformation Coach

Cravings is one of the most concerning problems that people have to deal with when they try to lose weight.

It may also be one of the toughest habits to break.

A study on the European Journal of Nutrition[13] reports that sugar can be addictive, which is exactly why it is added in most foods thus, it may be extremely difficult to break the habit of having a doughnut or a packet of candy for lunch or as a snack every day.

Numerous methods can be utilised in order to deal with these cravings, especially during the first few weeks after implementing a new diet plan.

One study[14] found that implementing an exercise plan can drastically lower the food cravings a person experiences, which is why a diet should always be combined with an appropriate training programme.

Another study[15] found that calorie restricted diets may also yield a decrease in starch, fat and sweets cravings, while cravings for vegetables and fruits may increase.

Evidence[16] have also been provided that proofs eating healthy food options, with lots of fibres from vegetables and fruits, leads to a healthier microbiota that may reduce the cravings for unhealthy foods.

I will create and provide you with your personalised, perfect strategy and approach to get rid of all your cravings and make sure you keep them off.

Would you like to feel strong, balanced, get rid of body pains and Transform Your Body?

Contact us now by clicking on this link for a committment free consultation today.

8. A Great Elite Personal Trainer Can Help You Achieve Amazing Results

While the implementation of a nutrition diet plan and exercise programme at home with no support can be useful for some people, and signing up for access to a gym’s equipment may also be useful, it should be noted that these strategies are not comparable to the effectiveness that an elite personal trainer may yield in a journey to a complete body transformation.

An elite personal trainer in Islington, for example, can be utilised by local clients in order to get someone to help them proceed from the start to the end of their journey.

Marathon Training

The elite personal trainer holds the advanced knowledge and skills that will allow them to provide the client with effective and personalised training and eating plans that suits the goals and particular requirements of the client, regardless of their goals.

9. Lifting Weights Makes You Mentally Tough And Ready For Anything

Weight lifting or advanced weight bearing exercise does not only provide physical benefits, but increases nutrients circulation and oxygenation thus, may also help a person achieve improvements in their mental abilities and performance.

The enhancement in confidence helps to equip a person with the resilience, and mental toughness they need to be ready for that next session of training, and for virtually any other challenge life throws at them.

With a 12-week body transformation programme in mind, the mental toughness will most definitely become very useful for you throughout your transformation package or in the future, whether you will represent a client in the court if you are a lawyer, want to go modeling or you are dealing with the toughest boardroom in your business.

Body Tone

There are different types of people offering such programmes and services; thus, whether you are looking for a Personal Trainer in Canary Wharf or another part of London, professional support from an elite personal trainer like Jazz Alessi will help you achieve your complete body transformation goals.

About Jazz Alessi – London Body Transformation Specialist 

Jazz Alessi is an elite personal trainer in Islington and serves private clients throughout London.

He has exceptional experience in both the nutritional requirements of the body, as well as what type and level of physical activities need to be implemented for specific results.

Jazz Alessi offers a revolutionary 12-week body transformation system that offers the client everything they need to achieve, the body they have always dreamed about – whether it is a slender or slim physique, or something more masculine.

For a complete body transformation in London, Jazz is the expert to opt for, regardless of your goals and current situation.

Would you like to feel strong, balanced, get rid of body pains and Transform Your Body?

Contact us now by clicking on this link for a committment free consultation today.

Personal Training Master


[1] Multiple Authors. The Body and the Beautiful: Health, Attractiveness and Body Composition in Men’s and Women’s Bodies. PLOS ONE. 3 June 2016.

[2] Multiple Authors. Determinants and Consequences of Obesity. American Journal of Public Health. September 2016.

[3] BHF Press Office. Obesity linked with premature death in Cambridge study part-funded by the BHF. 13 July 2016.

[4] Ilona Hale. Long-term benefits of weight loss? CFP MFC. June 2017.

[5] Stephen H. Boutcher. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss. Journal of Obesity. 24 November 2010.

[6] Multiple Authors. Strength and Body Composition Changes in Recreationally Strength-Trained Individuals: Comparison of One versus Three Sets Resistance-Training Programmes. BioMed Research International Journal. 8 September 2013.

[7] Craig B.W, Brown R, Everhart J. Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects. US National Library of Health. August 1989.

[8] Paula Alhola and Paivi Polo-Kantola. Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance. Dovepress. 3 October 2007.

[9] Siobhan Banks and David F. Dinges. Behavioral and Physiological Consequences of Sleep Restriction. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 15 August 2007.

[10] Public Health England. Obesity and the environment – the impact of fast food. GOV.UK.

[11] Ian A Myles. Fast food fever: reviewing the impacts of the Western diet on immunity. BioMed Central Nutrition Journal. 17 June 2014.

[12] How Cells Obtain Energy from Food. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition.

[13] Multiple Authors. Sugar addiction: the state of the science. European Journal of Nutrition. 2 July 2016.

[14] Alberts H.J. Coping with food cravings. Investigating the potential of a mindfulness-based intervention. PubMed. 2010.

[15] Multiple Authors. Diet Type and Changes in Food Cravings following Weight Loss: Findings from the POUNDS LOST Trial. HHS Public Access. 8 October 2014.

[16] Joe Alcock, Carlo C. Maley and C. Athena Aktipis. Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms. Wiley Bioessays. 8 August 2014.

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