Don’t Just Go on a Diet, Go on a Healthy Diet

Don’t Just Go on a Diet, Go on a Healthy Diet

Nowadays, healthy eating is a topic of discussion among people of all ages.

Healthy eating is associated with a healthy body shape and a normal BMI (Body Mass Index).

People who are overweight or obese probably don’t always have healthy eating habits and have increased risk of developing diseases like:

  • type 2 diabetes,
  • gallstones,
  • hypertension,
  • breathing problems,
  • certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. [1]
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Additionally, there is no doubt that a healthy and balanced diet can help you to increase your energy levels, accelerate your recovery rate after exercise, improve your skin texture and giving you a much youngish look but, also reduce your body weight, thus it can lead to reduced risk of developing diseases like hypertension. [2]

In a recently published (2017) systematic review, researchers concluded that weight reducing diets can decrease all- cause mortality. [3]

On top of that, another scientific group investigated the effect of BMI on physical and mental health functioning.

According to this study, preventing weight gain can contribute in maintaining good physical health functioning and work ability. [4]

Besides, an overweight or obese individual has lower work ability in relation to the physical demands of the job. [5]

Moreover, obese persons frequently experience bias and discrimination because of their weight.

This is characterised as the obesity stigma and has many and serious consequences for the social, personal and emotional health of obese persons. [6]

There’s Food, Then There’s the Right Food!

Healthy Diet Plan is not only a matter of limited quantity of food.

A healthy diet is directly associated with the quality of food including all the necessary micro and macro-nutrients:

  • Protein: Most people consider meat as the main source of protein. Thus, from childhood, meat consumption is high and is an intimate part of human’s diet.

However, many people are not aware of the fact that non-meat sources of protein like soybeans contain all the essential amino acids that are necessary for human nutrition. [7]

There are many more similar choices just like this one.

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  • Fat: Some people believe that protein from animal sources is healthier than, plant based proteins.

However, the amount of fats that are provided by consuming animal products like meat, milk, cheese etc. raise several health concerns.

Animal products are seriously raising your blood cholesterol levels. [8-9]

Instead of meat fats, there are other sources of fat like olive oil that promote health. [10]

Or flaxseeds oil, avocado and other seeds and nuts.

  • Carbs: Usually when you want to snack you try to eat something that provides much energy, thus you eat something with plenty of carbs, like a sandwich with sauce.

The problem is that soon you feel that it didn’t cause much satiety and you feel hungry.

Most of these choices, that are usually advertised as low fat, contain much of sugar and very little amount of vegetables, providing very few fibres. [11]​

  • Vitamins: When you try to get as many vitamins as possible with the less effort, you try to eat or drink foods high in vitamins and consider foods that are fortified in vitamins as a great source of them.

What you never thought before is that your body cannot always absorb the vitamins of any origin and that the vitamins coming from natural foods, are provided in a harmonic balance so that they are easily digestible and absorbed.

Furthermore, the consequences of long-term high intakes of vitamins from fortified foods is not known. [12]

Except synthetic beta carotene and Vit E, which was actually found to increase the risks of cancer.

  • Minerals: Despite their importance, most people overlook minerals and just pay attention on the vitamins of their diets.

Minerals are essential for all living organisms and iron, magnesium, calcium, selenium and other mineral are of great importance both for health and disease. [13]

Just imagine what lack of minerals will mean to women going through their period.​

  • Enzymes: The role of enzymes is multiple as they contribute in reduction of inflammation, they transfer toxic wastes, they participate in energy production, they reduce inflammation, they get nutrients into cells and other important body functions.

The most important contribution of enzymes is in digestion where enzymes that are identified in many segments of the gastrointestinal tract, digest macronutrients like proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Junk food doesn’t provide enough enzymes leading to constipation, acid reflux etc. [14]

  • Phytonutrients: Phytonutrients or phytochemicals is a term that refers to the natural chemicals found in plants. [15]

Some of the most known phytonutrients are tea catechins, resveratrol derived from grapes and wine, curcumin and others.

According to research these phytochemicals play a role in prevention of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and dementia. [16]

And phytonutrients can be found in plants, only.

  • Whole food plant based nutrition: Eating whole foods means eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains in their natural unprocessed form.

There is plenty of research associating whole food diet with reduced risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer and others. [17]

  • Raw vegan: Eating a raw vegan diet refers to eating fruits vegetables and grains, unprocessed and uncooked to obtain nutrients in an easy-to-digest manner.

​Raw vegan diet helps you lower inflammation, avoid constipation and get precious nutrients in a form that is easily digestible.

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts which are considered as beneficial for the digestive system and health.

There are many types of probiotics and the most known are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces Boulardii. [18]

  • Superfoods: According to the EUFIC (European Food Information Council) “Superfoods refer to foods — especially fruits and vegetables — whose nutrient content confers a health benefit above that of other foods”.

Blueberries, acai berries and pomegranates are among the superfoods that are widely known for their health benefits, lowering blood pressure, reducing cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. [19]

Superfoods are also known as functional foods.

Planned Calorie Intake

•  A planned caloric intake can help you boost your metabolism. Sometimes when you go too low in calories your body reacts and tries to keep its current state(homeostasis), thus you need a planned program that doesn’t exceed your body’s needs.

•  Induce fat burning: In order to burn fat you need to plan carefully your caloric needs according to your body needs and your physical activity.

Fat burning is not just a matter of lowering caloric intake, but quality of foods and micro-macronutrients play a key role.

Therefore, if you want your body to burn fat efficiently you need to assure optimum intakes of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats.

•  Stubborn fat: After losing the first “easy kilos”, you might face difficulties losing the stubborn fat and despite lowering the calories you eat results might not be the expected.

A planned caloric intake can help you avoid such conditions and lose fat from body parts that are higher in fat mass.

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•  Right Calorie number for your body: There are plenty of dieting programmes around, but none helps you lose weight fast.

The answer is that these programmes are not designed for your body’s needs.

You cannot consume the same number of calories with a person that weights 30 kilos more than you or with a person who goes to gym 4-5 a week while you just walk 5-10 minutes per day.

•  Ensures you get enough energy for your daily activities. Losing weight doesn’t mean that you should feel weak and fatigued.

You need a specific number of calories to meet your body needs.

 •  Helps you avoid cheating meals and feel satiety, thus you avoid eating unhealthy snacks and feeling hungry regularly.

Do you want to lose weight fast, and achieve your fitness and health goals?

Contact Jazz Alessi, the best Personal Trainer in Kensington by clicking on this link now, here !

The Healthy Diet Plan:

•  Is a balanced diet plan that provides all the necessary micro and macronutrients. It is based on your personal goals and preferences without forcing you to eat foods that you don’t like.

 •  Is client oriented. No matter if you have limited time for cooking or have a lot of daily duties, the Healthy Diet Plan would be designed according to your time availability and your daily schedule to help you overcome any challenges and not to add extra stress on your daily routine.

•  Helps you get enough energy for your daily activities, without exceeding the calories needed to lose weight and specifically fat mass.

•  Will help you reach the optimum body weight without causing any nutrient deficiency.

•  Will help you understand your body needs and learn how to eat properly. Additionally, you will understand better when you are hungry and when is the right time for you to eat.

•  Will provide you with optimum energy for your training adjusted to support you to lose weight fast in a healthy way or put on healthy weight.


•  Is a program that promotes your overall health and may lead to disease prevention. It doesn’t only help you lower your body weight but provides plenty of foods and nutrients that promote health.

•  Will help you improve your body shape significantly without much effort. No matter how many times you tried to lose weight in the past, the Healthy Diet Plan is designed to be personalised so that is modified according to your nutritional and medical history.

•  Is going to increase your self- confidence and make you feel full of energy and will for a new start.

Do you want to lose weight fast, and achieve your fitness and health goals?

Contact Jazz Alessi, the best Personal Trainer in Kensington by clicking on this link now, here !

Why you need a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer to get in Shape

•  It is important to have a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer to get in shape, because the combination of nutrition and exercise is the only way to lose weight efficiently and manage to maintain it.

•  You might have some allergies, thus there are foods that you should avoid eating and the Clinical Nutrition will help you replace them with other equal quality foods.

•  You may require just a little push, this may include personalised nutrition plans, and inspiration, and motivation and you may want to learn what are the practical ways to prepare tasty foods or, perhaps lose weight fast, efficiently and learn how to keep it off.

•  The Clinical Nutritionist will focus on your personal disease and plan a nutritional program that will help you manage your disease and not trigger any kind of reaction.

•  The combination of having a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer to design your pre- workout nutrition is the ideal because he knows better what is necessary according to your training program.

•  At the same time, he can design efficiently the post workout nutrition meals so that you replace the nutrient loses of your training session and get the adequate nutrients to build muscle mass.

•  A Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer is capable to understand and provide meal and training plans according to your gender, focusing on your metabolic and hormonal particularity.

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•  Every age group has different nutritional needs and absorption potential and a Clinical Nutritionists is aware of them.

•  Additionally, every age group can train in different intensities. Thus, it is mandatory to have a a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer to design your food plan and the training programme according to your activity levels.

•  Having a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer to keep an eye on you ensures that you get a whole lifestyle modification program.

•  The combination of a supervision by a Clinical Nutritionist and an Elite Personal Trainer makes your life easier because you don’t have to worry if your nutrition programme complies with the training programme and whether your energy intake is enough for your training programme or not.

Jazz Alessi – Your Healthy Diet Plan Specialist

Jazz Alessi is a professional certified Nutritionist and Weight Loss Expert.

He is London based and helps clients with advanced weight loss management, sports nutrition and body transformation.

Additionally, he is a clinical exercise specialist, health rehabilitation specialist coach, professional elite Personal Trainer in Shoreditch,Kensington,Hackney,North London and more.

He is a multi-national champion in martial arts, who has trained Olympic athletes, fighters and marathon runners.

On top of that, he is a second generation Pilates teacher with less than, 20 people trained in the UK at this level.

He provides personalised weight loss plans, considering your goals, health challenges, activity level, your daily schedule, personality and your body needs.

Don’t Just Go on a Diet, Go on a Healthy Diet

Do you want to lose weight fast, and achieve your fitness and health goals?

Contact Jazz Alessi, the best Personal Trainer in Kensington by clicking on this link now, here !



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